Chapter 1
Andrea had recently finished work and it was now 6:00 a.m. when her cousin Owen drove her home.
__"Thank you Owen.....don't know what I would do without you!"
__"When will the repaired car be delivered to you?"
__"Between Thursday and Friday.......I confess I really didn't need it with the last college payment I have!"
__"If you want, I'll give you a loan!" proposed Owen to her, Andrea with impetus hugged him.
__"Thanks cousin.....appreciate it but it's not the case, at least not yet!" she replied regretfully.
__"Does your stupid brother realize that he's just annoying you? He doesn't seem to understand at all all the sacrifices you make to achieve your goals and to keep him and Lucas from lacking anything!"
__"Don't be angry with him, he's a 25 year old guy with an 8 year old son to take care of, he can draw like crazy but no one is willing to fund him for a comic book that would surely be destined for success and you know it too; on top of that he occasionally works as a cartoonist for a 4th grade's even normal for him to be a tad challenged and depressed!" she was quick to defend him.
__"What you say is true......but it certainly doesn't give him the right to go drinking in bars and mess up your car! By the way, were you ever able to find out which car Nik ran over?" asked Owen worriedly.
__"Not yet.......I've been researching for a week but nothing; but weren't you supposed to let me know if that cop friend of yours could help you?"
__"Yes and I talked to him, however he wants to call himself out, he says he is doing it out of professional ethics because after what I told him, he should by law take him to the barracks, but since he is my friend and he saw that we are trying to fix it, he won't!" Andrea sighed.
__"The trouble is that if he went to the police they would stop him right away on a charge of failure to help, then that little theft offense he tried to commit when he was 17 would come out and they would arrest him for sure," she clarified distraught; Owen patted her shoulder.
__"Come on now relax, you'll see everything will be all right......after all, there was no news of the accident so that means no one died!" her cousin tried to reassure her; she granted him a weak smile.
__"But yes......maybe you're right! I'd better go now, tomorrow I have to start studying for my last exam; the last one and then I'll prepare my thesis!" she said contentedly.
__"You can't wait can you?"
__"Oh yeah........after all the sacrifices I've made!" replied Andrea satisfied.
__"Just know that I will be immensely proud to have a cousin who is a biologist!" said smiling Owen making her smile in turn__"Enough talking now though, it's late, tell mom I'll come see her soon!"
__"Yeah right! She's gotten used to you living in the small quarters at the back of your place by now, even though she complains that you neglect her!" she mocked him.
__"If I want my Wine Bar to run as well all the time as it is now I have to follow it and........have to hold on to my D.O.C . bartender as long as I can!" said Owen smiling at her.
__"Your judgment doesn't're biased! Besides, Max and Tiffany are at the bar with me too and they're just as good!" she was quick to retort.
__"Yes..... but the idea of serving drinks a la Tom Cruise in the movie "Cocktails" and dancing to the dances of the moment like in the movie: "THE GIRLS OF THE UGLY COYOTE" was all yours, since you started customers have been pouring in from all over New York and the surrounding area!
__"Come on Owen, now don't overdo it though! I really have to go now, good night see you tomorrow cousin!" greeted him Andrea.
__"Good night beauty!" after exchanging a kiss on the cheek, Andrea walked towards the door of the modest house she shared with her Aunt Mia (Owen's mother), her brother Nicholas and her 8-year-old nephew Lucas; unaware that she was being tailed and observed by a man in a dark car stopped on the side of the opposite road.
Andrea Johanson 28 years old, born in Middletown on 06.10.1984 grew up in a neighborhood where middle- to upper-middle-class families lived until the age of 18; then after the death of her parents, who were not exactly saints, she had gone to live at her father's sister's house in a modest neighborhood of the city, with her brother Nicholas, who then had a son at the age of 17, little Lucas, that was the name of the child who lived with his father and aunt . She worked as a bartender and exhibitionist in a wine bar that was very fashionable at the time and was nothing short of Gorgeous.
Daniel found himself thinking that the photos the private investigator had taken of her did not do her justice at all; he had gone to see her up close at the bar and it was a different story; Tall, blond with hair of a soft, silky curl not at all frizzy, gorgeous doe eyes as blue as the sky on a beautiful spring day, a full fleshy mouth, a small French nose, a radiant, oval face that seemed drawn so perfect and a physique capable of turning the head of any man who met her; in short, a fairy-tale woman!
Daniel was intrigued by her, of course he liked beautiful women and knew how to win them over but with her it was different, he was sure that she was not the one who had collided with his car that night 15 days earlier he was sure that he would have noticed her if she had been behind the wheel or rather, the car was his but Andrea was not the one driving it also because at that time of night he was at work; at least that is what the dossier also said. The most logical and even almost certain explanation for the investigator and for him was that the girl had lent the car to her brother, who after partying with friends had gotten into trouble; given his little history of attempted robbery he was more than sure that this was the case. Daniel's time to stay in Middletown was almost up, a big deal and the marriage of his second sister to the vice president of his company awaited him in his home country of Spain; but he had already devised a plan to be repaid handsomely for the damage done to him. Andrea Johanson would go to Spain with him or Daniel would send his brother to prison.
Andrea had just arrived from college when, parked outside on the small patio of her house, she noticed a gunmetal Porche Cayenne; she immediately thought something had happened and prepared to enter the house.
__"I'm" as soon as his gaze landed on the face of the man who was standing in the parlor of his aunt's house, time stopped; tall, shoulders so broad that on his chest his jacket was pulling, narrow pelvis, long and muscular legs, aquiline face with high cheekbones, lips full and fleshy enough to look like a woman's, intense ice-colored gaze almost looked like he was using colored lenses, medium-length black hair like velvet combed very well, dark complexion and smooth skin; in short he looked like a model straight out of Vanity fair magazine, her aunt's parlor seemed even smaller to her.
__"Good morning, I'm Daniel Valdes and I've been waiting to talk to you!" he too had rediscovered himself holding his breath as she opened the door, but then again, that Andrea was beautiful Daniel already knew; at just laying his eyes on her he felt a strong desire arise in his chest so much that he felt a pressure in his groin.
__"Could I know why you wanted to talk to me?" he said, offering his hand to the stranger; Daniel felt a jolt down his spine and, judging by the sudden expression on Andrea's face, she had felt the same alchemy as well.
__"Andry, the gentleman is the one with whom I had the accident with your car two weeks ago!" was ready to explain his brother Nik; Andrea immediately withdrew the hand that the man had held out to her a little longer than he should have.
__"I would not actually call your definition fair Mr. Johanson, I would rather say that you caused the accident yourself, before running away without even deigning to see how I and the woman who was with me were doing. Do you know what this offense is called? Hit-and-run!" was ready to reiterate Daniel.
__"Wait a minute Mr. Valdes, in these 15 days that have passed since the accident I of all people have been doing my best to succeed in finding this dark car that had been rear-ended in your street at 2:00 a.m.; but we couldn't get a spider out of the hole. No one knew anything about it, think my cousin even contacted a policeman friend of his to help us....but nothing! His car seemed swallowed by the earth.......!" clarified Andrea.
__"It's normal.......because being a rental car and I haven't reported the incident yet, you still haven't been able to repair the damage!" replied Daniel sarcastically, after which she took the coffee that Aunt Mia was handing her and sat down on the couch to sip it. Andrea sat down on the armrest of the chair where her brother was sitting opposite their interlocutor.
__"Well.....we would be willing to pay her damages, all........moral and material," Andrea proposed point-blank; Daniel gave a wry smile and placed the empty cup on the coffee table.
__"Are you sure about what you're saying! It would be quite a lot of money to repair the car, not to mention the moral damage.......the woman who was with me still wears a collar!" he replied; Andrea swallowed hard.
__"I'd have another solution, though, if you'd like to hear it!" said Daniel again, suddenly switching to her and giving her a bewitching look.
__"Would that be?!" he asked almost in a hushed voice.
__"You should come to Spain with me for......say about twenty days at most a month!" clarified Daniel; Nik jumped to his feet.
__"No Andry.....don't! This arrogant man cannot ask you this......what do you demand of my sister?!" he asked menacingly; Andrew stood up in turn and supported his brother by the arm.
__"Calm down Nicholas, let Mr. Valdes explain himself!" she tried to keep calm, even though she felt an anger mixed with excitement growing inside her. Her gesture managed to calm her brother for a moment, who sat back down.
__"Basically you should pretend to be my fiancée because in exactly 18 days my sister is getting married, the wedding will also be attended by a well-known millionaire who owns stocks that I would like to buy from him, only he in order to sell them to me would like me to marry his only daughter. Now......since my family is also pressing me to get married and I have absolutely no idea, bringing you with me to my sister's wedding would kill 2 birds with one stone!" said Daniel all at once.
__"This is ridiculous......this guy is crazy!" hissed Nik, Andrea shook his hand.
__"Calm down Nik please __ then turned to his guest__ Do you even realize for a moment what you are asking me? I don't even know you and you ask me to follow you to another country for a month!" she asked incredulously.
__"Sure......but do you realize that the woman who was with me and I, we took a big risk in the accident your brother involved us in? Do you realize that instead of investigating you I should have gone into the first police department to report it? Your brother is at great risk and you both know it, so you might as well stop addressing me so arrogantly and threateningly!" was ready to retort Daniel by standing up; Nik imitated him.
__"Do you realize conceitedly that's all you are that this is my sister you're talking about! I don't know what your relationship is with your sister, but I don't allow you to address her like that in our house!" Daniel clenched his jaw, aware that he was right, but he did not let up.
__"I partly agree with you, but if I report the incident to the police you go to jail.......without thinking about the fine you'll have to pay!" he reiterated, Nik made to attack him but Andrea parried between the two.
__"So I understand that if I don't agree you start legal action against my brother, complete with a lawsuit?!" she asked; Daniel looked.......era beautiful even with a mixture of worry and anguish in his gaze.
__" I suggest you think about it carefully. I'll be back in a couple of days to find out what you've decided, I know the way don't bother......... goodbye and have a nice day!" after which she walked to the door and left.
Andrea immediately felt a sense of emptiness around her as soon as Daniel walked out the door, then took to walking around the room.
__"You can't accept Andrea...... please don't, we always find a solution but you don't have to accept that despicable man's proposal!" her brother tried to convince her.
__"Really...will we be able to get away with it? And how.....will you explain it to me! Who's going to give us the money for the lawyer, who's going to give us the money to post bail before the trial, assuming it's set! Do you realize Nik that there is a 99% chance that you will end up in jail? And what about your son, don't you think about that? How would he react to that shock!" she retorted distressed.
__"And have you asked yourself why this man made this proposal to you? Do you realize that he is aiming at only one thing! He wants you in his bed at his mercy!" said Nik bluntly; Andrea sighed running both hands through her hair.
__"I've thought about it too, but if I decide to accept I'll have very clear conditions to bring to the deal!" she frantically replied more to herself than to her brother.
__"And you think he will accept them?!" asked Nicholas sarcastically.
__"I don't know......I don't know anything right now, at least I'll try......then I'll think about what to do at the time if Daniel won't accept my terms!" just then the honking of the school bus taking Lucas home was heard.
__"That's enough talking now the baby is coming, let's talk about it another time!" said Andrea to her brother and her aunt who had come up to the room after hearing the school bus horn; after which a burst of joy and cheerfulness in the form of an 8-year-old boy entered the house.
In the evening as Andrea was getting ready to go to work her aunt knocked on the door.
__"May I honey!" his aunt asked discreetly.
__"Sure aunt come on in!"
__"Sorry...but today I couldn't help but listen to what Mr. Valdes proposed to you; you know, the discussion was somewhat heated and you raised your voices a bit, then the house is small, the rooms are attached........" said his aunt.
__"Don't worry Aunt have no reason to justify yourself this is your house, then I was going to tell you about it anyway!" retorted Andrea sitting on the bed, her aunt sat next to her.
__"And may I ask what are you going to do? Will you accept?" she sighed.
__"I probably should.......avoid a series of not inconsiderable and very expensive headaches!" she replied all in one breath, but in her heart she knew that just the thought of embarking on that crazy adventure with that handsome dark one excited her not a little, and that frightened her.
__"I confess I agree with you, but are you sure you would accept just to help your brother?" her aunt, who knew her too well by now, asked promptly.
__"What are you talking about aunt! Of course I'm doing it for Nicholas and also not to make Lucas live a nightmare, I didn't even know that man before this morning!" Andrea answered too quickly.
__"You see my darling, the effect that man had on you at first sight seemed very obvious, at least to me who knows you well!" explained Aunt Mia.
__"I won't hide the fact that he is a handsome man and he is also very charming, however, from here to wanting to spend a month in another country with him......I'd say it takes a lot! Maybe I don't give it away ......but it scares me not a little!" she replied sincerely; her aunt hugged her.
__"Know that I will be with you whatever your decision is, don't feel forced in any way, do what you feel like doing!"
__"Thank you Aunt Mia.......I love you!"
__"Me too honey......tanto!" her aunt kissed her back.
__"I have to go now though or else I'll be late for work......and then my boss will get mad!" said Andrea cheerfully as she got up, her aunt caressed her face after which she grabbed her bag and left to head to work.
Andrea was not very lucid at work that night, she felt strange, alternating between moments of pure excitement and moments of anguish and fear; so much so that for the preparation of some cocktails and some ballet steps, she had promptly had to be rescued by her colleagues Max and Tiffany.
Owen also realized this and at the end of the evening while they were in his office she pointed it out to him; Andrea told him the whole incident of the now day before, her cousin planted a fist on the desk.
__"It's a good thing I wasn't there......otherwise I would have planted a fist on that handsome lug, and a fist on that big-headed brother of yours who put you in this situation!" __then he strolled nervously around the studio, before stopping in front of her __And what do you plan to do?" he then asked her, Andrea threw herself into her arms and began to cry the tears she had so long held back.
__"Don't worry, if you don't want to accept this proposal I will support you in every way, even financially!" tried to reassure her Owen.
__"And how! You're still paying the debts you made to open the club, you're making huge sacrifices not to fall behind with any installment, to help me, you'd risk that happening!" retorted Andrea between tears.
__"Come on......we'll find a solution!" she wiped away her tears as she broke away from him.
__"Thank you for your willingness,it is useless for me to repeat that you are like a brother to me and that I love you a world of love!" having said this she kissed him on the cheeks.
__"I have to go now though, Tiffany is waiting outside with Tom the cook, I'll give them a ride before I go home. Good night!"
__" 'night little cousin!" greeted her Owen, after which Andrea left.
Daniel hadn't been able to sleep a wink that night, his mind projecting images of a beautiful woman with piercing, sky-colored eyes looking at him from first with shocked admiration and then with a mixture of fear and excitement; he was sure Andrea had accepted his offer and was unnerved with himself because he felt anxious about that delayed response.
He had to admit that he did not like to resort to trivial blackmail to conquer a woman but with Andrea it was different, he had no time to court her he had to be in Spain in three days and he was sure he would take her with him; never had he felt so strongly the urge to possess a woman, however, he did not intend to force her hand he was sure that in the end Andrea herself would ask him, and his instincts had never betrayed him, at least until now.
Two days later on time came the phone call from Daniel apologizing to her for not being able to go in person and inviting her to join him at his company offices. It was 4 p.m. sharp when Andrea was about to enter the very tall building where the offices of: "Valdes Shipyards and Family" were located; Daniel Valdes was a millionaire who built large cruise ships.
Andrea went to the reception desk and the man working there, after announcing her to Daniel's personal secretary, informed her that Mr. Valdes was waiting for her on the 6th floor, Bureau Office.
As she rode the elevator up, Andrea looked at herself in the mirror and considered herself not bad- she had opted for tight, black, low-waisted pants with a sleeveless cream sweet-waist T-shirt with gloves that served as sleeves, of draped cotton that went from wrist to forearm leaving about fifteen ci centimeters of skin uncovered, a pair of black boots with a not very high heel and a bit of a wedge in front, knee-high and a black, lightly padded satin jacket of a well-known Italian brand: "MOTIVI"; she had gathered her hair in a ponytail at the top of her head with a few unruly curls left free to frame her face. Now that she scrutinized herself better, however, she thought she had dressed a little too provocatively.
Arriving at a small room in front of Daniel's office her secretary announced her and she prepared to enter.
__"Good evening Andrea __ as soon as he laid eyes on her, Daniel felt his mouth go dry and realized his palms were sweating__ Was it difficult to get here?"
__"No........ your explanation was very thorough, then I had written down the name of the street so it was not very complicated. May I....?" asked Andrea as she sat on a chair with trembling legs.
__"Sure, have a seat, in fact I apologize for not sitting you down right away!" he was quick to say, sitting down in turn in his chair behind the desk.
__"Can I buy you a coffee!" he then asked her politely.
__"YES.....thanks!" Daniel ordered the secretary the two coffees and then returned to look at her.
__"Well back to us.......have you decided whether you accept my proposal or not?" he then asked her almost point blank.
__"Let's say you haven't left me with many options, however, I have a question to ask you and I want you to answer me truthfully __Daniel nodded his head__Why me..........when you could have proposed to one of your usual girlfriends!" he stood up and turned to the window with his back to her.
__"You're right it's true, however for this story I don't want any involvement; if I had asked one of the girls I occasionally go out with they would have had some strange thoughts, and they would have demanded then who knows what, instead so I don't risk any kind of involvement. You and I know it's a charade, and after this month we'll each go our separate ways, without demanding anything!" he was ready to answer; Andrea got a little nervous about this bravado of his response.
__"Well, but I want to make one fundamental thing clear..........this fake relationship of ours will be only platonic, except for some little effusion when we will be in the company of your family........for no reason I will sleep with you!" immediately after uttering those words Andrea knew that he was lying; he turned around with a mocking smirk on his lips.
__"My beautiful Andrea........since I began to enjoy the privileges of sex, I have never, and I say NEVER, had to blackmail or force a woman to make love to me; so far the fair sex has always given themselves to me of their own free will-in fact, sometimes they have even begged me!" those last words Daniel said to her as he leaned with his knuckles against the desk and leaned forward toward her.
__"Not sino "yours"!!!Anyway we agree then, no sex!" she reiterated swallowing noisily.
__"Sure.......unless you ask me!" he pointed out sarcastically.
__"Well then we are sure it will never happen!" just then the secretary entered with the two coffees, they thanked and the secretary left.
__"And where in Spain are we headed?" then Andrea asked after sipping his coffee.
__"Castellòn de la more on the coast near Valencia, I'm sure you'll like it. Bring some light clothes, you know at this time in late April it's already warm there, you can safely go swimming, while here in Middletown it's still a bit chilly to go to the beach" Andrea nodded
__"When should we leave?" she asked again; Daniel hadn't paid attention to it yet but, the afternoon sunlight coming in through the windows made the little zircon on his nose glisten.......was a piercing. That little French nose that looked as if it had been drawn on, so perfect was it, was made even prettier by that small, non-gross ornament.
__"We're leaving tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. We've booked the plane, since it's a 7-hour flight and there's a 5-hour time difference, we'll arrive around 8:30 p.m........just in time for dinner!" he replied.
__"Cooosaaa.........?! But I have so many things to settle before we leave, I still have to pack even! Couldn't you at least leave after tomorrow?" she snapped to her feet in amazement.
__"I'm sorry.......but they're expecting us by tomorrow! I suggest you move now if you want to get everything settled before you leave!" announced Daniel in a tone that sounded adamant.
__"Well......then I'm going, see you tomorrow at 08.00!" greeted Andrea offering him her hand, he first shook it then with one push drew her into his arms and captured her mouth with his. At first it was a light and gentle kiss, but as soon as Daniel felt Andrea relax against him he parted her lips and began to massage the inside of her mouth with his tongue until he joined her mouth and they began an erotic dance as old as the world.
Andrea felt overwhelmed by a myriad of emotions that stunned her so much that she had to cling to his shoulders to keep from falling, for his part Daniel took to massaging the side of her bare arm, then suddenly ended that breathtaking kiss; they were both out of breath and panting.
__"This is to get you used to the fact that we should exchange some effusions in the presence of my family.......and then was since you entered my office that I had been wanting to do it!" he confided to her, leaving her suddenly.
__"Yes.......but remember there will always be just that and nothing more!" reiterated Andrea more to herself than to Daniel; after which she said goodbye and left.
Andrea was upset, the force of that kiss had been such that if Daniel had not stopped they probably would have made love on the desk in her office; this thought excited her so much that she was afraid of herself and her actions. She called Tiffany to tell her that she was joining her at her home to talk to her.
Tiffany was a beautiful brunette who was only 5'6" tall but was a breathtaking concentration of woman, medium-long straight hair, green eyes, fair complexion and a Jennifer Lopez fact Andrea used to call her that; she was also a good girl who had a degree in business but who, unable to work in that field, in order to support herself, worked as a picture bartender at Owen's wine bar with her and lived alone in a studio apartment located not far from her workplace.
As soon as Andrea arrived at Tiffany's he told her about the incident.
__"Well.....and then what did you expect.......I told you from the first night you told me about this handsome darkie that you were lost on him!" her friend laughed back.
__"Come on don't joke Tiffany........what would you do in my place?" she then asked distressed, her friend stood in front of her and placed her hands on her shoulders.
__"You want the truth?"__ Andrea nodded__ I would enjoy this month of vacation with everything this experience will want to give me, including passion-filled nights with Daniel Valdes!" then they burst out laughing and hugged each other.
__"By the way anything you should notice strange, run to the American embassy located in Spain and book the first flight to New York; but call me first though okay!" recommended Tiffany to her.
__"Count on it!" replied Andrea, after which she left to go to her cousin Owen.
Her cousin was less enthusiastic than Tiffany upon hearing of Andrea's departure.
__"Come on Owen don't be like this.......tanto we both knew this was the only solution!" her cousin sighed, then opened a drawer of his desk and pulled out a sealed envelope which he handed to her.
__"Here is your salary."
__"Don't give it all to me Owen, keep half of it in case Nicholas comes asking you for money!" he patted her shoulder.
__"Don't worry cousin............I'll take care of them this month, you go and don't worry about anything. Just promise me one thing!" he then asked her.
__"Anything you want!" she was ready to answer.
__"Don't come back with a broken heart!" Andrew in a rush hugged him tightly.
By the time she returned home it was now 8:00 p.m. As soon as Lucas entered, he ran into her arms.
__"Hi Aunt, you're home late but don't you have to go to work tonight?" Andrea sat down on the sofa and settled it on her lap.
__"I'm not going to work tonight Lucas, you see the thing is that.......this month I will have to work in Spain for a well-known gentleman!" her brother who was intent on working at the drawing board turned away.
__"How Auntie, so you will have to stay for a month in Spain?!" asked the little one a little sorry.
__"Yes my darling......but I will call you every night and when I come back I will bring you a nice present, actually two! One I will choose at will and one you will choose and tell me by phone!" little Lucas hugged her.
__"Thank you Aunt Andrea I love you so much, I will miss you so much!" Andrea had to restrain herself not to cry.
__"Lucas would you please join Aunt Mia in the kitchen, and tell her Aunt Andrea is back and she can serve dinner, thank you baby!" the baby obeyed, then Nik stood up.
__"Don't do it for me little sister, please don't!" he pleaded with tears in his eyes; Andrea stood up and hugged him.
__"Don't worry Nik, please don't be like'll see that a month goes by soon and I'll be right back! Look at me Nicholas, I promise you, in fact I swear I won't do anything I don't want to do, understand.......nothing!" his brother held back a sob, after which they heard Aunt Mia's voice announcing that dinner was ready.
That evening Andrea packed her suitcase until late, then she went to bed but could not sleep; the images of that kiss came back vividly in her mind, like the film of a romantic movie, only at first light came a dreamless sleep that lasted however short because she had to wake up to shower and dress. She put on light makeup and wore a pair of tight but stretchy jeans from "ARTIGLI" a fairly well-known Italian brand, a cotton T-shirt with a boat neckline and three/quarter sleeves in the same color as her eyes, a pair of white CONVERSE and the jacket from "MOTIVI" that she had put on the day before when she had gone to Daniel's office.
The ringing of the doorbell alerted her that he had arrived, she looked at her was 7:56 a.m. right on time, grabbed her suitcase and hand luggage, and prepared to go to the living room.
As soon as Nik opened the door he looked accusingly at Daniel.
__"Try to hurt her and you'll have no place in the world to hide from me!" she hissed at him through gritted teeth, he smiled mockingly.
__"Why are you telling me this, because you would bring a scruple or because you really care about your sister!" this was mean and Daniel knew it, but as Nik was about to retort Andrea entered the room. She was immediately thunderstruck by the beauty of Daniel dressed casually, he had on a pair of faded black jeans that wrapped around his muscular legs like a second skin, a gray cotton shirt that looked like it was about to burst so tightly to the muscles in his chest and arms, a pair of dark gray summer HOGANs, a black leather jacket and a pair of RAY BANs with chrome frames and mirrored glasses; at that moment Andrea would have gladly had some water.
Even Daniel was almost thunderstruck at the sight of Andrea so formally dressed.
__"Good morning...... I see with pleasure that you are ready already, shall we go?"
__"Sure, see you Aunt Mia!" he said hugging his aunt.
__"Be careful honey and call!" he recommended her.
__"Don't worry, bye little man!" she then said turning to Lucas, the little one flew into her arms.
__"Come back soon Aunt Andrea, I will miss you!" Daniel felt a sense of emotion in his chest seeing that scene.
__"Take it easy young man and take care of your father!" having said this she smiled at him mussing his hair, then it was his brother's turn.
__"Bye Big Head......." he said to her hugging her Nik.
__"See you soon troublemaker!" she replied kissing him on the cheeks, after which she approached Daniel.
__"Shall we go?!" he took the luggage from her hands and headed for the entrance.
__"Sure, see you all in a month......... I guarantee I'll get her back to you safe and sound!" having said that they got out, put the luggage in the car and headed for the New York airport.
Andrea felt that this trip would turn her life around dramatically, and perhaps she was not wrong.