**Point of view of Amber White**
After the rain stopped, I drove back to the house and showered. I changed into just a white button-up shirt. I like it like that, it's comfortable. My phone started ringing by the time when I was done drying my hair, I looked at the id and finds that it's dad.
"Hello princess, how was your day," my father asked.
"It was great, "I replied in a cheerful voice, happy that dad called me this often.
"Ok I am going to send Jack in a week or two" he announced which gave me a little surprise.
Jack is one of my many cousins that I have. He is one of my father's best fighters and also someone who knows my true self.
"Why?" I asked as my expression became blank again.
"Because I can't leave you there without a bodyguard and he is the same as you in age so he can go to your school also" he explains
"But I am fine alone and I can take care of myself well dad" I protested "you know me"
"No arguments in this Amber. Ok I need to go princess, I need to attend a meeting" he said, making me sad as always. It's always like this.
"You are always busy, you never have spent time with me properly. You always say that " I whispered to myself and I know he didn't hear it. Even if he did he pretended not to.
"Goodnight princess," he said
"Goodnight dad " I replied and he ended the call.
Sometimes I think why am I even hoping for him to show me love but I don't want to give up. I have experienced that love and it's addictive. It would have been better if I have never experienced it but I have.
I have done everything that he asked me for. He asked me to learn everything and I did, he asked me to become the best shooter and I became one. he asked me to be the best fighter and I became one, he asked me to be perfect and I did that do, he asked me not to have any weakness and I did that too. What else will it take for him to show me, love?
Sometimes I feel nothing, lonely, broken, irritated, frustrated, and most of it Empty.
**Next day**
I am late and right now I am walking to my class. Yesterday, I didn't sleep well because of all the things going on in my mind, damn it, I haven't even been able to eat well for the past two days. I just don't feel like it same goes with my sleep. I entered the classroom which is maths. I opened the door and enters the class. Someone coughed and I looked straight at the person's eyes as she started speaking.
"You are late miss" I didn't reply to her and started to walk to find a seat to sit on, which made her angry I guess cause she instantly started to shout at me.
"Do you think this is your home that you can come and go as you please? Do you even understand what school is? Haven't your mother teach you that, Oh yes now that I remember you don't have one, they abandoned yo...." I cut her off mid-sentence as soon as she brought up my mom and stopped walking. I looked straight into her eyes.
"Look here, You better keep your fucking mouth shut or I swear I will make sure you won't be able to speak anymore, and believe me I will. UNDERSTAND" I said in a calming but yet deadly, murderous tone. Anyone in their right mind wouldn't argue with me after that and I swear If she did she will die miserably.
The whole room is covering with awe after a movement of silence. I smirked as She stands there looking angry and I guess she can't find words now. What happened cat got your tongue. I started to look for a seat again.
It might seem like I am overreacting but it's have always been like this when it comes to mother I can't tolerate and I am short-tempered so you have pretty much an idea of how I am.
I am suddenly reminded of the time when I was with my mother. A picture of me sleeping on her lap as she strokes my head came into my mind making me smile lightly.
I came out of my thoughts and started looking for an empty seat in this enormous room. As my eyes roamed around the room, my eyes landed on Ace Black Williams as he sits there in all his glory and pride. I have to say he is handsome, like really handsome. I have to give him that. I don't know why but he attracting me.
Black hair just like mine paired with black eyes resembling darkness like it has consumed all the darkness in the world, he has to pierce on both ears., he is wearing a fitting white t-shirt as you can see muscles, black ripped jeans, a black leather jacket. Damn, I love black, and he looks good wearing all black and for some reason it's tempting.
I guess I was staring for too long since our eyes meet each other as I got back to his face after observing his whole body unconsciously. He raised an eyebrow as if asking ' like what you see'
I realize that he is also staring at me which made my cheek and ears a little red. I am a little embarrassed, I shouldn't, I know and it's not like me but I am also a human who can feel emotion but I chose not to. As said I quickly got my emotions under control and my face was back to being expressionless.
I can't have any type of emotion against my enemy except anger and hatred. I can't especially feel fluttered can I? Sometimes I think about how did my happy life become this complicated where I can't be true to myself. Sometimes I even think of running away, far away from everyone, somewhere I would not be related to anyone.
"Do you think you can sit in my class after what you said" Someone suddenly said and I turned to look at the person.
Ahhhh the professor. Are you telling me that she was in shock all this time? Well, it's laughable that she was in shock for that long just because I have said some words to her. I wonder what would have happened if she knew what I am. Such a coward is trying to go against me that it's funny. I can crush her anytime I want but what's the use, I will let it slide just this one.
She is acting like this cause she thinks that I am just a lowly orphan who had got a scholarship and I should know my place. Should I just kill her........Nah it will be a headache later to clean up.
"Are you ignoring me? Get out of my class right now" She yelled and pointed to the door.
Before I could have said anything someone slammed their hand on the table making a loud noise, silencing everyone. Everyone turned to look at the person and guess who he is, Ace. He looks furious for some reason, I wonder why.
"Don't waste my time. Let her sit and start the class" he said in an icy voice.
"B.....bu...but sir..she" She shattered as if she wants to cover away and hide. I grinned looking at her, seriously she is such a coward.
"Nah I am just going to go. I don't want to be taught by someone who herself doesn't know what she is teaching and doesn't even have manners." I said as I started walking back to the door.
"Her answer is wrong on the whiteboard," I said and stepped out of the class.
I started walking aimlessly as the whole corridor is empty since classes are going on.
Shit, I can't clear my mind. It's full of mother's memories and I don't want that. All it is going to do is make me sad, depressed and the most, it can make me cry. My hand finds its way to my forehead, damn it, my head hurts. I should rest somewhere, I can't think anymore.
**Point of view of Ace Williams**
I sat at the back of the class as the professor started the class. I checked her schedule it very much matched mine so every class she has, I will be there except for some. The class started but she isn't here yet. Is she sick because of yesterday's rain? Is she in some sort of trouble? I was just about to leave the class when the door opens revealing my beautiful kitten. She is wearing a black sweatshirt and black ripped jeans, her hair is down and wet. Did she wake up late?
Note- kitten likes black
As she entered the class the professor started speaking.
"You are late miss" but Amber ignored her and just started walking towards the seats.
"Do you think this is your home that you can come and go as you please? Do you even understand what school is? Haven't your mother teach you that, Oh yes now that I remember you don't have one, they abandoned yo...." It had started to piss me but before I could have said anything Amber did it.
"Look here, you better keep your fucking mouth shut or I swear I will make sure you won't be able to speak anymore, and believe me I will UNDERSTAND," Amber said in a cold and deadly voice making the professor stand there for a good minute.
The whole room gets flooded by Aws and whists as the professor stands there in shock. Amber smirks and starts looking around, looking for a seat I guess. Her eyes landed on me and she started to look me up and down as if she observing a wild beast, cautious that it can attack any movement and eat her. I wouldn't mind eating such a delicious meal though.
Finally, her eyes came back to my face and thas when our eyes met for the first moment. I raised an eyebrow at her which made her realise that she was caught and her cheeks and ears got a little red. But after some time her face became the way they were before, emotionless.
"Do you think you can in my class after what you said" The professor came out of her shock? She has never been insulted by any student and as for me she never bothered me.
Amber didn't say anything and it looked like she was thinking about something.
"Are you ignoring me? Get out of my class right now" The professor said pointing at the door.
I slammed my hand on the table making everyone silent as everyone's eyes focused on me I said.
"Don't waste my time. Let her sit and start the class" I said in an icy voice. Professor trembled and looked at me.
"B, bu.....but....sir..she.."She cut herself off herself when I glared at her.
"Nah I am going to go. I don't want to be taught by someone who herself doesn't know what she is teaching and doesn't have manners" Amber said and started to walk to the door.
"Her answer is wrong on the whiteboard" Amber said before stepping out of the class.
After she left, the professor checks the equation written on the whiteboard so did I. Amber was right the answer is wrong. I didn't catch it because I never cared about what was being taught as I have already studied it in books. The professor was shocked. She cleans the board and rewrites it and this time it was different but the correct one.
I stand and walk out of the class. No one can stop me anyway. As soon as I walked out of the class, I started running to find my kitten. After a while I find her walking fast somewhere.
I ran to her and grabbed her hand-making her turn to me. She looked straight into my eyes. Her eyes hold anger like roaring why I stopped her. One more thing that was in hers was sadness and a tear making her eyes glossy. She yanked her hand back and took three steps back.
"Aaa.....I" before I could say anything the bell rang and students flooded in the corridor as she despairs in the crowd like a shadow. I pushed anyone who came in front of me and kept running after her but couldn't make it and eventually lost her.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and called Denial. As soon as he picked up the call I commanded him.
"I want the maths professor in the cells in an hour" I ended the call and started the search of my queen.