Aryan's P.O.V
It has been a month since I saw my wife to be,in a week's time I will be married, God! I wish there was a way out,I need my sanity back!
I will be married,have someone share my everything, I hate this wallah and it's stupid but I can't go against my father.
I looked left to my phone cause it had been ringing since but I ignored it,it was my annoying best friend.
"Nabil! What is the emergency wai." I said irritated by his constant calls.
"Haba ango,you disappeared after your date was fixed, ko ka zama Dan kulle( or have you turned a locked man?)" he said laughing,not knowing that I wasn't in no mood for his nonsense.
"Nabil you know how much I don't want this marriage and who will be able to lock me up? No one,not even my parents talk more of a woman I met not long ago. Hate to break it to you amma we haven't seen in a long time,I only saw her once."
"Haba Ar! Why is that? She's going to be your wife fa,why don't you show at least a little interest?."
Blah blah blah,he doesn't know what I'm going through.
"Are you going to tell me the reason why you called or should I hang up?"
"May Allah help you and help that poor Lady. The boys and I arranged a bachelor's night out for you,you can do what you do best before you get married. What do you think?" that's brilliant. He suggested supporting my wild ways.
"Nabil! That's great!! Thank you guys,see you when it's time,would love to meet up amma I have a lot of things on my plate I really appreciate everything you do." That was the reason I am best friends with that idiot, he's caring and understanding.
A week later.
Author's P.O.V
It was a lot busy in the Ahmad residence, today is the Nikkah,Inaya will be a married lady today in shaa Allah,everyone was trying their bests to make everything perfect for her.
All the men were at the masjid and by 12 the tie was knotted.
The house was super noisy today,She had to hide in her bathroom to escape from everyone's burning gaze and congratulations that flew everyday,she was scared,she felt alone m and will be alone until the day she feels a presence in her soul,she wanted to know what married life was like.
She sat there thinking about her life, what it was and what it is becoming when a text from her Abba came in.
"My baby is finally a married woman,I hope the joy you brought to us will be multiplied for you,I love you princess, always and forever. Happy married life"
With that she burst out crying,that's it! She was someone's wife now,
"ya Allah please give me strength to go through this."
At the mosque
Everything was going smoothly and the knot had been tied 20 minutes ago,Aryan was busy getting hugs and congratulations from everyone when Ya Saif took him out of the crowd to talk to him.
"Aryan! Congratulations bro,I wish you all the best in this life. Aryan,I know this marriage was done against both your wishes but please, I need you to take care of Inaya for me,that girl Is very fragile, more fragile than an egg,she is our whole world,you won't understand why I'm saying this until you see for yourself, just never yell at her,correct her in a gentle way OK.?" when he finished Aryan nodded and he prayed for them again and left.
Aryan was wondering how someone can be that spoilt,they all pamper her way too much.
He got ready and they all left for the Ahmad residence to meet his bride.
Arriving at the Ahmad residence, they met it packed with people, kids playing around,cans littered everywhere.
Everywhere he entered he was being congratulated by the elders if his wife. He entered their living room and met the bride's granny,aunties and mother,they exchanged pleasantries and then he was sent up to her room. He was fuming about the fact that they couldn't tell her to come and meet him,instead he has to go and see her. How ironic!
Upon reaching the room,he wanted entering when he heard her voice and two other people's voice,a male and female.
"Habibty! Hey baby! C'mon damn it,breath for ya Said OK, I'm here princess,your sister too,No No No,not again! Inaya breath!"
"Hayati she's not breathing!should I call mummy? Ya rabbi!! Baby sis breath,I need you to breath for my sake,for champ! Remember what great aunt you have always wanted to be? Please breath. Damn this anxiety attacks! "
He felt bad for her,is that how bad she don't want the wedding? Wow!
"Hameeda open the curtains and turn the air con on,hurry!" they were all scared,this is the worst anxiety attack she has had.
"Yes baby,that's it,breath! Keep breathing with me,that's my little girl,that's it. Yes! Alhamdulillah" she finally got to breath,her attacks were severe,that wasn't normal he thought.
"Inaya is that how bad you don't want this wedding? I should have noticed,I mean we all knew how you felt about being in public,starting relationship and we pushed you to this,I'm sorry baby girl." her brother in law said cradling her to his body.
"Inaya what was that for,huh? Aren't I your sister? You know you can tell me anything right? Please don't do that again, even champ was scared."
"I'm sorry you guys,I was just over thinking when I saw dad's message and it happened,I didn't mean to scare you,I'm sorry."
"Shush! It's over now, I know you're not OK but can you please get yourself together? Aryan will be here soon,OK."
"Ya Saif,can we please not have the event,tell mummy I'm sick and can't come to it,they should do it without me." she was sad,even a deaf person would sense it.
"Ok shawty, anything for my baby girl. Now go wash your face,Hameeda will touch up your face and we'll leave."
He waited for them to finish then said his salam,he looked at his bride, she is pretty but they are not in love or anything, he looked at her face and he could still tell that she cried but she looked good regardless,how is that even normal he thought to himself.
He moved close to her and placed his hands above her head and said the prayer for newly weds, after which he said his goodbye and was escorted out.
"Hey Aryan! I wish you both the very best,please take care of her for us."
"Sure thing bruh." he replied and with that they took off
Ya rabbi I pray she won't give me troubles.
Inaya's P.O.V
After my anxiety attack, my mum car in and fed me,then she said the event has been cancelled and all souvenirs were sent to the guest house and told me to get ready cause I will be conveyed to my husband house tonight.