To say that Perrie was excited would be an understatement. Because if you were her, you would literally feel her heart palpitating loudly everytime she sees a certain crush pass by her in the hallway. Perrie's cheeks would be extremely flushed if she sees that certain someone flash Perrie her charming and attractive smile; probably as red as a tomato is what describes Perrie's cheeks when they are flushed. It was bizarre, but it was the truth.
Jade Thirlwall, she is practically the only person who could make Perrie feel motivated to go to school everyday and go home late everynight so Perrie could watch Jade train in volleyball. Jade Thirlwall—like what all schools typically have—is Mckinley High's queen bee. But not those kinds of queen bee's who are so arrogant and such things. But Jade is like one of those cutie queen bee's. It doesn't make sense to you but to Perrie, it makes total sense.
Jade has that kind of personality that could effortlessly attract or captivate every boy and girl in Mckinley High; and that includes Perrie. And Perrie knew that through first-hand experiences. Because that's how she met Jade: through Jade's kind personality.
And since there is a 'queen bee' in school, of course there is also a 'geek'.
And that is where Perrie belongs.
Perrie was one of the wallflowers in the school, like the geeks or whatever you call it. Unlike Jade, who always stands out in the picture, Perrie would always blend in the crowd just like anybody else. And that, to Perrie, was unacceptable. Because she wanted nothing but Jade's full attention.
"So, it's Valentine's Day today... Do you have anyone in mind?" Jesy, Perrie's (only) best friend, asks the blonde with an expression that showed excitement and enthusiasm.
Perrie shrugged her shoulders and goofily smiled. "I have someone in mind...and I'm pretty certain that you know her."
"Hold up," Jesy interjected as she raises her hand up to stop Perrie from talking further. "Don't tell me you were thinking about Jade...?"
The edges of Perrie's lips curve up when Perrie heard Jade's name. Smiling like an idiot, Perrie vigorously nodded. "Yup. And guess what, Jes? I'm going to confess my feelings to her and ask her to be my Valentine."
"Okay... don't get mad at me if I tell you this but... Perrie, no offence, but you and Jade will never be in a relationship." Jesy claimed, instantly regretting what she had said the second she sees Perrie's lips curve into a conspicuous frown. At this moment, Jesy feels like a huge jackass for saying what she said considering she was supposed to be Perrie's best friend and yet here she is telling the blonde that her mission in pursuing the school's queen bee would never be accomplished instead of supporting and encouraging her best friend.
"Okay, who are you and what have you done to my supportive best friend?" Perrie scoffs as she asks the rhetorical question.
"Pez, you know I'm your best friend but—"
"You're not acting like my best friend," Stubborn Perrie retorted, rolling her eyes at the process as she folds her arms to her chest. "Seriously, Jes, where's the support? Where's the encouragement? Where's my best friend who yells 'Go Pez! You can do this!'?"
"Pez, let's be realistic here, alright? Jade Thirlwall is the school's queen bee and no offence, we're the geeks here. Do you get what I'm implying here?"
"So you're implying that a geek and a queen bee cannot be together?" Perrie asks with a wounded ego.
"No offence, but yeah."
"Okay and no offence, but you're the shittiest best friend anyone could ever have!" Perrie yells at Jesy. Perrie couldn't look at Jesy anymore and so she trudged down the hallway with a pride as big as her head, as she deliberately tries to make her shoes' heels produce loud and high-pitched sounds on the tiled floor, not giving two shits if people are getting agitated by it.
Perrie was on the verge already, but she couldn't care less. The only thing that has been occupying her mind was a certain girl whose reputation was known by the whole school and how she shouldn't let Jesy's stereotypical shits get the better of her.
It is so not Perrie to do these kinds of things; she doesn't just walk towards a particular person and just say that she loves her. She isn't like that at all. You see, Perrie was a profound believer in 'love at first sight'. Very cheesy, very cliché, yes. But Perrie didn't care, because as soon as she met the familiar brown orbs' gaze that came from the one and only, she was automatically ensnared. And besides, since it's Valentine's Day and now that she found 'the one', Perrie thought it would be very romantic and cute to admit your feelings to somebody on this day.
And so with the image of Perrie's imaginative girlfriend still roaming around Perrie's brain, Perrie confidently walks down the familiar hallway where she met Jade. As she walks down the memorized pathway towards Jade's classroom with a rose squeezed in her palms, Perrie made sure she remembered how her 'confession' speech goes so she wouldn't embarass herself in front of her crush.
"Happy Valentine's Day! And I love you, Jade Thirlwall." Perrie whispered to herself repeatedly as if it would automatically stick to her brain so she won't forget them. But once she finally hears the schoolbell blaring disturbingly loud, Perrie knew that it was now or never.
And that's when she sees the familiar ombré hair that belonged to nobody aside from the girl who was now effortlessly making Perrie's heart palpitate and want to leap out from her chest. That's how hooked Perrie was about the queen bee, and Perrie absolutely loved it.
Perrie didn't wait a millisecond before she power walks towards Jade, who thankfully was standing alone whilst getting some things from her locker. And when she knew that her voice would be audible enough for Jade to hear, Perrie did not hesitate to speak up.
"Heya, Jadey."
After hearing this, Jade's head snapped to the right where she saw Perrie being all giddy and couldn't help but notice the red rose that Perrie was holding in her hand.
"Hey, Perrie!" Jade exclaimed as she engulfs Perrie in an embrace without realizing that Perrie was already bursting in joy in the inside.
Perrie wrapped her arms around Jade's torso hesitantly; even if she wanted to embrace the girl tightly, she still knows her limits around Jade. When the two girls let go of each other, Jade's eyes couldn't stop darting towards the tightly-gripped rose in the blonde's hand.
"What's the rose for, Perrie?" Jade asks, wiggling her eyebrows as she teases.
It's now or never. Perrie heaves a deep breath, anxiety and apprehension already kicking in but Perrie couldn't let these feelings govern her for she wanted this to be perfect and not be ruined because of stupid reasons. Perrie then wondered what the brunette might say to her if she did confess to her. But not before her words accidentally yet deliberately slip out from her tongue.
"Jade, Happy Valentine's Day! I know that we've known each other for merely a few years now but... I just couldn't keep it in anymore..." Perrie started, knowing that there won't be escaping this one now. "Jade Amelia Thirlwall, I love you with all my heart."
Perrie then handed the rose to the brunette, whose mouth was already hung open by the sudden confession of the blonde but Perrie somehow took this as a good sign. Jade's eyes never left Perrie as Jade continued to hold her gaze at the blonde, speechless about what Perrie said to her. Perrie then wondered if there was something wrong.
"Jade, at least say something." Perrie impatiently demanded to the speechless girl. "I just confessed my feelings to you for fuck's sake!"
"You... you have feelings for me? But why? Why would you have feelings for me? You can't have feelings for me, Perrie." Jade abruptly speaks up, inwardly panicking.
"What do you mean?" Perrie sighs, "Look, I get that you're reputation is important to you but I just want you to know that nobody will judge you—"
"I have a boyfriend, Perrie."
Perrie blinked a few times with her mouth slightly opened, wondering if what she heard aren't what the small voices in her head were saying to her. When she saw how Jade's eyes held such sincere within their gazes, Perrie knew it wasn't a delusion at all.
"Perrie, I'm sorry, but I'm taken."