Five days after they arrived on the private island, there was a funeral service and they buried their Father. All the executives of the Packard Empire attended the ceremony, so one of the new owners must have praised his father to make a good impression. In addition, several Alist celebrities were among the guests. His father met them and they became friends throughout his life. One of them fell in love with Brad and he agreed to visit him when he was visiting the LA area, where his father had several businesses. One of the problems new owners face is having helpers. None of them have ever used one and now they are everywhere with them. They do everything they can for them and it takes a while to get used to. On the other hand, the help they have given them since their arrival has not been beyond calling. They answered all questions and made the transition to a new home and job as smooth as possible. They also teach them about safety, awareness, relationships, and a host of other things that hitherto overlooked by homeowners. They are God's messengers to them.
Personally, Kristi likes sexually perverted things. She likes confinement, humiliation, that sort of thing. Brad starts to care about her, but he doesn't like this kind of shit, so he tries to get to know her and do some things that she likes to make her happy, but his concerns his is maybe it won' t. never enough. .
Because they had to work together nearly all of the time, Brad asked Kristi to call him by her first name because he was more comfortable with that. He feels comfortable when employees call him Brad because he thinks it makes people feel good. In public, however, employees preferred to call him Mr. Weber to show respect for him, which he had to get used to. The same goes for his sisters.
The problem Brad faced was getting to know his sisters and all the staff members tasked with supporting them. It was not an easy task, so the owners decided to have nightly meetings to learn from each other, just get to know each other and talk about anything and everything, just to make them feel good. feel comfortable.
Brad hires Jeni, who used to be a floating assistant, to work on his team for the next two months. So he asked Craig to renew his contract accordingly, before they left on their first trip.
The new owners spent the first four days on the island learning all they could about the empire created by their father, which he called the Packard Empire. It is huge and with it comes great responsibility to keep it prosperous.
They take courses, mainly taught by their assistants, and they learn about structure, finance, legal issues, and so on. They also learn about being a billionaire, awareness, security, schedules, and more. It was a hellish education in a very short amount of time.
When she was not in class, Kristi gave Brad more information about the work he is currently undertaking and she blew him away with her insight and knowledge.
The current staff members were his father's helpers before them. Brad's assistant is a fox, if he ever sees one. Kristi is a brunette, slim, fit body, angelic facial features, whip-smart, knowledgeable in all matters relating to the Empire and all living quarters around the world. All the helpers seem to be very smart and very efficient in what they do, but they are not perfect.
Kristi was her father's direct assistant for four years, making her the most capable and experienced assistant. She is truly the patron saint of assistants. With two years of service is Anita. Followed by Rick with a year of service, Scott with eleven months and Jeni with just nine months.
Kristi constantly helps Brad with his work and guides him as much as possible, questioning every decision he makes. She soon became a confidant and he relied on her for information he didn't think he could get elsewhere.
Brad's sisters reported the same thing from their assistants, who also tried to do as much for them as possible.
As the new owners became aware of their new roles, employees encouraged them to meet each company as soon as possible, to let Empire know that the company's structure a lot still exists. . In addition, they must deny the rumors that the opposition is spreading about the collapse of the company.
In the United States, they have two hotspots where Empire companies are located, the Los Angeles area and the New York area. Stacy and Peggy team up and choose to go to New York and Brad goes to LA. Peggy doesn't like giving lectures, so Stacy volunteers to do whatever they need in that department if needed, but avoids it if possible.
Each location has a house owned by Empire, so accommodation shouldn't be an issue. The assistants create an itinerary and the owners approve it, not really knowing what to expect or what they want to accomplish, so they just go with the flow. Stacy, Peggy, Anita, Rick and Scott were about to leave and the route was destroyed. They will visit eight companies in six business days. Stacy and Peggy are ready to go to the Big Apple.
Brad, Kristi and Jeni go to LA and Brad agrees, but thinks he's not prepared enough. He has decided to go anyway and will ask his staff to brief him on the theft. Brad doesn't want to part with his sisters so soon, but doesn't raise any issues about it.
Kristi develops feelings for her boss and is hesitant to reveal it. Jeni also thinks Brad is a handsome kid, but doesn't say anything to anyone.
Brad went to the gym three times a day for the first week and he has toned arms and legs with a toned six pack. He's certainly handsome, but his long hair enhances his look, he doesn't know.
The day before they set off, Brad fired the island manager because one of the island's employees had charged him with sexual assault and rape, among other charges. She has video proof of the latest rape and Brad doesn't hesitate. He fired him on the spot. A fight broke out and Brad did better than him. He was wounded, but he survived. Charles was escorted off the island within 30 minutes of being fired and sent home free of charge.
Based on Charles' remains, they also learn of his feeble attempt to blackmail the new owners based on Brad's sex with Kristi. He also knew it was a cover because Charles secretly wanted Kristi for himself. He harassed her and had to get Brad out of his way.
Meanwhile, Craig Alden is the island manager.
So the stage was set and the novel began...