I feel the fear increase every moment, I fear that something very bad is about to happen, much worse than being a prisoner of a monster. I try to get up, but he holds me by the fist, his eyes change color to a yellowish tone.
— Sit down, will only leave when we finish our dinner and celebrate tonight! — He said, wearing a sly smile, it made me fear even more.
— I’m not hungry. — I replied by collecting my arm and staying away from it.
— Pour her a glass, Radesh. - He filled my glass with wine.
Alpha nodded, so I could have a sip and maybe, who knows, calm down. I needed to keep control, a sip of wine who knows could warm my hands, I trembled, but I took the cup to my lips, his eyes were stuck to my lips and followed every inch of the rim cup approaching me. I tasted the taste of that drink, it was sweet and tasty, he smiled looking at the other guests.
— They can serve dinner! — He ordered it out loud, all the servants opened the containers, revealing that macabre dinner.
My heart accelerated, my mouth became dry, and my hair shivered as soon as I saw the head of Father Jonas in the tray in front of me and the other parts of his body in the other trays, scattered on the table the sound of the laughter of his lovers and other monsters, whose eyes began to shine. I looked at my glass of wine and the others...
— Blood!
I quickly grabbed my cup and threw the remaining contents in the face of the Alpha, heard from everyone a sound sigh of surprise and the cessation of laughter.
I ran out of that place holding my long dress and without looking back maybe signing my death sentence, I don’t know what will happen to me, but I will never become part of this bunch of monsters.
Damn human, I have shown her that my clan is never without the blood of the people of her village. You can run all you want, I can smell the smell of your body and your fear... I grabbed the edge of the table with both hands and forcefully threw it all away, hitting whoever was sitting on the other side. The remains of the body that would feed us were thrown from all sides, my females took a bath with the blood of the bowls against their will.
— Master, you must cut off the head of this damned human. She had the audacity to confront you, before all your subjects. — Sue realized my anger, but thought she wasn’t enough.
— Get out of my way! — I screamed and gave a roar, so that everyone would shut up and stop telling me what to do with it.
Radesh was trembling with fear, but as my subject wanted to ask what we would do with Eugenia. Before he opened his mouth, I already gave him the answer by closing my hand before the sound came out of his vocal cords.
— Bring her to me, without a scratch. Eugenia has no way out of Sangria, much less where to hide from me.
— Yes master. I looked at the big window, the full moon was revealed through the clouds, I howled as loud as I could announcing to her that I was going to her hunt.
I thought better, why go after her if I knew exactly how to make her come back? When I invaded her mind I left a part of my consciousness inside her, so I can make contact when I need to, just show Eugenia what I can do to her people and she will come into my arms again.
I ran out of that mansion, all the houses looked scary, but everyone was at that table and I could try to hide. There was a window ajar, I managed to pass inside, everything was dark, I smelled food. I was very hungry, despite seeing that horribly torn corpse, no longer as it should have been at one time.
There was a pot on the wood stove, it was a vegetable soup, I took a wooden spoon and filled it, before taking it to my mouth I felt a hand silence me and someone grab me from behind.
— If you scream, we both die! It was the voice of a man, I nodded positively, he let me go. I turned to him, I was a handsome man, and I was wearing a cape, I didn’t smell, and I didn’t look like the lycanthropes.
— You are human. — I exclaimed, staring at your green eyes.
— Yes, you’re in more trouble than ever, Eugenia.
— How do you know my name? And how can you live here among them without danger?
— It’s a long story, but I’ll tell you later.
— After what? — As soon as I finished asking him, I felt my mind suddenly empty, I found myself inside the village once again.
It was day, I was drawing water from the well. My brother Thor smiled carrying on his back the hunt he had achieved, the day suddenly became night. Everyone came out of their homes, my mother held my hand, and we looked at the sky, the moon was full and it was red as blood. We heard howls, we were surrounded by creatures.
Alpha ripped out Thor’s heart, making us scream, the carnage began, I saw all I love being devoured, and I could taste the blood again from that cup. I knew it was a vision, but it still hurt.
— I want to go back! — I cried with tears in my eyes.
Alpha walked up to me, her hairy body mingled with the blood. He lifted me from the ground by the neck and I felt myself lacking the air...
— It is in your hands to awaken from this nightmare, return Eugenia. I am waiting for you!
I took a deep breath, woke up in that unknown man’s bed. He expected me to come back quietly, sitting in a chair not far from me.
— He really knows how to convince someone.
— You saw everything, didn’t you? How can you do that? How can you live among them without being eliminated? And who the hell are you?
— There were so many doubts, so many things that I needed to understand.
— If you don’t go to him, we’re both lost. My name is Gustave, I lived for many years in his village, until my wife was brought to this place.
— And why did he bring her here? — She knows how to use magic, Alpha wanted to master her knowledge. Knowing what she was capable of, but she refused to impart her knowledge to the use of evil. She was sentenced to a penalty worse than death itself. — The tears came out of his eyes as he remembered. — She was transformed into one of them and forced to feed on the weaker lycanthropes so that she would remain a monster all the time.
Knowing what she was capable of, but she refused to impart her knowledge to the use of evil. She was sentenced to a penalty worse than death itself. — The tears came out of his eyes as he remembered. — She was transformed into one of them and forced to feed on the weaker lycanthropes so that she would remain a monster all the time.
— How do you know that?
— I met Jane while she was trapped in the dungeon, got her released, and she must be wandering around Sangria. Gustave, now you can save her soul!
— No, I learned a lot from her spells. Even covering my tracks while I was looking for a way to get her out of his clutches, but she’ll never know who she was again.
— There must be a cure. — I answered.
— And there is, but it is impossible. All those who were converted by Alpha would be released if... — Gustave hesitated to say.
— If?
— If he dies! Everyone would be free from the curse if he ceased to exist, perhaps his reunion again to Jane and her husband, we could return to the village and try to end this legacy of blood and guts that consumed our people for so many years. — You must return to Castle.
— I thought you’d let me stay here safe with you. — I didn’t want to see that monster again.
— He’ll follow your scent and if he tries too hard, he can find me too. Now that I know Jane’s free, I’ll find her. There are sacrifices that you will have to make Eugenia, be sure that we will meet again and very soon.