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Chapter 3 The Brilliant Son

Jessica returned to America for two weeks and everything went smoothly. Grace rented a house for her and her son near the school, just a ten-minute walk away. The area had convenient transportation, complete facilities, and a quiet neighborhood, which was very suitable for them.

Jessica took Henry to see Mr. Miller.

Mr. Miller and his second wife, Irma Baker, still lived in the slums. Seven years ago, Karen was caught by the underground market for owing high-interest loans and since then, she had disappeared without a trace. The person behind it was sinister and vicious, not Mr. Miller, and Karen's mother, as commoners, could provoke.

Due to their difficult life, Irma's temper worsened, but Mr. Miller was a very gentle person and often endured her. They lived a very hard life.

In recent years, Jessica had been busy with her studies, taking care of Henry, and working part-time. She had been too busy to return to her home country, only calling Mr. Miller every week to catch up.

Eight years had passed and seeing Mr. Miller with white temples, Jessica felt an indescribable sense of discomfort.

"Jessica? Is that Jessica?" Irma's eyes lit up when she saw Jessica's fashionable appearance. "Jessica, hurry up and take us away from here. I've had enough of it here. Your father is useless, working hard all his life and not saving a penny. Fortunately, there's you, a good daughter, to take care of us. Hurry up and take us away. I'm legally your mother, and you must support me!"

"I only have one mother, and you are just my stepmother," Jessica smiled sweetly.

Damn it, a leopard can't change its spots. She's talking about support obligation. If it weren't for my father's sake, I'd dismantle you. If it weren't for you and your daughter's greed, my father wouldn't have suffered so much over the years.

"What are you saying? You are being unfilial! Oh, why is my life so miserable? Jessica, I don't care, you must take me away!" Irma wailed and cried on the ground while Mr. Miller appeared helpless.

Henry tugged at Jessica's sleeve with his tender voice full of innocence, "Mommy, you taught me what 'brain-dead' means last time, and I understand now."

Irma's voice was stunned and stopped as Jessica laughed, "My darling is so clever!"

"How dare you curse me, you wild child... Ouch!"


The sharp scream suddenly stopped, and Jessica slapped without hesitation, "You dare, say it again!"

Jessica had a very innocent appearance, always wearing a harmless smile that was clear and attractive. Only those familiar with her knew that this woman was a first-class schemer. Even if she wanted to cut you into pieces in her heart, she would still be smiling on the outside.

At this moment, she finally tore apart this sweet and innocent mask, her eyes flashing with anger. If it weren't for the lack of resources, she would have wanted to break a stick and hit her with it.

Anyone who dared to touch her baby, she would strike back for one, and for two, she would strike for a pair.

Irma was frightened by her and cried out, "Daughter hit her mother, daughter hit her mother... Come and reason with her...Oh...no..."


Why don't you become an actress? You could easily win some kind of best-acting award just like that.

"Have you had enough of your tantrum?" Mr. Miller, unable to bear it any longer, took Jessica and Henry away. How could he have been so blind to marry her back then? She had ruined his entire life!

"Dad, come and live with me, let me take care of you. I've been working in France for a year, working part-time during my studies and I've saved up some money. I can take care of you and Henry, no problem."

Mr. Miller sighed, and patted his grandson's head, "Jessica, don't worry about it. You know Irma's temperament. If I go to live with you, she will too, and she has a gambling habit. If there's no money at home, she can restrain herself a bit, but if she knows you have money, she will be extravagant. I can't burden you. It's not easy for my daughter to have success. I can't ruin it for my sake. Besides, you have to think of Henry too."

"Dad... Do you want me to just watch you suffer?"

"Dad is used to it. As long as you all are doing well, Dad is satisfied."

"Well, Dad, I'll bring Henry to see you when I have time. If you have time, come and stay with us for a few days. Henry will be very happy too."

"Yes, Grandpa, Henry wants to hear your stories."

"Good boy. Grandpa understands."


After school, Little Henry went to the nearby market to buy vegetables, meat, and groceries. As he passed by the park, he saw an old man sitting on a bench.

He was wearing a fitted suit and exuded a very dignified aura.

Not far away, a long Rolls-Royce luxury car was parked at the side of the road, and a man was anxiously making a phone call, urging someone to tow the car.

It looks like the car broke down!

The two were almost face to face, Old Mr. Alston suddenly stood up in excitement, his face changed dramatically, startling Henry.


Henry was puzzled, and then he smiled gracefully, "Hello, sir!"

Old Mr. Alston was shocked, the little boy he met at the airport that day, that glimpse, looked a lot like Marcus, and now, even more so!

Those facial features, that disguised elegance, were almost identical.

"Who is your father?" Old Mr. Alston suddenly asked, too shocked, the dominant figure in the business world for many years, he couldn't control his trembling voice.

"Sir, do you always ask a stranger who their father is?" Henry smiled.

Old Mr. Alston paused for a moment, and suddenly the phone rang, he picked it up. Henry was about to leave, but he stopped in his tracks when he heard the first thing he said.

"Marcus's secretary needs to be replaced?" Old Mr. Alston asked sternly, his face darkening.

Henry raised an eyebrow, with a pensive look on his face.

"Well, in that case, let Crystal be his secretary. With Crystal watching over him, I can feel a bit relieved at least!" Old Mr. Alston's voice was extremely cold.

Henry's lips gracefully curved but with a hint of coldness.

His blue pupils flashed a hint of mockery, then disappeared, returning to the graceful young gentleman.

"Yes, that's it!" Old Mr. Alston hung up the phone, locked his eyes on Henry's face, and repeated, "Who is your father?"

Henry smiled, exceptionally elegant, "He is a teacher, you don't need to know!"

He stepped forward and left.

"A teacher?" Old Mr. Alston pursed his lips, then sighed. 

Perhaps it's just a coincidence, how could Marcus have any relation with such common people?

As Henry approached the apartment door, he took out his phone and dialed a number, "Aunt Grace, please do me a favor..."


Noblefull Group, President's Office

Marcus sat on the genuine leather sofa, wearing a well-fitted suit, with a devilishly handsome face and a cold, piercing gaze. This young president exuded an air of elegance mingled with indifference.

The slanting sunlight poured in, casting scattered, mesmerizing shadows on him, adding a layer of captivating charm.

Marcus Smith, 28 years old, the third young master of the Smith family, graduated from Harvard University and took over Noblefull Group four years ago. With his talent and abilities, he made a name for himself in the business world within a few short years, elevating Noblefull Group to new heights.

His iron-fisted style and decisive decision-making consistently made him unbeatable in the business world, wielding immense influence.

At the same time, he was known as a playboy president. With his immense wealth and handsome appearance, Marcus was the object of affection for elite ladies and sought after by celebrities, regardless of their background, they all couldn't escape his charm.

Rumors had it that Crystal Walker, the heiress of the Walker Family Group, was his official girlfriend, and they were already at the stage of discussing marriage. Major newspapers had also reported intimate photos of the two of them together.

Even so, Marcus' frequency of changing partners still astonished people. Whether they were actresses, elite ladies, or innocent girls, as long as Marcus set his sights on them, they couldn't escape his pursuit.

Except for Crystal, no woman had ever stayed by his side for more than ten days. Mr. Marcus' rules of engagement were simple: easy come, easy go. His wealth and handsomeness were alluring, while his coldness and iron-fisted approach kept these women from daring to get too entangled with him.

Hence, he was known as the playboy president.

At this moment, he furrowed his brows, looking quite displeased, as his icy gaze fell upon his secretary, Nancy Scott.

Nancy broke out in a cold sweat. Although she was the wife of his friend, she couldn't help but feel afraid when faced with Marcus' icy gaze. Who knew she would suddenly become pregnant and have to take a leave? 

"Mr. Marcus, I will choose a suitable secretary to take over my position."

"No need!" Marcus said coldly, his slender eyes narrowing. "Go and inform the HR department to recruit a new one."

Nancy hesitated for a moment, taking the risk of being scolded to say, "Mr. Marcus, I have a suitable candidate to recommend. Can you consider?"

Oh, no! Marcus' expression was truly terrifying. Would she fail even before she started?


"Yes, I have a friend who worked as a secretary under the president of Husdow Group for a year. She is currently looking for a job in the country, and I am certain of her outstanding abilities. She is more than capable of taking over my position as a secretary."

Husdow Group? Being able to serve as a secretary for a year under that control freak, there was no doubt about her capabilities. Lionel, that pervert, changed his secretary every month, with many quirks and strict demands. He rejected secretaries who fawned over him and those who were just decorative. Any secretary who could last under him for three months was considered one of the most top-notch in the world.

"Submit her resume directly to the HR department. No need for an interview!" Marcus decisively stated, "Let her start formally on Monday!"



An Apartment.

Jessica, holding the phone, was stunned and speechless for a while after hearing Grace's words.

"Darn it, Grace, are you out of your mind? You gave my resume to Noblefull Group! Ugh, I'm going to kill you!"

"Hey, sis, I had to ask Nancy to put in a good word for you. What's your problem? The salary is 70,000 dollars a month! If I had the ability, I’d have taken the job myself. Is it your turn now? Also, your sweetheart, Little Henry said you agreed. I only gave Nancy your resume because of that. Oh well, I don't care. It's done, anyway. Report to Noblefull Group's CEO's office on the 36th floor on Monday. Got it? I’m busy, gotta go. Talk tonight."

Jessica, "…"

"Mommy, I'm sorry. I thought you were in a hurry to find a job, so I agreed to Aunt Grace," Henry sat at the table, looking distressed, his fair face on the edge of tears.

"Sweetheart, it's okay. Mommy initially promised Mr. Quincy to work at his company... It's nothing, we can just push it back. It's nothing. I will talk to Mr. Quincy."

"Mommy, are you not mad at me?" Henry raised his head and asked softly, with tears still shimmering in his eyes.

"If Henry sells mommy, mommy will help Henry count the money," Jessica kissed her son's tender cheek, not noticing the cunning smile that flashed across Henry's lips.

Oh, Mommy, I did sell you!

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