Days went by and Alhaji couldn't figure out a way to tell his princess about the decision he made about her own life,he loves his daughter so much,he'd do anything to make her life better but unfortunately,he had to push her to a place she knows nothing about and wants nothing to do with,his prayers will always be with her,as a parent he knows how much she will need it and he is going to give her all of it and more.
After having a talk with his wife,he decided to tell his daughter about her arranged marriage today,he couldn't go one day keeping the secret else he'd just run mad.
While her abba was having difficulties confronting his daughter with the issue of her marriage, she was busy thinking about ways to make her a abba come back to his original self.
Its has been days now and her Abba has not been OK,he has been worried and off, she's very sure it has something to do with the night he came to her room,she has never seen her Abba so distorted.
She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and continued studying since she has few more days to her exams and she had always loved her studies,she is studying business studies to become a business woman,wanted to be like my Abba.
"you and studying, I wonder how you want to apply it when you don't even go out or talk to people. " my overly annoying sister said coming into my room.
"chocolate chip?" you see that's the nickname my sister gave me,and I really love the name cause it describes my melanin complexion.
"what can I help you with this time ya hameeda?" I wanted to cover all my materials.
"Abba asked me to come get you,family meeting in his study." wow the discussion must be pretty serious, Abba never takes us to the study for anything,he'd rather come to us.
I grabbed my cap,tucked my very long black 4c hair that I have been taking care of and went out with my heavily pregnant sister beside me.
Chatting about how she wants her baby shower to go and where she would want it to be,my sister wants to wants to have a big baby shower celebration she wanted you to be one to remember.
We said our salam and entered the study where I saw my Abba and Ammi,they were both quiet,which was very odd.
"princess,this whole meeting was arranged because of you. You do know that there is nothing I wouldn't do for you my princess,I love you so much and will gladly go above and beyond for you?"
She nodded and let him continue without saying a thing,cause She could see how scared and nervous he is which was a first for me,every since She knew her abba, she has known him to be a very confident man who stands for what's right always without backing out, he was the type of man that wouldn't care what happens so long as he believed what he was fighting for is the right thing to do.
"you do know that I will never do anything that will hurt you,purposely right? My Darling, your Abba needs you to please forgive him for the choice he made for you this time,he really needs you to help him out of this and be his guardian Angel just like you've always been,please find it in your heart to forgive him." he finished with a single drop of tear rolling down his plump face.
"Who is he,Abba?" immediately those words left her mouth, they all snapped their eyes to her face,I guess it must have come as a surprise to them,they must have thought she was going to throw a tantrum.
"The man You are getting me married to,who is he?" She asked Abba again.
He didn't say a word,more tears kept rolling down and she stood up and went to him,hugging and letting him know she was with it,he had nothing to worry about,that she understand and She accept his choice for her for she knew her did would never harm her in any way.
"How did you know?" Abba's voice came out muffled.
"I'm done with everything you could make a decision for me,only marriage, I figured it was marriage since the night you came to my room."
his eyes looked at me with gratitude, love and adoration.
"Since that night,I vowed to do whatever you ask of me because Abba, you have done everything for me without asking questions, you provided me with all I needed and what I don't even need,you made me feel loved,you never fail to kiss my forehead every morning and night and you are very helpful when it comes to everything that has to do with us,besides Abba, it's not like your princess will ever go out there and find a man for herself, so why not go with my Abba's choice? Abba I'm grateful for everything you do for me,I can never pay you so the least I can do is agree to this." when She took a glance at both her parents, they were both looking proud of her.
Her Abba pulled her closer to his chest and gave her a big hug saying thank you and how he will make sure She gets all She wanted for the wedding.
" Thanks baby and you will be marrying Aryan,my best Friend's son,the boy will be going back in two months, so the wedding will be immediately after your graduation,you'll be moving to New York with your husband after the nikkah has taken place,may Allah bless you my dear,grant you jannah and fill your new home with peace and may he strengthen your love,Ameen.
At that she smiled,
"what love? " she thought,maybe that will develop few years down the road of their marriage.
She smiled and gave both her parents and sister a hug.
"Since all that is done with,I need to start shopping for you chocolate chip,I will make sure you have everything you need,can I be your wedding planer please!!! Pretty please.
"Sure sis but nothing extravagant please, and nothing more than fifty guests.
"Are you kidding me?! the last born of the house's wedding,it has to be epic,people of this town need to know that my sister the genius and antisocial nerd is getting hitched,we need to do so many things."
She knew her sister, she was going to all out with the wedding.
"How many events are we having? " her sister turned to their Ammi asking.
"we'll be hosting 4 events,the bridal shower,kamu,dinner and walima." They sound like a full recipe for disaster.
"Ammi please, they are way too much, just the walima will suffice, I don't need too much attention on me and please maaa,you will have to plan everything without me, cause I need to study for my finals. " trust Naya to use her exams as a card to escape every function,even her wedding function. (Face palm)
"i agree to plan everything but habibty it's your wedding we are talking about,we should plan 3 events at least."
She gave her consent and her Ammi gave her a kiss to the cheek whispering thank you.
Her finals were m by the corner and She really could not wait to be done with them and be a graduate.
At Aryan's residence.....
Days have passed by without him setting his eyes on his abba,ever since that night he told him about his arranged marriage to an Inaya,the daughter to his best friend.
He doesn't need this commitment in his life,he just wanted to work and have fun,getting a wife means being there every step of the way which he is not really interested in cat the moment.
"Ya Aryan! Abba is calling you." that was his little sister Hanan,she's so adorable but she was also a pain in the ass.
He got up and made his way to his father's living room,the living area screams power and authority, it was built to intimidate everyone that steps inside of it,the all black and grey interior decorations were immaculate,even the tiling was neatly done,the material of the couches were of great quality. One would immediately fall into submission at first entrance. Imagine how the owner would be if his living room radiates so much power.
"Assalamu alaikum Abba,you called for me?" Aryan asked squatting beside his dad.
"Aryan I called you here to talk about you settling down as you will be having more responsibilities now that in some months,you'll be the CEO of our company....I want to ask you a question and be honest with you have any girl in mind?" He kinda expected this but never thought too much about it.
Sh*t now he couldn't even come up with a lie, cause if he does,his dad will ask to see her and also to meet up with her parents so he settled for the Truth and shook his head vigorously.
" Masha Allah,I'm glad you don't, cause I asked for my best friend's daughter's hand in marriage on your behalf, she's a really good girl and a very shy one too,you're going to meet her in 5 days time and Aryan.....your wedding will be in two months time."
"Way to go dad" he thought, "if that's not the best way to ruin my life,tell me what is."
***End of flashback***
"How can Abba do this to me? How can he fix my marriage with a girl I have never seen in my life and is she even pretty?" He doesn't like the fact that he had to meat up with her in a couple of days.
"Ya rabbi! Please help my life. My life is ruined and I can't even do anything about it."
If there is anything Aryan would never do is say no to his father,his father thought less of him anyways,he settled for doing everything to please his dad whether it made sense or not.
His dad was a respectable man in the society,he did everything right except bringing up his kids with the one and affection parents give, he swore never to be like his father when it came to parenting.