Jade leaned back on her leather driver's seat, sighing impatiently. Jade never liked traffic during these times. Who likes traffic after all? Jade just wanted to eat dinner with the blonde and spend half of her time with Perrie, that's all. Jade then remembered that she wasn't alone in the car and slowly twisted her head to check on Perrie, who seemed to be stuck in her train of thoughts not realizing that Jade was already staring at her.
Jade watched as Perrie's eyelashes flutter against her pale cheeks, smiling when she realized how adorable Perrie's cheeks are. But when Perrie was about to turn her head to look back at Jade, the brunette quickly snapped her head back to face the front.
Perrie, on the other hand, was not quite sure of what just happened considering all she did was turn her head to look at the girl beside her and seemed to have caught Jade suddenly staring blatantly at her. And Perrie was not certain if she's flattered that Jade actually took the time to stare at her or if she's just being fooled by her delusional head.
"Were you staring at me?" Perrie asks, looking at Jade curiously.
"What?" Jade feigned innocence, hoping it was enough to force the blonde to let this go for Jade wouldn't want Perrie to think that Jade's a creep.
"You were staring at me, weren't you?"
Jade could sense confidence in Perrie's tone even if she wasn't looking at the blonde, which actually made her cheeks flushed by the slight embarassment. But Jade still remained her composure and decided to play as well.
"What if I said that I was staring at you? What would you do?" Jade challenged, secretly smirking when she saw Perrie's smirk faltering in her peripheral vision.
"So you admit that you were staring at me?" Perrie retorted.
"I didn't admit anything. I was just asking what would you do if I was staring at you."
"Which obviously implies that you were, in fact, staring at me."
"Sure. Whatever floats your boat, Edwards."
"I'll take a frap, please. What about you, Perrie?" Jade's head turned to face Perrie, who seemed to be in a staring contest between the pictures of a mocha frap and a capuccino.
When Perrie was done, she faced the waiter with a friendly smile. "I'll take the capuccino, yeah?"
"Okay, ma'am." The waiter glanced at Jade with a smirk plastered on his face as he sent a sneaky wink at Jade. And Perrie just wanted to slap him but remembered that she had no right to do that because Jade Thirlwall isn't hers and is already in a relationship with someone else. But that didn't stop Perrie from planning a murder for the waiter inside her head.
Jade, on the other hand, just smiled at the flirty waiter and took a brief glimpse at the blonde, whose cheeks were beginning to redden for some unknown reason.
Jade tilted her head sideways. "What's wrong, Perrie?"
"Aren't you uncomfortable with people just flirting with you? Especially when you have a boyfriend?" Perrie retorted, and mentally scolded herself for not thinking about her words before saying them.
Jade blinked slowly. "I... I guess I was a little uncomfortable. But my boyfriend doesn't really mind about people flirting with me as long as I don't flirt back."
"So you're boyfriend isn't threatened by that? What if you did flirt back? What does he do?"
"Okay, first of all, I don't flirt back with other people," Jade professes, to which Perrie snorted but Jade ignored it, "and lastly, Jed doesn't get jealous unless he has a reason to be. And seeing that people in our school already know about us, I wouldn't really have to worry about them pursuing me."
Perrie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Jed? As in Jed Elliot the captain of basketball team varsity?"
"Yeah," Jade chuckled at Perrie's exaggeration of her boyfriend's definition.
Perrie's frown became evident and clear to Jade's eyes, which made the brunette curious but decided to let it go. Soon, a different waiter came to their table with their drinks on the tray as the waiter placed them on the table and left them both alone. Silence accompanied the two high school pupils and Perrie and Jade were both thinking of a different topic for them to talk about since they both disliked being quiet.
"So, how's your friend...? Jessica's her name, right?" Jade asks eventually, taking a sip of her frap as she peered at Perrie.
"Well, I wouldn't say that we're both in good terms with each other," Perrie tries to say in a nonchalant way, but it was too difficult considering Jesy's been her best friend for almost three years now and she was practically a sister to Perrie. Any person who happens to be in Perrie's shoes would definitely break down if their best friends ignored them.
Jade's eyes widened while her lips slightly parted. Jade mumbled, "I'm sorry about that..."
Perrie shrugged, "It's fine."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Honestly? No," Perrie says, peering down at her paper cup.
"Did you guys fight over something...?" Jade still questioned.
"Yes, of course. Best friends don't just fight without any reason. And me and Jes fought about a stupid reason. But technically, it was all my fault."
"Why is it your fault?"
"Because I was hurt of what she said," Perrie sighs and looked back to meet the intense gaze of the ombré-haired girl sitting in front of her. "Can I ask you something, Jade?"
Jade nodded right away. "Sure."
"Do you believe that a geek and a queen bee will never be in a relationship?" Perrie dared to ask the girl.
Jade stayed silent for a few moments, cogitating about Perrie's question that seemed to make her go speechless and in loss of words to say. She looks down at her drink that was already melting and heaved a sigh as she meets Perrie's expectant gaze.
"Anything could happen, Edwards. Even rare relationships like that," Jade states, breaking eye contact from the blonde once again when she took a few sips from her frap, leaving Perrie with Jade's words stuck in her head as if it was on replay. Perrie then wondered if she, the school's geek, has a chance with the school's queen bee after all.