Chapter 3: MAGIC WORLD
Fiona's POV
I woke up feeling dizzy. My back hurts and my head hurts too. I slowly sat down and cried and cried because I felt like I had a hang over. I squeezed my sinuses. Gosh, this is a torture.
With half-opened eyes, I scanned the place. The first thing I noticed were trees. Wait? Wood? Trees?
When what was happening sinks into my brain, I immediately stood up as a wrong action. I fall onto the ground. I felt dizzy. Sick.
Where am I?
I let myself feel better before standing up. I recalled what happened ... Madam Marie's departure, I lost my job and electricity, the offer then the hoodie man --- that freaking hoodie man! I was almost run over and it's still clear in my mind that the hoodie man saved me. Fvck! I'm going crazy!
I was more dizzy thinking so I just sat down again. As I sucked on my sinuses I checked the surroundings again. I'm in the middle of nowhere! But atleast I know that I'm in a forest ... but still, nowhere.
A few hours passed and I decided to take a walk. It is better than waiting here.
The forest seems normal. A typical forest I always see in TV and in real life. Birds, big trees and I bet, wild animals. Wild animals! How ‘bout there are wild animals here? What if I was suddenly attacked by wild animals !?
Like it's an instinct, I instantly run. Horrible animals chasing after me is playing in my mind. Oh no no no ...
I just kept running. I can't bare being killed by an animal. And I almost fall when I suddenly bumped someone.
“Hey!” I shouted and turned to him.
Fear crept all over my body. H-Hoodie man!
“Y-You! B-Why am I here? Where am I !? "But I got no response from him, instead, a smile formed on his lips. Creepy.
"I won't hurt you, déesse." He said in a deep voice. I stepped backwards.
“Who are you !? Why did you bring me here ?! "My anxiety is starting to attack. My hand is shaking and I'm having trouble breathing.
As if noticing my reaction, he stepped forward that made me stepped backward again. But then again, stepped forward and grabbed my arms. The heat from his hands made me relax. I almost felt it like he used some freaking powers over me.
"Feeling better?"
I went back to trance and threw away his hand. “Who are you !?” I shouted.
He just smiled and said, “Keep going, young lady.” And then, he vanished.
I was dumbfounded. I can not move. W-What the hell was that !?
I felt like a madman just standing in the middle of the forest.
Keep going, young lady.
His last words echoed in my mind. I don’t know why but my feet started walking. I no longer knew where I was going but I just kept on walking. I want to go home.
After a few hours, lights viewed. I quickly ran to follow those lights.
Until a busy town welcomed my eyes. I was knocked to my feet while looking around, hoping to get to know ‘this’ place. People who see me stare at me as if I am a weird creature. Some suddenly ran after seeing me and some did the head-to-toe staring contest, while I, still dumbfounded and strained to process what I saw.
Old houses, caretakers and busy busy people and trees that keep up with the movement of the wind. And then I thought, this is not my home. Definitely not.
I'm just walking. Hoping that one place would become familiar to me. I always thought, I wish I knew this place. Atleast I know I'm home but no. Unfamiliar faces and places were on my view. People kept on sharing weird stares with each other after seeing me.
"Antela mo te moli mabis treita."
I stopped and stared at the man showing a trick. He chanted those words few more times and then, boom! Snow flakes appeared. It almost looked real. Children were so amazed and adults were clapping. But I heard someone said, "I'm better that him." Or "It's very common." They definitely don't know how to appreciate a well done trick.
For almost two hours of walking, I saw a lot of strange things. The way the people act here, it's different. And it's a stupid realization I just learned. Almost everyone here knows how to do tricks, even children! I almost screamed when a child made the one piece of paper a living cat! That was totally weird ... and impressive.
But ‘I ignored it at first, I just kept on walking and finding ways to go back home. All I want now is to go home.
I turned to the old woman who had dropped the two heavy things she was carrying. I didn't hesitate to approach him and help pick up the fallen --- weapons?
I almost let go of the weapons out of panic. An old woman carrying weapons? For who? Weapons for who?
He turned to me and he was still a little backwards ... just like others did. Why is it that every time they look at me they back away or look away? Did I do something? It almost feel like it's an instinct for them to stay away from me. Wow. People here are surely judgmental.
Thus, the old woman stared at me bewildered.
"This is it." I said and handed over a basket of weapons.
He hadn't spoken for a few seconds before confusedly picked up the basket.
"S-Thank you, sister." He stammered, frowning at me.
‘Really? What’s with them? ’
"Is there a problem?" I asked, softly. But the old man just shook his head and averted his eyes.
Uneasiness and fear can still be seen on his face. Why?
"I-I have a basket, daughter." He said still not meeting my gaze.
I looked at a basket I'm holding now. These weapons are too heavy. I am sure he will have a hard time carrying these two baskets. I just smiled to his surprise. The people living here are really weird.
“Please help us. It's too heavy. "I said
"P-But ---"
“It’s okay, grandma. Where are you taking it? "I asked with a smile.
She stared at me first, as if assessing me before returning a small, tight smile. Only then did the apprehension disappear from his face. It was as if she loosened her grip over something and welcomed me.
“Are you new here, sister? I just saw you here. "He asked.
“Opo. I really don't know how I got here. " - I answered, honestly.
“Really? How is that? "
I shrugged. “The last thing I remembered was I was saved by a freaking hoodie man from dying and I lost consciousness. And when I woke up, I am somewhere in the big forest. Until I reached here, and met you. "
"And you're from?"
"Earth, ofcourse!" I laughed in response
He just laughed at my answer. “Specific, iha. Are you from the Witchery World? "
And that caught my attention. I stared at her blankly before blinking a few times. "What?"
As if she caught my reaction, she asked, "Are you from Mortal World?"
What? Ofcourse, we all are. She's talking like there's another world existing today!
“Yes, and so as you.” I said and pointed a finger at her.
She eyed me curiously. "No."
Her answer came out instantly. No doubts and lies. I am starting to panic and my heart beats 3x faster than normal.
“We’re on Magic World, sister. And you're talking to an old woman with pouvoir. "She said
"W-What power?" I asked nervously.
“Power means power. You have power here in the Magic World. "He explained
"W-Wait, y-you're just fooling around, aren't you?" I tried to sound active but failed. Fear is reigning my body.
I waited for her to say ‘joke’ but no answer. I let go of the basket I was carrying and sat down. It's only now that I realize that my knees have been shaking before.
“I don’t know that you’re a human. No one can enter this world, daughter. That's proven. Our air is different from Mortal World, and humans can't take the air here. If you're really a human, you should have died earlier. "
I just shook my head. T-This is surreal. This can't be happening. Tears slowly made it's way down my cheeks. It's a good thing we're in an uncrowded place so no one can see me.
Is that the reason why whenever they see me they run away or turn away their gazes? Is that the reason why they stare at me weirdly? Is that the reason why they can do tricks? Hah! It's not them who's actually weird, it's me.
“Daughter, I’m sorry. I didn't know. "Grandma apologized and put her things down on the side before I attended.
Why is my life so weird !? I was more upset. I-I don't know if I can still go home.
"M-Is there a way for me to go home?" I asked after calming myself. Today's not the right time to be a crying baby. I need to go home.
“There is. But we still need to go to Magestics Academy. The portal is there, and we need permission. "
I nodded. I'll do everything to be back. To be back from where I really belong.
I stand. I hiccuped but didn't care.
"I-I need to go there." I said with determination but grandma just nodded.
“No one can just get in there, sister. Especially if you came from this small town. Only well-known personalities can enter the said Academy. "
“I don’t care! I need to go home! I badly want to go home. "The last words almost came out as whispers. I fainted.
Grandma nodded gently. “Okay. I will take you to the Academy tomorrow. I will deliver these weapons. But promise me you won't make a mistake there. "
My eyes widened and I nodded happily.
“Thank you! Thank you so much! "I cried and hugged my grandmother.
"By the way, I'm Elizabeth Chamme, just call me Grandma Beth." He introduced.
"Fiona Renee Evergreen." I introduce myself as well.
“Fiona Renee Evergreen? Nice name. "He commented
I smiled and remembered the story my adoptive parents told me about my name. There was a piece of paper attached to my clothes when they found me. ‘Fiona Renee Evergreen is her name. It means a strong beautiful lady. ' is written on paper.
To this day I still have the role. I kept it because it is the only thing that I have from my real parents.
“Oh he is. Let's go inside. We're leaving early tomorrow to go to Magestics Academy. "Grandma Beth whispered.
I just nodded and followed him towards his house.
Tomorrow, I'm going home.
To be continued....