As Stacy, Peggy, Anita, Rick and Scott crossed the runway to board their private jet , Brad, Kristi and Jeni bid farewell outside the VIP lounge. Brad is sad to have to part with his sisters so soon, like he's missing a part of himself, but he's taking care of it.
After departure, Brad, Kristi and Jeni returned to the VIP lounge to wait for their flight.
"Ready to go LA?" Brad smiled and asked.
"Before I go, can I give you some advice, Brad?" Kristi asked.
“Of course Kristi. That is your job. Jeni you too. Don't let my years as a business owner fool you. Come on Kristi," he said and they all laughed.
" Thank you Brad. When speaking to the businesses we visit, make sure you speak the same way about any given topic to all businesses as they will take notes and compare what you say to each. . These companies communicate with each other very quickly and they will know what you said to a previously visited company before they go to the next. Some of the comments you make may come back to you, so be careful that's all.... And yes, I'm ready. "
" Thank you Kristi. I need to think about something… You're in for good news, aren't you? "
" I have my days," she said with a smile. The three of them stepped outside, holding hands, to board the luxury private jet.
This is a flight of about seven hours. to LA from the island. Kristi is her usual sweetheart and Jeni relaxes a bit, quite chatty. Trouble or not, it's going to be a great ride, Brad thought.
Brad mainly thinks about how Jeni wants to be treated and her thoughts on her team. Brad shocked her the day he hired her to his team when he gave her a hug a week ago, but she's still not used to the new order of things, even though she loves it. She's the newest member of the team and Brad thinks she has reservations. Jeni worries about her future in the Empire. He is not sure that he wants her to stay on board and he is ready to do so at this point. She is currently on a temporary basis with Jack.
They talked for most of their trip to LA, reviewing the properties they had planned to visit. After landing that evening, the limousine driver took them back to their accommodation. It was late in the evening and they had no plans for the next two days. Time to catch up on jet speed.
In the two weeks since they met, Kristi has grudgingly entered Brad's bed, not letting him complain, spending the last five nights in bed. They talked about the move earlier and decided to go with it, but she had a warning that she couldn't put her finger in. She knows about the "damn boss" concern, but something else is preoccupied with her. Because Kristi spends the night with Brad, and Jeni is alone. Jeni is Kristi's best friend, so they talk about everything, including boyfriends.
Brad continues to learn more about Kristi and he is happy with this new acquaintance, but the relationship is still not what he hoped for. He wants her, her all, all the time, exclusively. He wondered if he was the only one being selfish. Brad had never been in such a position before. Should he walk cautiously or jump in with both feet and move on? He knows there are problems, but he's willing to wait for Kristi if that's what she needs and he's willing to give her the time she needs.
Deep in Kristi's mind was what happened to Charles the day before they left. She and Jeni have been affected by it and are slowly recovering from what Charles tried to do to them. The good news is he's gone. Best relief for everyone.
Brad and Kristi have been in bed several times a day since they decided to do so. Tonight she wants tender love and care, so they gently pull back, revealing their nudity to each other. Brad hugged her and they stayed like that for a moment, before making their way to the king-size bed. Brad can sense her mood and does whatever he can to help her relax. The more he stroked her slender body, the better she felt. He caressed her for a long time before she started stroking his cock. Then the fun begins.
Kristi revived with sexual energy. She pulled him past her and guided his cock towards his target.
"Fuck me baby, I need you in me more than you think."
So he fucks her. Is the boy fucking her. She groaned and a few screams escaped from her as she pulled him inside her to get as much as she could. Brad hammered her pussy with a hammer and she loved it. His moans increased as he fucked her. Then he pulls out and eats her pussy, then he comes back to fuck her. Kristi is in pain and groans from being fucked, but loves the feeling after a nine-month hiatus while her boss is sick. She is slowly returning to her normal life.
As this unique sensation developed in Brad's balls, his cock exploded in her pussy and it sent her to intense orgasms.
As they come down from orgasm, their eyes closed, their mouths open, their gasping for air, their minds going at breakneck speed as the sensation of orgasm seeps through their bodies. They snuggled together as Brad hugged her tightly, then began stroking her until she fell asleep, with his cock in her lap. He tracks her down as soon as he learns that she's out for the night.
The next day Jeni was really used to Brad's hugs and now a hug of her own and she just couldn't stop. In a way, she felt lonely, but the hugs somehow made up for that. Brad did what he could to make her feel at home. So is Kristi. They form a team with her to make her feel comfortable.
Brad was very affectionate towards Kristi during their stay, which reciprocated the favor. His love for her is growing stronger. Jeni joined in and joked with everyone. She is also full of hugs. It was a good day to relax and so was tomorrow because the next day the storm started. The top two companies on the list are coming to visit and Brad truly looks to the future with a desire to do just that.
Brad continues to research the companies of the Packard Empire. After each business meeting, he asked Kristi to summarize the meeting into a brief for her sisters.
Brad and his sisters stayed in touch throughout the trip, calling them or video chatting. It was fun talking to them, sharing their thoughts and dreams. Brad wants to be with them.
Kristi realizes she's not getting what she wants from her relationship with Brad. She changed and slowly began to notice it. She realizes that her religious desires are disappearing, but does not understand why. She spent more time thinking about Brad and less about fetishism. She wondered what was causing this. She knows she wants Brad more and more as the journey progresses, but still feels uncomfortable with herself. She just didn't understand what was happening to her.
One incident Brad faced was an encounter with the vice president of the record company, the first to visit, by chance.
When Brad, Kristi and Jeni arrived at Packard Records the next morning with their security guards, CEO Larry Strait and Vice President Chuck Little were there to greet them as they exited the SUV .
“Brad Weber,” he said, shaking hands with Larry, then vice president. "May I introduce my team, Ms. Kristi Miner and Ms. Jeni Gilbert."
When greeting them, Larry tells Brad to call him Larry. Chuck said nothing. Brad thought.
They entered the Packard Records building, amid a series of reporters and paparazzi waiting nearby. Brad's team found the decor pleasant.
This meeting with the CEO and Vice President typically exchanges information on company finances, future budgets, business projections, absences, production, and other details related to the company. regarding the ability of the company to stand on its own two feet. This was the information Brad expected from Packard Records and every other Packard Empire company they visited. When they reached the top floor, jokes were the talk. Brad noticed that Chuck seemed to be going crazy over something. He never said a word and kept a serious, almost annoyed expression on his face the whole time.
They entered Larry's office with Jeni sitting to Brad's left and Kristi sitting next to her in a slight curve. Chuck sat across from Brad, only slightly lopsided as Brad looked at his secretary Larry through the office window. Larry sat down to Brad's right, on the other side of the coffee table separating everyone. There is plenty of space for everyone to relax and be comfortable. Helen, Larry's secretary, had bottled water, coffee, and coffee cups on the coffee table.
Kristi pulled out her phone, turned it into a tape recorder, and placed it on the empty chair beside her.
Chuck opens the conversation by saying, "Okay girls, let's get out so we men can talk."
A shiver ran through Kristi and Jeni as they felt uneasy and tense hearing this.
Brad also shivered and interrupted, "Sorry, Little." Larry, I should have done this before the meeting started, but do you mind if I talk to your secretary for just a second before I continue?
"Not at all, Mr. Weber. Keep going."
"Thank you."
Brad got up and moved between his staff and Chuck, turned to Kristi and Jeni and said "sorry," then he said, "Wait here a moment, please. I'll be right back." right."
They nodded and Brad went to Larry's secretary, Helen Cole, introduced herself and shook his hand. She told him to call her Helene.
"Call me Brad, Helen.... I'm sorry to do this to you, but what do you think of my vice president? I'm looking for the honest truth as you see it and please respond. Give it to me immediately as I don't have much time here."
Helen responded immediately by saying bluntly, "He kills morale in this business and he no respect for anyone, not even Mr Strait."
"That's what I thought. Thank you.... After I get back to my seat in the office, call the security, call a team of two men, and let them wait here with you until I wave them into Larry's office. , Chuck said, "Okay girls, your minute is up. Wait outside and don't tell me about it.
Kristi replied, "With all due respect, Mr. Little, we'll stay put." here until Mr. Weber asks us to move out." Don't ask, I'm telling you... "
Larry interrupted by saying, 'Sit down, Chuck. They'll stay there until Mr. Weber speaks.' And that will be another warning on your file
Chuck sat down, frustrated at not getting what he wanted. He didn't care at all for the warning.
"Yes sir, I'll do it for you... Brad, sorry," Helen said as a smile spread across her face.
Brad thanked Helen, punched her, then went back to Larry's office, oblivious to what had happened in his absence.
When Brad returned to his chair, he wondered if he was really going to do it. He decided to step in as the bad cop/good cop playing a stupid leader, but a good guy when he took his place. In the end, he knew he was going to have to face the Vice President, but he didn't know how far Chuck was willing to go, so he braced himself for the worst and started talking.
"Sorry to interrupt everyone," Brad said, then raised his voice. “Mr. Little, there are very few people on this planet who are allowed to command my staff and frankly, you are not one of them. "
" My employees do not leave this office. They go where I go whether you like it or not. If you can't say what you want to say in front of them, you should consider not saying it. And, if you're a little smart, you might want to choose your words carefully from now on. control your mind and feel better about it.
Kristi thinks this will be his first real challenge as an owner and wonders if he's trained enough to handle the situation. She didn't specifically train him to handle this kind of situation, and she didn't know if he needed training either. Jeni is also concerned that she doesn't handle this well, but for different reasons. He seemed nice to them right out the door making them both feel better.
"Okay, your decision," Chuck said and continued. "I couldn't believe a 23-year-old would tell me how to run this business." "Chuck, what is this?" That's enough! Larry let go, his anger was obvious.
"Relax Larry. Let him answer my questions."
"I won't let him answer and I'm sick of your stupidity and disrespect." You are…”
Brad interrupted, “Sorry Larry, if I may interrupt you. I understand that you're upset right now and if I were you, so would I. Anyone will. However, allow me to apologize on Chuck's behalf because he doesn't seem to understand what he's doing. But I really want to know where he's going with this. So if you will allow me to handle this, I will forever be in your gratitude.
Larry, with an extremely angry expression, nodded before Brad finished his statement. Then he covered his face with his hands and tried to suppress his laughter, realizing what he had just accepted.
When Brad reacts to Chuck's statement, he responds to him.
"If you were to suggest that a 23-year-old teach you how to run this business, I could hire someone out on the street if that would make you feel better," Brad said, ignoring the explicit reference to him- the same.
"I don't want to say anything and I don't need some idiot to tell me how to handle this!" Chuck said with sudden exasperation.
“What would you do if I told you how to run this business? "
" I will resign. "
"Does that mean there's no one smarter than you to run this business? "
" I've learned a lot about this company in the years I've been here," Chuck said.
“Would you feel better if Larry hadn't been hired as CEO? "
" Much better. "
"My dad interviewed you for a job?"
"I understand why he hasn't hired you yet," said Brad. That's not what happened, is it? ... You certainly have a unique way of starting a meeting, Mr. Little. I'm sure Larry would agree. His resignation at any time, if that's how he feels. I know I can do it in a heartbeat. We are waiting for your decision. "
" I won't resign", Chuck said without hesitation
" Interesting. You will resign, but you will not resign. It makes sense ..."
Chuck was clearly annoyed.
"Either way, the good news is that I'm here as the owner of the business. I'm not here to run it and I'm not interested in running it. But, if that's the intention mine, I think Larry and I can handle it, that would make your work superfluous, wouldn't it?"
Larry hid a smile as best he could.
Shaking his head, Chuck said, "You don't understand business."
Chuck, I "heard enough!" Larry said in an angry voice
Chuck motioned for Larry to calm down.
Brad said, "Let him dig his own hole, Larry. Let him finish."
Inside, Brad smiled at Larry's reaction and continued.
"Chuck. Again, you're confusing my job. Running this business doesn't have much to do with me. That's Larry's job. That's why he's the CEO. Now, other than this, what's your problem?
"You don't have the experience to do the job you inherited," Chuck replied.
“Two things, Chuck. Firstly, I don't need experience right now because I'm not in a meeting that requires years of experience and my staff will support me, if I need to. Second, my employment as a landlord will not be submitted to you for any approval to my knowledge, unless the company attorney has notified me. I can call her and ask her if you want me. " "It's not necessary."
"Well, you're telling me I don't know how to make my job feel like I'm throwing you in the wind, which is totally stupid thing to do. So tell me, you want me to answer the drama. How's your version?" Brad asked.
"You should step down and let the experts take over before it's too late," Chuck said, expressing growing aggravation in his final statement.