Jess ignored her and pressed on. "Your tits are fantastic," she said. "And, wow, your stomach is gorgeous. You must work out a lot, right?"
Crystal beamed. "Thank you," she said. "Yeah, I'm a runner."
"You would look so good with a belly button piercing," Jess observed. She was toying with her now. "And you have a really great ass. Keep running."
Jess let her hand caress Crystal's ass, then ducked between her thighs but didn't quite touch her pussy. I saw goosebumps appear instantly on Crystal's skin. Jess stood up and walked around to Crystal's front now.
"Do you like anal sex?" she asked.
"I don't know," Crystal said. "John licked my butt once."
Jess gave a light, dismissive laugh. "Oh, sweetie, you'll learn," she said. "John is the best teacher. Trust me."
She cupped one of Crystal's pretty breasts in her hand and tweaked her nipple. She put her face close to Crystal's now.
"Do you like kissing?" she asked.
"I love kissing," Crystal said. "Making out is my favorite."
Jess closed in on her, brushing their lips together. "Even girls?" she asked.
"I've never kissed a girl," Crystal said.
Jess pounced, covering Crystal's mouth with hers and probing it with her tongue. She led, and Crystal followed. My cock was rock hard now. After a minute that seemed like an eternity, Jess broke the kiss.
"You're a really good kisser," Jess said.
"Wow," Crystal said. "So are you."
Jess took one of Crystal's hands and covered it with her own.
"So, Crystal, I want to make you an offer," Jess said. "What if I gave you $500 to fuck John in front of me?"
"You want to pay me to have sex with your boyfriend?" she asked.
"You were going to fuck him for free," Jess said with a laugh. "So why not let me watch for some cash? It can be your tryout."
"Are you serious?" Crystal said. "You think I'm good enough for a real tryout?"
"Easily," Jess said. "We'll have to do some work on you to get you up to Infinity levels, but it all starts with performance."
"What do you want me to do?" Crystal asked.
"Just pretend I'm not here," Jess said. "Do what you'd normally do when you fuck him."
I stepped forward and pulled Crystal into a kiss. I could see she was completely out of her depth. But making out for a few minutes put her back on kilter. She kissed with passion and looked into my eyes.
"Suck me," I ordered.
Crystal sank to her knees. Jess looked at me with a broad smile and raised her eyebrows playfully. As Crystal put my hard cock in her mouth and started bobbing her head, Jess mouthed the words to me, "I'm going to ruin this slut."
The blowjob was more sloppy than usual. Crystal was peacocking for Jess. She wanted to show she was worthy of becoming a real whore. She looked over at Jess occasionally.
"Just focus on John, sweetie," Jess scolded her gently.
Crystal blew me for several more minutes, then I bent her over the couch and fucked her from behind. She moaned more than usual, and I could see Jess getting bored. But Crystal built toward orgasm. She was loving it.
"Is he going to make you cum, sweetie?" Jess asked.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Crystal grunted, as I increased the pace of my strokes.
"Then cum," Jess said and moved in to kiss Crystal again, just as she erupted.
I was ready to move on, so I let myself go, too. I filled up her pussy and watched her collapse on the couch, my glistening sperm leaking out onto her ass.
"That was hot!" Jess said enthusiastically.
"Did I do okay?" Crystal asked shyly. "It's weird to have sex with someone watch me. I've never done that before."
"You did great, Crystal," Jess said. "Would you like to try an actual appointment with a client sometime?"
"You mean like a real escort appointment?" Crystal said with equal parts enthusiasm and pride.
"Yes, a real one," Jess said. "You have a lot to learn, but I see a lot of potential in you. If you're willing to work really hard and let me mentor you, I think you could become a really good escort."
"Are you serious?" Crystal said again.
"Trust me," she said. "I know talent. We'll get you polished and make you a favorite."
"I think I really want to do it," she said with conviction. "Could I maybe have a little bit more coke?"
"John, be a dear and give Crystal an eight-ball to take home," Jess said.
"Oh my gosh, thank you!" Crystal said.
"And here's the $500," Jess said. "Worth every penny of it."
"Let's shoot for next weekend for your first appointment," Jess said. "After the holiday. If you change your mind, that's okay. If you need more coke or anything, just let John know. My girls get all their party favors provided."
"You're so nice!" Crystal gushed. "I'm super excited about this."
"We can make a lot of money together if you really dedicate yourself to it," Jess said.
"Like how much?" Crystal asked.
"You'll take home about four hundred dollars an hour for yourself," Jess said.
Crystal's jaw dropped so much I thought she was going to let her fresh piece of gum fall on the floor.
"That's right, sweetie," Jess said. "You can make real money."
"I will do whatever it takes," Crystal said with resolve. "I want this."
Jess and I just looked at each other and smiled.
The Fourth of July weekend was forecast to be a sticky mess. I was glad we were going to escape to the country. Of course, it was a more intriguing retreat going to Stephen's ranch and pitching an investment to Peter. I felt well-prepared for the business piece of the event, which made me incredibly eager to see what web of debauchery lay ahead of us.
Maybe it was easy for me to focus on the partying because I sat in a party bus barreling toward the ranch with Kat, Jess, and Rita, along with Gloria, Alix and Nicole from the Infinity agency. Kelly was there, too, with three of her California escorts. That weekend, there would be ten women and five men at the ranch. Once again, I liked my odds.
Stephen had a landing strip at the ranch, where he, Peter, and two investors had touched down a couple hours earlier. With carefully arranged timing, Kelly scheduled our party bus to arrive after lunch. The hour-long drive was an exercise in indulgence. Unsurprisingly, Jess was the ringleader. She had put together a cocaine makeup compact for each of the girls, which contained an eight ball, razor, collapsible straw, xanax, and Benadryl. It was hard to tell if the predominant sound on the bus was snorting or popping Champagne bottles.
Going into the weekend, I really had only two concerns. First, I was curious to see how Rita would react. She had come to a couple larger parties before, but I knew she was uneasy and uninterested in being part of the Infinity agency. Fucking for money just didn't have the allure for her that it did for the other girls. Second, I wasn't sure how any lingering tension between Kat and Nicole would play out. They essentially hadn't crossed paths since Nicole moved into the Hooker House, but this weekend they couldn't avoid each other.
Kat, Jess, and Kelly were deep into conversation, while Gloria, Alix, and Nicole all chatted up the three girls from Kelly's agency. So I focused on Rita to start.
"Have you tested out that cute little coke compact Jess handed out?" I asked.
"Not yet," Rita said. She sipped Champagne from a plastic cup. "I wanted a couple drinks first to calm my nerves."
"You know there's nothing to be nervous about, sweetheart," I said.
"I know," she said, "but that doesn't mean I'm not nervous irrationally." She smiled.
"Peter and Stephen know you're not one of the agency girls," I said. "Jess made that clear. You're going as my girlfriend."
"I know," she repeated, "and I'm being silly. I guess I just don't know what to expect. And I don't want any of these guys thinking they can have my body because they pay some amount of money. That's not me."
"It's definitely not you," I said. "You'll be off-limits unless you make it perfectly clear you're available."
"I'm not sure I'm ready for that right now," Rita said. "I'm happy with where I am."
"So am I," I said. "Just know you don't have to do anything you don't want to. That's the bottom line. This is going to be a blast. We're going to party and have fun, and hopefully find a great new business opportunity.
"There are six, full-time professional escorts who will be there," I added. "For four guys. I think they'll have plenty to keep them busy."
"Kelly's girls are really pretty," Rita observed.
"Are they?" I said. "I hadn't noticed."
"Oh, stop," Rita said. "I'm going to have a line now."
The three girls from California were stunning. There was Heather, the amazonian tall blonde with Barbie proportions. The brunette, Josie, looked like a ballerina. She was tall and skinny with a youthful, cute face. Then there was Melissa, the second blonde, and a current cheerleader for a pro basketball team. All three were poised, vivacious, and completely unfazed by the idea of spending the weekend with two of Hollywood's biggest power brokers and their friends.
Kat strolled over to join us, her hair and makeup perfect. Her eyes betrayed that she had also indulged in cocaine already.
"Are you going to, uh, work this weekend?" Rita asked her.
"Not really," Kat said. "If Stephen wants to see me, I don't suppose I could say no to that." Her voice was carefree and casual.
"I can see how he would be hard to turn down," Rita said with a laugh.
"The main thing I've learned about parties like this," Kat said, "is don't feel like you need to force anything. If stuff happens, it happens. It's really no different than when we used to party at the apartment pool."
"That makes sense," Rita said, appreciating the relatable analogy.
"So many guys tried to get in our pants," Kat continued. "But we only let the ones in who we wanted to let in. There are four of them at the ranch this weekend. There are six girls bought and paid for to fulfill any kinky fantasy they want to live out. There isn't going to be an expectation that we do something unless we really, really want to."
"That makes sense," Rita said. "Thanks. I'll be able to just relax and enjoy it."
The bus pulled past the gates of Stephen's ranch, and all of us fell nearly silent. It was massive. Jess had told me it was 20,000 acres, but the impression of size became indelible pulling up the mile-long driveway. There were lakes on either side of it. The house, seemingly on an island, was massive. And then you realized it was the guest house. The main house, easily 30,000 square feet, sprawled before our eyes.
"Let's show these old white men how to fucking party," Kelly announced loudly as we came to a stop.