After Killing Zeus, Kratos returned to the Loom Chamber to change the Fate of his son and keeping out of reach of the other gods and bringing him in the future to give him the life he always wanted for him.
Kratos: "My son, forgive me for what I'm about to do. But it's the only way to keep you out of their reach. I will leave you here in your new home, and new Family. Farewell my Son, I will always be watching you."
And with his last words, Kratos returned to his time and leaving his son. After crying for hours, the baby has been found by a Man and his Wife. And they decide to raise the child as their own.
17 years Later
Author's POV
M/n: "Y/n Sweetie, wake up break fast is ready"
Y/n: "Ok mom, let me just wash up"
After washing up, he went down to the Kitchen
M/n / F/n: "Good Morning Sweetie / Good Morning Sport"
Y/n: "Good Morning"
F/n: "you still look tired son, what were you doing last night?"
Y/n: "Oh, I just read the book about the Greek Mythology, the God of War just caught my interest"
F/n: "The God of War? Oh, you mean Ares."
Y/n: "No, the new God of War, Kratos. He killed Ares and claimed the title for himself. But then he was betrayed by his fellow Gods, so he killed all of them, and after that no one knows what happen to him."
M/n: "Well, that is very interesting. Now come one eat your break fast or you'll be late on your first day in Kouh Academy."
Y/n:" Alright Mom."
After eating Breakfast, he went to his room to change into his uniform and say good bye to his parents and left.
Y/n: "Alright, i guess this is the Place. Kouh Academy"
As he was walking to the academy, all the girls keep looking at him like a Lion looking at its Prey and the boys keep looking at him like a target in their sniper rifle. While he was walking, he heard some comment of the girls and boys.
Girl1: "OMG!! he is sooooo Handsome..!!"
Girl2: "IKR!! I just hope he is not a Perv"
Girl3: "Yeah, all the boys here are a bunch of Perv. Well except for Kiba his the Prince..!!"
Boy1: "Damn it, another Kiba!"
Boy2: "Great. Now I'll never gonna have a girlfriend!"
As Y/n keep walking, he couldn't help but to sweatdrop from all the comments. As he reaches the building, he went to the Student Council to get his Schedule. He found the SC room and knock.
???: "Come in"
As he walked inside, he saw a girl with a short cut black hair, Violet eyes, wearing a Glasses.
As the girl stare at Y/n, he couldn't help it but to snap his finger in front of her.
???: "Yes, how can I help you?"
Y/n: "I'm here to get my Class Schedule, I'm Y/n L/n."
???: "Ah yes, and here is your Class Schedule."
Y/n: "Thank You, Miss....."
Sona: "Sona. Sona Sitri."
Y/n: "Thank you, Miss Sona."
Sona POV
After Y/n left, I can finally breath normally. I never felt such power before, I need to warn Rias about him.
???: "President, is everything alright?"
When I look at the door, I see Tsubaki enter.
Sona: "Tsubaki, we need to warn Rias about Y/n."
Tsubaki: "The new transfer student? What's wrong with him?"
Sona: "When he enter here, I feel a godly power within him
Tsubaki: "Godly power?! Then who is he?!"
Sona: "I don't know, and that's what i wanna find out."
Just who exactly are you Y/n?
I reach to my Classroom and knock at the door.
Teacher: "Can I help you?"
Y/n: "Yes, I'm the new Transfer Student."
Teacher: "Ah yes, Y/n L/n right? Come in. Alright Class we have a New Student. Y/n, why don't you introduce yourself."
I nod and walk in front
Y/n: "Hello, I'm Y'n L/n I hope we can all be friends."
Just then all the girls shriek.
Girl1: "KYAAA!!! The new transfer Hottie is HERE!!
Girl2: "This is going to be the best year in my life!!"
All the girls nod in agreement. You couldn't help but sweatdrop.
Boy1: "Great, why is this guys here?!"
Boy2: "Yeah, he's gonna steal all the hot babes in here!"
Boy3: "Now I'll never gonna have a girlfriend"
When I heard the other boys comment, I glare at them with a sinister look and said....
Y/n: "If you want to have a partner in your life, then respect them by not staring at their Chest"
All the boys were terrified and nodded, while the girls adore and have hearts in there eyes.
Teacher: " Now that's done, why don't you have a seat behind Hyoudou. Hyoudou please raise your hand so Y/n can see you."
I see the boy with a brown hair raise his hand and I walked towards him and seated behind him.
Issei: "Hi, I'm Issei Hyoudou. My dream is becoming the Harem King!"
Y/n: "Yeah, Keep Dreaming."
Issei POV
After I greet with Y/n, the class resumes and Ddraig just talk to me in my mind.
Ddraig: "Issei, be careful around Y/n."
Issei: "Why?"
Ddraig: "Because I sense something within him, something very powerful."
Issei: "Then we need to tell this to Rias later."
Ddraig: "Yes, just be careful around him."
After Ddraig warn me about him, I definitely need to tell this to Rias.
Time Skip
After Class was finished, I saw Y/n packing up his things and ready to leave. Then someone tap me on my shoulder.
???: "Ready to go Issei-san?"
Issei: "Yeah let's go, everyone's probably waiting for us."
We make our way to the ORC, we saw the Student Council President went inside and we go too. After we made inside, everyone was there and the Student Council President was announcing something.
Sona: "Rias, I'm here to warn you about Y/n L/n."
Rias: "Why? What's wrong with him?"
Sona: "When he entered the SC, i feel a very powerful aura in him. It's not like what I felt before, it's something else."
Rias: "Something powerful? what kind of Sacred Gear does he have?"
Sona: "I don't know. Just Be careful Rias."
After she left, I talk to Rias about Y/n too.
Issei: "President, Ddraig warn me about Y/n too, he said he sense something in him that's very powerful."
Rias: "I see, I guess he is Very interesting. Koneko, I want you to keep an eye on him."
Koneko: "Yes, President."
After Koneko left to watch Y/n, we went back to making Contracts.