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Chapter 8 CHAPTER 7

Author's POV

Y/n's Dreamscape

Y/n is training inside his Mindscape with some Greek monsters he created. Unknown to him, Kratos is watching him train with the Blades of Chaos.

Kratos: "Y/n."

He didn't hear him.

Kratos: "Y/n!"

He still didn't hear him. Kratos got irritated and yell....

Kratos: "BOY!!"

Y/n was shocked by the very loud yell. He turn around and he saw his father watching him.

Y/n: "Hello Father."

Kratos: "I see that you are improving your skills. I'll give you this to help you counter any incoming attack.

Kratos: "This is the Golden Fleece. It can reflect any magical and physical attack and sending it back to the attacker.

Y/n put the Golden Fleece at his right arm and it fits perfectly.

Y/n: "Thank you, Father."

Kratos: "Now, Let us try if you can use it well."

Kratos summons an Olympian Archer to attack Y/n.

The Archer charged it's shot and release it. Y/n deflect the arrow perfectly and throw it back to the Archer with it;s double power.

Y/n: "That was awesome! Father, would you train me again?"

Kratos: "Very well, are you ready BOY?"

Y/n entered in his fighting stance and Kratos did too. They rush at each other and giving a small shock wave on each punch.

Time Skip

After training with Kratos, Y/n was waking up and he bid his farewell to his father. Y/n woke up and he saw Rias was still sleeping beside him naked. He poke her cheeks to wake her up which she did.

Y/n: "Morning sleepy head. How's your sleep?"

Rias: "The Best. Knowing that I'm now free, thanks to you."

Y/n: "Your welcome. Now let's get moving, were gonna be late for school."

Y/n and Rias walked together to school and she was clinging on his arm. This was notice by everyone in school, the girls give a jealous look while the boys an anger look then they separated to go to their respective room.


I arrive at my classroom and saw some of the boy giving me a glare and some girls looking at me with a pout face.

Y/n: "Do you guys have a problem with me? Cuz i can solve that."

I said with a menacing tone and they all looked away. Then Issei and Asia walk towards me.

Asia: "Hello, Y/n-san. Good Morning"

Issei: "Morning, dude."

Y/n: "Hey guys. What's up?"

Asia: "I just wanna congratulate you again. That blue fire you used, felt like it's a light from darkness."

Issei: "Yeah, it's even brighter than that bastard's fire."

Y/n: "It's called the Power of Hope. With that i'm completely invulnerable to all damages, and the fire cannot be extinguish no matter what."

Issei: "Woah! That's really awesome! I wish I have something like that."

The door opened and the Teacher came in. He started the lesson right away.

Time Skip

It's lunch time and I went to the ORC to do my daily reading.

Rias: "Issei, Asia you will be getting your very own familiars."

Issei: "What's a familiar?"

Rias: "Familiars are a creature that assist the devils. They're also the one who pass the flyers to the humans. This is my familiar, I believe you already met each other."

Rias summons a bat and it turn to a girl.

Issei: "Hey, your that hot cosplayer that gave me a flyer."

Everyone then show their own familiar.

Akeno: "This is mine."

Akeno summon a small green imp and it jump on her shoulder.

Koneko: "This is Shiro."

She summon a small white cat.

Y/n: "Can I carry Shiro?"

Koneko nodded and Shiro immediately jump on my head and purring.

Kiba: "Mine's a badass."

Issei: "I don't wanna see your lame familiar."

Kiba: "Why you gotta hate man?"

Then someone knock at the door and Akeno opened it. Sona and her peerage came in.

Sona: "Hello Rias. I heard that you were getting your new members some familiars. But there will be some problem, the familiar master only accept One family clan per month, and I plan to get Saji his familiar as well.

Rias: "That is a problem. How do you think we will settle this?"

Sona: "How about we settle it in a competition?"

Rias: "You wouldn't be talking about a Rating Game right?"

Sona: "No, we don't have permission to do that. How about an old fashion school sports?"

Rias: "Alright, and what should we play?"

Sona: "I was thinking Tennis. You and your Queen vs Me and my Queen.

Rias: "I accept."

Rias, Sona, Akeno, and Tsubaki went to the Tennis court while the others and me watch at the bench. While some of the other students watch as well.

Issei: "Woah! Would you look at those huge racking balls?

???: "Yeah! I Really wish I brought my camera to save such a rare moment like this!"

Issei look at his side and he saw his two perverted friends. (I don't remember their names, so i'm just gonna call them by there appearance)

Bald Guy: "I want to rack them in between my legs."

Issei: "What are you guys doing here?"

Four-eyes: "This game was heard all over the school. The battle between the Occult Research Club and the Student Council."

Bald Guy: "It's a one in a life time opportunity to watch this game!"

The game started with a normal play. But moments later, they used magic at the rest of the game. Then it ends in a draw, Akeno and Rias erased the memories of all the students who watch their game and we come back to the clubhouse.

Koneko: "I can't believe it ended in a draw."

Koneko was sitting on the couch while holding 2 pairs of broken racket

Kiba: "Yeah, they just throw that rule out of the window."

Rias and Sona came inside and told that their next game will be a Team play Dodge-ball.

Time Skip

We were at the gym and I was at the bench watching them. Issei gave everyone headbands for team effort, Then Sona and her team came to start the game.

Y/n: "Rias, Sona. If any of you win, can I come to that Familiar forest?"

Rias: "Sure, I don't mind."

Sona: "I don't mind as well."

Then the game start with Koneko being hit already.

Koneko: "Whatever, I needed a drink anyway."

Koneko took a drink and she sit beside me.

Y/n: "Your out of the game already? That was fast."

Koneko: "I just don't like playing."

We watch the rest of the game, then Issei was hit in his Sacred place by Sona. I substitute Issei while he's recovering his 2nd head. I told Sona that I will not be using my power on them so she agreed.

Rias: "Come on everyone, let's avenge Issei."

Akeno: "For his sack!"

Kiba: "For his one-eyed snake!"

Y/n: "For his Sacred Gear!"

Issei: "Screw you guys! It's not funny!"

Issei was laying down on the bench while Asia is healing him. It was only me and Rias vs Sona, Tsubaki, and Saji.

Sona: "Why don't you just surrender, Gremory. There's no need get bloody."

Rias: "Don't push your luck, Sitri. You should already know that we Gremory do not surrender easily."

Sona: "Very well, don't say I didn't warn you!"

Sona throw the ball at Rias with a magic coated on it. It was about the hit her but I block it with one arm and the force of the catch rip my shirt off. All the girls look at my abs with a blush, I fake cough to gain everyone's attention.

Y/n: "Are you all done? Cuz the game is not over yet."

I threw the ball very fast but not very hard and hit Saji in his Sacred place as well. Sona and Tsubaki keep looking at me with a blush and Rias used to hit them and winning the game.

Rias: "Looks like I win, Sitri."

Sona: "A deal's a deal. Even though I hate to lose, I still have fun."

Y/n: "Thanks for the game Sona, I had fun."

Sona: "O-O-Oh, I-I had fun as well."

She said while looking at my stomach. We went back to the clubhouse to celebrate the small victory.

Rias: "Congratulation on winning the Sitri's group everyone!"

Issei: "So when do we get our familiar?

Rias: "Right now, it's full moon tonight and it's a high chance that we meet him."

Asia: "Meet 'Who' President?"

Rias: "The Familiar Master. Akeno would you mind?"

Akeno made a portal and we enter. We end up in a dead looking forest, then someone spoke scaring Asia and Issei.

???: "Who want me?"

We look up the tree branch and saw a skinny old guy.

Issei: "Who's that guy?

Rias: "That's the Familiar Master. He's in-charge here."

FM: "What kind of Familiar you want? A strong one? An adorable one? Or one that spits fire."

Issei: "Do you have one with a huge rack?!"

FM: "This is the Familiar Forest not the Booby Forest. Look for the best fit, not for the best tit."

Asia: "Can I have a cute and fun one?"

FM: "Cute, Fun and done."

Then I sense something that caught my attention.

Y/n: "Rias, I'm gonna explore. I'll meet you all back here later."

Rias: "Alright, just make sure you come back."

I started to walked deep inside the forest.

FM: "Are you sure you won't stop him? Because he's heading towards the most dangerous Familiar here."

Rias: "He'll be fine, he's the son of the God of War after all."

FM: "T-T-T-The S-S-Son of t-t-the G-G-G-God of W-W-War?!"

Rias: "Yes, Kratos. The God of War. That's his son."

She said while pointing at the direction I went.

I kept walking until I saw a Cave and some bones at the entrance. I felt some enormous power inside, then a loud voice spoke.

???: "Stay where you are human, if you still want to continue your existence."

Y/n: "I'm not a human. Why don't you come out and show yourself?

The creature come out of the cave and it was a dragon.

Y/n: "A dragon? Interesting. And it can talk."

???: " 'Interesting'?! You looked pity at me?! I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER!"

The Dragon spit fire at me, I summon the Blades of Chaos and threw it at a tree and pulling myself towards it. I charged at the dragon and it saw me, it threw a fire ball but I send it back using the Golden Fleece. I jump in the air and slamming my blades on it's back causing an explosion.


The dragon charge at me and it slap me with it's tail launching me up high. I was falling then the dragon was flying up high coming for me. I sky-dived and used the Power of Hope to punch the dragon back to earth and it cause a huge explosion upon impact. When the smoke clears, I saw the dragon laying on the ground heavily wounded.

???: " I accept of being killed by your hands.

I was shock for what it said. I deactivated the Power of Hope and approach it.

Y/n: "I'm not gonna kill you. I just came here to find the power I felt, then I discover that it was you. So, I'll see you."

I was about to leave but the dragon spoke again.

Trihexa: "Wait! My name is Trihexa, The Apocalyptic Dragon."

Y/n: "I'm Y/n L/n, The son of the God of War"

The dragon had a noticeable shock when it heard that I'm the son of the God of War.

Trihexa: "I have a request. Please let me be your familiar."

Y/n: "Are you sure about that? Cuz I don't wanna force you."

Trihexa: "Yes, I'm 100% sure."

Y/n: "Very well. I, Y/n L/n hereby pact you Trihexa as my familiar."

After the ritual, Trihexa glow very bright. When the light die down, the dragon was gone and I saw a girl in front of me.

???: "Thank you for accepting my request, Master."

Y/n: "Who are you?"

Trihexa: "It's me, master. Trihexa, this is my Human form."

Y/n: "Wow, you look very beautiful."

Trihexa(Blushing): "T-T-Thank you for the compliment, master."

Y/n: "Let's go back, the others might be waiting for me."

We went back to the others and we heard them scream. We rush to the source of the scream and saw them that they're being attack by a slime that melt cloths. Issei took the opportunity to watch their cloths melting. Kiba was having a hard time removing the slime that's covering his eyes.

Y/n: "Trihexa, would you mind removing that slimes?"

She nodded on agreement. She took a deep breath and roar very loud scaring the slim away and everyone as well.

Issei: W-W-W-W-What w-w-was t-t-that!?"

FM: "T-T-T-That w-w-w-was T-T-Trihexa, T-T-The A-A-Apocalyptic D-D-Dragon!"

Y/n: "Hey guys, you Okay?"

Everyone looked at me and Trihexa, then I saw the Familiar Master turned pale.

Rias: "Um, Y/n. Who is that?"

She said with a sound of annoyance. Then Issei started to drool while staring at Trihexa's chest.

Y/n: "Right. Everyone, this is Trihexa The Apocalyptic Dragon. My familiar."

Everyone turned pale with a disbelief face.

Rias: "H-H-How did you make her to be you familiar?"

Y/n: "I just beat her and she's the one who ask to be my familiar."

I spotted another slime on a tree branch above Asia and it was about to pounce on her but it was destroyed by a blue lightning. We all looked at the source and saw a small blue dragon.

The dragon landed on Asia's shoulder and it's snuggling on her cheek.

Trihexa: "That's a Sprite Dragon, you should take him as your familiar. Because it's going to be hard to tame once he grow up."

Asia made the dragon her familiar and called him 'Rassei'. Issei was about to pet his head but he got shock.

Trihexa: "I almost forgot, Sprite Dragons are very protective to their master, and they also hate males."

After we got our familiar, we teleport back to the clubhouse and headed home. Trihexa requested that she want to remain at my side, so I'm fine with it. Trihexa and I were about to go home but Rias called out.

Rias: "Y/n wait."

Y/n: "What's wrong?"

Rias: "Nothing, I just wanna stay at the side of my Love."

Trihexa then looked very annoyed.

Trihexa: "What do you mean by that Red-hair? what are to my master anyway?"

Rias: "After he save from the engagement, I devoted myself to become his wife.~"

Trihexa blush with an irritated face.

Trihexa: "There's no way you will be my master's wife!"

Rias: "And why is that?!"

Trihexa: "Because I will be his wife!"

She blush madly and covered her face with her hands. I was just standing there with a deadpan face while they argue at each other.

Rias: "I will be Y/n's wife and I will love him more than anyone!"

Trihexa: "No! I WILL BE HIS WIFE!"

They keep arguing until we reach my mansion/house. I change my cloths for sleeping then someone knock at my door.

Trihexa/Rias: "Master / Y/n, can we sleep with you?"

Y/n: Fine. Just hurry up, I’m tired all day.

Trihexa jump on my bed and hug my right arm. Rias then started to take her clothes off.

Trihexa: "W-W-What do you think your doing?!"

Rias: "I can't sleep with my clothes on."

Trihexa: "Well, two can play it that game."

She then started to take her clothes off too, and snuggled at my right arm and Rias did to my left arm.

Trihexa/Rias: "Good Night, Master / Y/n."

Y/n: "Good Night, girls.”

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