I paid the waiter and was looking for him when I saw him walking hurriedly outside. Let's wait for a few minutes, then I will go out.
I can't wait to see his expression! Let's go out!! I went outside to the parking lot.
He is shouting, "Who's car is this? Move it now!! Where's the security?"
I controlled my laugh and walked towards my car slowly.
I went towards my car and started acting like I am searching for my car keys in my purse looking at him from the corner of my eyes.
He stopped his shoutings and looked at me. I continued my acting.
He walked towards me. "That's your car?" he asked irritated. I ignored him.
"Hey! Are you deaf? I'm asking you! Is that your car?" he asked even more irritated.
I controlled my smile and looked at him giving him a questionable expression like I don't know what he is talking about.
He glared at me. His brown eyes are full of anger.
I replied, "Yes."
"Move it now!" he said angrily.
"I'm searching for my car keys. So, have patience."I said.
"Do it fast! I'm in a hurry!" he said trying to control himself from shouting.
"It's your mistake in the first place," I said rolling my eyes.
"What do you mean?" he asked me with a questionable look on his face.
"You shouldn't have overtaken and parked your car when I was about to park, "I replied with a dry smile.
"So what? There are so many parking spaces, you could have parked there," he said irritated.
"You really don't know how to accept your mistakes. Do you?"I asked irritated.
"Wait. You... You were the one who pushed me. You did that, right?" he asked suspiciously.
I tried to hide my smile and replied, "You deserved that. You shouldn't have shouted at that waiter just for spilling water on you by mistake and I wanted to show you the difference between a water spill and a coffee spill."I said giving him a dry smile.
"You did that and now you are doing this! You have your key with and you are just acting, right?" he said angrily.
"Yes," I said and took out my car keys.
"Then move your car! Now!" he shouted.
I sighed and said, "First, accept your mistake and say sorry."
This made him even angrier. He came so close to me and whispered angrily, "Are you kidding me? You want me to say sorry to you? Move your car now, I have to go. I don't have time to play your silly jokes."
He is so close to me. I feel so uncomfortable. I pushed him back. "Accept your mistake!"I said angrily.
He looks angrier. He was about to say something when a couple came.
They looked at us, seeing the tension in the atmosphere the guy asked me, "Excuse me. Is everything fine? Do you need any help?"
I shook my head in a no, "No, everything is fine. Thank you."
They went towards their car. The car on the other side is theirs. And in a minute the car was gone.
This rude guy looked at me angrily and warned me, "You will have to pay for this!"
Then he hurried to his car and drove away.
How dare he? He didn't even apologise! He is so rude! I hate him so much! I am so angry!
I took deep breaths to calm myself down and went to my car. I unlocked the door and sat in the driver's seat. I started the engine and went back home.
Uncle is not here yet. I switched on the TV and sat on the couch. I flipped channels and stopped at one with an ongoing movie.
Uncle came when the movie finished. "Hey, Cait! So, how is the city? Do you like it?" he asked and came to sit with me.
"It's nice," I said smiling. "How was your evening with your new colleagues?"I asked curiously and turned in my seat to look at him.
"It was nice. My colleagues are nice," he replied.
"Any beautiful female bachelor colleague?"I asked curiously.
"Cait!" he sighed.
"What? I want to see you settled."I said making an innocent puppy face.
He sighed and asked, "You have an interview tomorrow, right?", changing the topic.
"Yes. I hope I get this job."I said nervously.
"You will. You were the best student in your college. And you have so many qualities. No one can say no to you." he assured me.
I nodded.
"Now go and sleep. You must be tired. And you have a big day tomorrow." he said.
I nodded and wished him, "Good night."
He said good night placing a kiss on my forehead.
I smiled and got up.
I went to my room and laid on my bed and soon fell asleep.