"Mum, you have to feed Leroy!" I yell at her, spinning around on my heel to glare in her direction. She's sitting at the dining table, painting her left hand with bright pink nail polish. Pink. . . Blurgh.
"I do feed him," She responds casually, never glancing up once to give me eye contact.
"A single slice of toast in the morning isn't enough." I reply angrily, teeth gritted tightly together.
How can she be so careless?
"The boy is five years old. If he wants a snack, he knows to go to the fridge Trisha! That new hair of yours isn't the only thing that's changed about you."
Her words hold resentment behind them and I frown, taking off my washing up gloves. "What is that supposed to mean?" I hit back at her, leaning against the counter.
"Your attitude is disgusting," Mum scoffs, slamming the nail polish down onto the table. She exhales a deep breath before calmly going back to painting her nails.
"Un-frickin-believable." I mutter, grabbing my bag from the table. I shake my head, unable to control the anger bubbling inside of me.
"Where are you going?" Mum yells out of the kitchen door as I storm up the stairs. I ignore her and burst through my bedroom door, grabbing my denim jacket before running down the stairs again.
"You can't leave. I'm going out tonight, I need you to babysit Leroy."
"Screw you Mum!" I scream, slamming the front door shut. I pause for a few moments, feeling the cold wind hit my cheeks harshly. The temperature of the dark night cools me down and I'm grateful for the silence the night has to offer me.
I begin to take a slow walk, heading in the direction I've walked many times before. I know the route like the back of my hand.
I understand Dad is away a lot for business and that's rough on her but I hardly get to see him either and I don't act like a thirteen year old brat. All she cares about is herself and the maternal instinct she's supposed to have simply doesn't exist.
"Idiot," I mutter under my breath, wrapping my denim jacket around me tighter in an effort to stay warm.
"Hey! I'm here!" I yell, closing over the front door softly. I peer around the hallway before glancing up the stairs. Everything remains silent.
"Hello?" I call out, dropping my bag onto the floor by the door. "Hey Trish."
The living room door opens revealing an exhausted looking Emily. Her dark brown hair is pulled back into a high ponytail and her usual glowing skin is pale and ghostly. She's cradling her baby bump, already protective of her unborn baby.
Emily has been my best friend for years. We met when we were children and haven't separated since. She's been there for me through rough times and never once believed a rumour and judged me for my actions. I love her
dearly and having a best friend/sister like her definitely makes life easier. She's currently pregnant with her boyfriend's baby, Jake Melvin. Over the past year, Jake's family have grown into my close friends.
Speaking of Jake . . .
"Where's knuckle head? I haven't seen him for a while." I ask Emily. She lets out a small laugh — "He's out buying me pizza, I've trained him well."
"Extra cheese?" I respond, knowing my best friend's pizza order down to the tiniest detail.
"You bet, I wouldn't have it any other way." She smiles softly. I hear her release a deep breath, running a hand over her face in distress. She leans back against the wall and I take a step closer, wrapping my arms around her carefully. She reciprocates my embrace, holding onto me tightly.
"How are you holding up?" I murmur, knowing how difficult the pregnancy is for Emily. It's a life or deathsituation, literally. Keeping the baby is causing Emily's health to deteriorate however she refuses to abort the little one. My respect for her has never been higher and despite being tough, I respect her decision.
"I'm so tired. I feel like a frickin' zombie all the time." She groans, pulling back slightly. I give her a re-assuring smile, sadness filling me. It's difficult seeing your best friend in pain and knowing there's nothing I can do to help.
"Is it cool me being here? Mum is annoying me beyond belief." I explain and Emily nods, giving me a stern look. "I've told you a million times before, this is your house too. Come here whenever you want."
A warm smile lights up my features and the frustration inside of me begins to fade away. Sometimes all you need is to get away from the stress in your life and spend some quality time with friends.
"Thanks Em, you're a lifesaver." I smile, sitting down on the couch. The house belongs to Jake's Mum but he also lives with his cousins, Tobias and Ivory. I love it here, the entire family is hilarious.
Who doesn't want to be surrounded by constant laughter?
When I'm around others, I hide my pain well behind my eyes. No-one knows how I really feel, not even Emily. I feel bad for not talking to her however she has enough problems to deal with without me adding to that list. I simply fake a smile and act like I'm on top of the world.
"What's up kids?"
A voice greets us and I snap my head up, creating eye contact with Tobias Melvin. My stomach does a little somersault from having his dark eyes on me. His eyes are simply beautiful — a chocolatey grey swirl of emotions hooded over with thick, dark lashes. Tobias is full of mystery, something I couldn't quite figure out. When he looks at me, his lips always twitch up into a smirk.
I clear my throat and tear my gaze off him, wondering how long we've been staring at each other. The thought of him looking back at me causes my body to warm up, embarrassment filling my features.
"Less of the kids Tobias," Emily warns him, shooting him a playful glare. Tobias smile at her, reaching down to flick her forehead.
"Shut up Emily," he teases, bouncing down on the couch opposite us. He's yet to speak to me directly and the thought of him doing so is causing my hands to grow clammy with nerves. I am definitely not a nervous person.
I ooze confidence, I walk in a room ready to own it. However whenever I'm in Tobias' presence, he knocks me completely off guard.
"What's up Trish? You're quiet tonight."
I blink, looking back at Tobias who's staring at me intensely. It's only a few seconds later that I realise he asked me a question and is waiting for a response.
"Nothing, I'm fine." I lie, giving him a faux smile that I hope he can't see through. He doesn't respond and instead cocks his head slightly to the side, mop of dark hair falling over into his eyes.
"Alright sugar, whatever you say." He responds with, that same damn smirk playing on his lips again. I feel my tongue completely dry out and despite trying to act cool, a small blush stains my cheeks. Tobias releases a slow chuckle, knowing exactly what his pet name does to me.
When I steal another glance at him, he's already watching the television screen, a neutral expression on his face.