David was ready to leave the gate of his mansion, located in a very inn neighborhood of Middletown in New York; he was a little annoyed because the woman who had kept him company that evening had not wanted to know about having a cab hailed.
__" That's not fair mon chery...... I don't feel like leaving your house in a cab, I demand that you drive me or else I'll be offended" Shamanta was a beautiful woman ready to warm up his chilly evenings whenever David contacted her, no demands because he was very clear about entanglements, just good, healthy sex.
He had to admit, though, the way she had behaved that night, Shamanta deserved a ride home, and there they were, as they prepared to pull into the street at 2:00 a.m.
Daniel's car, however, did not even make it in time to enter the roadway when, a car traveling at high speed hit them head-on; the impact was tremendous Samantha ended up with her head on the airbag and immediately felt a sharp pain in her neck, Daniel hardened his arms on the steering wheel and this cushioned his impact with his face on the airbag but he remained groggy for a moment; he recovered in time to memorize the license plate number of that blue LINCOLN.......a '91 model .
Daniel quickly realized that his car had run into a light pole and thus was out of commission, so he called an ambulance that took them to the emergency room; he got off with a few bruises, Samantha, on the other hand, was fitted with a neck brace because she had suffered a contusion to her sternocleidomastoid. They remained in the hospital under observation for the night. When Daniel came out the next morning, he immediately called a lawyer and a private investigator to find that unconscious hit-and-run driver.