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Chapter 2 100 Dollars For One Night

The strange sensation made Jessica's gaze start to blur. Having already drunk alcohol and then drugged, she had managed to hold on for so long, which was quite a feat.

"You've been drugged, haven't you?" Marcus finally noticed something was off about her, no wonder her body had been so hot since earlier. He had thought it was... The girl's flushed cheeks, seductive eyes, her clothes half-exposed, her sexy shoulders, alluring collarbones, and soft breasts that were half-revealed...

This was a vividly seductive scene, and no man could resist such temptation.

"Damn it, you come here alone and get drugged, and you didn't even notice?"

Anger, the usually icy Marcus could not contain it. The thought of what might have happened to this girl if she had run into someone else... And did it even matter to her?

The thought of other men seeing her in this seductive state made Marcus want to kill.

No, to kill her!

Jessica groaned uncomfortably, her mouth dry, and unable to resist, she licked the corner of her lips. This action, in Marcus's eyes, undoubtedly became a seduction. An absolute seduction!

Marcus gave a wicked smile, provocatively lifting her chin, his fingers ambiguously caressing her soft and rosy lips, hot breath teasing Jessica's ears, sending shivers through her body.

Damn, this man was such a devil, why did he have to look so good for no reason? She was falling into his trap.

"If this is your way of playing hard-to-get, congratulations, you've succeeded!"

Lowering his head, he wanted to kiss her.

Damn it, still playing hard-to-get, aren't you a bit too self-absorbed?

Jessica had a starry-eyed expression on her face and sweetly smiled, "First, let's clarify, how much for a night with you?"

If it was too expensive, and she couldn't afford it. Originally, she had planned to wait for Marcus to name a price, then she would say she couldn't afford it and make a quick escape. Who would have thought that plans always fail to keep up with changes?

Marcus's face turned ashen.

Damn it!

He, Mr. Marcus, had never thought he would fall to the point of being bought by a woman.

Furious, he chuckled and provocatively lifted Jessica's chin, his deep eyes possessing a mesmerizing charm that made Jessica unable to help but indulge in it.

"1 million US dollars, I'll buy you for a night!" Marcus said.


Jessica's mind exploded!

Oh no, what she currently hated the most was someone who relied on money and acted high and mighty.

Her burning anger erupted like a roaring fire, and with a sweet smile, Jessica arrogantly lifted her head, exuded a queenly aura, proud and defiant, "10 million US dollars, I'll buy you for a night, how about that?"

Damn it, who has more money? I can use the money to crush you to death!

Tell me how many hell bank notes you want, and I'll burn as much as you want!

It had been a chaotic night, filled with ambiguity to the extreme.

Jessica woke up in the morning, feeling sore all over her body, cursing Marcus in her heart countless times.

This man was nothing but an inhuman person, too ruthless!

Her body was covered with numerous bruises and marks left by him – some from gripping, some from kissing. Jessica purposely ignored the marks she left on Marcus's back, cursing him in her heart over and over again.

Her petite body had been tightly held in his embrace, and it took Jessica a great deal of effort to break free. With the dawn approaching, she hastily put on her clothes, enduring the pain in her lower body. She couldn't help but curse Marcus a few more times. Finally dressed, she reached into her pocket, finding only a hundred dollars.

A hundred dollars for 10 million hell bank notes, is that enough?

She didn't care. He was the one who benefited from it, while she was the one who suffered losses. If it was not enough, he would have to make up for it.

Spending a hundred dollars, she felt extremely distressed. She scolded herself for exchanging money for pain. Was she out of her mind?

In Jessica's calculations, Mr. Marcus wasn't worth a hundred dollars. It was truly a bargain. She reckoned Mr. Marcus would be close to spitting blood when he found out.

With this in mind, Jessica felt completely justified leaving the money on the table and kindly tearing a piece of paper to write a few words: inhuman person, this is your selling-your-body money. Goodbye!!

Jessica surreptitiously slipped out of the room, fleeing like a fugitive.

She would go home and settle accounts with Karen. How dare she drug her? Did she want to die?


Mr. Marcus woke up, and the sky was already beginning to brighten. Its comfortable embrace and a pause later, he felt something amiss. Suddenly opening his eyes, the room was empty, leaving only him. His eyes narrowed slightly, his bewitching features taking on a dangerous hue in the morning light – looking both lazy and deadly.

Damn that little brat.

She actually managed to escape?

Well, nobody escapes from the hands of Marcus. This naughty girl...oh... tastes pretty good.

He was a bit intrigued. Mr. Marcus was now a classic example of acquiring the taste after the first bite.

His gaze fell on the hundred dollars on the table, its vivid color catching his attention. An unpleasant premonition arose within him, and Marcus's eyes twitched at the corners. It better not be what he was thinking.

He had underestimated Jessica's evil nature.

When he saw the graceful words on the paper, Marcus's eyes darkened, and a murderous aura emanated from his body.

Inhuman person?

A hundred dollars?

Selling-your-body money?

Alright, very well!!!

Mr. Marcus grabbed the paper, crumpled it into a ball, and smiled twistedly.


The old and dilapidated slums of City W.

The old and dilapidated houses, the dirty and smelly streets, and the crowded crowds, everywhere exude the hardships of the lowest level of urban life. Surrounded by skyscrapers, only this section is dilapidated.

Jessica carried a small suitcase and walked out of the crowded street.

"Jessica, have a good time with your aunt in France, don't worry about Dad. Study hard, Dad is sorry for you." Mr. Miller's eyes were swollen and he cried all night. Since marrying Karen's mother, he has felt guilty towards Jessica. "Dad is incompetent. And I have been mediocre all my life, unable to do anything for you. Fortunately, your aunt is taking you abroad, so you don't have to suffer with me. I can also give an account to your mother."

"Dad, don't say that." Jessica hugged her father. "I'm going to France, not disappearing. Dad, you can rest assured. I'll come back in the future and I'll make sure you live a comfortable life."

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, I will take good care of Jessica." Agnes Lopez said lovingly.

"Dad, Karen is very shady outside and owes a lot of money. You must not get involved, just live your own life well. She's already an adult, she will take care of herself. Besides, you have no obligation to do anything for her, remember?" This was what Jessica was most worried about.

Mr. Miller nodded.

After returning that day, Jessica directly beat up Karen. Despite her innocent appearance, she had a strong temperament and forced Karen to confess everything. However, Karen was still not giving up, trying to sell Jessica to an underground auction. Luckily her aunt had taken her to France to study, otherwise, she would have been in big trouble. She was worried about her father.

The taxi started and Jessica watched her slightly stooped father, tears streaming down her face.

Dad, wait for me to come back, I will make sure you live a comfortable life.


At the traffic lights, a silver luxury sports car was parked.

Mr. Marcus's recent temper was very bad. He was about to return to Australia and he couldn't find the whereabouts of that girl.

That bad girl, he was determined to find her and make her pay for what she had done. Even if she ran to the ends of the earth, he would find her and make her pay the price.

Those pair of bright eyes were very charming!

Her taste, so addictive, is captivating.

Damned girl!

Mr. Marcus was unwilling to accept that their relationship would end like this. There was always a voice in his heart shouting that she was the one he was looking for. This special feeling made his heart race, and he didn't reject it.

His slender eyeliner slightly lifted, suddenly stopped. Was that the bad girl?

In the taxi, Jessica was absentmindedly looking at the necklace Mr. Miller had given her, not noticing Mr. Marcus's gaze.

The traffic lights changed, and the car started moving. It was rush hour, with heavy traffic. Marcus had to closely follow, afraid of losing her.

Driving like this was very dangerous.

On the high curve, as a result of the taxi in front of him turning, Marcus became anxious and recklessly cut in, and as a result, tragedy struck. A truck coming from behind violently collided with his sports car, causing Marcus and his car to flip several times...

Bad girl, don't go...

Before falling into a coma, Marcus's only thought was intense and persistent!

Inside the car, Jessica's heart skipped a beat, and she felt a sharp pang before she turned her head blankly. Who was calling her?

"There's been a car accident at high speed," the driver said.

Jessica felt somewhat uneasy, and it took a long time for her to calm down.

As the ambulance rushed Marcus to the hospital, Jessica also boarded a flight to France.

The girl waved with a bright smile and shouted, "Goodbye, America, I will be back soon!"


Eight years later

W City, airport.

A finely dressed little boy stood in the airport lobby with snow-white skin, delicate features, and a tender and lovable appearance. Despite his adorable face, he wore an elegant smile, resembling a child version of a gentleman.

Every detail was unbelievably perfect, causing a sensation among many travelers, from elder people to little children.


"Mommy, I'm here!" Henry Miller waved his little hand, smiling to greet his beloved mother.

Jessica had golden curly hair, wore sunglasses, a red shirt, a wide black belt with scattered diamonds around the waist, cropped denim trousers, and a pair of red high heels, stylish yet pure.

Finally, they were back!

After missing their hometown for seven years, even the air felt fresher than in Paris.

"My darling, how does it feel to be back home?" Jessica steadied the suitcase, leaned down, and planted a big kiss on Henry's face. She loved him so much.

"The weather is better than in Paris."

Jessica took off her sunglasses, revealing an extremely pure face with a sweet smile, concealing her devious thoughts, "Let's go, let's go see our Aunt Grace. Remember, when you see her, you have to give her a big kiss so that we can have a feast for the two of us."

"Understood, Mommy!" Henry nodded solemnly.

The mother and son conspired as they headed toward the exit.

Her son was truly clever.


"Sir, what are you looking at?" The Smith family's steward at the airport lobby asked curiously.

Old Mr. Alston's sharp gaze was fixed on the mother and son's silhouettes, lost in thought.

"Did you see that little boy just now?" Old Mr. Alston's voice was slightly cold.

The steward followed his gaze, only catching a glimpse of Henry's tender back.

"What's wrong?" the steward inquired.

That child and Marcus... bore a striking resemblance. Though it was just a passing glance...

But that little boy's face, though tender, resembled the one he had seen when he first met that child years ago.

Old Mr. Alston's face darkened as he shook his head, "It's nothing, perhaps I saw it wrong. Let's go."


Grace Wright was Jessica's close friend during her studies abroad, and their relationship was very deep. She returned to the country three days before Jessica and her son.

As soon as Henry arrived, Grace hugged and kissed him without stopping, immediately welcoming them and preparing to entertain them.

This was a very famous local restaurant known for its unique regional flavors, attracting customers from far and wide.

After getting out of the car, Jessica went to the restroom. Grace let Henry get out the car and wait as she went to park. When Henry got off, Grace came over from the other side and waved to Henry, "Sweetheart, come over here."

Henry ran over with a smile, but he didn't notice and bumped into a man, almost falling, and his little foot stepped on the man.

"Sorry!" Henry quickly apologized and bowed. He grew up in France and was an elegant young gentleman.

After apologizing and seeing that the man wasn't angry with him, he walked over slowly. Grace saw that he was unharmed and felt relieved, and then took him into the restaurant.

"Marcus, what's wrong?" A pretty woman intimately hooked her arm with his and asked with a sweet smile.

Why was he staring at that kid all the time?

Marcus shook his head, his cold eyes narrowing slightly. For some reason, when the child bumped into him, it seemed to touch the softest part of his heart, causing a slight flutter. Marcus regretted a bit that he hadn't seen the boy's face more clearly.

"It's nothing, let's go!" The two of them walked arm in arm into the neighboring restaurant.

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