Inaya's P.O.V
"Naya!" Her mom barged into the room without waiting for an answer,knocking down an antique flower vase she ordered from china,it was a uniquely hand crafted vase with neutral color contrast.
"yes maa, what can I help you with?"
"oh nothing darling,by the way,sorry about your vase Habibty,I'll get you another one in shaa Allah and I came in here to check on my daughter who forgot her mom lived in the same house as her." she said feigning hurt.
"Mom,it's antique,you can't get another one and how can I forget you maa,when you keep barging into the room like you did now? that's impossible na." That earned her a light smack on the arm.
"Ouch!!" Naya fakes hurt.
"I really want to spend time with my baby but you hardly come out of this bedroom, don't you ever get bored? ,I blame your dad for putting everything in here for you,you have everything including a kettle for boiling water,we would have been seeing you when you come out to boil water but no! Do you know how many set of people came visiting today?And you were no where to be seen. Baby! Get something out of this room to do,you need fresh air. about mommy let's you cook for a week! That way,we get to spend time together? And I'd be able to teach you how to cook....What do you say?" Her mom tried to coarse her daughter into agreeing.
Naya Is a type of girl that hardly steps out of her room because of her disorder and introverted nature and that fact was getting on the nerves of her concerned mother. She could not stand the sight of her daughter wasting away good time inside these walls,regardless of these facts though,she was super proud of her darling daughter,she had finally learnt to be open to her family members which was a good sign.
"Sounds amazing maa,but I have my finals starting in a month,I have to study,if I want to make it out with a first class honors, you do want me to come out with a first class right?" She asked her mom. Naya wasn't one to ever say a word outside of their home but in their home,she felt a bit free,she could talk to her mom, her sister,her cousin turned brother in law and her favorite person....her dad.
A lot of people thought she was only being spoiled by her family not wanting to believe she had anything called disorder.
P.S:Disorders are very much real! Mental issues are real and they should be respected, in other words,never make fun of a depressed person or a person who has O.C.D E.T.C
"of course baby,OK, study then,we can hang out afterwards,best of luck munchkin. I can't wait! it's going to be super fun ' mommy and daughter's day out' sounds awesome. "
if anyone were to see her mom,they'd think she was Naya's sister,she was in her mid forties yet never looked a day over twenty,she is a very tall woman with a beautiful physique, a beautiful bulging brown eyes and beautiful plum lips,her beauty being one of the reason her husband never got a second wife.
"Maa! We are not going out,you know how I feel about being in public."
Her mom nods and pulls her into her comforting hug.
"I know my love but you need to step out for awhile, I want to take you shopping, so you try out stuff you'd like.please my baby,try stepping out okay?" Her mom pleaded.
" Let her be Darling, if she doesn't want to go,she doesn't have to,we will just order all those for our princess, right baby?" Her dad said kissing her head. He was always coming to her rescue and she loved that.
"Abba!! Maaa! It's like you all forgot you had another daughter." here's comes the drama queen of the house.
"Naya is always taking all your attention and I get nothing!" Hameeda whines. Hameeda is Naya's elder sister,she was older with 3 years and six months.
"You've outgrown all that dear, you are having your own princess in a few months,she's the one who needs spoiling." Her dad said and they all laughed at the frowning pregnant Hameeda.
"Abba! That's not fair fa,I am also your princess ain't I?" She states.
" Hey dear,you are my princess, don't mind Maaa and Abba." Saif her husband who is also Naya's cousin said coming inside Naya's room.
"hey there baby sis,how is the world's most beautiful creation doing? " Saif said kissing Naya's cheeks.
"Hey! Thought you said I was your Princess? How did she get that title now?" she feign hurt.
"I'm fine ya Saif,how was work? " her being the gentle girl she is answered timidly.
"it was stressful baby sis."
I'm sure you guys are wondering why her sisters husband is hugging her, yeah? Well,he is her cousin and her mom and dad's favorite, oh and her family though a bit religious values family, I mean...they do practice all the sayings of Islam just that her parents have their rules and family culture, they are not to treat Saif or other cousins like strangers, so they do hug their cousins both males and females although Naya being the shy Person she is doesn't really hang out with them, saif is the only one that enters her room,she loves her cousins, but she's not the bonding type.
"Inaya,daddy's princess...daddy is stepping out to meet an old friend of his,does my princess needs anything?"
"yes Abba! Ice cream,the coffee flavored one."
"Ok mi amor,by princessa,take care OK."
I'm sure y'all wondering why She gets so much attention from her parents,the thing is She has a severe case of A.P.D (Avoidant personality disorder) it's a case where by the patient suffering from it,feels extremely shy about all social gathering,She is also suffering from a huge low self esteem,She never sees herself beautiful cause She's not like her sister who is fair,tall and curvy,She hated her body so She was always wearing baggy clothing to cover those part she looks and feel so low about,she has been seeing a therapist for awhile now and it hasn't done much to help her fear for social gathering and people in general, alhamdulillah because of her phobias, She had to take home schooling since nursery two, She had no friends,though She recently met this awesome guy,she only talks to him online,he cares a lot,he's the only outsider that seems concerned about her condition and has been trying to get her to work on it. They really connect well,the seem to share a lot in common,which was a first for Naya their relationship is a platonic relationship,they help each other with their work. He also helps with a business she set up and own 30% of the company shares,yes! She does own a business that has to do with importation and exportation,buying and selling houses and She also owns a furniture business as well,where she imports foreign furnitures and sell,no one knew about the business,it was a risk she took,a worthy one.she has been doing this for awhile now and honestly speaking,it's really going well.
you guys must be wondering how She managed to pull these off with her medical/social conditions.......she once asked for some money from her dad,the fact that she is antisocial and never seem to ask anything from both her parents made her dad give her the money without second thoughts,he said he was not giving her a loan,which was what she asked for but giving her what She should have,he gave her ten thousand dollars which was more than what she needed, She started her importing and exporting business first which almost crashed but Thankfully she got back on her feet with the help of a website She came across during her endless internet surfing and that was how She. started her successful business.
She brought out her books to study cause finals were coming up and She wasn't ready to come out with a second class Business degree,She wanted to make her parents proud and come out even more successful and even wanted them to be even more proud when they finally find out about her business which will be after her graduation,after graduation in shaa Allah, She wants to focus on working on her A.P.D, She wanted to be better,She wants to see the beauty in her and be able to step out without feeling like the whole world is conspiring against her.
Naya's father,after coming from his meeting with his best friend Alhaji Muhammad Kabir he felt scared,worried, anxious and drained,He didn't know how to confront his wife,talk more of the one whose life was on the line,she'd be scared to death and all this because he couldn't say No! to his best best buddy,who has really been there for him since day one. This is going to break her.
He sighed and entered the room if his daughter,after staring at her beautiful face for a while he asked why his best friend was doing this to him,he had no other option but to did as told,which was killing him.
" Baby i pray you find it somewhere in that beautiful fragile heart of yours to forgive your daddy,daddy wants what's best for you,I would never dream of hurting you my angel,I love you more than anything in this world my little girl. Sleep tight." He gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead and went out of her room.
She sat down in deep thought,wondering what could have brought tears to her Abba's handsome face,he sounded disturbed and restless she had never seen her Abba this stressed and she vowed to make things right,she would do what her Abba wants and bring back that graceful smile back.