Friday lunch to close out the work week had become a thing for our foursome. We rotated, each week one person picking the venue, and we would meet once Kat and Rita got off work, usually about 12:30. It was the perfect way to kick off the weekend, and this week was no different. It was also my turn to pick the restaurant.
My favorite trendy bistro had become a little drab, in part because the general manager had split off to open his own place. It was a strikingly similar restaurant but was desperate to attract its competitor's crowd. Walking in with three beautiful women, two of whom were on a billboard less than a mile away, made it no surprise that our table was in the center of the room.
The Champagne list was spectacular, priced to move. The food, for the most part, was awful. But they had killer fries. So for three hours, we kept ordering more fries as we blew through bottles of Champagne. The afternoon rolled by more easily because the girls rotated through the bathroom every thirty minutes doing lines of coke.
Three bottles into lunch, as we all started really flying on cocaine, the message came through. In the first four weeks that Kat and Rita were back on the air together, KLLL's morning broadcast had gone from a distant second in the Houston market to a clear and convincing first place in the ratings.
"That's what traffic and weather together on the eights will get you!" Rita exclaimed.
"I think it's more like tits and ass on the eights!" Jess joked.
I excused myself to the restroom. This also had become a Friday ritual as lunch neared a close. I went to the men's room and left the stall door unlatched. Two minutes later, I heard the clack of high heels on the tile floor.
"Hi daddy," Kat said with a whisper and dancing eyes.
My pants were already down around my ankles. She hiked up her dress and climbed on top of me.
"I guess you drew the short straw today," I said.
"Mmm, more like long, thick straw," Kat said as she impaled her smooth pussy onto my cock. "Fuck, this feels so good."
She leaned back and pulled her personalized coke bullet from her palm. She took a couple quick toots, then put it under my nose, so I could indulge, too.
"You feel so good, Kitty Kat," I said.
"I want your cum, daddy," she said, begging. "Use me and fill me with that hot fucking sperm."
Then, suddenly, the door to the bathroom opened. Kat pushed herself hard down on top of me, burying me against her cervix. She drew up her legs, so they wouldn't be visible under the bottom of the stall.
"That is definitely Rita Johnson," we heard a voice say.
"She is a fucking hottie," another voice said.
"Looks even better in person," the first voice said.
Kat's face was inches from mine. She smiled with happy surprise.
"I think it's that new traffic girl with her," the second voice said.
I bucked my hips into Kat playfully at the mention of her.
"She's a cutie, too," said the first voice.
"I bet these TV bitches are cold fish," the second voice said, and they laughed.
Kat wiggled her hips on me, and she got a look of absolute delight on her face. The chuckling jokers left the bathroom, and the door slammed closed behind them. Kat immediately began riding me again.
"If they only knew that the weather girl and traffic girl are such insatiable sluts," Kat breathed.
"Don't forget you're still a whore, too," I said, the naughtiness of this coupling pushing me headlong toward orgasm.
"I'll always be daddy's whore," she said.
I exploded inside her, and we pressed our bodies together in a desperate hug. I was just about to pull out, when the bathroom door opened again. It was one person this time. While he took care of business at a urinal, I took my cock and slid it around Kat's wet, soft pussy lips. My cum leaked out, and I smeared it across her smooth slit and clit. It was extremely sexy. I wished I could have taken a picture.
The interloper finished up, and we hurriedly put ourselves back together. Kat waited in the stall until I signaled the coast was clear. She walked down the corridor back to the dining room first, and I followed a few moments later. Kat passed a table of two middle-aged men, who ogled her.
"Definitely the traffic girl," I heard one of them say as I passed.
I smiled and made friendly eye contact as I passed them. I rejoined the girls at our table. Kat relayed the hilarious interruption to our copulation from the local news fans who had recognized them. They all laughed when Kat mentioned the "cold fish" comment.
"If only they knew about all that cum running down your leg, sweetie," Rita said.
I got the check, and Jess suggested we go home and skinny dip. The Houston summer heat was nearly full-throttle, and we all thought that sounded like the perfect escape. We got up, and I wanted our exit to show off the girls a bit. They left in a gaggle of laughter and high spirits, and as we walked out I noticed plenty of eyes following us. In particular, the two men who had interrupted my bathroom quickie leered at the traffic girl and weather girl. I carried a shit-eating grin on my face and let my hands drop to the smalls of their backs, guiding them toward the door. It was a little gesture, but I hoped they understood what it meant. If they didn't figure it out? I didn't care. Life was absolutely perfect.
"Oh my gosh," Crystal said as she stepped out of the G-Wagon.
I had opened the door for her and held out a hand to help her down the high threshold. She carelessly spread her legs, and her bare cunt flashed in front of me from under her pencil skirt. She kept herself fully shaved at my instruction.
"This is, like, a total mansion," she said.
"I thought it was only fair that you come play here," I said.
"Is your friend here?" she asked.
"I think so," I said. I put my hand on her ass and smiled because I knew she would be surprised by my next statement. "She actually lives here."
"Wait, what?" Crystal asked, confused. Her gum popped in her mouth.
"She's my girlfriend," I said. "Well, okay, full disclosure. She is one of my girlfriends."
"Are you serious?" she said. "Your girlfriend runs an escort agency?"
"She does," I said. "So here's your chance to find out everything you ever wanted to know."
We walked inside, and Jess waited for us at the bar. She had poured three glasses of Champagne, and I saw the silver cocaine tray lurking behind her on the counter.
"You must be Crystal," Jess said, walking over with a glass of Champagne for her. "I'm Jess."
"Holy cow, it is so nice to meet you," Crystal said. "Your house is amazing."
"Thank you," Jess said.
We walked to the bar to retrieve glasses for ourselves, and Crystal spotted the coke.
"Is that coke?" she asked.
"It is," Jess said. She was being so polite, but I could see the amusement in her eyes. "Would you like some?"
"That's so nice of you," Crystal said. "I would love some. I really like coke." She said it like she was trying to convince herself.
Jess smiled and handed her a straw. "Be my guest," Jess said sweetly.
Crystal snorted two lines, and Jess took the straw back so she could snort two of her own.
"Isn't that such good shit?" Jess said, savoring the oncoming buzz.
"It makes me feel so good," Crystal said. I could see she was trying to play things cool, to show Jess she belonged in her worldly presence.
I escorted Crystal to the couch and let my hand cup her ass, but she swatted it away as she sat down and shot me a look of embarrassment.
Jess, always observant, noticed.
"Don't worry, sweetie," she said. "John really is my boyfriend. But he also knows my business. We are very free with our bodies. And our desires."
"So you, like, know he plays with me?" Crystal asked, wide-eyed.
"Not just with you, honey," Jess said. "I'm only one of three girlfriends."
"Three? Are you serious?" she said.
"I'm serious," Jess answered. "And we all live here together."
It was as if I could see Crystal's mind melting before my eyes.
"That seems so kind of ... sexy," Crystal said.
"Trust me, it is," Jess said. "So you wanted to talk about my agency? What do you want to know?"
"So, okay, like, this probably sounds really silly to you, but I read this book about a Las Vegas escort," Crystal began, "and then I watched that show Girlfriend Experience? And I guess, really, I'm just wondering if it can really be that much fun. It seems so exciting."
"Well, I'm sure that depends on your situation," Jess said. "But at my agency, Infinity, we have a really stringent selection criteria for my girls and for our clients. I find that has made it very, very exciting."
"How is it exciting to you, I guess?" she asked.
The girls had drained their Champagne glasses, so I grabbed the bottle and refilled them.
"I don't know if you think this is exciting," Jess said, "but I think spending an afternoon with a handsome CEO who pays me $3,000 to have sex with him is very exciting indeed."
"Are you for real?" Crystal said, in awe.
"As real as it was when it happened yesterday," Jess said. She was just toying with her now. "I completely lost track of how many times I came."
"Was he nice?" she asked.
"The picture of a gentleman," Jess said. "And such a beautiful dick."
"So, um, what kind of girls do you look for?" Crystal asked.
Jess and I exchanged a knowing glance. This was going even better than I had hoped. I put a hand on Crystal's knee, slowly letting it wander up into the darkness under her pencil skirt.
"Well, I hope you don't mind me saying," Jess said, now scooting closer to Crystal. "Girls who are pretty and fun like you. Girls who like to party and know how to use their bodies for pleasure."
"Thank you," Crystal said, flattered but also blushing. "How do you know, um, that I'm like that?"
"John tells me everything," Jess said. "But I suppose you're right. I can't know for sure unless I see for myself." She put her own hand on Crystal's other thigh now.
"You want to, like, watch us?" she asked, unsure of herself.
"John has to approve of all my girls," Jess said. "If he doesn't give them a passing grade, they don't make the cut."
"Wow," was all Crystal mustered in response.
"Sorry," Jess said, "I'm making assumptions. You wanted to talk about the agency, and here I am seeing if you want a tryout."
Crystal stammered. "Wow, would you even consider that?" she said. Her relative naivete showed she was genuinely flattered.
"It doesn't have to be a real tryout," Jess said nonchalantly. "What if we just pretended?"
"What if I really like it?" Crystal asked.
"Like what?" Jess shot back.
"The idea of becoming an escort," Crystal said.
"I would definitely consider it," Jess said, her blue eyes piercing as they looked directly at Crystal.
"That's really hot," Crystal said. "Maybe I could have a little more coke?"
"Help yourself," Jess said.
My cock was raging. Jess put on a masterful performance. She waited on the couch while I walked with Crystal to the bar. She tried to play it cool while she snorted the coke, but I could sense the scene was almost overwhelming to her.
"What are you thinking?" I asked quietly.
"I'm so turned on," Crystal said, rubbing her nose. "Do you really think she thinks I'm pretty enough to work for her?"
"Trust me," I said. "I know you are."
Returning to the couch, before she sat down, Crystal said, "So, um, what if we did the tryout thing?"
"Normally I would have John do it," Jess said, "but, well, since I'm here."
She ran the back of her hand coolly down one of Crystal's cheeks.
"Your dimples are adorable," Jess said. "Why don't you get out of your clothes and let me see your body."
Staying seated, Crystal unbuttoned her white dress shirt, which strained over her breasts at the center. She peeled it off to reveal a lacy white bra. She stood up, reached behind her back to unzip her skirt, which caused her breasts to push powerfully against the flimsy bra, and dropped the skirt to the floor. The bra followed almost immediately.
"Stand in front of me," Jess said, and she went to work. "Is this a spray tan?"
"Yes," Crystal said, her arms reflexively crossing in front of her breasts."
"You'll need to have a natural tan," Jess said. "It looks so much better. See, you can tell in places like your butt crack that it's spray-on. But we have a pool at the house where you can lay out."
"A pool?" Crystal said. "Really?"