I hurried down the stairs so that I could quickly eat breakfast and still be able to walk to school without being late. "Morning mom" I said as I sat down and began eating my food. I scuffed down the eggs and bacon then I drank my orange juice. I loved food but I always managed to be late.
My mom chuckled at me as I rushed and grabbed my book bag. The door bell rang and mom went to go answer it. It was probably Brian. When I emerged Brian was standing there. I rushed over and bid mom goodbye. "Bye mom" I said kissing her cheek and left with Brian. "Bye Mrs. Black" he said waving his hand. "Be careful" I heard my mom yell as we left.
We start walking and catch up on our weekend. Well let me introduce myself. My name is Summer Black and I'm 18 years old. I live in a world different from the one your used to. Our world is taken over by vampires and werewolves. They came to light fourteen years ago and there has been a war since. A war of power and position. The vampires wanted to be in control while the werewolves didn't want to be in their control. I always thought that they should live together and rule together but the vampires wanted all the power. And what about us humans?
Well we were at the bottom... the very dangerous and dark bottom. We heard cases everyday of humans either being killed by the vampires or they were caught in between an attack. Attacks happened anywhere and anytime. We were never safe. Ever.
Both creatures were ruthless and never cared for our lives they only cared about themselves.
Our town was divided into three parts. I lived on the werewolves side and had to walk miles into the neutral land where our school was located. Brian also lived on the werewolves side. Were us, the humans lived was not a very comforting place. There was always wolves walking around and making sure we where not doing anything wrong. Even though I don't know how we could do anything wrong. The neighborhood was not very friendly but it was a very beautiful side. Our side was ruled by Alpha Jacob. He was a very cruel alpha that hardly gave us any privileges and freedom. He never even cared if someone from our side was killed. All he did was make sure our environment was always kept near and beautiful. He made sure that each household was supplied with enough food. But there were rules we had to follow.
No one was allowed to be out after eight o'clock at night. It made sense though because after that time the vampires would attack and kill whoever was out. It was like an attack to the alpha... A sign that they could do whatever they wanted. The other good thing the alpha did for us was appoint guards to patrol around and protect us. But they were not always around making us more vulnerable.
One of the reasons we were always unsafe.
"So did you finish the English essay?" Brian asked me. I nodded my head and started telling him how I had to redo the essay two times because I had chosen the wrong topic.
Brian was my best friend (My only friend around this side)... well my male best friend. We walked to school together and had most of our classes together.
We finally arrived at school with five minutes to spare. We parted ways and I made my way to my locker. "Hey Summer" Carol, my other friend greeted me and leaned against the locker. Carol was a hybrid, a mixture of both vampire and werewolf. She masked her scent though because the Vampire King gave the order to kill all hybrids. And Carol lived on the Vampire side.
"Hey darling" I said after collecting my books and closed my locker. She grabbed my arm and we started walking to class. "Now you have to tell me about your weekend cause I seriously want to forget mine" she said rolling her eyes.
"What happened?" I asked her as we took our seats. We were the first ones in class. Carol sighed and started talking while taking out her books from her book bag. "Well Benjamin stayed out late for some reason and the vamps came knocking and raided our house. They almost ruined my home. I'm just glad that Ben is safe. He's all I have." She said. I felt bad for her cause the vampires where more ruthless than the werewolves. I was glad I lived on the werewolves side.
"I'm so sorry did they harm you?" I asked her. People started filling into the classroom.
"Nope they didn't they did throw me around though but Benjamin came and stopped them. They wanted to kill him but his friend stopped them. He seemed important and they listened to him." Everyone knew of the cruelty of the vampires. Everybody.
"He's okay though right?" She nodded and I looked forward as the teacher walked in. Our teachers were humans thankfully and were had a little freedom here at school.
Three lessons later we were seated at our normal table in the cafeteria. I stuffed my face with chips and watched as Brian and Carol fight over the dumbest thing: whether vanilla was better than chocolate.
I don't even know why they are arguing about it. It was obvious that it was chocolate. Chocolate is life.
They both turned their eyes expectantly at me and I stopped eating. I knew they wanted me to be the one to break the argument so I took my sweet time swallowing. They both gave me impatient looks and I laughed at them.
"Okay children calm down. Now let me think... uhm obviously I'll choose chocolate ...sorry Brian." I said when I saw Carol sticking out her tongue and continued eating. I loved my friends.
"Mom I'm back" I yelled as I walked through the hallway. "In here honey" she yelled back. I entered the kitchen and sat down as she went around the kitchen in haste. "Why are you in such a hurry?" I asked her. She sighed and wiped her hands on her apron. "I need to go to store before it closes and I have so much to do" I rolled my eyes. Yes, the store also had a specific closing time.
"Mom I'm here I'll go to the store for you, why worry?" I asked her. Her face was relieved for a second then she became worried again. "I can't let you go. Those wolves are everywhere and who knows what will happen." she said while shaking her head and continued her work. I rolled my eyes again. "Mom I'll be fine" I said. Mom was always worried.
"Okay but take the car... I don't want you walking alone" I nodded and hopped off the chair. She gave me a list off all the things she needed and I left. Before I left I heard her shout out, "Be careful"
I quickly drove to the store. It wasn't that far so I arrived in ten minutes. I entered the store and I started collecting all the things mom needed. I was looking at the yogurt section when I felt eyes on me. I turned to see a lady staring at me. Her eyes hooded over and looked unfocused... She was a wolf. I'd once seen a guard do that and I learnt he was mind linking. A trait that they had as pack. I suddenly became confused.
Why would she be shopping in our store?
Werewolves got a lot of freedom. They had their own world in their pack. They had all the shops they could ever want and if they wanted to go shopping somewhere else they would go to the mall (which was on neutral land).
I ignored her and quickly went to pay. I didn't like her stare at all. It made uncomfortable... She made me uncomfortable. I smiled at the cashier and thanked her. I left quickly and got into the car.
I didn't want to fear them but I did. It was inevitable. I didn't want to be caught in between any of this. None of us did. All I wanted was to live a normal life, in a normal world but that was impossible.
This was the new world.