To her, everything was still a dream that was definitely talking too much time, she needed to wake up from.
She was present and yet absent in the wedding and the only thing she heard since the wedding start was the priest announcing that they were husband and wife.
As she sat in the car going to God knows where, the only thing ringing in her mind was her family, Tina, her mom and Jake.
What was her mother going to think? This was not what she was taught her but there is nothing she could do as up till now there was a car with guards following the car she was in.
Finally the car drove into the compound that everything right from the gate, the compound itself and the cars parked screamed money.
Landon got down from the car and walked in leaving her in the car.
"You should follow him," the driver suggested and she got down walking after him with this plan of cutting the gown out of her body then leave.
She couldn't imagine herself staying in the compound that though it was beautiful seemed like nobody leaved there, it wasn't as lively as it looked.
Walking inside the house, Landon walked directly to the bar and took a bottle of alcohol. With all the emotions he had piled up the whole day, he actually didn't need a glass as it would reduce his speed of drinking.
"I'm going home, I'll make sure I take this gown to the laundry and return it back," she spoke.
"You leave after that divorce," he responded and continued drinking.
She wasn't told where to go, nobody helped her with the gown, she felt so frustrated as her phone was almost shutting down due to low battery. She walked to the couch and sat as her legs to were paining her, being in high heels since morning wasn't a joke.
Who was she going to use the remaining power to call? Her mother, her boss, Jake and Tina have been trying to reach her and she already had so many missed calls. Her mother, she would need a proper explanation and the phone will shut down before she finishes and her mom will be more furious.
Tina, she is worried by now and one word won't be enough to lessen her worry, could it be by now she has realized she (Yvonne) is married? She didn't know what to think anymore.
After a battle of what to do, she decided to shut down the phone and try reaching out tomorrow when she is calm and explain things to them hoping they will understand.
She then rested her head back on the couch and sleep took over as she was so tired but she didn't sleep for long as she felt someone pushing her and she opened her eyes immediately.
Landon was trying to forcefully kiss her, she used all the energy left in her and pushed him away as he was drank. She tried running away but he got of her leg making her fall and hurting her knee.
She tried crawling away but the pain was unbearable.
"You are all a bunch of ingrates," he kept on saying between the hiccups and sobs.
"Don't touch me," she said in tears but he tore the gown.
What she feared most in this life was about to happen to her.
"Please, don't do this to me, please," she pleaded in tears but fell on deaf ears.
"No!!!" She screamed as that was all she could as he raped her and she collapsed.
She didn't know what happened to her next but on waking up she tried standing up but couldn't.
She was sore and in pain, her heart was shuttered and her knee wasn't helping matters. Landon was lying on the floor as well, she looked at him and all she could feel was hate.
She felt like killing him but couldn't, this was his house, who knows what else he could do to her. He took away her, dignity, her pride, left her shuttered. She will not even be able to run and she will be jailed.
She crawled to the couch with the torn gown helping her cover herself and took her phone then switched it on.
"Tina, I need help. Come with a way of getting me out of this place and a clothe I can change into," she typed the text and added the house address then sent and her phone went off.
Tina had just arrived home when she received the text and on calling the call didn't go through adding to her worries.
She rushed inside took Yvonne's clothes and rushed outside and stopped the first taxi that crossed her path.
"Drive a bit faster, I'm going to this address," she begged the driver as she settled in then gave him the address she had written on a piece of paper.
She kept on looking outside from time to time till the taxi stopped outside the big gate.
"Please wait for me, I'll be back. I'm going to pick my friend,"
"Don't be long,"
"I won't be long," she responded running inside the compound.
Getting inside the house she rushed to where Yvonne was in tears.
"Darling what happened here, who is this man?" She asked pointing at Landon who was still sleeping.
"My clothes?"
"I got you a dress, it's the only clothe I came across first. What's happening here?"
"I need to get out of here,"
Tina handed her the dress and she put it on still seated on the floor.
"If you want us to get out of this place faster then get up. I need explanations,"
"Please help me get up,"
"What is wrong with you?" Tina asked helping her up and she saw the stains of blood on the gown and the floor where she was seated.
"What is the meaning of this? What happened to your knee, your dress, this floor, who was bleeding?"
"I'll answer when we get home,"
Tina nodded helping her walk outside till they got to the taxi.
Felix was driving towards the gate and he saw the taxi drive away. Walking into the house he met a mess which startled him.
"Landon!" He called out tapping him and receiving no reply he rushed to the kitchen and came back with water in a glass using it wake him up.
Landon jerked up from his sleep with his head paining in.
"What's the meaning of all this?" Felix asked.
Sitting up, Landon started hearing the pleadings and the scream from last night in her mind.
"Where is she?" Landon asked a different thing.
"Did she do this to you? I saw a taxi drive away when I was coming but I can call the police to trail her,"
Looking around he saw the torn gown on the floor and blood as well and even his headache disappeared.
"Damn it!" He cursed getting up.
"What is going on?"
"I was drinking then I saw some drugs and I took them, I don't remember clearly what happens next. But I can hear her plead, then screams,"
"Where did you get the drugs from?"
"The same place I got the alcohol from,"
"Why did you take the drugs?"
"I wasn't feeling fine and I knew they were painkillers, those are the only drugs always available in my house,"
"The day we were here with Kirby, I found them in the kitchen she wanted to put in your juice so I took them and hid them there. How many did you use?"
"What did you do next?"
"I can't remember, why didn't you dispose the drugs?"
"It slipped my mind. Let's check the cameras they have an explanation to give us,"
Felix took a laptop from the drawer and placed it on the table. Landon went closer to see what happened and what he saw, he felt like disappearing.
"You didn't just rape her, she also got hurt and this blood means one thing, you took away her virginity,"
"Bro you know I'm not a rapist, it was the influence of the drugs,"
"I know,"
"What should I do?"
"First things first, delete this video because if it leaks out, all your family is destroyed,"
Landon deleted all the videos from last night.
"What next?" Landon asked after doing that.
"I don't know, let me think. What about you look for her, talk to her, pay her not to talk then apologize,"
"Where are we going to find her?" Landon asked.
"Her workplace, I know the company she works with, her boss can give us her address,"
"Good idea, I should freshen up then we go,"
"How are we going to clean this mess?" Felix asked.
"I'll get someone to do it,"
"Are you listening to what you are saying? Getting someone will cause alarm,"
"You don't expect me to clean, I have never cleaned my whole life,"
"There is always a first time for everything, I'm going to dispose this clothe as you think of what we will do on this floor," Felix said going to get some gloves.