Chapter 2
The car ride was short and, to Andrea's amazement, they were put on not a commercial flight but a private plane, owned by "Valdes Shipyards and Family."
__"I think we should tell a little about ourselves if you want our story to be believable!" she proposed after half an hour of flying, Daniel nodded.
__"Well, who" he asked amused and curious about her side of the story, since the investigator he had hired had told him almost everything about her in his dossier.
__"I was born on 06.10.1984 so in October I will be 28' years old, my parents were a model father and mother; my father was a professor in literature at Middletown High School and my mother was a support teacher for middle school kids with problems. Until I turned 18 everything was idyllic for me I graduated from high school and was deciding which faculty to choose for college, when there was the terrible accident that left me orphaned of both parents __Andrea saddened sighing__ My father in his last years of life used to leave for conferences, he would be gone two or at most three days depending on the city he had to reach by car; on the last trip my mother also wanted to accompany him since she was using up some back leave, unfortunately they died together. Until then we were well-off people, certainly not rich however we had a substantial bank account, only most of the money was taken from us, including the house, which we were still paying off. Aunt Mia told me that Dad had taken out some mortgages on the house so when he died the bank had demanded the money back, so we ended up with very little change. Nik was 16 and found himself from being a current kid to being a penniless orphan who had moved in with his aunt, where we live now; he started hanging out with the wrong boys and girls and became infatuated with one of them who was 20' years old; she became pregnant almost immediately and Aunt Mia welcomed her into the house as a daughter but, as soon as she realized that my brother was an unfit kid to be a neighborhood boss, soon after Lucas was born she left him, fortunately leaving the baby with us, and went off with the gang leader from another neighborhood. My brother to win her back attempted a robbery, but it failed and he was stopped by the police; we had a very bad time and the last money we had left we used for the lawyer who managed to get him only a year and a half suspended sentence on the condition that Nicholas would not even get caught again for night slapping, otherwise he would serve both sentences! So my cousin Owen found a place for me and him at a well-known mall bar and I started working to support my family!" Andrea stopped and looked at him.
__"Until your cousin opened that wine bar and you came up with the role of image bartender!" finished Daniel mockingly for her; she was a little hurt, he didn't think she was capable and didn't even imagine that she was about to give her dissertation in biology. Well.........why not let her believe it, what did it matter to her.......after all, after that month had passed she would probably never see him again.
__"And yeah..........what does one have to invent to make ends meet no?!" she then replied, imitating his sarcasm. Daniel found himself thinking that Andrea had omitted many things about her parents, so she was a liar too! He began to think that the reason he had accepted her absurd proposal was actually something else, but if that woman thought she was going to gain something from that experience and from him......she was very wrong.
__"At least it's a job that gives you satisfaction, though!" retorted Daniel again, mockingly raising an eyebrow.
__"Many.......! What about you? How was your previous life?" then asked Andrea leaning comfortably against the backrest , at that moment Daniel was most envious of his plane seat.
__"My father worked as a laborer at my current shipyard, which of course was not in the family then; he was a hard worker and his boss made him work himself to death. He would work shift after shift, coming back later and later, until when I was 17', my sister Alicia 10' and my sister Sophie 6' he became very ill. He died 2 years later, my mother couldn't work much because she is slightly claudicant and I worked and studied; the owner of the shipyards offered me a part-time job so I could graduate as a naval engineer, he had 2 sons who were my best friends and already since my father got sick he was helping us a lot, maybe he was feeling the weight of remorse" Andrea looked at him surprised.
__"Like remorse? Why?" she then asked.
__"We later found out that he was secretly in love with my mother and had never forgiven her for choosing my father over him, he had been beaten by a mere laborer! He had never thought of wanting her dead, though, according to him. As time went by I became better and better at my job and my boss more and more demanding with his sons who are: one 3 years older than me and the other 3 years younger; they couldn't live their lives peacefully because they were obsessed with their father and made an important decision, they told the old man who had now decided to retire that they didn't want to take over their father's company! He was very hurt, he felt disappointed and heartbroken, and it was at that moment that I proposed that he sell everything to me!" Andrea could not believe his ears.
__"But how, you bought the family business that had belonged to your friends for years?" she asked in amazement.
__"And what was I supposed to do according to you! It was too tempting an idea for me, the revenge I had wanted to take for years on behalf of my father was being served to me on a silver platter!" answered Daniel truthfully.
__"But how, you were supposed to talk to your friends and try to convince them not to throw it all away, not to take advantage of the least I would have done so in your place!" stubbornly rebutted Andrea.
__"Instead I made them another proposal which they accepted in good taste, since it was precisely the weight of responsibility of being the bosses that they didn't feel like carrying!" he tried to explain.
__"And what did you allow them to become......your site bosses?" she scolded him; Daniel smiled with gusto.
__"Actually I am August Marone the vice president of my company, who is the eldest of the two and Robert called Bob Marone who is the CEO of the shipyards I own; by the way then August in less than 20 days is going to marry my sister Alicia. seem to have downgraded them?" he then asked amused; Andrea felt silly and embarrassed.
__"What about old Marone? What happened to him?" she then asked curiously.
__"He retired to Spain to enjoy his money with his second wife who is Dolores Milagros, my mother!" replied Daniel smiling at her.
__"It's really true that some loves never end, they take huge turns and then return to where they started!" __then said Andrea serenely__ "That's why you named your company: VALDES SHIPYARDS AND FAMILY?"
__"That's right Miss I know it all!" he mocked her, then spread the reclining back of his chair.
__"So you are one of those women who believe in love?" he asked her.
__"Yes, for me the world and life itself revolve around love, otherwise what would be the point!" replied Andrea immediately.
__"I, on the other hand, am a bit skeptical, love leads to trouble! Better to live a life that gives you other satisfactions like work, I like to be in control of everything I deal with, with love it's not like makes you weak and I don't want to be. Better to have a few casual encounters to satisfy desire, without any's easier that way!" he retorted, Andrea looked at him sideways.
__"What about friendship!" she asked again.
__"That's a pure and loyal feeling, everything opposite to love! Just fall in love with the wrong person and you can suffer for the rest of your days!" he answered again.
__"This is true.........but almost always the game is worth the candle, nothing is easy in life! And don't you think about when you are old, won't you feel abandoned, all alone in your big house!" tried Andrea to make him capitulate.
__"I wouldn't say alone and abandoned, but content and at peace!" retorted Daniel again with conviction.
__"And children............ don't you want any? Doesn't the thought of bringing another life into the world that has the same blood as yours make you proud?" she then stubbornly asked.
__"I won't hide from you that the idea has crossed my mind a few times but for now I don't think about it at all, I'm not allured by being awakened at night by the screams of a newborn, let alone changing diapers; maybe one day far away who knows.......I might do as Elton John did, hire a surrogate mother to make me this child! For now I will console myself with grandchildren....... "he replied with scornful sarcasm; Andrea could not believe her ears, she had never known a man indeed.......a person who thought so negatively about love.
__"So in your opinion, your brother-in-law and sister are making the biggest mistake of their lives?" she asked finally.
__"According to my point of view! But unfortunately we don't all think the same way!" replied Daniel.
__"But fortunately!" retorted Andrea, and he straightened up and leaned toward the chair where she was sitting, which was on her left, and looked at her, reducing his eyes to two slits.
__"If you were me, surrounded by women who whenever I call them for a night of sex, they accept without batting an eyelid and who are also seeing other men or have been engaged for years, how would you feel about that!" he asked.
__"But it's not just can't be just that! I can tell you that I'm sorry that you've only met women like that, but in my opinion you've also brought it on yourself a bit, the world doesn't only consist of women like that!" Daniel had to admit that he was partly right, his sisters were certainly not like that, at least he believed.
__"What about you? What kind of woman are you?" he then asked in a husky voice. Andrea again felt that familiar tingle at the base of her neck.
__"I can't define myself at the moment.....but I'm certainly not like the women you're used to dating, I believe in love!" she replied proudly, after which she reclined her chair and pretended to rest as she failed to fall asleep.
Daniel stood thinking about Andrea's words, she was not so...........well he would expose her day by day, the first step he had to take was to have her in his soon as possible.
They arrived in Castellon de le Plana at 8:20 p.m. on the dot, found the family driver waiting for them with the limousine; Andrea was feeling a little strange......numb and sleepy.
__"It's the time difference......domorrow will be better for sure!" said Daniel to her and then placed a warm, strong hand at the base of her back to gently guide her to the car. That simple contact made her quiver with pleasure, she looked at him and lost herself in his gaze for a second;! 100,000 times no! She absolutely should not have fallen in love with that man!
They arrived at the Valdes estate in less than 15 minutes, that estate was a gift from Daniel to his mother, he had given it to her with the first money he had earned from buying stocks on the stock market that had then taken off; yes......because the money to buy the shipyard from old Marone, Daniel had also earned it that way........quoting on the stock market! In short Daniel was a kind of King Midas, everything he touched turned to gold.
As soon as they entered the house, the butler led them to a huge living room where the whole family was waiting for them, including the wealthy shareholder and his daughter; the first to go up to him was a beautiful woman about 62/63 years old who had the same eyes and face as Daniel, she was Mrs. Dolores, mother of her fake boyfriend. He kissed her on the cheeks.
__"I was anxious to meet the woman who changed my son's mind and I must say are really beautiful!__ having said that he hugged her and whispered:__be patient with him, he seems like a heartless gruff man but after all he is the first of the romantics!"
__"It's a pleasure to meet you woman Dolores, your son spoke very highly of you, he told me you are a great woman!" Dolores smiled at the girl's words, after which she moved on to embrace her son.
__"Welcome back son!"
__"Hi Mom!" he simply said, squeezing her tightly; for a moment Andrea read on Daniel's face an immense love, and was moved.
Then it was time to introduce her to the rest of the family, Daniel's sisters seemed very nice to her although Sophie seemed much more outgoing than the betrothed, the Marone brothers were not bad either and Bob was the fancier of the two perhaps also because he was the younger. Old Marone also seemed a good man to her and she noted that Daniel had a good relationship with him anyway; the one who seemed most hostile to her was the wealthy heiress Matilde Onasis, daughter of the millionaire shareholder, who wanted to see her married to Daniel! That the woman was hostile to her, however, could also fit, because she saw her as a rival anyway.
Excellent wine was served before dinner, then at 9 p.m. sharp they all sat down at the table. It was a very quiet and pleasant dinner, they all involved her, in whatever talk they made Bob made them all laugh by teasing Daniel and his brother who, by now for him, had put the classic ball and chain. Daniel for his part was very affectionate, not missing an opportunity to hold her hand or hug her and, as if that were not enough, in reiterating to Bob that he now no longer cared about the good life, he had kissed her neck in the most sensual way she had ever seen. Andrea felt the blood engorge her face, then she turned to look at him and caressed his cheek; when dinner was over they all went to the living room, and after a while Andrea wanted to retire.
__"If you please I would like to retire to my room, I am very tired!" she said as she stood up, Daniel imitated her.
__"Sure honey, come on I'll take you!" having said this they said good night to everyone and prepared to follow the butler down the stairs.
__"Your mother has had her usual room prepared for me, however, instead of her full-size bed she has brought in a double one; I hope it will be to your liking!" said the man, opening to him a double room that was nothing short of stunning; the walls were painted snow-white with dark beige almost biscuit-colored drawn branches that took up all the walls like a tribal tattoo, 6 tinted glass doors that enclosed a huge wardrobe room inside, bleached oak nightstands a dresser complete with nightstands, a small 2-seater sofa in light beige leather with steel feet, a box bed with a leather headboard like the sofa, carpets of mixed colors, speckled, between dark brown, beige the cookie placed all around the bed; a large balcony with sliding windows that gave onto a private terrace only for the people who occupied that room and curtains so beautiful that they could not be described as always matching the decor; and, last but not least, the en-suite bathroom.
__"Good night gentlemen!" said the butler to them.
__"Good night Raul.....and thank you for everything!" greeted him Daniel closing the door.
__"We will not sleep together and make love!" said Andrea suddenly almost panicked, more to herself than to him.
__"Look I'm not going to jump on you.... it's my mother who didn't take into account the fact that we wanted separate rooms, since I'm now 37 years old and bringing my girlfriend here for the first time, she thought it best to make my single room a double! I assure you I had nothing to do with it......I give you my word!" he said putting his left hand over his heart and his right hand raised in oath; Andrea sighed.
__" I'm going to take a shower, then we'll see how we can settle down!" after which she took the necessities and locked herself in the bathroom.
The half hour that followed was a torment for Daniel, hearing the swish of the water and imagining her naked in the shower tortured him; he felt so frustrated that he could not sit still he went in and out of the terrace, then he finally entered the room and took off his shirt and shoes remaining bare back wearing only his pants. This is how Andrea found him when he came out of the bathroom wearing his peach-pink silk suspender pajamas, fortunately not with culottes but with mid-thigh length shorts and a matching silk robe; Daniel felt his throat dry.
__"If you're finally done I'll go take a shower!" he then said and, after grabbing his pajama pants, it was his turn to lock himself in the bathroom and it was Andrea's turn to fantasize about him.
When Daniel came out of the bathroom he found Andrea lying on the sofa with a pillow under her head and only the sheet covering her, he laughed.
__"We are adults aren't we! ........mica kids caught in hormonal storms! I think we can even sleep in the same bed without even touching each other, after all, this one is huge!" proposed Daniel, she opened one eye and looked at him sideways.
__"I'd rather not risk it, you never know!" she replied closing her eye; he got nervous.
__"Have it your way.......if you want to break your back on that uncomfortable couch that's your business, I'll be comfortable in my new bed __ after which he pulled her sheet__ and with the matching full outfit!" Andrea gave him a big mouth as if he were a child, then put her robe back on and rested on the couch adjusting her pillow.
Nearly an hour passed during which neither of them managed to fall asleep, Andrea because she was uncomfortable and also because of his proximity and Daniel because of the awareness of her body a few feet from his. At yet another impatient sigh from Andrea, Daniel got up and took her in his arms as if she weighed nothing and amid groans from her he laid her on the bed carrying her pillow.
__"What are you going to do?!" asked Andrea defensively, he was out of breath from being so close to that mighty, muscular chest; she was beautiful thought Daniel, with a frightened look mixed with the excitement aroused by their proximity.
__"I swear I won't even touch you tonight and I wouldn't do it even if you begged me, are you happy now! And now please try to sleep otherwise you won't be able to get over the time difference even tomorrow!" he thundered angrily, after which he got under the sheet turned the other way.
Daniel's alarm clock rang promptly at 7:30 a.m. only he in wanting to lean toward the bedside table to turn it off felt a weight and a warmth on his side, he jerked his eyes open and found himself supine with Andrea sleeping cuddled on his left side with one arm around his waist and one leg on hers; her regular breathing told him that she was still asleep. As soon as he focused that they were embraced in a bed half-naked, Daniel's body reacted with a conspicuous erection.
__"Hey Sleeping Beauty.........Andrea wake up it's daytime......piccola......!" he called her in a mixture between amused and agitated.
__"Mmmm......what is it?!" she bellowed blissfully.
__"It's daytime and we have to get up......anzi I actually have to get up!" said Daniel almost burst out laughing, while Andrea also began to caress his chest.
__"So what!?" she asked still in her sleepiness without stopping stroking him.
__"Are you okay?" he then asked now in ecstasy.
__"Too......I'm having a beautiful dream!" she answered again.
__"I'm sorry to disappoint you honey but I can't stay in bed with you, so if you would kindly move over why should I get up......thank you!" those words brought her to reality and she opened her eyes wide; immediately she found herself with her cheek on Daniel's smooth chest and looking further down, Andrea couldn't help but look at the conspicuous bulge in his pajamas; she pulled away from him as if her skin was burning.
__"I think that more than of me, you must be afraid of yourself!" and after telling her these words he locked himself in the bathroom to take a cold shower and shave.
Andrea put on her robe and looked out onto the terrace, she could not understand what was happening to her, whether she was acting this way because she missed her family, because she wanted it too much, or because she was falling in love with this man; she only knew that she felt so much like crying.
It was there on the terrace that Daniel found her when he came out of the bathroom, fully dressed and shaved, approached her from behind and turned her around finding her face to face.
__"Then I'm going to go do some work with the shareholder Onassis in the studio of the estate, see you later......take it easy and don't be sad" then without her expecting it he kissed her; Andrea found herself displaced and as she became overwhelmed with passion she ran her hands up his shoulders until she laced them behind the nape of his neck, Daniel intensified the kiss making her adhere to his body and making her feel all his arousal. Andrea felt intoxicated by beautiful sensations and if Daniel had not ended that kiss she would have demanded more.
__"Save this impetus for later woman...." he told her by cupping her hips with his hands, then she saw him raise a hand in greeting and turned around; down in the garden Daniel's mother and her husband were walking, Andrea greeted them in turn feeling a small sense of disappointment. He had kissed her like that because they were looking at them.
__"See you later......" he greeted her, she smiled at him after which Daniel went out.
Andrea washed and dressed then went down to breakfast and noticed that there were many latecomers like her, in the dining room were: Sophie, Bob, Alicia and Matilde.
__" was the first night in the lone wolf den?" asked Bob to Andrea smiling, Sophia elbowed him in the side which he took to massaging himself.
__"Would you be a little more gentle please!"
__"Are you crazy! You hurt me!" after a laugh from everyone Andrea prepared to reply.
__"I had a great time.........I slept beautifully! Sorry....... but do you ask these things of all Daniel's women?" she then asked amused, also out of curiosity.
__"No, you're the first!" replied Bob smilingly, nibbling on a croissant.
__"My brother has never brought any woman here to the house, you're the only one!" reiterated Alicia as she sipped her coffee; Andrea was surprised to learn this, but then she thought that Daniel's reason for bringing her to his family's house was only to act out a charade and not for anything else.
She spent the morning with Sophie who gave her a bit of a tour of the estate, showed her the garden with a mini-bar and a wicker lounge adjacent to the pool, the horses, the greenhouse, and finally even a private little beach just for the inhabitants of the estate. Andrea loved the sea very much and fell in love with that little beach, where there was also a palm tree so that she could shelter from the sun; she managed to wrest from Sophie a promise to go swimming in the afternoon.
Daniel had been looking for her everywhere but could not figure out where Andrea had ended up, until he met his younger sister who told him that after showing her around the property he had seen her going down to the beach with her laptop; that was where he found her.
Andrea was taking advantage of the peace of the little beach to work on her thesis; as soon as she heard footsteps on the beach she closed the program.
__"What is it.......have your secret journal on your laptop?!" asked Daniel reaching for her, the reading glasses gave her an intellectual......and tremendously sexy air.
__"No.......just some jottings and notes, to finish then there's always facebook!" she was ready to find a loophole.
__"So you're crazy about these social networks too?" he asked again.
__" won't be able to deny that for me now it's a good means of communication with my family, if I'm online I can chat with my brother or my cousin Owen and say hello!" replied Andrea, Daniel shrugged but had to admit he was right.
__"Yes you are right!"
__"Ullallà......what do my ears hear! You proved me right about something!" she said cheerfully and they both smiled.
__"It's almost time for lunch, shall we go?" he held out his hand to her and she squeezed it for him to help her up, then she made to let go but Daniel held her back and they walked back toward home hand in hand without speaking.