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Chapter 5 New Secretary

Jessica went up to the 36th floor.

This floor was spacious and luxuriously decorated.

There were several secretaries for the CEO of Noblefull Group, working together. At first glance, they were all beautiful and shrewd.

Jessica took a long breath, relieving the tension in her heart.

Nancy saw her at first sight and walked over with a smile, "Hello, are you Miss Jessica? I'm Nancy Scott."

Jessica politely shook her hand, "Hello, I'm Jessica Miller, nice to meet you!"

"Don't be so polite, I'm Grace's friend, we'll have plenty of opportunities to meet in the future." Nancy was very surprised. She looked young in the photos, but in person, she looked even younger.

Pure and fresh, the professional suit didn't match her, is she really the top secretary trained by Lionel?

The other four women also whispered to each other. They had known for a long time that someone was going to replace Nancy's position as the executive secretary. It was said that she was the only secretary of Lionel of the Husdow Group who had completed a full year and had even automatically resigned. In their impression, she should be a very competent woman.

Why does she look like a college student?

Everyone looked at Jessica with questioning eyes.

"Mr. Marcus, Miss Jessica is here!"

"Come in!"

A low, magnetic voice came. Jessica's heart skipped a beat. This voice sounded familiar as if she were hallucinating...

Pushing the door open, Jessica... froze!

This world... became surreal!

Darn it! How small was this world?

"Is it you?" Marcus dangerously squinted his eyes, his thin lips uttering a dangerous question. He never dreamed that the new secretary was her, and even more surprising, she was Jessica Miller.

Time froze!

Marcus's handsome face was deeply inscrutable, showing no emotion. No matter how he looked at her, she seemed very young, maybe in her early twenties, fair-skinned, with a pure appearance and eyes filled with bright colors.

To confirm her capabilities, he deliberately called Lionel. Upon learning that Jessica had joined Noblefull Group, Lionel was livid, shouting for Marcus to bear his losses. The talent he had trained under his perverted methods had been given to Marcus for nothing, which really grated on Lionel's nerves.

This also confirmed Jessica's exceptional abilities.

This young girl was the leading figure in the Parisian secretary world. It was truly unbelievable.

Jessica felt heartache and resentment in her heart for her youthful ignorance eight years ago!

Even eight years ago, if Mr. Marcus hadn't been so oppressive and cold, she shouldn't have been so ignorant to treat him as just a "money boy" and even throw a hundred dollars at him as payment for sex.

Jessica, you fool!

If Mr. Marcus remembered this misunderstanding and found out that she had secretly given birth to Henry without telling him, she would be in big trouble with no way out.

Can she have the chance to say that she came to the wrong door?

What does his expression mean? A beast is always a beast, with eyes that seem to glow green. Hey, can you not make such a sinister expression?

"Are you sure you're of legal age?" Marcus leaned back, lazily lifting a curve. This girl, why is she so expressionless? Couldn't she show some emotion?

Shame, it's an absolute shame!

Damn it, eight years ago, when you took my virginity, why didn't you think to ask if I was underage?

Jessica seemed to forget that it was her who seduced him first.

"Mr. Marcus, I am twenty-seven years old and of legal age," Jessica replied seriously.

Marcus raised an eyebrow, his hands crossed, resting on his chin, staring at Jessica with a sly expression that made her think of a snake.

A cold, moist snake.

Jessica felt uneasy.

Does he not remember her at all?

Jessica's heart pounded, and a cold sweat broke out on her back. Her nerves suddenly tightened. Normally, Mr. Marcus was played by her, and then being dumped for a hundred dollars, this kind of humiliation was a first for him. It should have left a deep impression, he couldn't possibly forget.

Could it be that Mr. Marcus is used to this kind of thing and has become indifferent because of it?

Jessica's thoughts were in disarray.

"Miss Nancy will tell you the specific workflow. Since you are the leading figure in the Paris secretary world, let everyone see your abilities. Go out now!" Marcus's tone was as indifferent as ever.

His profound gaze revealed no emotions.

"Yes, Mr. Marcus!" Jessica breathed a sigh of relief.

Nancy told her about the work process, and familiarized her with the environment, and Jessica quickly adapted, but she was tired and almost exhausted by the end of the day.

After work, Henry was busy in the kitchen wearing an apron. The busy figure of little Henry made Jessica, as a mother, feel a little guilty. Yes, a little guilty...

"Baby, I love you!" Jessica put down a pile of documents and grabbed his little face, kissing him. His skin was so tender, kissing him felt so comfortable, unlike that man, so cold as an ice machine!

"Mommy, I love you too!" Henry elegantly kissed her back.

And Jessica, exhausted from the day, was moved to tears.

"Mommy, how was work today?"

"Don't ask me yet, let me eat a few bites first," Jessica swiftly devoured the delicious meal her son had made. She was starving.

"Hey, baby, what's with that expectant look in your eyes?"

"What expectant look? That's me despising your table manners!"


"Mommy, do you like the working environment at Noblefull Group?"

"No, I don't!"


Jessica clenched her fist, her inner fire blazing, "Because there's a wild beast emitting green light!"

Henry, "..."

"Did you see anyone you know?"

"Know anyone?" Jessica tilted her head, trying to remember the department managers she met today, filtering through the people she had seen, "Lots of strangers, but no one I knew."

"I give up on you!"

"Henry, what's with that expression on your face? Are you despising me?"

"Mommy, you're a pseudo-lady! Well, let's eat, let's eat. I really shouldn't have expected too much from you."

Jessica: "..."

Feeling despised by her son felt darn awful.


A week passed in the blink of an eye, and Jessica had already established her presence in Noblefull Group. As Mr. Marcus's chief secretary, her abilities had earned the respect of everyone, even prompting Nancy to happily take a vacation, seeing that Jessica could handle things on her own.

Even the four women in the secretary's office, who started with mocking, had started to show respect. With her abilities, Jessica had proved her worth.

Noblefull Group was a fiercely competitive environment where only merit mattered, particularly among Marcus's secretaries who were all carefully selected, each with their unique qualities. They were proud and self-assured, and it took a lot of effort for Jessica to earn their recognition.

The only thing that bothered her was facing Mr. Marcus's handsome face every day. For Jessica, it was torture to say goodbye affectionately to her son every morning and then bump into the big boss in the company. She had to constantly remind herself not to give Marcus a kiss.

Speaking of the extent of perversion, Lionel was no less than Mr. Marcus. During her time in France, she had to meticulously record all of Lionel's interactions with his mistresses. Whenever he felt like it, he usually just mentioned a mistress's name, and Jessica had to recall the details of that woman from her memory and pass it on to him.

What annoyed her the most was that Lionel's perversions were not inclined towards socialites or stars, but rather towards affluent women. Regardless of whether the woman was married or not, if he set his sights on her, he would flirt and seduce her.

It is imaginable how fiercely Jessica's inner fire must have burned, as she specially handled these matters for him, wishing she could throw him to Mars.

Marcus wasn't much better. He had a deeply devoted girlfriend, a socialite. He had so many mistresses that they could line up several streets. In just one week of taking office, he had already received calls from over 30 women, all wanting to have a rendezvous with Marcus, and he pushed all of this onto Jessica, asking her to shield him from them.

She accepted the lamenting, the pleading, and the insults in full.

Initially, he just wanted to see her in distress. After all, even the experienced Nancy felt extremely flustered and often became furious while handling these romantic affairs.

But Jessica exceeded his expectations.

When his mistresses called, she welcomed them all with a smile, listened to them attentively, and came up with a perfect excuse every time to fend them off. She could tell every mistress that the CEO was in a meeting, without ever using the same excuse twice.

Her countless creative excuses left him speechless.

Once, he pushed the door open and happened to hear the young girl smiling and saying, "Mr. Marcus is making love with Miss Crystal in the rest lounge and may not be available for a while."

This statement twisted Marcus's handsome face.

However, it couldn't be denied that she was the most competent secretary and handled such matters with ease.

"Mr. Marcus, sorry for the lie, but this is more in line with your style," Jessica said innocently, with a sweet smile.

Damn it!

She scolded people without using dirty words!

The person that perverted Lionel raised, is perverted too!


Eight years later, seeing Raymond Davis and Florence Black again, Jessica was also surprised.

"Jessica, what are you doing here?" Raymond exclaimed in surprise when he saw Jessica.

Beside him, Florence looked astonished and then jealous, with a fierce glint in her eyes.

"Raymond, I am Mr. Marcus's secretary," Jessica smiled.

"Jessica, I didn't expect to see you here," Raymond exclaimed excitedly, rushing over and grabbing Jessica's hand. There was a calculating glint in his eyes. This was his chance to save the Davis Family Group, and he had to seize it.

It had long been rumored that Marcus had a very capable secretary, but Raymond didn't expect it to be Jessica.

Jessica looked so young, seeming like a college student. What could she have done to become Marcus's secretary? It must be because Jessica was pretty, and there must have been some unclear relationship between the two for Jessica to get this job.

Raymond felt jealous in his heart. He had been dating Jessica for a year but hadn't even received a kiss, and now that man had jumped ahead. He felt an indescribable jealousy.

But for now, the most important thing was to save the Davis Family Group. As for Jessica, he hadn't expected her to have changed so much in eight years, still looking uniquely pure, but the past greenness and simplicity were gone, making her even more beautiful.

She made his heart flutter! She could sleep with Marcus, what couldn't she sleep with him?

For now, asking her for help was the real deal. They could take their time later...

"Do you miss me? I missed you so much in these seven years. I've been asking about your news all the time. Where have you been?" Raymond said with excitement, holding Jessica's hand.

Jessica was speechless, her eyes slightly lowered, looking at Raymond excitedly holding her hand. Were they that close?

Also, dude, you're embarrassing yourself. It's been eight years, not seven, okay?

Could you please rehearse before acting? It's so easy to see through.

Besides, your new girlfriend is right there beside you. Is this how you disregarded your girlfriend's feelings?

Damn it!

Who do you think you are? She knew that Raymond was coming today, to be honest, she had even forgotten Raymond's face; she only remembered when she saw him, his presence in her memory was too weak.

"Raymond, Mr. Marcus is waiting for you inside," Jessica said with a faint smile.

"A secretary? I'm afraid she's more like a bedfellow," Florence sharply mocked.

After all, everyone knew that Marcus was quite fickle, and it was common for him to flirt with his secretary. Back in their student days, Florence didn't like Jessica at all.

She only pretended to be close to Jessica to get closer to Raymond. She didn't feel the slightest guilt about taking Raymond away from her. This woman always deceives people with her innocent and pure face.

"As long as they're not married, an unclear relationship between a man and a woman can be called a bedfellow. Miss Florence, how many beds do you change in a day?" Jessica sarcastically asked Florence with a smile.

Anyone can be sarcastic; I can poison you just by opening my mouth!

"Jessica, you ..." Florence was livid.

"What are you doing?" A cold voice floated over, carrying a hint of anger, making the entire floor feel like mid-winter.

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