Percy's POV
Travel in Alaska is not cool at all. The water is cold, plus the fishes are strict and shy. We couldn't have come to this far if it wasn't by the help of my half godly brother Triton. We met him at the sea about half way to Alaska. It wasn't actually a visit though. We accidentally came into his territory and he wanted to challenge me for a fight. He said dad doesn't have many children and he called himself the champion of the sea. The fight was draw, but at least I've gained some respects from Triton. That's why he teleported us to this place.
The eldest giant's castle was next to a cliff. An icy water fall flowed down it about a hundred feet below. I was running for my life from an army of skeleton Roman soldiers. They were the dead soldiers in the Fifth Cohort. Things were getting worse. The dead had finally found a way back to life. On the way, my memory hadn't improved very much, but one thing that I certain. I came from the East, and I also found out an existence of another camp with organisation just like Camp Jupiter. Jason must be there. Dad said about Hera playing a game, and he took that opportunity to bring me out from my sleep. If Jason also lost his memory like me, he would eventually find a way back if he can complete a task like mine.
Far away, near the dark prison cell. Frank and Hazel were fighting with Alcyoneus. Frank turned into a giant bear and scratched the giant with his claws. Frank has discovered his new power two days ago, when Hazel was attacked by two gorgons. They injured Hazel pretty bad, and that caused Frank's anger as he slaughtered the two snake monsters. He's just like upgraded to a new level.
They fought rhythmically under the giant, as he tried to grab them. Hazel slipped between his legs while slashing it. Frank turned from a bear to a giant eagle as he kept bounding on the giant's head, annoying him.
A spear threw at me as I dodged just in time. I could've blasted those skeletons into pieces, if I could control the icy water below. Dad's powers not present here a lot, so it was really hard for me to actually create something out from water. This is why they call it the land beyond the gods.
I stopped just in time as my feet were close to the edge of the cliff. I knew I was out of option other than fighting back. I took out Riptide and pointed my sword at the army. They kept advancing without thinking. I ran into the formation, jumped over the shields of the first line. I stabbed down at a skeleton under me. Another ran up, trying to hit me from behind. I lowered myself and span around, slashed his legs off. Two more came to me, as I grabbed a dead soldier in front and turned back, using him as a shield. The two blades stabbed into my walking shield and stuck there. Taking the chance from when they were in a confused state, I slashed three of their heads off. No matter how hard I tried, I knew I would run out of energy in any minute. I ran straight ahead, trying to open a blood bath and blade slashing in all direction.
A sword suddenly came and it made a cut on my shoulder plate. I hissed in pain but kept running. A spear came at me as I dodged, but the sharp still cut my cheek a little. Another one came trying to stab me as I block his blade, but the one behind took the opportunity and made a prominent cut on my arm. I chopped its head off and kept running. Only a little bit more. More and more enemy came into my way, but finally, I made it out from the deadly formation. Looking back, the formation was broken in half as a line of broken bones and shield ran between the it. I couldn't fight them like this anymore. They were too much for me to handle. Just then an idea came into my mind. I stabbed the blade on the ground and used all my power to push it in deeper. The area around the cliff rumbled, as ice started falling down. The dead soldiers stopped on their tracks. I stabbed another time as the icy ground dropped lower. The skeletons started to run, but that was too late. Part of the cliff broke and almost the entire army was on it. It dropped on the icy river bellow and broke into many pieces.
I dropped on the ground in exhaustion. Gods that was hard. I winced as the cut on my arm started to hurt. Suddenly, I heard a scream. Turning back, Hazel was caught by Alcyoneus. Frank tried to save her and the giant swept his hand. It hit Frank and he dropped on the ground unconscious.
"Surrender, son of Neptune," Alcyoneus said. "I got your friends here."
"Let them go!" I bellowed.
The giant squeezed Hazel even more as she screamed. She finally blacked out from it. The giant dropped her on the ground beside Frank.
"You will pay Alcyoneus!" I grumbled.
"Don't do anything stupid demigod," the giant said. "Your friends is still alive, but if you step one more step. I will crush them to dead."
"You..." I pointed my finger at him.
The giant smirked. "You are not that strong like what mother warned" he said. "Anyway, I'm gonna finish you for now. So that I can complete my mission"
As saying that, he threw a fire jar at me. The fire burned though, my clothes then touched my skin. I dropped on the ground screaming in pain while the giant laughed and pumped more fire on me. "You like it, a son of Neptune, dies under my fire."
It burns. It hurt so much, I cannot take it anymore.
Frank's POV
My head felt dizzy after the fall. I slowly opened my eyes and the first I saw was a column of fire and Alcyoneus kept throwing fire jars at it. I heard Percy's screamed in there, in the fire.
"Stop" I yelled "you are killing him."
"Enjoy it." He smirked. "It been a long time I haven't had something fun like this."
Just then, a pair of eyes lit up inside the fire. I swear I could see it. The flames became smaller and smaller until we all realised what was happening.
"Impossible" the giant exclaimed. "No one can absorb fire, no one."
Yes, there he was, Percy Jackson. His clothes tattered, from burning. But he didn't have any injury at all, like nothing happened to him. Percy glared at the giant and his hair just suddenly lit on fire. Before Alcyoneus could say anything more, Percy flew straight at the giant with incredible speed. The giant flew back but a giant fire arm grabbed him and threw him up in the sky.
"You think you can kill me with fire?" Percy grumbled as he flew up on the air. Fire was burning at his feet like a push for a rocket. He shot a fire ball at the giant and he dropped on the ground created many cracks.
"No fire can kill me" Percy landed on the ground and threw him out from the crater, and gave him a massive punch from his fire hand.
Alcyoneus flew back to a boulder and broke it in half.
"Because, I am the son of Hestia" Percy bellowed. "I am the son of fire!"
Percy roared as he gathered the flames in his mouth and then released it out. The power was too strong that the giant couldn't say a word and already melt into dust.
Percy breathed hard and he dropped on the ground in exhaustion. I tried to get up, but someone kicked me from behind and I fell into unconscious.
Percy' POV.
Gods I was tired, the last strike took all of my energy.
Suddenly, a massive hand grabbed me from behind and threw me one the ground. I groaned. In front of me was another giant. He was beyond madness.
"You have killed my brother" He roared. "You will pay, Perseus Jackson!"
I closed my eyes, prepare for my death.
But nothing seemed to happen. Slowly opened, a man was in front of me. His hand was made out from earth as he grabbed the giant's fist and pushed it back. The giant stumbled backward, he looked was far more than fear. My savior turned back to me and grinned.
"You alright kid?" He said.
He was a tall, muscular man with shoulder-length bright brown hair was slicked back, dark brown eyes and a stubbly beard. He wore a long, black, high-collared and tattered cloak with shoulder blade; around his waist is a simple belt. His torso was wrapped in bandages and he wore loose-fitting dark pants, complete with an armored waist-guard bearing plates similar to the ones on his shoulders, tucked inside a simple boots.
The giant stood up shocked.
"You-you shouldn't be here." The giant stuttered. "You are not involved in this war."
I noticed the man's arm had changed back to human. How did that work? The giant charged at the man, he just signed and waved his hand. Immediately, a giant icy arm shot out from the ground and slapped the giant. The mysterious man touched his palm on the ground as crack appeared under the spot where the giant laid. An entrance opened under him as he dropped into it.
"No" the giant screamed "Don't send me to Tartarus. I don't want to go back there. Nooo"
The earth closed and the giant was gone. The man started to walk away.
"Way!" I called him "Who are you?"
He just kept walking with his head staring at the mountains.
"I am no one" he said "I travel everywhere, people know me, but I don't know them. Earth is my home."
And just that he disappeared, like the earth swallowed him or something. I managed to get one my feet and ran to Frank. We had to save Thanatos.
N/A: I know it's getting suck right now. This book is a disaster, but I will finish it. I'm trying to make it as short as possible until Percy and Artemis meet. Just keep reading.