Author's POV
Y/n was inside his mindscape training with Kratos in a fist fight. As they block each other's attack, they creating a small shockwave and crater beneath them.
Kratos: "I see that you have improve, Boy."
Y/n: "Thank you father, shall we end this?"
Kratos: "Very well, prepare yourself Boy!"
Kratos charged at Y/n and he did the same. When their fist collide to each other, it made a huge explosion destroying anything in its path. After the explosion, both Father and Son was laying on the ground.
Kratos: "Well done Boy, I am very impress by your improvement. Allow me to give you this."
Kratos sprouts his wings on this back, then it glow and disappear. After that, Y/n felt something on his back and he has the same wings as Kratos.
Kratos: "This is the Wings of Icarus, I got this from Icarus himselft and used it to escape the Underworld."
Y/n: "Wow, this is kinda awesome. But how did you get this from him?"
Kratos: "I just brutally rip it off his back and attach it to mine."
Y/n: "You really are the God of War."
Kratos: "Do not worry Boy, I will give you the title of the God of War."
Y/n was very shock that Kratos was giving him the Title of God of War.
Y/n: "Are you sure about this? That you are giving me your title?"
Kratos: "Yes I am, I entrust you on this not only that you are my son, because I know that you can be better than all the previous Gods."
Y/n: "I will gladly accept it Father. I will never let you down."
Kratos: "I know you won't. Give me your blades for a moment, I will give some more power on it.
Y/n summons the Blades of Chaos and gives it to Kratos. Moments later, Kratos returned the Blades back to Y/n.
Kratos: "Now, raise one of the blades in to the air and stab it on the ground.
Y/n did what Kratos said after he stab the ground, many spartan shield surrounded him and spear was sticking out to attack.
Kratos: "This is the Spartan Army, they will protect you from any incoming attack and they will attack all the enemy below you."
Y/n: "They would be a great help, Thank you Father."
Y/n slowly fading as he was beginning to wake up. When Y/n woke up, he saw Rias naked sleeping on his right and Trihexa was on his left sleeping naked too.
Y/n(Thinking): "I wonder if I'm gonna get used seeing this."
He notice that Rias and Trihexa starting to wake up.
Rias/Trihexa: "Good Morning Y/n~ / Master~."
Y/n: "Yeah, Good morning. Can you get up so I can make breakfast and go to school?"
Time Skip
It was lunch time and I saw Asia looking for someone.
Y/n: "Hey Asia, you looking for someone?"
Asia: "Yes Y/n-san. Have you seen Issei-san?"
Y/n: "He's probably at the Kendo Club doing his business."
Then Asia saw Issei walking inside the classsroom and Asia rush towards him and told him to eat lunch.
Y/n: "Guess I'll never understand on what Asia sees on Issei."
???: "What's wrong Y/n? Are you jealous of Hyoudou?"
Y/n: " Why would I be jealous of a pervert, Aika?"
Aika: "Because the way you look at them like you wanna hit Issei in the head."
Y/n: "Well, your half right and half wrong. I do wanna hit him in the head, not because of jealousy, but because of annoyance. And why do you keep watching everything I do?"
Aika(Blushing): "I..... uh..... I-I-I was just passing by when you talk."
Y/n:" uh huh...."
Then the bell ring signaling that lunch is over and the Teacher came in. Seriously how the f*ck does this Teacher came in here already?! The bell just ring and he already walked inside!
I was walking back home alone because Rias a meeting with the ORC. On my way, I saw Irina and Xenovia on the side of the street begging for money."
Y/n: "Did something happen to you two after the duel yesterday?"
The two exorcist look at me with a shock expression.
Irina: "Lord Y/n! It's nice to see you again, but what are you doing here?"
Y/n: "I was on my way home then I spotted you two here. So, what are you doing here?
Xenovia: "We run out of money because Irina here brought a painting of a saint that I'm not very familiar with and I know that it's fake."
Irina: "It's not fake Xenovia. It's 100% real and it's a saint."
Xenovia: "Then who is that saint?"
Irina: "It's... uh..... um....... Saint... Joseph?"
Xenovia: "See, you don't even know who it is."
Then I heard a load growl.
Y/n: "Did you guys hear that?"
I look at them and their face went red while holding on their stomach.
Y/n(Thinking): "I wouldn't be surprise if they’re not hungry."
Y/n: "Come on you two, follow me."
Xenovia: "Where are we going?"
Y/n: "Just follow me and you'll know."
The two follow me and I lead them in a family diner.
Xenovia: "The food here is so delicious!"
Irina: "I know right?! The food in my home country is outstanding!"
I watch the two quickly devour the food on their plate. How come these two can eat so much without gaining any weight?! Good thing Sirzechs gave me a lot of cash after I kill that turkey.
Y/n: "Are you two done?"
They didn't answer and the waitress came with more food. then I saw Issei, Koneko and Saji walked to our table.
Issei: "Hey Y/n, didn't know you were here."
Y/n: "Now you know, so what are you 3 doing here?"
Issei: "We were looking for those two Exorcist. we need their help on getting the Excalibur and helping Kiba."
Y/n: "Now that you found them, I'm gonna take my leave."
I got up from my chair and leave the money to pay for the food and some extra. Then someone tug on my shirt and look behind me it was Koneko.
Koneko: "Please Y/n-senpai, stay."
Y/n: "Sorry Kitty, but I got other plans."
Koneko got a sad face while I left the diner.
Time Skip
I was in my room getting ready to sleep then suddenly my phone ring.
Y/n: "Hello?"
Rias: "Y/n, it's Rias. I won't be coming home tonight, something happen at the ORC and I need to fix it."
Y/n: "It's Okay, just do what you gotta do."
Rias: "Thanks Y/n, Sweet dreams.~ And I hope It's me.~"
I hung up my phone and put it on the nightstand. I drifted asleep and enter my mindscape and started training, but then I notice that I don't see my father anywhere.
Y/n: "Guess I'm on my own then."
I summon the Blades of Chaos and started doing combos. I look at my hand and I started to fade.
Y/n: "I'm waking up already? I feel like I've been here for only five minutes."
I woke up and it was still dark outside. I look to my left and see Trihexa hugging my arm between her breast. Then my phone started to ring and I pick it up.
Y/n: "Hello?"
Rias: " Y/n it's me again, we need your help. Come here at school now."
Y/n: "Why? what's wrong?"
Rias: "Kokabiel is here, and he's planning to start another war."
I hung up the phone and woke Trihexa up.
Y/n: "Trihexa, wake up. We need to go."
Trihexa: "What's the matter master? are you eager to have your way with me?~"
Y/n: "That's not the reason why I wake you up. We need to get to the school and help the others."
Trihexa nodded and we teleport at the school. Once we were there, I saw an army of Fallen Angels and a 2 Cerberus.
Y/n: "Let's kill those muts first.
She nodded and and I summon the Blades of Chaos then we charged at the 2 dogs.
Rias' POV
Kiba: President, were outnumbered. He really brought an army!"
Rias: "I know, my brother said that he will arrive in an hour. We cannot wait that long. Y/n should be here, but where is he?"
We saw that one of the Cerberus charge at us, I close my eyes and prepared for the worse but it didn't come. I open my eyes and saw Y/n was riding the Cerberus and his blades was impaled on the other heads and he was standing on the middle head.
Everyone: "Y/n!"
I felt relief in me knowing that Y/n is here. He charge his blade with fire then it explode causing the Cerberus' 2 head to splash everywhere then he jump in the middle head and impaling it with his blade and snapping it's neck and killing it.
After I killed that stupid dog, everyone came to me. I'm guessing that I'm their savior now.
Y/n: "Are you guys alright?"
They all nodded and Rias just tackle hug me like she haven't seen me in years.
Y/n: "Relax Rias, I'm here I got this.But your all going to help me in this one."
Everyone: "HAI!"
I charge at the army of the Fallen Angels and I spin my blades around me hitting very enemy near me. Then I launch some enemies with my blades and I throw my blades towards them and pulling me up.
Then I the body of the Fallen Angel that I caught in half and I see some more coming towards me. When I landed, I did the combo of my father and I slam the Blades on the ground causing a small explosion.
After that, I look at the others and saw that they were capable of holding it on their own. I saw Xenovia arrive to help us and some Fallen Angels try to attack at Asia but they were impaled by a bunch of sword came from the ground. I see Kiba made it as well and he help us too.
Y/n: "Glad to see you two are here. But where's Irina?"
Rias: "She's at Sona's house recovering. We found her injured and her Excalibur was gone."
Xenovia: "That only means that they already have it."
I saw some Fallen Angel running towards us and I use the Souls of Hades to summon the soul of the Cerberus I killed earlier, but it's appearance change.
Author's POV
Y/n: "Get them boy!"
Everyone in the ORC had an unbelievable face when they saw a purple Cerberus attacking the Fallen Angels. The enemies tries to attack the Cerberus but their attack just went pass through then the Cerberus started to spit fireball at the enemy and disintegrating them upon hit.
The Fallen Angel Leader sitting on his floating throne look in disbelief that the Cerberus he summon is attacking his army.
Kokabiel: "Why is that Ceberus attacking my army?!"
Freed: "What are we going to do now boss?"
Kokabiel: "Valper, how much longer is that merging going to take?"
Valper: "It's almost done, just a few more moments."
Kokabiel look back at the battlefield and saw that his army was defeated. He was shock and angry of what happen, but he just smirk and look at his enemies."
Kokabiel: "I'm impress, you all defeated my army. But that doesn't mean that you can defeat me."
Valper: "It is done! I've finally merged the Excaliburs. You only have 20 mins. to get out of this town if you still want to live."
Issei: "Like hell we'll let you!!"
Kokabiel: "Freed, use the Excalibur and give it a test run."
Freed: "Right away, Boss!!"
The Psychotic Priest jump beside Valper and take the Merge Excalibur.
Freed: "Alright! Who wants to take on this baby?!"
Xenovia: "Return those Excaliburs to us now!"
Freed and Xenovia begins to clash while Kiba walk towards Valper.
Kiba: "Valper. My name is Kiba Yuuto, and I'm a sole survivor of the Excalibur experiment and I'm here to get my revenge!"
Valper: "I see that your the lab rat that escape years ago. That project was a failure because I already discovered a new solution to wield the Excaliburs and all of you have no more use so I decide to dispose all of you."
Kiba: "You dicovered a new solution?! And yet, you still decide to kill us?! We all devoted our lives to God and you just use us!"
Valper: "Precisely, I just turn their bodies into this crystals to merge some fragments of the Excalibur in it. Since it's already done, this one is useless now so you can have it."
He throw the crystal on Kiba's feet and he pick it up.
Kiba: "My friends, I'm so sorry."
Then a Blue spirit of a girl walk in front of Kiba and talk to him.
Girl: "It's Okay. We will always be with you."
Then more Blue spirit of Kids surrounded Kiba.
Boy: "We just want you to be free."
Girl: "We want you to be happy."
Ddraig: "Your friend has reach it's peak."
Issei: "What do you mean Ddraig?"
Ddraig: "He has reach his potential to unlock.... Balance Breaker."
Issei was shock when Ddraig said that Kiba has gain a Balance Breaker. Then all of the Spirit of the children merge with Kiba.
Kiba: I won't let all of your sacrifice be in vain. Behold, this is the Sword of Betrayer, the Holy Demonic Sword."
Valper: "What?! That's impossible! A Holy and Demonic cannot merge! Freed!!"
Freed: "Woohoo! On my way!"
Xenovia begin to walk beside Kiba.
Xenovia: "Knight of Gremory, are we still an ally?
Kiba: "It appear that we still are."
She drop her sword and started to chant then she pull out a sword wrap in chains.
Xenovia: This is the Holy Sword Durandal, the one that par with the Original Excalibur."
Valper: "Impossible! In all of my research, no one is worthy to wield that sword!"
Xenovia: "Unlike Irina and the others, I was a naturally born wielder."
Freed: "Just because you two have new swords, that doesn't mean you can beat me. I have 5 of the Excalibur with me!"
The 3 begins to clash and Kiba and Xenovia have the upper hand by breaking Freed's sword and Xenovia kick him in balls while Kiba punch him in the face knocking him out.
Valper: "That Impossible! Wait, if the Holy and Demonic can combine, that only means that the previous Devil died with G-."
Everyone look shock that Valper has a light spear piercing to his stomach. Everyone look at the source and saw that Kokabiel is the one killed him.
Kokabiel: "I admire your work Valper, but your discovering something that you shouldn't."
Rias: "What have you done?! He was you ally!"
Kokabiel: "I will do whatever I want! You, the boy who wield the Red Dragon Emperor. Boost your power and give it to someone."
Rias: "Are you saying that your giving us a chance?"
Kokabiel: "Do you really think that you can beat me?"
Rias: "Issei, do it."
Issei started to boost his power and transfer it to Rias and Akeno, they threw everything they got at Kokabiel but he just block it with his wings.
Kokabiel: "I'm still impress that all of you are keep fighting for a master that no longer exist!"
Everyone was curious on what he said.
Xenovia: "What do you mean?! No longer exist?!"
Kokabiel: "Ooops. It slip right off my mouth. Well, since I'm going to start a war, I might as tell you all. That God died along with the Devil Kings!"
Everyone was shock knowing that God is dead. Then I saw Asia fainted and Xenovia was shacking.
Xenovia: "It's only natural for her to be fainted, I still can't believe that I'm still standing."
Y/n: "Looks like I'm the one who's going to finish this."
Trihexa: "Good Luck master, Give him a good beating."
I jump off Cerberus' head and walked towards the others.
Y/n: "You guys need a hand?"
They look at me with a face of 'Where the hell have you been?'
Rias: "Yes, He's a Leader class Fallen Angel, we can't beat him even with Issei's power."
Y/n: "Very well. I got this."
Kokabiel: "And who might you be?"
Y/n: "Y/n L/n, the one who's gonna beat your ass."
Kokabiel: "Y/n? Oh now I remember, I see that Dohnaseek has failed to kill you."
I felt anger when he said that name.
Y/n: "You know him?"
Kokabiel: " Of course, I'm the one who ordered him to kill you and your family."
My anger keep increasing and it was him that ordered to kill my parents.
Y/n: "You..... You.....YOU SON OF A BITCH!!"
Rias POV
Our eyes went wide when Kokabiel said that he ordered his servant to kill Y/n's parents. I look at him and blue flames emerges from his hands and he yelled.
Y/n: "You..... You.....YOU SON OF A BITCH!!"
He charge towards Kokabiel and punch him in the stomach sending him to fly, he stop in mid-air and started to laugh.
Kokabiel: "Hahahaha. I have to admit, I felt that one. Now let us continue."
Y/n then sprout a giant wing and he fly towards Kokabiel and catching him by surprise. When he reaches him, Y/n punches Kokabiel multiple times and he slamming him down the ground.
Kokabiel: "How!? That's impossible! How can you have so much power!"
He summons multiple Light spear and throw it at Y/n.
Rias: "Y/n, Watch out!"
When the spear touches his skin, it just scatter like glass shocking everyone even Kokabiel.
Kokabiel: "What?! This cannot be! This cannot be!!"
He summon a ball of light and we felt very weak just by looking at it. He threw it at Y/n and it consume him.
Rias: "Y/n!! NOOOO!!"
That bastard is charging a ball of light and I look at Rias and the others that they were getting weak. He threw it at me and I summon the Golden Fleece and ready to deflect it.
Rias: "Y/n!! NOOOO!!"
I deflect the attack and send it back to him with even more power. He couldn't move of disbelief and it hit him. I flew down near his bloody body.
Kokabiel: "Gahh.... wha-what are y-y-you?!"
Y/n: "I'm Y/n L/n The son of Kratos, the new God of War."
He tried to get up but i punch him back on the ground. I step on his back brutally rip his wings of pair by pair. He keep screaming in pain and I don't give a damn. I turn him around and keep punching him in the face.
After many hard punches, I turn him around again and grab his head and....
I drop his head and kneel down while looking at the sky.
Y/n(Tears): "Mom.... Dad.... You can finally rest in piece."
As tears coming out of my eyes, I felt someone is hugging me from behind.
Rias: "They can finally rest Y/n. you've avenge them."
I keep looking at the sky when suddenly a guy in a white armor float down.
Y/n: "Who are you?"
???: "I'm here to pick up those rogue Fallen Angels and priest."
Y/n: All of them are dead. Well, except for that psycho (Freed)"
???: "And where's their Leader?"
Y/n: "You mean this guy? Here catch. If you know that guy's boss, or his head will be the next one I'll rip off."
???:" Very well."
As that guy was about to leave, Issei's hand talk.
Ddraig: "Are going to ignore me White one?"
???: "Ddraig is that you?"
Ddraig: "Yes, my host just woke me up few days ago."
??? "You know what will happen if two Heavenly Dragons meet."
Ddraig: "I know. Until then, farewell Albion."
Albion: "You too Ddraig."
Issei: "What does he mean 'if two Heavenly Dragons meet?'"
???: "It only means that they are meant to fight to the death. And from now on, You and I are rivals."
Issei: "What?! How can that be? We only just met! And I don't even know you!"
The armor guys ignored him and he fly away carrying Freed and Kokabiel's head. Then Sona came to us.
Sona: "Why would the White Dragon Emperor show up right now? Is he working with the Fallen Angels."
Rias: "I don't know. We need to get this place cleaned-up. School's starts tomorrow."
Sona: "Don't worry Rias, we got this. This is the Student Council's job after all."
She and her Peerage begin to fix the school, and I called Trihexa and Un-summon Cerberus.
Y/n: "Let's go home Trihexa, I still got school tomorrow."
Trihexa: "Yes, Master.~"
As we were about to leave, Rias grab my free hand and we teleport back to my house. I change my cloths to sleeping wear again and Trihexa change to her black nightgown while Rias just strip her cloths and we Sleep in an instant because of the battle.