Chapter 5: Are You Sure You Know Him
~ Brax ~
The look of shock was all over her face. I knew she didn’t recognize me when she first saw me, but I recognized her. How could I not? I could never forget those green eyes. Damn, I have missed her. She stood and walked back toward the castle, as if she was leaving the party. I ran after her.
“Willow, WAIT!” She didn’t stop until we were out of sight. She turned to speak to me.
“When the hell did you get so…. Hot?! Don’t answer that.” She pressed her palm against her forehead as if she was frustrated. “You’re a good guy Jaxon, I don’t think we are right for each other… I mean not for… urm… this kind of thing,” she said to me.
“What do you mean? You’re not attracted to me? You were all over me just a second ago before you realized who I am.” I said back to her.
“I… I have a guy back home that…” She seemed nervous as she searched for something to say. Is this her excuse to get me to leave her alone? Who is this guy I wonder? “I would only tarnish your good boy reputation.” She continues. At this point I don’t even care. I have always felt drawn to Willow, even as kids. But the attraction I felt toward her tonight after seeing her all grown up was heart stopping. I have wanted to kiss her since she walked into the garden. I watched her for some time. The way she put that guy in his place on the dance floor was satisfying. I’ll admit, I didn’t like how she was dancing with him, or how he touched her. I wanted to tear his throat out myself, but she handled it. She is just as fiery as I remember. She thinks I am too good for her. Wow!
“You think I am too good for you?” I laughed. “What the hell Willow? We haven’t seen each other in 10 years. You don’t even know me.”
. Grabbing her waist, I pulled her into me. Smiling when I noticed her heart rate increase. I leaned down so she could feel my breath caress her neck. My lips grazed the skin of her ear, and she shivered as I whispered, “I’ll show you just how good I am.” She didn’t have time to protest when I moved to connect our lips. She gasped, and I slid my tongue into her mouth. Her will to resist me failed, and she kissed me back, charging our attraction and electrifying our kiss. Getting the reaction that I wanted, I reluctantly pulled away. Still high on her, I breathlessly stated my claim. “Fuck this other guy!”
~ Willow ~
I am literally seeing stars right now. I don’t know what I am doing. My attraction to him is so strong. I don’t remember ever feeling this way toward him. When he kissed me just now, I couldn’t hold back. I wanted to taste his lips again. He backed me up against a wall and slid his hands down to cup my ass. He used one hand to hold me and another to grab my hair to pull my head back so I would look up to him. His hands slid over my jaw and collarbone, causing waves of erotic pleasure to crash over me. I tried to step away from him, but he wouldn’t loosen his grip on me. I love the feel of him holding me. His aggressiveness only turns me on more, but I had to stop this before it went any further.
“Why are you trying to get away from me, Willow? I can tell you want me just as much as I want you.” He said to me, His eyes are black right now. His beast is ready to take over.
“That’s not the point Jaxon. You are one of my oldest friends. I…I just can’t see this happening between us.” I said. I wasn’t lying. My mind screamed this isn’t right, but my body wanted him, so bad. Everything about him drew me in.
A cough from behind us caused us to break eye contact. I looked to see who was trying to get our attention. Mona?!
“What the hell are you doing, Willow? You can’t use my cousin for a one-night stand. I forbid it.” Mona was serious, she had her hands on her hips.
“It’s not like that, Mona.” I said.
“It didn’t look like that to me.” She said, raising one eyebrow at me.
“Calm down, Mona.” Jaxon said. “I came on to her.” He admitted.
“What about that fuck buddy of yours? Are you breaking it off with him?” Did Mona really just say that?!
“MONA! That’s not something he needed to know! He came on to me! It wasn’t my idea. I didn’t even know it was Jaxon!” She placed her hands over her mouth, realizing that she said way too much. I looked back at Jaxon. He was clenching and unclenching his jaw muscles. I could tell he was agitated. He focused his gaze on me.
“First off, no one calls me Jaxon, it’s Brax. Who the hell is this guy anyway?”
“You don’t know him.” I said. Mona doesn’t know when to shut up.
“It’s Drake Cinder, and he is the biggest piece of shit of them all. You should have read the text he sent her before the party. Can you believe he told her not to speak to you? He said if she did, he was gonna….” I hurried to place my hand over her mouth.
“Gosh Mona, you’re like the little kid who tells on everyone.” Black scales started to appear over Jaxon… or Brax’s body. He is having a hard time controlling his anger. Dragons are not like Lycans or werewolves. They are one with the dragon; they don’t have one living in their head. Brax’s voice became a low rumble, as if his human and dragon voices were combined.
“Drake fucking Cinder?” He turned and punched a metal pole that was holding one of the lanterns that were placed all around the garden area. The pole bent and it would easily break at any moment. “Oh, I know him. Do you?” He asked me. Why is he so angry? I am confused now.
“What do you mean, do I know him? Of course, I do, we have been seeing each other almost every day for the past year.” He let out another low growl.
“Did you know he is a DEMON!” He raised his voice to a tone that I didn’t like.
“WHAT! NO, he can’t be. Demons can’t walk on earth. They are trapped in the underworld.”
“You're wrong, Willow. He is an exception. He is not just a demon; he is also a werewolf. This gives him the ability to travel between realms, and I heard he can bring certain demons with him.” I shook my head. This can’t be true. He would have told me, wouldn’t he? Brax stepped close to me once again.
My back was still against the wall, so I couldn’t move away from him.
“Look Willow, just be careful. I don’t want to see anything happen to you. I have always felt so protective over you. It’s not something that I can explain. Seeing you tonight, the way you have grown up, damn. It was an instant attraction.”
“Did you know it was me?” I asked him.
“You could have been one hundred ninety years old, and I would still know it was you. You're too good for Drake Cinder.” He replied back to me. Then turned away from me with a scoff.
“You don’t know me, Brax. I am not who everyone expects me to be.”
“Your right Willow. You’re not what everyone expects you to be… You're what everyone needs you to be. A strong willed Lycan female… future Queen. You’re not afraid to lead and step out of the norm.”
“I need some time to think about this, and I need to talk to Drake.” I said. He only nodded to me. I left him standing with Mona. Something about leaving him there made me feel empty inside. Was it the unexpected news I received about Drake, or was it something else? I turned to walk back into the castle, and I made my way to my room.