Fiona's POV
Suddenly the people in front of me stiffened. And their eyes widened as they stared at me.
“Who are you !?” shouted Mr. Killer eyes
I shook and pulled Grandma Beth away. "We need to go." Was all I said and left the office
I'm sweating and getting hot. “C’mon. Faster, La. "I said and ran faster
I can hear noises from afar and it's not a good sign. I need to go home immediately.
"Daughter, what's going on?" He asked confused
I just shook my head and ran faster. Please, not now. Not now.
I was sitting up when my chest suddenly hurt. P-Please ...
“Fiona! Fiona! "Grandma shouted
I struggled to get up and run. "B-Speed, grandma."
The electricity inside me is burning me up. Why did you even think of attacking !?
The moment we entered the house I immediately collapsed to the floor.
"Fiona, what's wrong with you?" Grandma asked worriedly
My heat is on and my whole body is shaking. My breathing is no longer even because it makes me want to. Oh God please ...
“Fiona! What's going on !? "he shouted
I just shook my head. "Stay away!" I shouted as he backed away.
I feel like a fetus lying on the floor. I am burning. I can already see the smoke in my body.
“Ugh. U-Ugh! ”I moaned
Grandma Beth just stands by my side and doesn’t bother me, which is I am thankful for. I can't risk hurting her, especially in my condition right now.
Grandma Elizabeth Chamme's POV
The thick presence of power is radiating inside my house. I could barely cope with this heavy power. Is this because of Fiona? Who really is she?
“G-Go a-away! P-Please g-go a-away! "Shouted Fiona who was currently writhing in pain.
I knew that his heavy presence had spread throughout the town. This kind of power is very dangerous, and I bet she don't know about it.
"Fiona, calm down." I pleaded
“No! Go away! "He shouted
“AAAAAAHHHHH!” Her screams filled the house and then she lost consciousness.
The heavy presence of his power was also gone. It seemed to be sucked back into Fiona's body. This lady ... I slowly approached her and touched her properly but her skin was scorching. I couldn’t touch him because he was so hot. I also can't ask for help because maybe that's what they will do to this woman.
Her aura screams danger but I know she's kind. I know that she's not an evil.
I just left him there and cooked dinner. I didn't even realize that he had been crying out in pain for a few hours before.
What scared me was the officials at the Magestics Academy. I knew they would take this child.
Third Person's POV
"What are we going to do with her?" Asked Brieve, who was their leader's girlfriend.
"No." was the only answer from Ace McKnight, their leader.
“What's wrong, Ace !? Didn't you feel the danger around her !? "Sophia shouted.
Ace turned to him reluctantly. "Nothing so far ..."
Looking at everyone he said.
"... But we'll hunt her down." The young man added and left their office.
They thought again of the woman they had encountered earlier. Fiona Renee Evergreen ...
And then Blake's voice broke the silence. "But she's beautiful."
They both face palm.
I slowly opened my eyes. My head hurts and my body hurts too.
“U-Ugh. What happened? "I whispered softly to myself then sat down.
"You lost consciousness yesterday, son."
I looked at Grandma Beth who was on the side of my bed. And then my memories from yesterday flooded my mind. My eyes widened and I immediately chinecked myself.
“You're okay, sister. I already checked on you yesterday. Oh this, water. Drink first. "He said all at once with a glass of water.
I immediately took the water and swallowed it all. After drinking, he arranged to sit down.
“What happened to you yesterday?” He asked
I averted my eyes. "I– I–"
“If you don't want to tell a story yet, it's okay. For now, rest first. "He said and stood up.
"It was an attack." I answered directly so he was stopped from leaving.
I nodded. “I am always attacked like that. It started when I was 18. My life became weird after I turned 18. I don’t know how and why. It's been happening to me for a long time so I'm used to it. "I explained
Her curious eyes were locked on me. I know he still has a lot to ask but he just chose to keep quiet. He just nodded. "Rest." And he left.
I went back to lying down and closed my eyes ... but those red eyes caught me off guard. I woke up immediately.
Bwesit! Bwesit! Bwesit! What's with me? Why am I acting like this !?
The next morning I woke up early. I slept almost all day yesterday so I woke up really early. Grandma Beth was still asleep when I woke up so I thought I would just cook breakfast. In fact, everything seems normal. If I were just here in this house, I would think my life was just normal. But no, because as soon as I come out of the house I will be greeted by the various magic used and practiced by everyone here. I still can’t believe I’m here today. It was like just the other day, I was still walking to Sam’s house. It was like just the other day, I was still with my friends.
I just sighed and shook. I can go back. I can go back.
I forced a smile and continued cooking. They have a bit different and weird equipment here so I had a hard time, but eventually I got used to it.
I was finishing when grandma woke up. She was even surprised to see me cooking.
"What about your morning, sister?"
“Opo. I woke up early. Besides, I did a beauty rest all day yesterday so I have to get back at you today. "I said and put what I cooked on the plate.
He sat down and we ate together.
“By the way, I will go to town later. Do you want to come? "He asked as he lifted my head.
"Really !?" I asked excitedly. I almost jumped when he nodded.
“Yes!” I shouted
"Just don't stay away from me." He said and I immediately agreed.
Of course, I don't know the place here and the people here are very powerful so I really won't go away from him.
I am here now in the backyard of grandma's house and watering her plants. He said that we would leave later so I first thought of watering his plants.
“I can make flowers bloom. And change their colors too. This pink looks better blue. How amazing. "I started to sing while watering the plants.
“I think of butterflies. Suddenly here they are. "I sang and watched the air as if there are butterflies flying.
“I simply flick my wrist. And that turns into this. "I did what the lyrics said and pointed my finger to a flower and imagined it turned into a chocolate.
“I think I’ve got the gist. Who'd believe it? It's like a crazy dream. And somehow I'm the star. "I danced along the song I am singing.
“'Cause I've got magic. Magic, magic. I've got magic. Magic, magic. "
"I can change–" I stopped singing when I saw the hoodie man looking at me from afar. I was horrified to see his smile on his lips.
He turned around and suddenly disappeared. But I did not lose sight of her pronunciation of the word, "ma fille."
I don’t really know if he is an opponent or an ally. He's creepy.
“Fiona, come on! Get dressed! We're leaving soon. "Grandma shouted from inside.
Suddenly that hoodie man disappeared from my mind and was replaced by excitement.
"Yes!" I shouted back
Here I come!
To be continued...