I have been coming to these ridiculous runs for five years now and have never had any success – I refuse to come anymore; this is it for me. I’m twenty-four now so the pack is looking to me for stability and my nagging parents are looking to me for grandpups and an heir… I refuse to mate for politics so if it means a chosen mate than so be it.
Not ideal but better than mating for some land deal.
My wolf Jaxon has been agitated all day which makes me think that this run might go differently for me, but I refuse to get my hopes up. Thankfully, I’ve got my idiot Beta and bestfriend Samuel here with me for moral support and as a distraction. He is the same age as me, also single and looking for his mate. He has always been able to read me like a book and our wolves are even better friends so no doubt his wolf Luke knows that Jaxon has had a sliver up his ass all day.
“Seriously man, you’re all hyped up and agitated – what’s your deal?” He asks me through our private mindlink, not daring to undermine me publicly. We’re bestfriends but I’m still the Alpha and he is still my Beta – in private is one thing but in public we still have roles to play and reputations to uphold. I became Alpha young when my Dad became too ill to stay on, so some other Alphas have always looked down on me as inexperienced or as a ‘pup’ – I’ve spent the last three years since I became Alpha proving them all wrong.
I have the body count to prove it.
No rogue has entered our territory and lived to tell about it, no enemy that crossed my pack has done so twice and Alphas that once looked down on me as weak now beg me to be their ally. My father has stood behind me, not necessarily approving of everything I’ve done but always supporting – both my parents actually. I try to not go to Dad too often with stuff since his health is so shitty but other than Samuel, Dad is my go-to, my rock.
A mate will make me stronger – both physically and spiritually and I’m ready for her to complete my life. Hell, I’ve been ready for a long time now and I know Jaxon has been pining for her for years… our mysterious ‘her’… out there in the world somewhere.
Our mate.
Yes it will strengthen the pack, yes it will make my parents happy to see me settled down, yes eventually we’ll have a pup and provide an heir blah blah blah… All of the pros are there – everyone will be happy. I couldn’t care less about any of that shit – I’ve been listening to the nagging for years already, so it isn’t anything new and it isn’t why I want to find my mate.
I want to find my mate to complete my life.
The soft to my hard, the reasonable counterpoint to my insanity, the welcoming embrace at the end of a long battle… that is why I want to find my mate. She will compliment me in every way and be able to handle me in a way no one else can… she will the perfect opposite for me because she has been selected by the Moon Goddess especially for me and I for her. She will provide for me everything I’m lacking in life and I will happily do the same for her every single day for the rest of our lives – I can’t fucking wait.
I worry though… I can’t imagine what woman would need a guy like me for? I’m overprotective, overbearing and love those important to me fully and without limits. When I commit myself to someone, there is no middle ground - I am one hundred percent committed. As Alpha, I have committed myself to my pack therefore I would die for them. As a mate, I would do no less – if anything I suspect my feelings would be more extreme, Jaxon’s even more so. And if my love is multiplied for my mate, I don’t imagine my need to protect will be any different.
Just the thought of someone hurting my imaginary mate makes Jaxon and I want to kill someone.
Father doesn’t return until the middle of the night from the party by which time I’m feeling much better. I’m asleep in bed, most of my physical healing completed except for the deep bruises which will need longer. As I expected, round two is even worst because now he has alcohol in his system to fuel his anger and by the time he’s finished I need to start getting ready for the run.
There’ll be no time for healing now.
He doesn’t care – he doesn’t want anyone to be attracted to me, or to desire me – not even my mate. That’s okay by me too because I have no intention of seeking out my mate, I have every intention of going the exact opposite direction in fact.
The direction that leads to freedom, I hope.
The mate run is a barbaric tradition where all available she-wolves are given a head start before the male wolves are sent chasing after them, seeking out the scent of their mates. Wolves enjoy chasing and being chased so that part is ‘alright’ but in the old days the males would claim their mates right there in the woods – whether the women wanted it or not. Thankfully, things have improved since then and mates take the time to get to know one another these days but the run still takes place since ‘it is a tradition’. I think chasing women through the woods is disgusting but so is my father so why am I surprised?
It is going to give me a chance to escape so I’m not complaining.
Our part of the California coastline offers beautiful views but also lots of dangerous cliffs and shorelines so if you don’t know where you’re going, it is easy to get into trouble. I have a particular path in mind that I am going to aim for – it will lead me down the rocky cliff to the shoreline where I know of an old mining tunnel that will lead me through to the other side of this section of shore since it comes out miles away from here.
That is where I’m headed.
If I don’t make it there, I’ll have miles of cliffs to choose from and I’ll go over the edge anywhere I can find a spot. I. Will. Not. Return. Here. This is what father wants – for me to hide and come back to him here – not happening. I’ll die first – truly. I will also not go with a stranger to his pack and live some unknown life there – good or bad, I refuse to take the chance.
I’d rather die than face the unknown.
I can’t pack any food or wear anything for the trip ahead without looking suspicious so I dress in nothing more than any of the other women prepping for the run – they’re in leggings and sports bras but my sweat pants and hoodie are needed to cover up my cuts and bruises. I’m standing with Hailey off to the side with the other ladies all of whom are excited and ready for the ‘big day’ – I wish I were like them. I encourage Hailey to join them – just because my life sucks doesn’t mean she should deny herself a great future, but she stays by my side.
Odds are, these are our last few minutes together.
We try to act normal though, so father doesn’t know anything is up, but Hailey is fully aware that I’m planning to run. I hope she finds her mate and he is from another pack so father doesn’t have the opportunity to do anything to her or her family once he realizes I’m gone – I doubt he will because his image is so damned important to him but I’m still worried all the same.
The man is a giant narcissistic asshole after all.
Hailey and I give one another a final hug and I tell her how much I love her. I’m trying to not break into an ugly cry and draw unnecessary attention to myself, so Hailey breaks our hug and walks away. With a deep breath I let my bestfriend go to her new life and as the bell rings, I break into a run towards what I hope will be my new life too.
Freedom? Willow asks me in our private mindlink. I hope so, Willow, I hope so – one way or another… freedom.