Monday came quickly and just like that the weekend was over. I chose my black leggings along with my red tank top and black boots. I chose not to wear any jacket it was a bit hot outside. I braid my hair into a neat French braid and grab my book bag.
"Honey breakfast is ready" mom yelled from downstairs. "I'm coming" I yelled back. I checked my reflection in the mirror. I looked good. I was not a fan of makeup so I hardly put it on. Satisfied with my looks I headed downstairs.
The smell of bacon was prominent when I entered the kitchen. "Come on I'm sure Brian is on his way" she said and went about her work. I quickly gulped down my food just in time as the door bell rang.
"Okay bye mom" I said kissing her cheek. "Heyyy Brian" I jumped on him and he caught me easily. "Hi Summer" he said letting me down gently.
"So how was your weekend?" I asked him adjusting my book bag. "It was awesome. I was lazy all weekend. I didn't do anything" he said laughing.
I shook my head at him. Brian and I had two versions of amazing. While he chose being lazy and not doing anything I chose to be nosy and productive. Very productive.
"So did you ever see our sexy alpha after friday?" He asked
"He's not our alpha he's their alpha. Unless your a werewolf and you haven't told me" I faked being hurt.
"How did you find out?." He asked dramatically swinging his arm around my shoulders. We arrived at school and as always parted ways. I went to my locker and saw Carol already waiting for me.
"Hey bish" I said nudging her sides.
"Hey bitchhh" I giggled and took out my books. We walked to class while catching up on our weekend. We entered into our first class of the day, math. "Well you know how you've been bugging me to meet Benji?" She asked.
I already got excited, "Yes big brother Ben is coming" I said and starting wiggling on my seat which resulted in Carol laughing at me.
I pouted at her. "Excuse me missy my dance moves are on point. Better than yours" that made her laugh even more. I smiled and chuckled as well. I loved seeing her smile. I knew she wouldn't admit it to me but she always lived in fear. And I always tried to make her laugh and momentarily forget.
Class passed by in a blur and it was already lunch time. I love break. The school food was crap so I always packed my own lunch. "Can I have some of your lunch?" Brian asked while sitting down with the tray in his hand. I looked over and gagged. Whatever that was on that plate was not fit to be called food.
"Sure we can share" I said dividing my fries and burger. "Do you want some?" I turned to Carol. She shook her head and took out her own lunch along with a bottle.
Ah blood.
She needs blood. Brian's eyes lit up. "Can I taste?" He asked her.
"It's blood Brian". I scrunched up my face in disgust. Brian is something else.
"I know but it's not human blood" I rolled my eyes at him. Carol just shrugged and handed him the bottle. He smirked at me and drank from the bottle. He took a huge gulp. He didn't even take a second for him to start coughing and gagging. He looked like he was about to throw up.
Carol and I started laughing at him. "I told you" I said and continued to eat.
"I don't think I can eat anything now" he grumbled.
I laughed and ate my food in peace.
"We have to go shopping for the trip. There's some cute skirts I saw at the mall."
"Should we go now?" Brian asked her. He never liked accompanying us shopping cause we went crazy.
"Yes. If we go home first we might not have time to come back. They'll stop us again" I said. He rolled his eyes and we walked to the mall.
The mall wasn't far from our school. It was pretty big and flashy. We walked inside and decided to go to Forever 21 first. I picked up blue ripped jeans and showed them to Carol. She nodded her head and showed me shorts in return. This went on for ten minutes until Brian grumbled about being hungry.
"Let's go to Burger King then" we said once we paid for our clothes. "Finally" Brian grumbled under his breath.
It's his fault he didn't eat lunch.
We were eating our lunch in peace when all of a sudden everything became tense. People around us looked fearful and were talking in hushed tones. I looked around and my eyes landed on a guy with surrounding men around him. He looked confident and was walking like he owned the world.
If I thought the alpha was scary this guy was worse. His red eyes told me everything... He was a vampire. Most probably the Vampire King.
"Guys I think that's the-"
"Vampire King" Carol finished off my sentence. She was staring at the guy weirdly and looked like she was in some sort of daze. When the guy looked at her she quickly looked down and he stopped walking and narrowed his eyes at her. He seemed to be thinking.
I saw Carol squirm in her seat. The guy was still staring at her. I moved my chair (discreetly mind you) and tried to block her from his view. It kinda worked cause she relaxed a bit. I looked back and the guy had started walking away.
"Sean!" A familiar voice bellowed.
The Alpha.
The vampire turned and smirked at him.
"I was waiting for you to make an entrance Jacob"
The two men approached each other and faced each other. It looked as if things were about to blow up.
"What are you doing here?" Jacob asked.
"Can't I come shopping as well?" Sean asked smirking. This made the alpha angry.
"No you know that. This may be neutral ground but it still belongs to me. And it's meant for the humans and the wolves"
I scoffed.
They both turned towards me and I shrank more to my chair. I averted my gaze downwards.
"Well, well, well sounds like someone is not a fan. She should come live with us instead, her and her friends"
"No" the alpha almost growled.
"Leave Sean you've made people uncomfortable" Jacob continued.
"Okay Kingston. But I'll be back" he said and bumped his shoulder then he sped off.
The Alpha turned to me and glared at me.
"Come here" he said pointing at me and already walking off. I ignored him and stayed seated.
No way I'm going anywhere with him.
I felt hands on my arms and I was lifted off my chair. "The Alpha said you should come" they said already dragging me with them. I fought against them but they were strong.
"Leave her!" I heard Brian shout but he was held down by other guards. "No I'm not going to talk to him" I said struggling and kicking trying to get out of their iron grips.
I was pushed inside the car roughly and Jacob growled at them, "Be careful"
"Sorry Alpha" they bowed and closed the door.
"You have got the nerve you know that" he said. Too calm.
I kept quite.
"I wanna go home" I said looking out the window.
"I'm not the bad guy here little girl. He is. And if you think he could be a better person to live under you can leave" he almost growled. I rolled my eyes.
"My foods getting cold please let me go" I said ignoring him.
"Did you here me!" I flinched and rolled my eyes.
He grabbed my chin roughly and I felt sparks and tingles where he touched me. "Don't you dare roll your eyes at me" he whispered and I whimpered.
The sparks felt good. I wanted more. Something passed in his eyes and he let go. He cursed and looked down.
"Get out" I quickly got out. I flipped the other wolves the finger and quickly ran back inside before they could do anything.
"Let's go guys" I said when I reached the two of them. I took my food and my bags. "Did he do anything to you?" Brian asked also taking his things.
I shook my head, no. "He's just a mean alpha with self esteem issues and tries to make himself feel better by bullying us."
Carol laughed and stood up as well.
"Let's go then"
From now on make sure I don't encounter him at all costs. Avoid him.
"Come on you still wanna meet Benji?"
I nodded my head. My mood was much better already.