Chapter 6: Forwarded Calls
~ Willow ~
I can’t believe everything that has happened tonight. I sat down on my bed and grabbed my phone to turn it on. It blew up with messages and missed calls. Drake texted me several times.
“Willow, answer my phone call.”
“Is your phone off?”
“You have been away for hours; I am starting to worry.”
“Willow, I promise I haven’t slept with any other women. I just can’t lose you.”
“We should make it official, baby. I can’t stand being away from you. I..I think I am falling for you, Willow. Please, message me back.” Drake sent five text messages. Each one caused me to feel heart ache worse than the other. I want so badly to call him, but I can’t right now.
I was awakened by my phone ringing. I groaned and rolled over. The clock says it’s 2:00pm. When did I fall asleep? I pick up my phone and without looking I press the answer button.
“Hello?” I said into the receiver.
“Willow! I have been trying to call you since your text last night. Why have you been avoiding me?” It was like a bucket of cold water had been poured over my head pulling me from my groggy state.
“Uh… maybe because you thought it would be a good idea to threaten me, Drake. You know I don’t play that shit. You may think you can control me, but I have news for you, I am not a girl who can be controlled.”
“Willow, I am sorry. I… I was just worried about losing you, that’s all. I panic when you're away from me, and you know how I feel about the dragons.”
“Drake, do you know the prince?” I asked him. He paused. Then I heard him sigh.
“Yes, I know him. It’s a long story.” He sounded exhausted.
“Drake, are you part demon?” I asked him. I may as well tear the Band-Aid off. He didn’t answer me right away.
“Did that fucking piece of shit tell you about me?” He is mad now, but I am mad as well.
“Drake, why didn’t you tell me? It’s not like it would have made much of a difference.”
“Yes, it would have, Willow. You wouldn’t have wanted anything to do with me. I wanted you to get a chance to know me before you judged me.” Maybe he is right. “How much longer are you there? I have to see you.” He asked me.
“We just got here yesterday. I am sure my parents will want to stay a few more days.” I heard him groan through the phone.
“Look, I am coming to get you. I can’t take this. Especially knowing you are there with him.” Drake spoke as if there was a bad taste in his mouth.
“That’s ridiculous Drake,” I said to him.
“If you don’t come back with me, then I am staying there with you.”
“What! Drake you can’t do that. You said you don’t like the dragons. Jaxon or Brax seemed to really not like you either.” I said back to him.
“I don’t give a shit what that lizard thinks about me. I am not okay with my girl being there with him.” Mmmm…
“Your girl huh?” I smiled a little. I love how he said that.
“Your mine Willow… Is that what you wanted to hear? I am not letting you go.” Why do I like the way he just claimed me as his?
“First of all, I belong to no one, but I like how you try to claim me,”
“Whatever you say princess. If you ever try to leave me, you will find it will be much harder than you think.” Hmm… What does he mean about that? Before I could question him, I heard a knock on my door.
“Drake, I have to go. Someone is knocking on my door.” Mona walked in. “Oh, it’s Mona, I’ll talk to you later.”
I hung up before he could reply.
“It looks like someone slept the entire day away.” Mona said to me. Here she is looking her happy peppy self. No hangover in sight. How does she get by without ever getting hangovers?
“Shut it! You know I sleep late after a party.”
“You didn’t even stay at the party. You got all butt hurt when Brax told you about your non boyfriend back home.”
“Don’t even start with me right now, Mona. He literally just told me he was falling for me, and he didn’t want to lose me. I know he is not mate material, but I care about him.” Mona shook her head at me.
“Look, let’s not let him ruin our day. How about we go and visit the caves? It has been a while, right?” Mona said, seeming excited.
“Really? You want to go back there after what happened when we were kids?” I asked her.
“Warriors cleaned it out years ago. A lot of us are planning to camp out in the caves tonight. I am going and you are too!” Hmm… It does sound fun.
“That sounds fun. I do need the distraction.” I said.
“GREAT!” Mona seemed excited. “Get packed, there are already people there setting up camp. I thought we could go for a swim in the river like old times.” Mona left and I went straight to the shower.
After showering I put on my bikini and then put on a pair of jean shorts and a red tank top. I then began to pack. I decided not to take much, it’s just an overnight camping trip. I picked up my bag and walked out to the flight yard where everyone was gathered to fly down to the caves. I am the only non-dragon here. Hmmm… I look straight ahead of me and see that same asshole who I humiliated in front of his friends last night. He was glaring at me then gave me a mischievous grin. I don’t like how he is looking at me.
“Looks like you hold grudges. That’s ok because I do too.” I wink at him, and his grin disappeared.
“Don’t worry about that guy. He is just mad because you didn’t sleep with him last night. He is used to having any girl he wants.” I heard him before I saw him. I look at Mona and notice Brax is walking up next to her.
“Oh, I’m not worried about him.” I glanced toward Brax and tried not to be obvious when I did. He is so handsome. He’s wearing a red shirt with black cargo shorts. His black hair was messy like last night, with some of it hanging into his eyes. Ugh… is he coming? I don’t want to embarrass myself by getting caught staring at him.
“If you want a good look at me, don’t be afraid to ask.” Brax stepped in front of me. He was wearing a sexy grin.
“I wasn’t staring at you.” He laughed.
“Whatever you say. Look, if you need a ride down, I can take you.” That’s not happening.
“Mona can just take me.” I said.
“I don’t think Mona is big enough to carry you. Would you rather ride someone else?” Why did he have to say it like that?
“FINE!” Brax smiled at me. Before I knew it, his eyes went straight black. His body started to grow, and his bones began to shift. Huge wings grew from his back as black scales appeared and covered his entire body. I was amazed. I never knew a dragon could be sexy, but damn! He looks deadly with the spikes that remind me of a mohawk coming out of his neck along his spine.
He was a sight to behold. The sun shined onto his back creating ghostly rainbow shading when he turned in certain directions. He towered over me and all the other shifted dragons in the flight yard. Wow… he is definitely the future dragon King.
“OH MY GOSH, BRAX! Can you take me down the mountain?” A blonde girl said while running up to him. I felt a bit annoyed by this. Brax looked from me to the other girl. He could easily carry three passengers.
“Sorry Lacy. I’m taking Willow. Why don’t you just shift and fly yourself?” I didn’t even know that dragons could talk in dragon form. He wasn’t moving his mouth either. Was he talking out loud with his mind? I looked toward the girl named Lacy. Wow, how desperate can you be? The girl huffed and walked away, but not before she flipped her hair and hit me in the face. Oh, she is going to regret that… I narrowed my eyes at her, and Brax knew what I was thinking. He curled his tail around me, stopping me before I could stomp toward the slut. “Come on Willow. Let it go.” He knew I wouldn’t let it go. I’ll remember her. It took me a minute, but I was finally able to climb up onto Brax’s back. He had to lay down onto his stomach though. He is literally massive. I can’t get over his size. “Hang on Willow, I don’t want you to fall.”
I clenched my legs tight against his sides. Brax started walking toward the edge of the mountain. We were high in the clouds, so the ground below is not visible. My stomach started to flutter with the anticipation of the drop off the cliff. No dragon took flight, everyone was waiting behind Brax.
“Are you ready Willow?” He asked me.
“I am ready.” I replied to him then held my breath reading myself.
Without another word, Brax stepped off the cliff and we were free falling from the mountain. The sudden drop caused my stomach to rise up into my throat. I felt a rush of adrenaline as we passed through the clouds and the ground below became visible. Brax spread his wings and we jolted up as he caught air. We straightened and leveled out, this brought about a calming feeling, almost… overwhelming as we were away from everything up here. It felt like I was escaping all my anxieties and everyone's pressing expectations of me. We floated through the air, Brax flew so smoothly it was as if he wasn’t even using his wings at all. Wow, this is amazing. All the other dragons flew in behind us as we were nearing the caves. Some dragons were to our side playing and nipping at each other. I even saw one dragon spit fire at another one’s tail, singeing it. I giggled as I heard the dragon squeal and spit its own line of fire at the dragon who singed his tail. This is truly amazing.