10:30 a.m. I finally wake up in my new bed. I slept really well and very peacefully. I know my roommate is coming today, I can't wait. Anyway, our meeting is inevitable since classes start tomorrow.
I get up slowly, stretch and go to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast. With the coffee maker running, I toast some slices of bread that I'm going to spread with butter. I pour myself a glass of orange juice and turn on the television to get the first morning news.
I eat quietly in front of the television, without worrying about anything. My sister sent me a text message which I am replying to. I then clear the table and go to the bathroom to splash water on my face. I then go back to my room to choose my clothes for the day.
I would like to go out today but I don't really know where and the weather isn't great. But I'm going out anyway, this bad weather won't stop me from doing anything!
When I have chosen my clothes - and my underwear, I go back to the bathroom to put them on. I brush my teeth, style my hair and apply very light makeup. I'm not particularly a fan of makeup!
I grab my purse and decide to go out anyway. I get to my car and start. On the road, I come across a sign indicating an exhibition reserved for students to discover the city and the activities to do: brilliant!
So I go there. It's perfect, I found what I was going to do!
I still struggle to find a place as the cars are numerous. I get there all the same but I'm quite far from the entrance. I walk there and hear a speech as soon as I pass the entrance.
“-89% of students from all schools in the city have graduated. A very good percentage of success which proves, once again, the quality of our schools. This year again, the arrivals were numerous and we hope to obtain a better score than last year. We are therefore counting on you to work hard and graduate at the end of the year. »
The principal of all the schools, Mr. Terri, is cheered on by the students. I do not applaud, too observant of the scene. He steps back to let a woman stand in front of the microphone. I do not know her. I've never even seen it before.
“Hello everyone, Catherine Arris, organizer of city events and organizer of this exhibition. I thank Mr. Terri for his intervention and I encourage all of you to beat this percentage of success. I thank you for your presence at our exhibition and I hope that all will go well throughout the year. Many days and evenings will be organized here so do not hesitate to inquire. There are stands for each organization, I invite you. There is also one for each school. You will therefore be able to meet other students. I wish you a pleasant day in our city. Good continuation to all! »
She too was cheered on by everyone present. I scroll to look at the stands around. There are many. I don't really know how to find myself!
Fortunately, I notice a poster which presents the place and the distribution of the stands. I study carefully, not caring about someone staring at me next to me.
" Hi. Said the girl next to me smiling.
I observe her and smile, greeting her in turn. She is the same size as me and must be my age but she looks young. She smiles happily and introduces herself to me.
“I am Ellie Green. What's your name ? What school do you go to ? I am in the right, me.
"Tourism and my name is Jade Hower!" »
" Do you want to come with me ? I'm lost. I arrived this morning! I should have arrived yesterday but there was no more room on the train that was arriving here. »
Ellie talks a lot, making me laugh. But she's adorable and it's nice to have found someone to accompany me. We visit together talking about everything and nothing.
" You have a boyfriend ? »
“Yeah, his name is River. And you? »
“I'm single and happy to be, I can have fun as I want and I love it! Your boyfriend is not here but you have an apartment? »
“I'm roommate with another person but I don't know what she looks like yet. I guess it will be a girl but if not, I don't know. River stayed in our town, he's already working. »
She nods but doesn't look very convinced. Never mind. I shrug my shoulders and follow her to a small, furnished cafeteria. We eat together and we stay the afternoon there, to find out about all the possible activities and parties. Ellie really wants to enjoy her student life while I just want to work hard and be able to travel as much as I want.
Sitting on the terrace, we drink coffee and tell each other about our lives. Becoming friends with someone in just a few hours is doable. The proof !
" What is your dream ? she asks me.
" Travel. Visiting every possible country…” I replied, my eyes shining.
“You will get there. I want to become a lawyer. she said, smiling. “I will do everything for it. »
"While partying?" I questioned mockingly.
“While partying. She repeats with impressive assurance.
I smile and stand up.
" I'll go. I'm glad I spent the day with you, I hope we'll see each other again. »
" Sure. We see each other whenever we can. We saved the numbers, don't worry. »
She kisses me and lets me go. I leave the building and join my car in the rain. Everyone must have arrived because the cars are more numerous when I arrive in front of the building. I have to park far from the entrance and I get all the rain outside. I don't have a hood or an umbrella so I'm really soaked from top to bottom.
I arrive at the apartment, I rush into the bathroom to take my shower. I take off the soaked clothes and let them fall to the floor. I get into the shower as soon as possible.
I let the hot water run over my skin and enjoy. I'm tired and at the same time overexcited because I can't wait to start the first lessons in this school. I dreamed about it and worked hard to be able to get my registration there.
I turn off the water and grab the towel. The latter, white and short around my waist but stops flush with the buttocks.
"I forgot my clothes!" I railed against myself.
So I have to go out like that to my room. Even if there is no one, I feel almost naked in this outfit. I open the bathroom door and walk out into the hallway to get to my room only to jump and scream in fear.
There is someone staring at me. This person looks me up and down and really pays attention to my body. I open my mouth in surprise but don't even react, in shock and fear.
" Shit. » Let go of the person.
Yes, damn it. I'm in a towel that barely covers my body and the person in front of me is staring at my body with... longing?
The worst thing is that looking at the person, I feel a shock all over my body and especially in my lower abdomen.
And there, I understand that I am done for. This person is my roommate. He's a man and he's fucking hot...