CHAPTER 3: The Mythical Lands
Three days later we walked through the border of the Mythical Lands. It was just as beautiful as I remember from the last time, I was here at eight years old. I love the rolling hills and the green grass. I especially love the mountain where all the dragons live. We walked down a little pebbled pathway on our way to the mountain. A couple of huge dragons landed in front of us. I would never get used to seeing them. They were extraordinary creatures. Their scales shone under the sunlight. These dragons were warriors. Their scales were gray. Royal dragon’s had scales that changed colors in the sunlight. I only ever saw the king’s dragon once. I was too young to remember much about it.
“King and Queen Lycan, Princess. We have come to save you the trouble of walking up those stairs.” Without hesitation I climbed onto one of their backs. I didn’t want to walk up those stairs, I always hated that part.
A few hours later it was getting dark. Good thing we stopped at a suite last night or else I would be exhausted right now. I was also able to get a shower and a fresh change of clothes. This is a party, and I plan to party hard! At least I have one of my good friends, Mona. She is a dragon. She is the cousin of the prince. I have kept in contact with her most of our lives. She is one of my greatest friends. She even visits our pack territory often.
“Girl, you look hawt! I can’t wait to hit the dance floor! Other males from all territories are going to be in attendance! Maybe I will find my dragon mate.” I rolled my eyes at her.
“Well, I will be cheering on the sidelines for you. I know my mate’s not here.” I say out loud. My mate isn’t going to be here. Werewolves don’t mate to dragons. I know I am a Lycan, but the rules are still the same right? There’s a lot more my parents and I have yet to learn about our race. I am the first born Lycan, so I will experience things that my parents didn’t.
“Who said you can’t have a little fun with an unmated dragon?” She said back to me.
“Hmmm. Mona, you know that Drake and I are…”
“Fuck buddies?” She interrupted me. I rolled my eyes at her.
“Well yeah, but when you put it like that it makes me look like a slut.” I know what it sounds like, but I have only been with one other guy besides Drake.
My phone pinged. I pulled it out of my purse, it’s Drake. I smiled before I read the text message.
“If you so much as talk to that bitch of a dragon prince, I will fuck the next chick I see.” Did he really just threaten me? His message just pissed me off royally! I bit my lip thinking of all the naughty things I am now tempted to do just to spite him.
“Well, I wasn’t planning on it, but since you decided to threaten me. I’ll let you have your fun. Don’t worry, I will have mine.” I replied to his text, then placed the phone back on my bed. Mona looked at me.
“What did that ass say this time?” I motioned for her to read the message on my phone. “That motherfucker! Girl you’re not tied down! Don’t let that asshole control you.” She knows me too well to assume I would let him control me.
My phone started ringing, Mona handed it to me. It was Drake, I forwarded the call to voicemail. I decided to turn my phone off.
“Oh, don’t worry… He just made my night a hell of a lot more fun.” Mona smiled at me. I slip into my tight-fitting red dress. It fits just right. It exaggerates my curves. The neckline comes to a loose V in the middle of my chest which gives a glimpse of my perky breasts. My back is completely exposed. I take my shapely figure back after my momma. I am a little taller than her though. She is only 5’2” or was it 5’3” … I don’t know. Either way, I am 5’7”, not too tall, not too short. I had my Momma’s black hair, but it has lightened to a dark brown. I also have her green eyes. I have always been confident with the way I look, but it’s always fun when I get to go all out on dressing myself up.
I twirl myself around in the mirror and pose with my lips puckered. My winged eyeliner is on point. I strap on my glittery silver heels that many women wouldn’t be able to walk in. The prince made this party for young adults only. No one under the age of 18 is allowed. Neither is anyone over the age of twenty-five.
Once I heard that I became a little more excited for the party. King Layden, had to assure my parents that everything was going to be fine. His son is responsible and yada, yada, yada!
“Willow, your dad isn’t going to like this dress on you.” I already know it’s going to be a fight with him. I just need to find a way to avoid him until after the party. I am 19 years old damn it! I should be able to do what I want! I mind linked my mom.
“Momma, I am headed out to the party. I’ll see you and Daddy tomorrow.” I cross my fingers hoping for the best.
“Sure, honey, have fun. And Willow…” Here it is… “Be responsible, okay?” I rolled my eyes for the second time in ten minutes.
“Yes Mom.” Ugh… They kill me. I smile at Mona. “Do you know a back way in?” She gave me a naughty smile.
“You know I do.” She and I are just alike. We like to have fun. I wouldn’t say I am a problem child… but many of my parent’s friends would. My parents argue that I am an angel, though my mother is getting gray hair and she isn’t even 40 years old yet. I just don’t take any shit that’s all. I also like to be a tease. I heard my mother was the complete opposite at my age. Tanner said she was shy and all that stuff. Well not me. I am not ready for a mate yet;. I am still enjoying my life. I am not ready to settle down, especially not with Drake. I am still wondering if I should flirt with a couple of guys just to piss him off. It’s really not me, but with a few drinks in me, it could be.