When Perrie wakes up the next morning, she was becoming annoyed about her alarm clock ringing disturbingly loud, almost to the point that Perrie just wanted to grab a sledgehammer and just smash the batteries out of the stupid machine. And that's when she noticed her own mother leaning against the doorframe, holding a silver tray of breakfast and looking at her daughter with a concerned look.
"I heard you sniffling last night..." Her mother says. "What happened? Did it happen again?"
"Nope," Perrie sighs and shrugs. "My crush just so happens to be sold out in the market."
"Are you okay?" Her mother asks once she sat down beside her daughter and silently gasps once she sees her eyebags that seemed to stand out. "What happened, dear? Mind telling your mother on how you got those eyebags sticking out?"
"I didn't really get enough sleep last night. The last time I slept was probably two hours ago," Perrie shrugs, as if it was a normal routine for her.
"Yup, I can tell," Her mother points at Perrie's sleepy visage. Perrie's eyes were practically forcing themselves to open though there are times where the other eye just relaxes and close before Perrie was even aware of it. "Sweetie, you need sleep. Every teenager needs sleep."
"Yeah, but I can't sleep."
"Then force yourself to sleep."
"Yeah, as if that could really help my body change its body clock," Perrie rolled her eyes.
"Are you still going to school?"
"Is it okay if I don't?" Perrie asks. And her mother arched an eyebrow, looking at her with disbelief as she folds her arms to her chest.
"Of course not," Her mother replies, and Perrie just had to roll her eyes.
"Why did I even ask that question?" Perrie wondered, and her mother lets out a chuckle as she places the tray with Perrie's breakfast lying on it.
A smile as wide as the width of Perrie's bedroom splashed across Perrie's face as she gladly accepts the tray and pecked her mother's cheek. Her mother smiles at her and gave her a quick hug on the side.
"Eat your breakfast, or your sister will eat it for you."
"Thanks, Mom," Perrie says, and recieves a nod and a soft 'I love you' in response. And Perrie was indeed grateful to have a loving and caring mother like her mom.
It doesn't take long until all that's left in Perrie's tray was an empty plate and an empty mug with a heart colored in faded red before Perrie wiped the corners of her mouth to get rid of any crumbs.
Perrie isn't usually like this during school mornings. She usually just grabs any first clothing she sees and wear it like the lazy ass she typically is. However right now, she couldn't stop herself from checking herself out, seeing if what she's wearing somehow could turn some heads in the school's hallway. After her conversation with Jesy yesterday, Perrie knew it would be very petty of her to cry over someone who couldn't even give her the time of day. And so as she breaths in all the confidence and exhale all the anxiety and apprehension, Perrie swiftly whirled her heels around and walks gracefully down the family hall then to the kitchen.
"Someone must be in revenge mode right now..." Perrie's younger sister, Caitlyn, chuckles as she shoved some cleaned up plates on the upper shelf before turning around and leaning her elbow on the counter to look at the blonde. She smiles, "You look like you have a morbid plan or something. Your smile says it all."
"I'm just doing what I think is right," Perrie shrugs, smiling like a child.
"And that is...?"
"I'm moving on," Perrie fills her sister in.
Caitlyn had her index finger on her chin, as if she was cogitating about something. And her eyes widened in realization and Perrie looked at her sister expectantly. Caitlyn wondered, "Oh! Is that what Mom told me awhile ago? The one where you cried because of someone?"
Perrie rolled her eyes. "Mom is so bad at hiding secrets..." she nodded once then looked at her. "Yes, I cried over something quite petty, honestly."
"Don't worry," Caitlyn giggled. "You're not the only one in this family who cries over your crush. I cried over a crush whose name is Paul once—you know."
"Funny. I found out that a guy in my school is named Paul and turns out he was the douche spreading about what happened on Valentine's Day."
"Ooh, what a coincidence. I guess guys who are named Paul are dickheads, yeah?" Caitlyn shrugs and let out a little laugh at her own joke, and Perrie laughed along. Now the two girls found themselves cachinnating for a few minutes before their hysterics died.
Perrie smiles, "You're the best, sis."
"Oh stop it," Caitlyn feigns arrogance and Perrie just had the need to slap her sister on the arm. "I know I'm the best goddamn sister in the world, sweetie."
"Okay, I take it back now."
"Nuh-uh," Caitlyn holds up a finger to stop the blonde. "No can do, young dimwit. You can't take that back, not when I'm starting to feel proud of myself already."
"I'm suddenly beginning to feel slightly regretful of even thinking that you'd be perfect for a sister but I'm wrong."
"Excuse me?" Caitlyn scoffs.
"Nothing. Love you, sis. See ya 'cause I gotta go to school now. Tell Mom I'm going now," Perrie says as she closes the door and clomped towards the bus stop just right around the corner.
The bus drive towards school basically consists of Perrie subtly fidgeting to the point where the old lady beside her had to nudge her on the rib and say a low "stop that" to the blonde. But Perrie couldn't help it, she was too nervous for some unknown reason. It must be because Perrie would see her crush again, but Perrie shook that thought off, knowing she needs to stop thinking about the brunette.
Don't look, Perrie Louise.
Perrie was literally exerting all her efforts just to not even sneak a glance at the brunette, whose locker is basically a meter away from hers.
If Perrie would be totally honest right now, she would rather spend the whole day sleeping. Because Jade Thirlwall doesn't plague Perrie's brain when she sleeps, and considering her situation, Perrie actually liked that. But unfortunately sleeping in school would result to a behavioral report—which Perrie obviously didn't want to have. And so she just had to suck it up and try to roll with the day without any dilemmas going on, and that includes you-know-who.
And when the schoolbell starts to blare throughout the hallway, Perrie took in a sharp breath before walking away. Perrie couldn't resist the urge of not sneaking a glimpse at the brunette and slowly looked behind her, and frowned deeply once she sees no sign of her. And Perrie knew that this so-called infatuation couldn't be stopped.
Perrie flopped herself down on her seat before she fishes for her notebook. But it didn't take long until Perrie felt a tap on her shoulder and she turns her head only to meet the usual intense green eyes of Lauren who happens to be her seatmate.
"Hey, Perrie," Lauren greeted her usual greeting and smiled her usual smile at the blonde.
"Hey, Lauren," Perrie smiled back. For some unknown reason, the girl beside her somehow attracted the blonde in a way that Perrie was starting to have a tiny crush on her.
"Hey, are you busy later during lunch?" Lauren asks, looking at Perrie's eyes. Her intense gaze transforming into a shy and timid one.
Perrie was completely unaware of the fact that her mouth was hanging open until Lauren gently tapped her index finger on Perrie's chin as she tries to close Perrie's mouth. And Perrie dragged her eyes away to break eye contact, embarassed and probably feeling a little bit timid now.
Lauren giggled, "I'm sorry if this was unanticipated. I kind of wanted to go out with you for a long time now, actually."
"Really?" Perrie asks, surprised. "You barely even knew me and I just knew your name—"
"That's the point," Lauren grins. "I would like to get to know you, Perrie."
Perrie was in fact sure that when she peered into Lauren's eyes, she saw something similar, something familiar. Lauren's emerald eyes kind of twinkled and it triggered Perrie because that twinkle is what she knew her eyes were doing when she asked Jade out. Perrie internally scolded herself once again for even thinking about the girl for probably the twentieth time today and pulled herself back in her and Lauren's conversation.
"So, is that a yes?"
Perrie smiles widely and nodded once. "Sure. I'm not doing anything special today, anyway."
Lauren let out a sigh that sounded like she had been holding her breath until she heard what she had desired to hear, and Perrie started to giggle at that one.
"Okay, I think I'm okay now," Lauren breathed out dramatically and exaggerates as she grips the edges of her table and pretend to hyperventilate. She smiled at the blonde sweetly and Perrie just had to smile back. "Thank you, Perrie. I'll meet you in the café beside the school?"
Perrie nodded. "Of course."