I looked at the watch then at him. He is glaring at me. I bit my lower lip nervously. I don't know what I should do.
I quickly went and picked up the watch when he suddenly snatched it away from my hand, angrily.
He looked at the watch and hissed with anger in his voice, "You broke my watch!"
All I can say was, "Sorry! I'm really really sorry! I didn't do it on purpose!"
He continued glaring at me. It seems like he can kill me just by his dreadful glare.
Why is he overreacting for just a watch? Maybe it's special for him like my watch is special for me.
This thought made me more tensed.
"I will repair it! I will pay for the repair!"I said nervously.
He is now looking at me as if I just told him a joke.
Then he started laughing.
I gave him a confused look.
He stopped laughing and said, "Can you?"
"Yes, I can! I will!"I said right away irritated that he was laughing at me.
"Leave it. You can't," he said and turned around.
What does he think of me? I can't afford to pay to repair a broken watch? This is humiliating! I can't let him get away with this!
I grabbed his hand to stop him.
He turned around confused.
"I said, I will pay for the repair!"I said seriously.
He looked at me, thought for a second and said, "Ok. Let's go then."
"Ok. I will just inform my friends and bring my purse. Wait for me here."I said and hurried to my table.
All my friends were having fun and were laughing.
They stopped when they saw me and smiled.
"What took you so long, Cait?" asked Sweety.
"Actually, I have to go. I have some important work. I'm really sorry. But, it's really important otherwise, I would have stayed."I said grabbing my purse and cell phone.
"It's ok. It must be very important for you, to make you leave your own job celebration."Elina said.
"Thank you. We will meet next time and have continued our celebration."I said and smiled.
I hurried to where he was.
He is standing there waiting for me with an amused smile on his face. Why is he smiling?
I went to him and said, "Let's go."
"We will go in my car," he said.
"No, I want to go in my car, "I argued.
He sighed and said, "Ok."
We went out in the parking lot.
He made a phone call, "Hello! Max, I want you to come and take my car from Star restaurant and bring it to watch repair shop."
Meanwhile, I unlocked my car's door and sat in the driver's seat, waiting for him to sit.
After hanging up the call, he came and sat in the passenger's seat.
I looked at him. I don't know where is this watch repair shop. What should I do? Should I ask him?
"What? Are you going to start the car or not? Wait, you know how to drive, right?" he asked looking at me.
"I know how to drive! But I don't know the way to the repair shop. I'm new to this town. So, you will have to guide me."I said.
"You don't know where is the shop and you want to drive?" he said irritated.
"Let me drive," he said brushing his hand through his hair.
"But..."I was saying when he interrupted me, "I really don't have that much time to waste in telling you the way. Just let me drive."
He is irritated and annoyed. I should just let him drive.
I sighed and nodded in a yes. I opened the car door and came out. We exchanged our seats.
He fastened his seat belt.
I was sitting there irritated that he is going to drive my car, my special car, when he suddenly said, "Your seat belt. I don't want you to die before paying for my watch."
"That only means, you are not a good driver, "I replied back with a smirk.
"Don't make me want to show you my real driving skills," he said with his eyes saying more than his words.
I gave him a look and quickly fastened my seat belt. He started the engine and brought the car back on the road.
He parked the car near the watch showroom. We went inside. It's big and expensive-looking place. I can guess the watches here must be more expensive than a normal person's monthly or yearly salary. Why did he bring me here?
We went to the counter.
"How may I help you sir?" a handsome guy with golden hair and green eyes wearing white gloves in the hands standing on the other side of the counter asked him. He seems like he is not working in a repair shop but a fancy and expensive place.
"I want to know if this watch can be repaired," he said and handed him the watch.
The counter guy examined the watch carefully like it's a piece of diamond and said with a professional smile, "Yes sir. You are lucky that this watch can still be repaired."
What's so big deal about repairing this watch that he used the word lucky? I don't get this.
"How much will it cost?"I asked the counter guy.
"100K US dollars, ma'am," he replied smiling professionally.
WHAT????? Did I hear it wrong? How can repair a wristwatch cost this much? It's just a watch, not a diamond. I must have heard wrong!!