I had gotten myself the next morning to grab myself something to eat. I wore casual clothing, men's clothing. Because now Seth is here I can't let my feminine feature set free. I'm back to binding my breast.
I groan.
I hate the feeling of wearing the binds but I had no choice.
I left my room and right after I closed my door at the same time Seth came out from his room right across mine.
We were both shocked and awkward that what happened yesterday I felt bad for yelling at him.
"Morning!" He beams a smile.
Guess yesterday's argument didn't affect him at all.
"Morning," I mumble and start to leave.
"Wait, Terry," Seth caught up as he walks side by side. "Are you heading to the dining hall?"
"Great, let's have breakfast," then he wraps an arm around my shoulders. I fought him off but he held on tight and drag me with him.
At the dining, there was a breakfast set up. A buffet with choices of scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes. There are other items in this contemporary breakfast. I picked oatmeal with raisins, a bagel with a side of Philadelphia cheese, and orange juice. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but I have the habit of eating light.
"I'm starving," Seth joins my table with a tray of food to fill up at least four people.
I almost choke on my juice. "You going to eat all of that?" I say looking at the mountain of food.
"Yeah," Seth says with excitement and picks up his knife and fork as he starts with three stacks of pancakes covered in syrup. Cutting a piece and taking a bit he moans. "Damn that is one good pancake.
I scoff as I spoon a bit from oatmeal. "Don't all pancakes taste the same no matter where you get it from?"
"Yeah, but it's all about the person who makes them." He smiles and ate another bite of his pancakes before he stuffs his face with eggs and portions of bacon.
I shake my head and focus on finishing my breakfast. As I spread the white creamy cheese on my bagel and bring it up to my mouth I spot Hugo and Sully entering the dining hall with six children.
I watch their every move as the two men told the children to get breakfast. The children look scared and rush to grab anything. Hugo and Sully grab a table and watch the children. I also look around because it can't be just these two executives. I found four men looking like thugs sitting across from Hugo and Sully.
Just as expected. Being executives to their boss they got to have bodyguards. Only brought four men with them they sure are confident that nothing with happened to them or the children.
Judging by the ages of the children they don't look between six to ten. The younger they are the more expensive they are sold to disgusting perverts.
Images of my past memories had me recall my life when I was in their possession. The woman who they call Madam Red, the person in charge of the lives of many kidnapped children is chosen from their perfect features is to sell off around the world. She chooses five or six children to be sent to the auction. She has them pampered, well fed, finely clothed, and to make sure there are no markings on any parts of their bodies. I was about to be one of them but Madam Red had me stay because she sees potential in me. At first, I didn't know what she meant but when she had me bathed and clothes with light make up then putting me in a private room, and when Hugo entered.
I shut my eyes tight and at the same time my hand squeezes something hard I actually broke it.
"Hey! Terry!"
Hearing Seth yelling I open my eyes and see my hand wet from the mixture of blood and orange juice. I haven't realized that I broke the glass cup.
Seth rushes to get the paper towel and wipe the liquid off my hand and the table. "What the fuck were you thinking?" He says angrily but it wasn't because of anger but of concerns. "Be careful."
I watch him in astonishment to see him caring for me. Then I feel the eyes present around me as we made a scene. I glance at other people from their tables looking while others are turning heads. Now that I am a man some people feel uncomfortable seeing a male caring for another male in this manner.
I pull my hand away from Seth's and took the paper towel from him to care for my injury. "Thanks, I'll take it from here."
"You sure?" He says in concern as his face tells it all.
"Yeah," I look around for a host. "Excuse me!"
A male host approaches our table surprised at the table with spilled orange juice mixed with my blood. "I accidentally broke the glass cup and it cut my hand."
"I see, of course, we will have this clean-up for you." He says. "If you want I can have someone send you to the infirmary."
"No, that is okay. Thank you." I push my chair and stand. I look over at the table with Hugo and Sully having breakfast with the children.
"Terry, are you sure. I can take you." Seth offer. But I ignore him and focus on the target.
"No, just finish your breakfast," I tell him without looking at him.
As I wait for the opportunity, I wrapped the paper towel around my hand hugging it against my chest, and with my free hand dug inside my back pocket to pull out the tracking device. It was Hugo who stood and walk across to grab more coffee. I had this chance of throwing away the bloody paper towel going in the same direction as him.
Reaching towards Hugo as he is refilling his cup. I purposely bump into him placing the tracker in his coffee.
"Oops, sorry man," I say apologetically.
Hugo glare at me and say, "No worries." Then he walks off back to his table.
I smirk grab more paper towels and walk back to where Seth is finishing his breakfast. As I walk away I peer slightly on Hugo's coffee mug as he rises it up to his mouth and drinks it.
The tracker is tasteless and tiny easy to swallow without noticing. So, once Hugo drank his coffee the tracker is already inside his system. I glance at my watch and tap on the screen to see a GPS marker and a red dot indicating Hugo's position.
With this, I know where Hugo is going to and bring me to that bitch.
I snap myself off Hugo and look at Seth. "Um, Seth, I'll be heading back to my room to clean my hand."
"Are you sure you don't want to go to the infirmary?"
He has too much concern for me and with small wounds on my hand, it's nothing to fear.
"I'm okay, I got my first aid kit with me. Just finish your breakfast. Don't want to waste food." I pull up a smile and Seth made a face.
He blinks his eyes at me before he makes a dumbfounded goofy expression. I can see his eyes twinkling.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I sort of quiver at his expression
"You smiled."
Is that why he is looking at me like that?
"You have a beautiful smile."
At that moment my face heats up. I turn my face the other way hiding my blush. "Shut up. You shouldn't say that to a man especially coming from another man."
"But it's the truth. Has nobody say that you have a beautiful smile?"
I pause and revert my body to face him.
Dress as a male person who doesn't know if my gender often calls me beautiful. They have never seen a beautiful man before only because I'm female. And I take in those compliments but the word beautiful coming off from Seth feels different.
My heart thump.
I turn to have my back facing him still blushing. "Just don't randomly call me beautiful out in open."
"I don't feel ashamed calling you beautiful." Then Seth smiled. A smile that haunted me the first day I met him. His smile is like a brush of sunlight and I can't help but stare at it.
His words made me blush even more that my whole body is caught on fire. Can he be any smoother? And how can he not be ashamed to call a man beautiful people here are going to think he is into men. Unless he likes both ends in which I don't he does. This is Seth we are talking about. I am not close enough to know his personal life where we share secrets with him I'm more like a buddy. I don't want Seth to feel that way but it seems he doesn't care what other people think of him.
Oh God, please kill me now!
"Shut up!" I storm off increasing my pace keeping away from him as much as possible with a heated face.