"You should pick your phone," Felix told Landon but he couldn't bring himself to answering his father's phone.
He told him not to go ahead with the marriage preparations with that girl, but he was so much in love to even reason. What was he going to do? What was he going to tell the guests seated in the church waiting for them?
What did he do wrong to deserve such a humiliation? Nobody has ever humiliated him this much, their business enemies will use this against his family?
What was he going to do? Everything his father worked so hard for all this years was going to go down the drain because of a woman.
He fell in love with her and she used it against him to destroy not only him but his family to. He will never forgive her.
"Dad, what should I tell him?"
"To send away the guest, there is no wedding and that is the reality. If you had listened to what people were telling you, you won't be in this position,"
"Enough Felix, I know you will not understand because you have never been in love. I loved her but she lied to me,"
"I have been in love but I use my brain, I don't take myself to the slaughter house and expect to miraculously not be slaughtered. Where does that happen?"
"Can I go?" She spoke in a low voice.
"Allow her go, we don't need her. She is not useful to us," Felix said and she felt like doing a victory dance finally she was leaving.
"Thank you so much sir," she appreciated, picked her things and just when she raised her hand to open the door, it opened from the outside and Landon's dad walked in with two guards.
"Dad!" Landon called out shocked as the guards blocked her way.
"What is the meaning of this Landon? Why are you not picking my calls?"
"You have been calling me? My phone is on silent,"
"Where is she?" He asked and Landon scratched his head trying to find out what to tell him.
"I don't know dad, we are trying to find out,"
"Sir they are blocking my way," Yvonne said pleadingly.
"Nobody is leaving this room," Landon's dad spoke.
"Son what is this? Didn't I warn you against marrying that girl?"
"I'm sorry dad,"
"You are not going to embarrass, humiliate and destroy everything I have worked for. The wedding must go on,"
"Dad there is no bride," Landon reminded him.
"Then get a substitute bride because I'm not going to be humiliated because of you,"
"Where and how are we going to get a substitute bride. We can't fool people,"
"I'll handle the media think of someone pay her and let the wedding go on. I'll go to the church and apologize to the guests for starting the occasion late," his dad said.
"Dad, we are talking about getting a bride in thirty minutes where does that happen?"
"It happens because of your ignorance,"
"I think you should call Annette bro, she loves you and am sure she will do this without thinking twice," Felix suggested and he took his phone and called Annette.
Annette was his friend sometime back but everything changed when she fell in love with him something that costed a drift between them.
"What do you want Landon? Why do you call me on your wedding day?"
"Hey, I need a favor from you. Where are you right now?"
"You call me when you need a favor from me and you trash me away when I'm nolonger useful? Landon I think I should continue being useless. Enjoy your wedding and marriage life," Annette responded and hanged up on him.
"What did she say?" Felix asked.
"She will not even hear what I have to say,"
"Who else?" Felix asked as his eyes landed on Yvonne who had rested her back on the wall and closed her eyes facing up.
"What about her? We will pay her to get this over then divorce after a week or a month," Felix added and everyone turned to face Yvonne.
Hearing what was said and feeling all eyes on her she opened her eyes slowly hoping they were not referring to her.
"$10000000, call the team, let them prepare her, she should be out of this room in thirty minutes," Landon's dad instructed as she was still absorbing what she heard.
She needed to wake up from this dream because it wasn't funny.
"I'm just a journalist and I'm sorry for being in this room in the first place but I need to get going," she spoke after a moment.
"Three guards to be placed on the door to make sure she doesn't escape. Son let's go, Felix make sure she gets to the venue in forty five minutes,"
Everything happened so fast immediately Landon and his dad walked out and in no time she was seated in a car dressed in a gown that miraculously fit her with guards that she didn't even feel her own breath.
Sitting in the jet, Kirby felt relieved. She was scared that someone may catch up with her but as always she got away with it.
Melissa wasn't settled as much as she acted like everything was fine, she felt like something was going to go wrong.
"What's the problem?" Kirby asked sipping from her drink like nothing happened.
"Why are you doing this? That man loves you and you know it. I know by now he knows you are gone and he must be broken. You should have reconsidered all this. Maybe you could have broken up with him before today then he would have cancelled the wedding but today is a bad timing,"
"Are we going to go down this road again?"
"What if he was the one that did this to you? How would you feel?"
"Landon loves me and he can't do anything to hurt me. I'm also sure he can never love another woman the same way he loves me, infact he will hate women thinking they are all the same,"
"In short you were out to destroy him completely?"
"Are you for me or against me? Where is your phone? We need to check what is happening at the church right now,"
"You can use yours,"
"If I use my phone they will track us,"
"Where did you get the money to hire a private jet?" Melissa asked.
Kirby may come from a somehow well off but there are things she can't afford like hiring a private jet, and remembering how she has been lavishing money recently, Melissa had questions.
"I was dating Landon Yate, the richest bachelor in town and you are asking me such a stupid question?"
"You have been with him for a while and you haven't been lavishing money the same way you are doing now,"
"Let's just say am being compensated for the time I spent with him," she shrugged like breaking someone's heart into peaces wasn't bad enough, she had to be paid for it.
Melissa was angry, she admired the love Landon had for Kirby and wished she will find a man who will love her the same way and at the moment she felt Landon's pain, imagine being stood up on your wedding day?
Being an accomplice to all this made her hate herself, maybe if she had told Landon about this plan, she would have saved him from the tragedy but would he have believed her?
She didn't think so, Landon was so blindly in love that he couldn't believe anybody else except Kirby, maybe this is the price he is paying for being blind.
They say birds of the same feathers flock together but she wasn't like Kirby, at least she had a heart and was compassionate , she couldn't do such a thing to anyone and can never wish such for anybody.
She took her laptop and checked the internet, she was also eager to know what was happening where they left and as expected the event was live from outside the church.
"We are not allowed to go inside but we will still show you what is happening for where we are. After the long wait our bride is finally here," the reporter announced shocking Melissa, that was what the reporter was saying when she opened the laptop.
Which bride were they talking about yet she was in the jet with Kirby?
"Kirby seems like your plan failed," she said and Kirby dropped her glass.
"Which plan?"
"How many plans do you have?"
"Uncountable so just tell me, which plan are you talking about?"
"About Landon because from what I see the wedding is going on and the bride is just arriving at the church," Melissa announced and Kirby walked to where she (Melissa) sat to see for herself.
"This can't be," Kirby said seeing the bride get down from the car and being led inside.
"You should be happy at least Landon wouldn't suffer a great loss because of this,"
"No, he can't be with someone else, he loves me alone, nobody can take my place,"
"Why don't I understand you again in this life? You don't want to marry him and you don't want him to marry someone else, where are you? Who are you in support with?" Melissa asked.
"You will not understand, he was cheating on me,"
"Why do you say that?"
"That's the only way they could get a bride that first. Everything was planned, he was planning to humiliate me among all those people,"
"You are not humiliated so don't stress yourself out,"
"I will not allow this,"
"Kirby are you listening to yourself speak? What are you saying? How will you not allow it? Are you going back?"
"No, but you have to help me,"
"Not again, what help do you want?"
"You help me record a video the send to the internet once we arrive?"
"Record a video about what? Don't you think all this will backfire on you? How I'll you explain running away on your wedding day? I thought the plan was to go silent for a while till things die down then you will come up with an explanation,"
"Change of plan,"
"Ok, then what are you going to say in the video?" Melissa asked not knowing what to do next.