Scan the dark surroundings, I can feel a movement in the corner. I slowly take each step.
I flash my light and in the corner, curl up and hide its face. I lean closer. A little girl reveals to me. She has dirt all over herself that I can't tell. The only thing I could tell is her eyes. They flash rich hazel color. She huddles herself, scared.
I lower my gun and put it back in its holster, "hey," I say quietly not to scare her off. "I'm not here to hurt you."
"W-who...who are you?" She asks, with a stutter. She's really scared.
"I'm someone who will get you out of here." I reach for her but she pulls herself back.
"No!" She whispers screaming. "If Mama Eva knows I'm gone she will hurt me. She will hurt the others."
She's talking about the other children that were brought here. Luckily, I'm not worried since Ghost is doing his job on the other end.
I pull up a small smile. "Don't worry, a friend of mine will save them."
"But...but..." she looks away and hugs her legs tight. "Mama Eva will not be happy about me leaving."
Looking at her more accurately she's so skinny. I can see the bone through her skin.
My jaws tense and my hands turn into a fist. Not wanting to scare the child. I hide away the anger. "May I ask your name, sweetheart?"
"What a beautiful name, Persephone," I smile. "My name is Terry."
There was something about her makes me want to protect her. I've seen hundreds of kids when I'm on a rescue mission. Each one was all scared, frightened, tortured living with monsters. And I had vowed to save all of them. But with Persephone, she's different. Looking at her state, I want to hold her, shield her from the dangers that may harm her.
What makes her so different?
"Persephone, come take my hand sweetie," I say sweetly to her. I don't want you to be scared of me. I want her to trust me. When she moved closer to the corner my heart hurt. "Look, I know you are scared of Mama Eva when finds out. But do you want to be here? In this place?"
I move my eyes with the light in sync with me. This place has no windows, it's too cold, the floors are damp, and she has only a dirty twin mattress with no pillow or at least a blanket and a bucket. Just looking at this place she is treated as nothing.
I contain my anger when I look back at Persephone and my rage just died down. If they treat her more special than the other children why make her live like this.
"Persephone, I heard you tried to escape. I know you want out. Can you tell me why?"
She relaxes her shoulders and turns her eyes on me. I want to so bad pull her in my arms and tell her everything will be okay. But right now, I need her to trust that I'm not the bad guy.
"I...I want to see my mom," tears ran down her dirty face. She wipes it away with her hand.
"Your mom?"
She nods another sniffle from her sobs. "I-I heard from s-some of Mama Eva's men t-that the reason why they k-kept me instead...instead o-of selling me is b-because my m-mom will l-look for me."
Now I can see why Persephone is more special to the other children that have been sold.
"So, you tried to run away to search for your mom?" Persephone nods. "Do you have any clue where your mom might be?" The child shakes her head and tucks it between her knees.
This child is definitely different. Like most children who tried to run away can't reach out the door. But as for Persephone, she tried multiple times, and each time she gets away the Order always brings her back. I was like her, at thirteen when I get the chance I had hoped they wouldn't find me but once they do, they take me back and punish me by starving for three or more days or get beaten. I can remember those nights when I tried to escape only to get caught. I fought back and the punishments were twice as harsh. You can never leave the Order unless you're dead. That is freedom for us when staying within hell.
"Cap? Cap."
I blink and press my earpiece. "Ghost? Did you get all the children out?"
"Yeah, Gunner had them on the bus. Where are you?"
I turn away to take a peek above. I spot flashlights scanning and didn't realize I stayed too long here. More men from the Order are coming this way.
"Shit!" I hiss as I hear Persephone whimper. I hiss again only to myself that I had scared her when I curse.
"Cap? Where are you? And who is there with you?"
I duck my head to avoid being spotted by the Order men. "No time to explain." I glance at my watch and look at the map. "You and Gunner meet me at the beach." Seeing that this manor is close to the ocean would give me the chance to go there without being noticed.
"Okay, be careful Cap," Ghost ends the communication as I look back at the frightened child.
"Persephone, I know how much you want to meet your mom," I took a quick glance above the basement to see five Order men coming this way. Glad Hugo isn't among the five. "I can help you find her. I have people, nice people who are good at their job. I know you are scared and I'm just a stranger to you but I promise I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" I say, serious and promised as I extend my hand to her.
Adverting my eyes above me and listening closely to the sounds of the Order men. I can tell Persephone is hesitating. I know she is scared but I never met anyone like her to go against the Order. I see in her eyes she really wants to find her mom and if she can trust my words I will do anything in my power to find her mom. I had saved hundreds of children, most of them went back to their families, a quarter was sent to group homes owned by Odin and others decided to join the agency.
I hear voices from the Order men as they are rearing in closer to our location. I watch as Persephone's eyes go wide and become pale hearing them.
"Come on, Persephone," I pressure her with my hand in front of her. "If you come with me now, we will find your mom together. If you don't grab my hand you will never get the chance to see her." I say firmly.
Persephone looks at my hand then looks up at me. I keep turning my head back and forth waiting for her answer. I didn't mean to put pressure on her after all, I know she wants out.
After one last lookout, I duck my head and shut the hidden door, and turn to face Persephone.
"If you come with me, I promise to keep you safe from Eva," I tell her one last promise. "But if you want to stay I won't force you. Just you know, leaving this place means you will leave everything, and leaving this place is your main goal. Think about seeing your mother and how happy she will be to see you after all these years."
I wasn't sure of her age because of the current state she is but I'm rounding up to between the ages of eight or ten or maybe a little bit older.
"Persephone, what is it going to be?"
I can hear the Order men closing in and if they do see one of their comrades dead and the other passed out this whole side quest operation will be the end.
"O-okay," she whispers, and just as she takes my hand footsteps are heard above us.
I pulled Persephone behind me, pull my gun out from my holster and have ourselves hiding under the stairs.
"What the fuck?" An Order man shouts. "Who the fuck did this?"
Heavy shoes creak the wooden floor above us as they survey the scene. While they are up there I made a plan to get the both of us out alive. Fragile hands held on to my dress tight. I look down at Persephone with her eyes closed and her body shaking. This must be scary for her, especially to trust a stranger like me to get her out. But I had no choice but to take it with me. I hold her with my free arm.
"Shit, check the perimeter. This fucker didn't get too far." says Order men one ordered. "Nestor, check the girl."
"Man, why do I have to check the brat?" complain the guy named Nester.
"Just do it," says Order man one and snap at Nestor. "Hugo has gone to see Madam Red. Whoever did this doesn't know that brat is down here. We can't have anybody figure out."
"Fine," Nester groans, and one heavy footstep left the house. "Fuck, why am I on babysitting duty. I hate kids."
The hidden door opens as I tight my hand around my gun. Nestor lazily steps down inside the room and with a flashlight scan around.
"Alright, you brat. Where are you?" He snarls.
I look down at the child put a finger on my lips. She nods understanding my gesture. Then I point my finger indicating to go up once Nestor is away from the stairs.
"Look, you little shit. I'm not playing. Where the fuck are you?" Nestor starts to get agitated.
I had Persephone go quickly up the stairs. Once she's up. I step around from the stairs.
"Looking for someone," I purr having the Order man turn, and before he looks am I confused. I snatch my knife from its slip and stab him in the eye.
He went on wailing and screaming and his voice will be heard knowing there are more Order men outside the area. I end his life by snapping his neck.
I pull out my knife and wipe the blood from his shirt. I hear Persephone wincing above me as she saw the whole thing. Walking back up, she huddles herself and I grab her shoulders. "Look at me, Persephone, look at me!" I demand.
She is shaking, her speech stuttering. "Y-you killed him." Then her eyes roam on the other dead Order man. "You k-killed t-them."
"Persephone," I soften my voice to calm her down. "I know it's scary. I had no choice but to kill them. These are bad men. They deserve what they did. Yes, I'm the same level as these men but what I do was to protect, not hurt others. Understand?"
Persephone cries and she starts to gather herself together and nods her head.
"Okay, good," I grab her hand. "Let's go before someone else shows up and notice the mess."
We both ran in the direction away from the manor. I look back to see anyone following us. Searchlights is seen from a distance and sooner or later they are going to call for backup once they see two dead bodies in the house.
I had used both stops to hide behind some junk.
"Oh n-no, the d-dogs," Persephone stuttered as I look back again to see they had released dogs on us.
"W-what are w-we going t-to do?"
Having the dogs would probably have them sniff Persephone. I look down at my watch and see there is a cliff. Holding on to Persephone's hand. I tug her to continue the run towards the cliff.
We both stop as I lean to see the strong waves below. Persephone squealed and hugged around my waist. I pat her head and smile. "Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you."
She nods her head.
"Over there!" A yell behind us had our heads look back.
"O-oh no," she whispers.
With no clue of how to get to the other side not wanting to drown in the harsh ocean waves. I hear a whistle as I look and smile.
Ghost waving his hands in the air. Gunner inside the bus was now on top of it with the harpoon gun.
"Cap, you need to step back." Ghost says.
With Persephone in my arms, we both step back, and a loud boom from the harpoon gunshots directly at us only to hit on the edge of the cliff. An automatic hook approach as I grab to both strap us in.
"They are getting away!" Another yell from behind.
I glance down with a scared child. "Are you ready?"
"W-we won't d-die, right?" she asks, I pull her head to my chest.
"No, sweetheart. I won't let that happen." As I said, I zipline down.
"Shot them!"
Sounds of guns firing at us from the back. Ghost and Gunner are shooting at them to have my back. Rearing to the end, I feel a sharp pain in my back.
I hiss and instead of landing gently, Persephone and I both roll.
Hearing my teammates as Ghost starts to unbuckle the straps. He helps Persephone then me up but I groan at the pain.
"Come on, we have to go," Gunner shouts from inside the bus.
We all hurried inside and Ghost had me placed on the seat. He shouts at Gunner to get the fuck out before more will come and get us.
I groan, holding the gun wound on the lower part of my stomach. You can hardly see through the dress because of the color but as soon as I lift my hand and saw it blood Persephone starts to panic.
"O-oh, no, y-you're bleeding," She says frantically and tears appear in her sweet eyes.
I faintly smile. "I'm okay," as another hiss escape my lips.
"N-no, you a-are not!" She yells at me. Duck her head and cried.
With my free and clean hand, I reach to touch her face but Ghost interrupts that moment bringing the first aid. I pull my hand back.
"Don't worry, kid," Ghost says to Persephone who is balling her eyes out. "Cap, here, she's a fighter."
I smile.
Persephone wipes her tears away and turns to face Ghost but has her head tuck not looking at him in the eyes. "W-will, she b-be o-okay?"
"Cap is a beast," Gunner shouted from the front as his voice made the child flinch.
"Gunner, you ass! Ow! Gentle!" I hiss at the alcohol being pressed on my skin. That tingling feeling I clench my fist trying to endure the pain.
Ghost chuckles.
I laid back and noticed that it was only the four of us here on the bus. "Where are the children?"
"Before your grand escape, we had the children in the cargo jet heading back."
I close my eyes. "Good," I exhale. Knowing the children are safe and on the way to the agency means I can relax.
"Cap, who's the kid?" Ghost asks quietly and nods his head to the little girl.
I open my eyes and find Persephone in one of the seats across from me. She has her legs up against her chest. Her eyes are filled with concerns probably about if Eva finds out she has escaped for good and will do anything to get her back. But I won't let that happen.
"I'll explain it later once we go back," speaking of the back. "Shit!"
"I forgot about Seth," after realizing that we will leave Barcelona without him. "He is still at the hotel."
"Don't worry, I had Kendall call him that he will be taken home tomorrow morning."
"Good, because I don't want Effie on my ass as to why I left her brother-in-law alone in Barcelona."
I glance at the child now she has her head leaning against the window, her eyes shut. Tired from escaping. Ghost finished bandaging my wound and handed me a jacket to cover it up.
"Kendall told me that Seth was worried about you about leaving in the middle of the night." Ghost explains. "He demands to see you and give an explanation."
I let out a groan.
Seth already knows I'm on a secret mission and he demands an explanation.
What an ass?!
Who does he think he is? My guardian?
"I never heard of a fella who is obsessed with our cap," Gunner barks a laugh. "I mean, does he not know you are a woman. I bet he's really gay."
"He's not!" I growl and then groan at the pain.
"Gunner, don't agitate the Cap," Ghost slapped Gunner on the back of his head. Gunner then cussed at Ghost for hitting him.
While those two idiots argue about stupid things. I glance back again at the sleeping child. I sat next to her and focus on her face. when sleeping and not scared I can see a familiarity in her. Just like before when I first saw her. Everything about her is a mystery and still can't find the answer as to why Eva kept this child.
Why is she so important to her?
Never did I expect Eva to keep a child. Persephone must be really special.
Persephone moaned and her brows furrowed. She starts to mumble in her sleep. "N-no, I'll b-be good. I'm s-sorry, M-mama Eva. I'm sorry."
Hearing that name made my whole body tense in rage. I scoot over ignoring the pain in my stomach and place the child with her head on my lap. Needing to comfort her and scare away the nightmare that she having. I caress her hair once with my touch, her brows no longer clench together, she relaxes and sleeps peacefully. I continue to stroke her hair as sleep starts to succumb to me. I lean my head back and close my eyes having this feeling of a child on my lap as she slept made me think of my baby girl.