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Chapter 7

When the fun gets serious, they hug like a group and are tight. When they finally broke the embrace, they happily sat down with smiles on their faces. Larry and Helen took note.

Brad said, addressing his comments to his staff, "I want Larry and Helen to hear what you think and I'm sorry I did this to you. I should have asked first, but if If I did, you might not have answered with your heart, like you just did,” he explained as he looked at them.

Then he turned to Larry and Helen.

"Okay, sentence The obvious answer to my questions is no, but notice how my actions have affected my employees. Yes, they feel good inside and appreciate what I've done to help them release stress and feel better. Well, much of the fear they felt was gone. Yes, they are happy to know that their boss appreciates them, because he does. Yes, they are happy to work for the Packard Empire and you have just seen proof of that. What makes me happy is being cuddled... "

Kristi and Jeni laugh and nod.

" Honestly, what makes me happy is knowing that they're happy. It all comes down to a win-win situation. Don't you want to be happy working for the Packard Empire? Basically, don't all employees want to feel as happy at work as they do at home? "

" Yes, and I agree with you, Brad, but it was a tight hug," said Larry curiously, staff, as you just saw. I have two happy employees, which makes me happy. heart, so it's a win-win. It makes us a happy team. It wouldn't be fair to you if you read anything else about it. If all you see is a tight hug, you don't see the reason for the hug and the effect it has on people. "

" I treat my employees as if they were important to me for one reason, and one reason only. .. Because they are important to me. Why are they important to me, you ask? You are a smart man, Larry. Knowing that I've been doing this job for thirteen days now, you can see why. There's no way I could have gotten into this position without their support. "

" My result is that I have two happy employees and that makes me happy. It's a win-win scenario,” Brad said with a smile. “Just look at them! Don't they look happier now than they were a few minutes ago? ' Brad asked, teasing Jeni and Kristi. Helen admits: “You all did it, Brad.

“I did four things to make this happen. What are they?

Helen responded quickly by saying, "You had a bit of fun with them, hugging them as a group, apologizing, and explaining why you did what you did, all of a relief. much of the stress they're feeling," says Helen.

"That's right, Helen. It's very attentive to you. Which has helped the most? Brad asked.

She pondered this question for a second, then said, "Glad it gave them a temporary break from the stress they're feeling." "

" Above all awesome! high five. "I should have just apologized and done it. Adding humor, hugs and explanations really changed how they felt. Again, the happier they were, the happier I was," Brad said.

"Why did you tell them why you did these things?" Larry asked. "Shouldn't you keep this a secret?"

Brad replied, "If you think your employees aren't smart enough to figure this out behind your back, you're unfortunately wrong." because they may think they are being taken advantage of, or worse, that they have been cheated on. These two things alone can destroy an entire team. "

" I have no problem telling them why I do things if they ask for it and most of the time they ask. Sometimes I just tell them, like I just did, but I won't lie to them or keep secrets. surname. If they need or want to know, they ask and I tell them. For me, having a good team is more important than keeping secrets. The relationship I have with this team goes beyond any relationship I've had anywhere else I've worked or been associated with. It even surpasses any other team I have observed. End of story,” he said with a laugh.

“We could go on about this, Larry. You are curious enough to ask questions. Why ? Brad asked.

"Brad, I don't want to answer that question in front of my direct staff."

"Why is that, Larry?" What if Helen knew? "

" I don't know. I don't want her to know my answer to that question. "

" I understand Larry. You wanted secrets between you and your team and now Helen knows it. Now what do you want her to think of her boss? ". I can see that the relationship you have with your team is far superior to any other team relationship I've ever had or witnessed in others, and I've seen a lot of people. many teams. Ultimately, I want to achieve it here, with my team, because my people deserve it.

Larry continued, "The questions you answered struck a chord with me. This is something I've wanted to do for years and you seem to have found a way to do it in such a short amount of time. I interested in tapping into your brain so I can reproduce it here, even if you're only 23,” he laughs

"Now Helen knows something private about you, Larry." Do you think she hates you now?”

Larry looked at Helen and she had a blank expression on her face.

"Helen, do you hate me for my answer?"

"No Mr Strait .... I have more respect for you for your willingness to tell me things I may not need to know, but help me understand where my boss comes from."

"Thanks for Helen....And thanks for Brad."

"You feel a lot better now, don't you?" Brad asked.

"Yes, I want it, Brad."

Helen laughed and said, "I feel better too."

Brad smiled and said, "Let's get back to the topic guys... We need to schedule some time to spend with you, which is why I asked you to call me after your replacement. VP." "

" Did you know then? "

"I made it, Larry."

"But... how? "

" It was mostly a hunch because you apologized to each of us, not all of us as a group. You seem to care about individuals as much as you care about businesses. That shows me that you might be interested... Let me ask a few more questions, if possible, to prove my theory, I hope," Brad said.

Larry nodded. “Helen, if you don't want to answer the following questions, just say so. You don't have to answer them and no one will fire or blame you. and not specifically related to a person, but to a job. I also assume that your boss is a male of the species, for some reason. OK ?

Helen nodded, eager to answer her question.

“First question, does giving or receiving a hug offend or offend you? "

" No, of course not. "

"Would you welcome that your boss rewards you for a job well done?"

"Yes, Mr. Weber, absolutely."

"Please call me Brad."

"Brad, I'd rather call him Mr. Weber, if that's okay with you."

"Oh? Tell me why you feel that way."

"Because I want to give you the respect you deserve. I also want to be treated well, but it's more important that I respect our new owners. I think you've earned that purely based on your performance here this morning. "

" Okay, .... as you want Hélène.... My staff explained this perfectly, so I will respect your wishes as well. It's weird that I'm called Mr. Weber because I'm only 23 years old,” Brad said with a laugh.

The rest laughed. Now Brad understands better why his employees want to call him Mr. Weber in work and work situations, and continue with the questions.

“Do you want to know that your boss appreciates the work you do for them?

“Of course it is. "

" If something scares you at work, would you appreciate your boss helping you calm your nerves or relieve stress?

"Yes, I think I will, but no boss has done it yet." "

" Would you feel better about yourself and your boss if they gave you a hug or some other form of affection as a thank you for a job well done? "

" Yes, Mr. Weber, I will," said Helen.

"Do you feel better about your job and the company as a result?"

"I think I will."

“The big question is why don't we do this? I think it's because we've been brainwashed not to be like that in a professional setting and I don't agree with that. I think everyone should be treated the same whether at work or at home. This is the right way to treat people, and I also think they will be happier as a result.

"Would you like Larry to do this for you, Helen?

Helena lowered her head and blushed.

Hesitating and embarrassed and in a low voice she finally said, 'Yes, I will judge. high it. "

Brad he gave a hifive to make her feel better and she flashed a smug smile.

"That's positive proof. I'm starting to believe you're right, Brad. I agree with everything you've said," Larry replied.

So Larry relies on his secretary.

"Helen, can you allow me to hug and kiss you like Brad just explained?" Larry asked.

"Yes, Mr. Strait, I will allow you, provided I can do so."

"You have that permission. Thank you, Helen," Larry told her a hifive.

“Stand up, please,” he said as he got up and walked around the coffee table.

She got up, met him halfway, and they exchanged a long hug. The Packard group could see a clear change in Helen. They couldn't see Larry's face because it was hidden behind Helen's head. Then Larry broke the bracelet, smiling.

"That was of course a long hug from Larry."

Everyone laughed as Brad made his point.

"It's well done, Brad," Larry admitted, with a smile.

"And me and my group, Helen and Larry?" Brad asked.

“Yes, Mr. Weber, of course you have my permission,” said Helen.

"Me too," Larry said.

"Mrs. Miner and Mrs. Gilbert, will you give me the same permission?"

They nod and everyone in the office gets plenty of compliments.

"Larry, why would I ask my staff for permission instead of speaking to you on their behalf?"

"I can only assume you want them to reply to you." "It's true, but for me as a boss, it's because I'm not their boss. I don't lead them and the freedom with them isn't mine. I don't. have to answer them, don't assume they want to do something just because I want to. They are smart enough to make their own decisions. I want them to feel good about working for me. I do it because I respect them not only as an employee, but also as a person. "

" Good point Brad. That's what I'll remember. "

'I must also apologize for forcing my philosophy on you,'" Brad admitted.

Helen and Larry looked at each other, then turned to Brad and said in unison: me, Mr. Weber / Brad "they" said, then looked at each other and laughed.

" I hope to hear that answer, ... "he laughs at them." Great! I know there's a reason I love this job."

They laughed together.

“I hug because people feel good. This is the best part of my day. It makes me happy and creates a pleasant working environment. I also get as many hugs as I give. After all, leaders need a hug too. ”

Brad's staff laughed.

"But, I also expect professionalism in their conduct, good attitude as a staff assistant and I want them to be happy. In fact, based on our agreement, I pay make them happy" But work comes first. As long as these things happen I'm a happy Brad and you can believe me when I say so. I'm resting," Brad said with a smile, along with his team.

"You've made an impressive and interesting case of Brad. Thanks for that. May I ask your staff a question? "Larry asked.

" Now you're really pushing him over the edge, Larry . . . " Brad said, scoffing as Larry laughed. Of course they have. Mrs. Miner and Mrs. Gilbert, can you be honest with me and answer this question: what happens when you leave your current position and work for me or for someone else?"

Both were shaken. their heads at the same time.

Kristi said first: “First of all, Mr. Strait, please understand, this is not a personal matter. It's a matter of work. "

" My answer is that I will not quit this job. I have the best job with the best leader and the best leader does the best job. I agree with Mr. Weber to have the best relationship with us and it works both do I still agree with the group? No, but our professional relationship allows us to be realistic and flexible in these discussions and issues. "

" Each of us has an opinion and if I disagree, I say what I have to say and I move forward without resentment. Each of us knows our place and does not exceed the set limits. The final decision on any disagreement rests with our team leader, Mr. Weber. "

" Because we're a team that talks about everything and nothing, our relationship continues to grow, new boundaries are added, and job satisfaction reigns supreme. Mr. Weber's personal goal is to maintain a pleasant working environment so that each of us feels happy working for Packard Empire. Where else can you find this attitude? So absolutely not. None of us quit this job for any reason.

Jeni nodded, said, "I would say the same thing, Mrs. Miner." "What if I double your salary?"

Jeni said, "It's not all about money, Mr. Strait, although money is a good thing."

They're laughing.

"It's an even better job with a great leader. The relationships we share are just as important, so I'm still not going to quit this job."

Kristi said, "Me too."

"Exactly what I thought. Thank you. Second question. Brad, how often do you throw people in the pool if they forget to call you by your name?

Team Brad laughed and Brad said, "No, not really Larry." I haven't done it yet so that date is still in the future. The pool game started out as a pretty innocent indoor prank and we've, perhaps in fact, continued it ever since. It gives us some reason to laugh. "

" Are you threatening your employees? "

" No, Larry. I joked with them about it. You just heard them joking about throwing me in the pool not too long ago. We have a special name for it when we enjoy our leisure time at work, and it often happens during work, like it just happened. Miss Gilbert, could you please refresh my memory?

"I think we call them stress relievers, Mr. Weber," she replied with a smile.

“Yes, that's it, anti-stress. Thank you, Mrs. Gilbert,” Brad said, encouraging her. "It's been a little fun to interrupt for a day because I'm against all work and no play."

“Most of the time the eight of us join because we have a daily meeting where we talk about anything and everything that is about to happen. Sometimes the talks got so funny that we laughed more than we talked, and we had a few. Laughter is one of the best stress relievers I've ever seen," said Brad as smiles spread across their faces.

Larry looked at Brad and his team and laughed and laughed.

"Now I get it. . I like that,” he said as they all smiled at him.

"Based on your question, Larry, I won't say that again so thank you." I didn't want to give people a bad impression, and it looks like I did,” Brad said.

Laughing, Larry said, “I just wanted to be sure, Brad. Now I'm really impressed with our new owner. I look forward to talking more with you about your relationship with employees and even discussing with your employees, if possible. it happened. We will be back on the island in eleven days and you can call anytime after that. But, I have to warn you, Miss Miner was the one who taught me about relationships, so I can refer you to her if that's too hard for me," Brad said.

"Okay. . It was a remarkable yet unique introduction to our new owners. I'm still embarrassed by what Little did and said, but I'm even more impressed with our new boss. I'm so glad we met and look forward to future interactions with you and your sisters,” Larry said.

“Thank you, Larry. FYI, another name I don't want to call "boss" because a team shouldn't have a boss. A boss gives orders and orders. A team needs a leader who listens, directs, guides, and directs. These are the things that I believe you should do as a team leader,” he explains. “Conversely, I myself sometimes use boss interchangeably because sometimes I am very lazy. "

" I'm sorry, Brad. I better remember that. "

" It's okay. Do not worry. Apologies are accepted, but not required. It's not really a big deal. I also let people get away with it sometimes, so no problem.

"And by the way," Brad continued, "my wish is to always call people by their first name because I think it's nicer. This is what I chose to do a few years ago and because of this the human heart. My staff don't usually call me Mr. Weber, but they ask me to allow them to do so in professional situations like this because they want to show my respect and I'm okay with that. .

"Normally, I wouldn't call them Mrs. Miner and Mrs. Gilbert. But, because I respect them, I would unusually like to correct in similar situations because they take pleasure in knowing that I respect them. and that suits me. too.”

Once again, Kristi and Jeni nodded and smiled in agreement.

“But, as a leader, I find it hard to justify that because sometimes you have to put your feet down and set boundaries that cannot be crossed, which I have done. But, at the same time, you have to be smart enough to know when and if you need to step back, take your feet off the floor and let them erase the boundaries, just to keep them having fun,” Brad said, causing everyone to burst out laughing. .

He joins their laughter as Jeni and Kristi both give him fights. Larry and Helen also added their hive to the group's celebration. When Jeni mostly controls her laughter, she says, "Mr Strait, you have witnessed some of the reasons why the Packard Empire is the best job," she said, continuing to laugh.

"You're right, Mrs. Gilbert... That's really funny, and it's also true... Honestly, Brad. Good to know," Larry said as he controlled his own laughter.

Kristi realizes that her workouts with Brad are paying off. Was that all his training? Of course not, but some did. Brad is a very intelligent person, just like his father. She takes great pride in her performance and makes it have a special place in her heart, but isn't fully aware that she's made it. She feels good to him, not only as the owner, but also as the leader. He makes her so proud and happy today and she wants to let him know, somehow, ASAP.

Because of how Brad praised his staff, Larry wanted to do the same, so he changed the subject, looking at Helen.

"Since Brad explained what he thinks about his employees, I want to do the same for his employees... Helen, you're the best executive secretary I've ever had, so so I really want you to continue your work with this company, even though I have to crawl a bit,” said Larry, smiling at Helen, who was blushing. "You are prohibited from resigning, even if I am an idiot. I am truly blessed that you are working for me and I look forward to continuing this relationship."

Larry gave her a hug and a hifive and they both looked very happy.

"Larry, are you pleased with the hug you gave Helen?"

“That's definitely part of it, Brad. I feel so invigorated right now that it's overwhelming... Helen, what do you think? "

" Larry too. A hug makes all the difference. It even affects your attitude. Of course, kind words help you too.

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