Viewpoint, Jade Hower.
Mike's new delusion is to call me 'honey' or 'baby'. I don't really know where it came from but I didn't grumble because I like it. I like being important to Mike, even though I'm just one of many girls, and he hasn't even slept with amazed me when he said he wouldn't go any further but surprised in a good way.
The four of us – Kendall, Wesley, Mike and I – are on the plane, heading to Los Angeles. We should be hitting the ground soon, I can't wait!
" Excuse me ! Calls Wesley.
A hostess stops at his height to ask him what's going on.
"How soon will we arrive, please?" »
“In 5 minutes, sir. Prepare to land. »
He smiles and thanks her. I turn off the music I listened to during flight hours and put away my headphones and my phone. Kendall does the same next to me. We take the opportunity to look at the landscape through the window. That's wonderful ! I can't wait to hit the ground!
The stewardess who had responded to Wesley made an announcement that echoed throughout the plane, alerting all passengers to our imminent landing.
I fasten my seat belt and look out the window. Here we are ! A week with these 3 monsters...
" Hello ! Kendall exclaims as she gets into the cab. “The Kawada Hotel, please. »
The driver nods and waits for us to finish putting our suitcases in the trunk. Kendall sits next to him as I get in the back with the boys. It's finally starting, we should be there in a few minutes.
The large villas parade before our eyes, each one bigger than the other. I would like to meet a star, it would be a nice memory of my trip but I'm not here for that and I intend to submit a perfectly complete file.
The taxi drops us off in front of a hotel that is familiar to me, having seen it many times on our file. I take out my camera and take a picture.
The boys are responsible for taking our suitcases while with Kendall, we go to the reception to take the keys to the rooms and pay for them. The secretary, very kind, gives us the two pairs of keys then we find the boys at the level of the elevators.
" Fifth floor ! Kendall said.
The elevator rings and then opens. We go inside and then Wesley presses the “5” button. 5 floors later, we arrive in a huge corridor dividing into three. I look at the posters which indicate how to find one's bearings in relation to the room numbers. I look at ours: 13 and 14.
" It's on the left. I declared.
They follow me a little further down the hall and we arrive in front of rooms 13 and 14. They are opposite each other.
“Girls' room on the left, guys' rooms on the right. Kendall dictates.
I may be, in a way, quiet of Mike. He who keeps throwing himself at me as soon as we're at the apartment, we won't be in the same space for the week. I swipe the card through the small crack, which opens the bedroom door.
I enter this room which will be our 'home' for the week. It looks nice. The warm colors dominate the room and there is a superb view of the sea.
“You chose the room well. Kendall congratulates me, looking out the window.
I laugh and start to open my suitcase. I'm not going to spread out my things but to distribute them well for the week.
"Why don't we go to the beach?" We'll eat pizza there, what do you say? Kendall suggests.
" Very good idea ! I'm going to suggest it to the boys. »
I smile and leave the room to cross the corridor. I knock and wait for Wesley to open the door for me.
“Hey beauty, a concern? »
“Who are you calling 'beauty'?! Mike yells from... the bathroom, I think.
" Your darling ! Wesley yells at her. "Did you want something?" »
“Kendall suggested we go to the beach and then eat pizza afterwards. Does it tell you, or not
What does that tell us? Mike asks coming out of the bathroom, towel around his waist.
He bends down to take his clothes from his suitcase spread out on the floor. I stop answering, hypnotized by his actions.
“Hey oh, Jade, are you with us or what? Wesley says running a hand over my face.
It instantly brings me back to reality. I look at him but see behind him a Mike very amused by my behavior. I share Kendall's proposal with Mike who agrees. We then plan to meet in 10 minutes at the reception. In the meantime, I go back to the room I share with Kendall.
“Kendall? I called.
"In the bathroom!" »
I smile and go to my suitcase. I choose the clothes I'm going to take and wait for Kendall to come out of the bathroom, I warn her immediately about the organization with the boys, which makes her speed up.
She frees the bathroom 5 minutes later, so I have to hurry. I take my shower, dry myself quickly and put on my denim shorts, my beige suspender top and my dark beige cardigan. I grab my sunglasses and my bag, putting on my flip-flops at the same time, then leave the now empty room.
Kendall must have gone downstairs to join the boys already so I hurry to call the elevator. Arrival at the bottom, I see Mike. I almost didn't recognize him, his relaxed style changed him so much. I come near him and ask where the others are.
“They went to get the pizzas. They will join us directly at the beach, I was waiting for you. he smiled.
I smile as he leans down to place a chaste kiss on my lips. He takes my hand and we leave the hotel to reach the beach, located a few steps from the hotel. I take off my flip flops as soon as we go down the stairs leading to the sand and finally put my feet in the warm sand of Los Angeles.
We walk a bit before landing on the sand, facing the sea. Mike sends a text message to Wesley to let him know where we are roughly, then he turns to me.
“You're cute in that style. »
I burst out laughing.
" It's true ! The less clothes you have, the more I like! He justifies, a mischievous smile on his face.
" It's true ! The less clothes you have, the more I like! He justifies, a mischievous smile on his face.
I laugh and stare at him smiling. He too is cute in this style. He smiles at me and leans over to kiss me. Gently at first, then he accentuates the kiss.
“Hey! »