The girls shrieked in anticipation. I noticed Melissa, the pro cheerleader, snorted a couple extra lines before leaving the bus. The energy was palpable. Everyone was looking forward to an unbridled weekend of indulgence.
Rita and I hung back, getting off the bus nearly last. Nicole was in front of us.
"You must be Rita," she said. "I'm Nicole. It's so nice to meet you."
"Oh, Nicole from Vegas, right?" Rita said. "I've heard a lot about you."
"Well, that's a shame," Nicole said with a laugh. "Just promise me you'll let me make my own first impression. I'm a lot different from the things you've probably heard. Not that they aren't all true."
We laughed, if only to cut the tension.
"This weekend could be your big chance to hook a whale of your very own!" I said.
"I'll be more than content if I get fucked and paid," Nicole said. "I'm okay with my independence."
I was skeptical but nodded approvingly. We walked into the mansion, and although this was Stephen's ranch, Peter appeared to be playing emcee. He greeted everyone inside the door in his gregarious, overwhelming manner.
"Come in! Come in!" he urged. And he greeted everyone by name, even the girls he hadn't met before. Kelly and Jess had laid the groundwork impeccably. "There is anything you desire laid out in the kitchen. Party favors are everywhere. Make yourselves at home. The staff will take your luggage to your rooms, and you can find those on your welcome packages on the table here."
Everyone had a personalized folder with a floor plan of the house, list of amenities and activities through the ranch, and a form to fill out with any personalized requests for food or beverages. It was a jaw-dropping setup. I wondered how extensive the non-disclosure agreements were that the staff must have signed.
"Infinity girls," Jess said once everyone was inside. "Go ahead and get freshened up and changed. We'll have a lineup in one hour."
"That's new," I said quietly as I walked up behind Jess.
"Peter's clients like the brothel style selection process," she said breezily.
"Are you and Kelly in the lineup?" I asked.
"No," Jess said. "Neither is Kat. But the six agency girls are free-use all weekend."
After the group began to split up, I approached Peter and shook his hand, thanking him for the invitation and opportunity.
He slapped me on the back and said, "Relax, John. I know they say business before pleasure, but I prefer to have pleasure before business and more pleasure again after. What do you want to drink? I'm having Champagne."
"I never say no to Champagne," I said.
"I'm so rude," Peter said. "Rita, join us. John, your girlfriend has enchanted me with the simple shake of a hand."
Rita laughed and said, "You flatter me."
Kat and Jess set off to roam the house. Rita and I joined Peter in the kitchen and drank Champagne.
"I brought a little something from California, too," Peter said. He pulled out a beautiful snuff box. "The best I can get there. I know Kelly has extolled the quality of your source here, but try some of this with me."
Peter poured out a generous amount of cocaine onto the kitchen counter, then produced a carbon fiber card from his pocket and quickly formed the gloriously airy powder into massively long lines.
"Rita, do you indulge?" Peter asked.
"Enthusiastically," she said.
"Then you should get us started," he said and handed her a silver straw.
Rita put down her Champagne glass and addressed one of the massive lines. She snorted it, half in each nostril, with ease, before offering the straw back to Peter.
"John, please, be my guest," he said.
I followed in Rita's footsteps, taking down the line in two halves. Peter took his turn and made us look like amateurs, hoovering up the entire line in one go.
"I love people who aren't afraid to party," he said, slapping me on the back again.
Rita had come alive, her eyes dancing. "That is some seriously fantastic coke," she said.
"I'm glad you approve," Peter said, taking her hand and kissing it. When he did it, it wasn't nearly as suave as when Stephen had made the same move to Kat in LA. "Anywhere you see one of these silver boxes throughout the house? There's an eight ball of the same quality in it. It's kind of like a cocaine scavenger hunt. Enjoy it!"
Peter excused himself, and Rita and I refilled our Champagne glasses before wandering the house. It felt like a hotel, not necessarily like a home. And that made sense since it seemed like a business write-off and entertaining venue for Stephen.
Rita took my hand and said, "This place is stunning. But it's also like a maze. I feel like there are so many hidden spots and nooks and crannies. God, that coke was really good. All I can think about now is how badly I want you to fuck me in as many of these dark corners as possible this weekend."
We found ourselves in a library, with impressive floor-to-ceiling bookcases and a raft of comfortable, dark leather chairs.
"I bet if you sat in one of these," Rita said, running a hand across one of the high-backed chairs, "no one could even see me on my knees in front of you with your dick in my mouth."
"You make me so fucking horny," I said, pulling her to me by the waist. "I have a feeling it will be really easy to slip away anytime we want. This house is massive."
We melted into a kiss, but were promptly interrupted when someone opened the library door.
"You two didn't waste any time," Kat said cheerfully. Jess was with her.
"Rita was just saying there are a lot of little private spaces here, and we probably should try to test out how many we can find," I said.
"That's a delicious idea," Kat said as she and Jess came into the room.
Jess moved in to kiss me, and Kat kissed Rita. Passionately. It took me a little by surprise, but Rita was stunned -- for a moment, at least. Her body had stiffened initially, but then she relaxed. It was sexy to watch.
"Wow," Rita said. "You're really good at that."
"I kind of figured the same thing you did with this palace," Kat said. "There's a lot to explore. We might as well find as many places to play as we can. And maybe try some new things."
"Hey, look at that gorgeous silver box," Jess said. It seemed like all of us were on sensory overload and incapable of focusing on a single topic for more than a few moments.
"So, Peter had one of those," I said. "I think you might want to look in it. He said they were all over the house. Almost like a scavenger hunt."
Jess picked it up and opened the lid.
"Holy shit," she said. "There's coke in here."
She dipped her pinkie in and withdrew a small amount, sucking it up her nose.
"Let me modify that," she said. "Really, really good coke."
"Let me try," Kat said. She followed suit by trying a bump off her fingernail. "God. Yes. That is so pure."
Rita looked at me knowingly. This was going to be an awesome weekend. But we had a little bit of business to conduct first. Jess realized it, too, when she glanced at her watch.
"It's almost time for the lineup," she said. "Let's get back and pick up where we left off in a minute."
We retreated to the main living area again, and it took what seemed like a five-minute walk to get there. Jess hung back near me.
"You probably already guessed this," she said just above a whisper, "but Peter will want some time with me this weekend."
"I had figured," I said. "Put on a good show. I assume Stephen will want to see Kat?"
"I'm not sure," Jess said. "Kelly told me Stephen is very finicky. He might get infatuated with one of the girls. He might decide to play with Kat again. It's kind of up in the air. He does what he wants."
"I can't say I blame him for that," I said.
"And, don't worry, John," Jess added. "Everyone knows Rita is off limits without your express permission."
"I really appreciate that, darling," I said.
"This is going to be an amazing weekend," Jess said. "For my business -- and for yours."
"I hope so," I said.
Just off the entry hall, adjacent to the kitchen, was a huge common area. Living room didn't cut it as a description. It was more like a hotel lobby, scattered with TVs, coffee tables, comfortable chairs and couches. It was smartly put together to facilitate small group interactions.
Our host sat in a deep, heavy arm chair talking to two men who I didn't recognize. They must have been Peter's investors. Trying to assert my confidence, I strode up to Stephen and said hello.
"John, it's really nice to see you again," he said graciously as he stood up. "I want you to meet Michael Jenkins and Harry Miller. This is John Cameron, who you'll probably want to thank for this weekend more than you will me."
I chuckled. "You're too kind, Stephen," I said. I shook hands with Michael and Harry, each of whom was pushing the upper edge of middle age but retained good looks and California tans.
"We're looking forward to talking business," Harry said.
"But I hear you brought us an entourage of fun first," Michael added.
At just that moment, the six escorts announced their entrance via the sound of rapid-fire clicks of high heels on the wood floor.
"I think we're about to find out," I said.
"Gentlemen, sorry to interrupt your conversation," Kelly interjected at the perfect time. "But we have some entertainment options for you, courtesy of Mr. John Cameron, whom I see you've met. Please enjoy with his compliments."
I noticed that Peter already had cornered Jess, who was laughing and casually touching his arm. It seems he had made his selection without needing to see the full buffet of choices.
Stephen led Harry and Michael to the front of the room, where six stunning women stood in nothing but lingerie and high heels.
"They're a little overdressed, aren't they?" Michael said with a smile.
"I couldn't agree more," Kelly said graciously. "Girls, why don't you take off everything except your shoes."
As the featured guests gathered around to watch the girls strip, I gravitated to Kat and Rita.
"This is something else, huh?" I said.
"I guess they could take two each," Kat noted.
"It's what I plan to do," I said and ran a hand over each of their asses.
"Please, daddy," Kat said. "We need it."
"We need it badly," Rita said.
The girls all looked stunning. Alix stood confidently, her huge tits jutting out and calling for extra attention thanks to the shimmering metal bolts through her nipples. Gloria looked like she had been working out more, her stomach flat and firm, a stark contrast to her flotation device tits. Nicole offered comparative refinement to the other two Infinity girls, her body smooth, tan, and inviting.
And I had to hand it to Kelly's California girls. They were gorgeous. Heather was like a taller version of Alix, though she retained a blonde landing strip on her pussy. She was the only girl in the lineup not fully shaved. Josie, the ballerina, showed more curves than I would have thought. Her natural tits were pert and proud, and she had a small bubble butt. But my eyes gravitated to Melissa. Her blonde hair was carefully tousled, giving it a seductive look. Her blue eyes stood out above her megawatt smile. Her breasts looked fake but modestly done. Her body was fit and tan, and there was a clear sheen of moisture on her pussy lips. I stared at her lustfully for a moment, and she licked her lips.