I moved to new town with my uncle and bumped into him. We hated each other from the start. When we bumped again it was t...
Chapter 1 My first encounter with him
"And, that's your room..."uncle Paul said. He looked at me and saw me distracted,"Caitlin, what's the matter? You don't like the house?"he said.
His voice brought me out of my trail of thoughts and I looked at him,"No, that's not the matter! Uncle, I will move out as soon as I find a job. I don't want to be any bother to you."
He got surprised and said,"Cait, you have never been a bother to me. I don't want you to move out."
"I know that, but you have done so much for me. After the death of mom and dad, you looked after me. You paid for my studies, never left my side. But, now I am a graduate and I don't want to be a burden to you."I said.
"Cait, you are like my own daughter. I care for you and you are not a burden for me."he said seriously.
"Uncle, please.. I want to do be independent."I said trying to convince him.
"Ok. Do as you wish but remember I am always here for you."he said and hugged me. "Now go and see your room. You will live here until you get a job."he said and smiled.
I went upstairs to see my room. I opened the door and went inside, it's nice. The colour of the walls is violet with white feather shaped brush strokes here and there. I smiled. Uncle know I like violet colour. I sat on the bed smiling.
Uncle Paul has been there for me after my parents died in a car accident when I was five. I survived because they left me with uncle Paul and went to celebrate their wedding anniversary. He is my godfather. He took care of me like his own daughter. He loves me so much. He did not marry till now because of me, he thought what if he marries and his wife don't approve of me, then he have to leave me. And he was not ready to do that.
I know he cares so much for me. So, now that I have graduated I don't want to be burden on him anymore.
I got up and arranged my closet and bed. I arranged my whole room. Perfect! This looks good! I smiled at my work. I am so tired now. I went downstairs. Uncle was giving money to men he called to help him with the moving and arranging.
"Wow!!"I said looking around. The living and dining area is arranged so perfectly.
"You like it?"uncle asked smiling. I nodded in a yes and said,"I'm impressed uncle."
His phone started ringing. He answered his phone and was talking when I was looking around the kitchen trying to find something to eat but there is nothing.
"There's nothing. I am going for shopping now."uncle said looking at me.
"I will also come to help you."I said.
"Sorry, you can't. I have to go for some work before shopping. You must be hungry so, order a pizza. No, go to a cafe. You will enjoy it more. Maybe you will make a friend."he said and took out car keys from his pockets.
"What's that, uncle?"I asked surprised.
"Your graduation gift!"he said smiling.
"Uncle, why? I can't..."I was saying when he interrupted me. "Cait, just take it. Please... I bought it for you with so much love."
"Ok. I will take it. Thank you so much!!"I said taking the keys and hugged him, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"I'm going! But, you drive safely! Ok?"he said. I nodded in a yes. He hugged me again.
"Enjoy yourself." He said before leaving for his work.
My stomach growled. I went back upsatirs to my room and quickly change my clothes into a sleeveless top and jeans. I left my golden locks loose. I look good. I took my purse and came downstairs. I went out and locked the door.
"Wow!! It's so nice!!"I exclaimed looking at the car.
I sat inside and quickly fastened my seat belt. But, where should I go? I will check in my phone. I took out my phone and searched for a good cafe. "Mary's cafe" this is famous but it's so far. This town is new to me so, I can see around the place on my way there.
We have moved to a new town as uncle got promotion and was transfered here. He was hesitant about the moving as he was concerned about me. He thought I will get lonely by leaving all my friends there but I convinced him that I will be fine. I didn't want uncle to reject his promotion because of me.
Let's see how this new town is! I smiled nervously. I hope the people here are as nice as in my previous town were.
I started the engine and pressed the accelerator. The car came to life. I took a deep breath and took out the car onto the driveway.
This town is so beautiful and nice. I like this place! I smiled. I have to find a job soon. This thought always makes me nervous. Will I get a job? I shook my head. Let's not think about that today and enjoy myself.
There's the cafe! I will park my car. I was about to park my car when someone overtook me and parked his car. How rude!!! A guy came out of the car, he is handsome with black hair. He was dressed in casual jeans and shirt. He directly went inside.
He is so rude! He overtook my car and didn't even apologise!! I will teach him a lesson! I will park my car here! So, I parked my car beside his blocking his car door. Now, he can't open his car's door unless mine or the car on the other side moves.
He will have to say sorry to me!!