I'm going out of my mind and will make Kendall pay for making me wear this uncomfortable dress. Don't get me wrong it's not tight or anything I just don't like to show my bare shoulder area and cleavage where anyone can see. Also, it has a slit-up leg part as the dress flows elegantly around me.
I found a few men looking at me and I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.
"Can you stop fidgeting?" Ghost says through his teeth.
Once we arrived at the auction house it was located in a private lot owned by The Order. Before entering, he handed me a masquerade mask as the invite suggested to keep the buyers anonymous. Although the auction was only a way to attract the rich to display rare antiques for the show, the real one is beneath the lot.
In order to enter such a secret auction, you need a stamp of their sigil - a crow.
Crows are said to be known for their clairvoyance and foresight. But the crow being used in the Order in a deeper meaning. Because they are considered wise, they are also known to bring death to your doorstep. That is why The Order is using this magnificent bird to spread that although upon death the crow would lead you to heaven this only masks their true ideal - power.
The Order has been around since I can remember. The members are said to be worshipers in helping the children of God find enlightenment. But that is not the case. They are led by a woman, Madam Red. Not knowing her real name, she runs this cult calling herself, Mother Eva. Her background from once I was within The Order I can never forget.
She started this so-called foundation, this group when she was nineteen. Since then she had brainwashed some followers to be behind her acting like she was some kind of savior, a prophet. That is all bullshit.
She's a kidnapper, molester, and monster who preys on children wearing an innocent face. What do her followers see in her? They see a woman wearing white church gowns and make-believe angel wings sent from God himself. Thinking she some kind of fucking saint.
Outside the group, no one knows the real Mother Eva aka Madam Red. I don't know what is her ordeal of kidnapping a child she can get her hands on and sell them off. For what? What purpose to do such horrifying things.
From what the agency can find on her that she was molested and beaten as a child by her parents. her parents were drunks and sniffers if you know what I mean. They never cared for her, they even used her as a drug mule or worst - pimp her out just to get some money. To them, she was a profit and not their child. I'm surprised nobody told how horrible her parents were to a social worker.
When she turned eighteen, that is when she starts her revolutions. She drugged her parents and burnt down their trailer home along with them. Since then, she started working as a social worker, working with kids and it started the trigger seeing broken homes. Hence, building a community to help children from abusive homes but because of her past, she started to get tainted by her parents' torture and use them on the children.
I clench my fist tight itchy to punch someone. Ghost, who is sitting next to me sees my intention and touches my arm.
"Sparrow, ease your nerves. You are making uneasy here." He whispers, calling me by my code name.
I snort and drag a leg over the other.
"The auction hasn't even started yet and you look like you want someone to bleed. Did something happen in the hotel?"
I turn to look at him seeing him smugly.
"Fuck you," I bark and it made him chuckle. "How the fuck do you know?"
"Kendall filled me in."
"I swear that girl has a big mouth," I groan.
"Why don't you tell him?" Ghost asks, curiously wondering why I brought Seth along during my mission. Stories about me befriending Seth have reached my team's ears. Hopefully not the agency. "I bet he's having a serious issue about his sexual identity." He cackles.
Yeah, why don't you tell him, Terry?
I can't believe my mind is agreeing with my partner.
I look back at Ghost, for as long as I can remember I had never seen him in a tux. He is hot. Once we entered the building most of the girls with the same masquerade mask on were ogle eyeing him. He was tense earlier because of the stares but I'm sure he was enjoying their adoration on him.
Ghost isn't favoring crowded spaces. Real name Myles McCormick aka Ghost. He was only a few years younger than me before he joined the team. He has given the name Ghost because of his code name he is good at not being spotted. He's a great master of disguise and you wouldn't think twice to know who or where he is.
He's like a wandering ghost who came to fuck you.
His background is similar to mine only difference is he grew up with an abusive mother. His father left his mother and so, his mother would use her anger to lash out at Ghost. Even since his father left, his mother use drugs to ease her depression or bring men home while Ghost hides in the closet. When Ghost turned ten, her mother OD on the bed completely half-naked.
Odin brought him back to the agency and since then became my second-in-command in the team. I trust him. He's like my little brother only slightly taller.
"As if I would ever tell him who I am," I slump back into the chair. "Plus, he's not my type."
Of course, Seth isn't your type. He may look broad and pack with muscles but he always seems childish and jokes around a lot. He never takes things seriously if he's isn't joking around.
"Okay, then what is your type?"
Before I could answer a female announcer from the speakers had both Ghost and I direct our attention to the wide window screen.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. this auction will now begin. We will first start off with the females, then the males." She starts. "Before we begin, for first comers, to make a bid please press the red button in front of you." I look at the button as the announcement ends the introductions with, "Now let's begin with the first auction."
I shift my sitting position and lean forward, focusing.
"First off, we have, auctioneer number one," as soon as she says that a little girl approached the center. Judging by her appearance I say she's between the age of six to eight.
She stood there with chains around her wrist and ankles. Wearing nothing but a tank top and underwear. She looks scared and frightens and I hate to watch her get catcalls from all the buyers. They kept raising the bid my ears start to bleed. This whole thing makes me sick.
I cringe.
Closing my eyes I exhale the hot anger breathe out of me. When it was over and one of the buyers got to her, the announcers send in the next one.
Image if I kept my baby girl alive, see her in that state. Lustful eyes on taunting her, wanting her, she would be scared. She would be caged like a weak rabbit being hunted by carnivorous animals that can sink their teeth into. If that ever happened, I couldn't be there to save her.
I wouldn't cope myself. I will blame you for not being the mother I'm supposed to be.
I had no choice.
The decision I made the day she was born still haunts me.
I had my eyes shut through the whole thing. But my ears were wide open hearing the bids.
I wish I could save them. Save them all. But right now my main mission is to find Hugo and Sully, and I hate I have to look the other way.
But once Madam Red and The Order are taken down, these children will be free.
Glancing down at my watch, I pull up the tracker. Sees the red dot in the small square screen indicating he is near.
I advert my eyes at the security guard blocking the door. I need to evacuate myself while the auction is still going.
I reach Ghost's arm grabbing his attention. He's tensed probably having the same disgust effect as we watch children getting auctioned off to low-life sickos.
"Hugo is nearby," I mutter to him. "I know you hate to see this for the next three hours. But I need to get to Hugo."
"I understand," he glances upon at the guard. "What are you going to do about that?"
Peering behind me I say, "I have my way. Be right back."
I rose off my seat and straighten out my dress and walk seductively towards the door. But the big guard stops me with his hand.
"Sorry miss, the auction isn't finished. No one is allowed to leave," he tells me with his deep voice trying to be intimating.
I batter my lashes at him. "I'm sorry, Darlin," speaking in my utmost southern accent. "But I couldn't hold it on the case...well...Aunt Flo came to visit me early."
Mentioning Aunt Flo to a total stranger would allow me to leave. But I shouldn't expect much.
The reason for these illegal auctions are engaged you aren't allowed to leave after it's over. They fear that some undercover cop would reveal their secrets.
Such a thing actually happened. A detective from New York traveled to Mexico where the auction was held many years ago and when he left getting all the evidence to take down The Order he was ambushed by Madam Red's men. The next day, the detective's body parts showed up at the beach of Cancun inside plastic bags.
I have seen the pictures and it was horrifying.
"Please," I beg, then bring on the waterworks when I place my hand on the side faking a cramp. "Please, sir."
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but rules are rules." He says firmly and seriously.
Judging by his appearance, he really serious in his job. I need to intimate him a little bit more. I bet he has never been hit on a woman. Maybe he has but he is too focused.
I just need a little push.
I plant my hand on his chest as he became tense by my touch. I smooth his chest trying to get him to fill up. "Please," I whisper seductively and hook my arms around his wide neck. I tiptoe to get to his ears. "What does it take for you to let me go?"
Then I did the most disgusting thing to him. I nibble on his ear making his body flinch.
Once I pull back the guard's eye just looks at me, an intense look. I can hear his heart beating and I pull on a wolfish grin.
Got him.
"Ma'am, please, take your seat," he commands, but at the same time, his voice was shakey.
I grin. I lift my bare leg and wrap it around his waist. I caress his body trying to get him to rile up "Oh, come on. You can come with me so you will know I won't run away."
"Ma'am, your husband is here. You can't." He turns his eyes on Ghost who sitting there pulling his role as my partner.
I don't know why he assumes that Ghost is my husband but then there are some married couples who have this sort of fetish.
Fucking sickos.
"Oh, him?" I giggle and wave my hand. "He's not my husband but my boy toy, aren't you Darlin?"
"Yes, love." Ghost replies.
"Then you don't mind if I have a little fun with this gentleman here."
"Don't mind me at all. Go have fun," Ghost turns his head back to the auction and smirks. An eyebrow twitch and I plaster a full-on grin.
"Thank you, Pooky," I watch Ghost wince calling him a cute nickname and I had to bite back laughter before I look up at the nervous guard. I grab his black tie. "See? Come now, Darlin. Show me where the little girls' room is at." I purr and drag him out of the room.
Down the hall, the guard who told me his name is Robert led me to the ladies' restroom.
"Thank you," I smile at him.
"Please make it quick," he looks around in panic. "I don't want my boss to see."
I reach his face and pinch his cheeks together and coo at him. "You look cute when you are scared. I like."
I let go, turn and put on a serious yet disgusting look before entering the restroom. I want to vomit after all I did with that guy. This is part of the job I hate the most.