My alarm clock rings early. I cut him off before he can wake Mike and stand up, stretching as I go. I leave my room to join the kitchen where I turn on the coffee maker. No time to bake toast, it's reserved for weekends only!
I go to my room to choose my clothes and go to change while waiting for the coffee maker to make coffee. I run water over my face to wake up, get dressed, do my hair, and do some makeup. I rush back to the kitchen and take out a mug to get the hot coffee.
Not missed, I'm getting burned!
I'm trying to hustle, really. But I'm not strong for that. I grab my bag, the timetable and the plan and I rush to the elevator. I left a cup and the coffee out for Mike, hope he notices.
I park my car in the school parking lot, made available for students and I rush to the entrance to find my way around. I pulled out the plan. I try to follow him and I manage to be on time in the room where I'm going to have class.
Viewpoint, Mike Dereham.
I wake up slowly. I have an hour to be in class, it should be fine. I take a random t-shirt and jeans then I go to the bathroom to change.
The bathroom is nickel. The day before, I hadn't even noticed Jade's clothes in the corner. She apologized for the mess but I imagine that, like all girls, she likes to tidy up and clean.
I leave and go to the kitchen. The coffee is already ready and a cup is placed right next to it. I just have to help myself and heat the coffee. This roommate, in addition to being pretty and super sexy – you have to say what is – is great. I drink quickly, I grab my bag and I go to my car.
All schools have parking available, which is great for arriving on time! I go in and spot the room where I have class. Quietly, I enter and notice a familiar presence.
Viewpoint, Jade Hower.
Someone sits next to me, I don't even bother to look at the person's head. I still feel a breath on my cheek and raise my head, my face is 2 centimeters from that of my roommate.
"Hey! »
I step back, embarrassed. So he's also in tourism school? Great. I, who am already disturbed by his presence at the apartment, will have to be disturbed in class as well. He smiles and thanks me for the coffee. I'm glad he noticed.
" Hi there ! Said a gentleman entering the room.
So I guess it's the prof. It looks nice, it's cool to start the day and especially the week. I turn to him and listen carefully.
At noon, Mike offers to eat together. So I accept since I don't know anyone. He's pretty cool. Impressive, but cool.
I can't stop looking at it while eating. He tells me how he ended up having to rent a shared apartment and laughs at each end of the sentence. He has a beautiful smile, to die for. Moreover, several girls stare at him when they pass in front of us. It annoys me !
"So what about you, how come you're my roommate?" »
"Hum... Let's say I didn't imagine myself in boarding school, that I wanted a comfortable apartment and rather but I didn't see myself spending so much money on real estate so I applied for a roommate . »
"Ms. Anderson handled everything, right?" That's why you didn't know who I was. »
I nod my head to let him know that's it. Our discussion is, like his gestures, very fluid. It's nice to talk to him, really.
We then go back to class until the end of the day. I'm exhausted when I get home. I arrive before Mike and take the opportunity to take a shower. Not wanting to relive the same situation as the day before, I plan my pajamas for the exit of the shower.
I stay a long time in the shower, I need it. But I finally get out and hear Mike talking on the phone with his mom. I pay no attention to it and dry myself to then put on my pajamas.
I leave the bathroom and join him in the living room. He finally hangs up and turns to me.
"I thought I could cook tonight." » He announces to me as if to have my approval.
"Um...if you want." »
He nods and goes to the kitchen. The latter is open to the living room so, from where I am, I see it, very concentrated in its preparation. I have no idea what he is preparing but as soon as it starts to cook, it smells very good.
"What are you up to?" I asked, curious.
He didn't even bother to raise his head to me, just too focused on...his supposed preparation. I really wonder what he can do....
"Mike. I called, pleading.
"I'm not telling you anything, you'll see for yourself. He replies mischievously, smiling at me.
I smile. He looks like a kid like that, it's awfully cute! I should seriously stop thinking like that, I feel really guilty afterwards.
" So ! You can come. He calls me, a few minutes later.
I get up quickly and walk into the kitchen where he has set the table on the counter. He motions for me to sit down, which I do and wait for him to serve me his meal directly on my plate. Excruciating heat comes out of the oven. I suffocate immediately with my winter pajamas.
" Enjoy your meal ! he says happily as he serves my plate.
I watch it. His dish is a kind of pancake with cheese on top. The pancake must be well filled to form such a thick ball.
“A Picardy string. Typical French dish. » He explains to me in front of my skeptical air. (Product placement of my region mdrrr)
"Smells great, anyway. I complimented him.
I pick up my fork and knife and start slicing the crepe, a sauce comes out on top, what I think is ham and mushrooms. It really smells so good!
I take a bite and chew, watching Mike look on as he waits for me to give my verdict. I swallow and give a thumbs up.
"That's delicious, Mike!" »
He smiles, proud of himself. He finally decides to eat in turn and we talk about the day at college. It's a banal but fluid and interesting discussion. There's no white between us, it's really nice to talk to him. I like.
After eating, I help her clear and put away the cutlery and the dirty plates in the dishwasher. He offers to put on a film, which I accept. We sit next to each other but we don't touch. I prefer to keep my distance, I don't know why.
The movie starts but I can't get into the story. However, it's a film that I love, that I've already seen several times but... I can't do it. I can't think straight next to such an impressive man.
While I'm in my thoughts, Mike turns to me and watches me with a frown.
" What ? I asked, a little dryly.
"Your phone is ringing. »
I frown and look at my phone, which vibrates on the coffee table in the living room. I pick it up and see River's number on it. I take a breath and put it down, without answering. He disturbs me. I don't want to answer.
" You do not answer ? »
Can not you see it ? I shake my head and try to calm myself down as best I can. Only, I do not find a pleasant position and it annoys me. I gesticulate in all directions, I fidget and make noise, which 'forces' – in a way, Mike to turn his head towards me.
" What do you have ? he asks impatiently.
"I can't get well. I pouted like a baby.
He sighs and opens his arms. I frown, not sure I understand. He gestures for me to come over to him. Hesitantly, I ended up going anyway. I'm embarrassed but above all, I'm ashamed of my heart beating so hard in my chest. I'm afraid it's coming out of my rib cage!
" You're good ? »
I nod my head. Finally, I am well in his arms. This time, I can finally enter the film while being perfectly seated.