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Chapter 5 I Order A Quest

Percy's POV

At least the food was good. Invisible wind spirits waited on the campers and seemed to know exactly what they wanted. They blew plates and cups around so quickly the mess hall looked like a delicious hurricane. If you got up too fast, you were likely to get beaned by beans or potted by a pot roast.

Hazel got shrimp gumbo while I chose cheese burger and blue soda. She shot me a weird look at my drink and I just shrugged. It made me feel happy, I didn't know why, but it did.

The Fifth Cohort's tables took place at the back of the dining hall next to the kitchen. Our table was the least crowded. An Asian dude I met at the muster came up to me with a tray of food. He sat down at my side and held out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Frank, nice to meet you." He said.

I just shook his hand awkwardly. "Uh, hi"

"Frank is also a centurion of our cohort. He's a son of Mars." Hazel explained.

"Yeah, I have just ranked up," Frank said. "I come to welcome the new recruit. Oh, and you were totally amazing by the way. I was totally impressed when you took down the Cyclopes with the giant water hands. I wish I could do that."

"Uh, thanks" I responded.

Frank seemed to be the nicest guy beside Hazel since I arrived at this camp. I know that Reyna is also nice with me too, but at some points she's too strict.

Most of the camp didn't pay much attention to me, being a son of Neptune and all. Hazel told me the Romans always scared of the sea. That is why they didn't like Neptune very much. Instead of that, they favoured Zeus, my least favourite god.

A ghost suddenly appeared at our table made me nearly jump up and yelp. He was an old man with a medicine ball belly and a toga, his purple aura flickering around him. "This is him?" he panted "The new member of the Fifth."

"Percy, this is Gaius Vitellius Reticulus" Hazel's expression said: just humour him. "He's one of our Lares; takes an interested in new recruits"

Next to me, I heard Frank muttered. "Vitellius the Ridiculous." Lucky for Frank the old ghost didn't hear it.

"Yes," Vitellius said, "back in Caesar's day - that's Julius Caesar, mind you - the Fifth Cohort was something! Twelfth Legion Fulminata, pride of Rome! But the eagle lost and now look at us? Disgraceful what've we have become to. Look at Hazel here, a centurion using a spatha. Ridiculous for a Roman legionnaire - that's for cavalry! And you boy"

Vitellius walked closer and sniffed me. "You have a powerful scent" he said "You are not just a regular demigod are you?" His face darkened if I could tell with that flickering body.

I sunk down on my seat with my eyes were staring at his. How could this guy know about my secret? But then, being a ghost and all, they would've their ways of finding out secrets. Even eavesdropping while invisible is probably one type of them. The horn suddenly came up and it saved me.

"We need to go," Hazel said standing up. "See you later Vitellius"

I hurried out of my seat and walked along with Frank and Hazel. "Sorry" Hazel said "He's eccentric, but he's one of the oldest Lares. Been here since the legion was founded."

A kid ran pass and pushed me aside. "Watch out Fifths" he scowled.

"What's up with the Fifth Cohort anyway?" I asked. "Everyone in here seems to hate it. You guys are great."     

"It started way before us" Hazel said and pointed back at the back of the wall, where the legion's standard were on display. "See the empty pole in the middle?"

"The eagle," I said.

Hazel was stunned. "How'd you know?"

I just shrugged. "Vitellius said about the legion lost its eagle a long time ago. He acted like it was a huge disgrace. I'm guessing it had something to do with the Fifth Cohort."

"Well, actually that has happened the first time, the Jewish rebellion." Hazel said "The Twelfth was lucky. We got our eagle back. But the second time..."

"You guys were there?" I asked.

They both shook their heads.

"It happened in Alaska back in the eighties..." Frank said.

"That time, the Fifth Cohort was the best in camp. The praetor from the Fifth Cohort Michael Varus, wanted to bring glory to the legion if he could figure out the prophecy and make it come true."

"So he went to Alaska," I guessed. "What happened?"

Frank lowered his voice. "Long, gruesome story. Almost the entire Fifth Cohort was wiped out. Most of the gold weapons were lost, along with the eagle. The survivors went crazy or refused to talk about what had attacked them."

"Since the eagle was lost" Hazel continued, "the camp has been getting weaker. Quests are more dangerous. Monsters attack the border more often. Morale is lower. The last month or so, things have been getting much worse, much faster."

"And the Fifth took the blame," I guessed.

"Yeah," Hazel confirmed.

"Since the Alaska disaster, we've been the outcasts of the legion. Until Jason became praetor and brought our reputation back."

"The kid who's missing?" I asked.

"Yeah," Frank said. "He was a good leader. He practically grew up in the Fifth Cohort. He didn't care what people thought about us. He started to rebuild out reputation. Then he disappeared."

"Which brought us back to the square one" Hazel said bitterly.

I didn't say anything and kept walking, until we reached the Field of Mars.

Everyone was there, standing in formation. Reyna trotted up from behind. "Romans!" Reyna said "The game begins, the First and Second will defend and the others att-"

A sudden explosion cut her off. In the middle of the legion, a column of fire blasted into the air. Everyone scrambled backward as a huge soldier stepped out of the explosion.   

The soldier was five meters tall, dressed in American Forces desert camouflage.  He radiated confidence and power. His black hair was cut in a flat-topped wedge like Frank's. His face was angular and brutal, marked with old knife scars. His eyes were covered with infrared goggles that glowed from inside. He wore a utility belt with a sidearm, a knife holster, and several grenades. In his hands was an oversized M16 rifle.

I had a feeling that we met before. Even fight. Everyone dropped on their knees. That was certain he a god. And whenever a god comes, I hide. I lowered my head so that he couldn't see my face and stepped in between the formation and bowed.

"That's good," the soldier said.

"Kneeling is good. It's been a long time since I've visited Camp Jupiter."

The soldier scanned the crowd. "Romans, lend me your ears!" He laughed "I've always wanted to say that. I come from Olympus with a message. Jupiter doesn't like us communicating directly with mortals, especially nowadays, but he has allowed this exception, as you Romans have always been my special people. I'm only permitted to speak for a few minutes, so listen up."

"Thanatos has been chained," he announced. "The Doors of Death have been forced open, and no one is policing them-at least, not impartially. Gaea allows our enemies to pour forth into the world of mortals. Her sons the giants are mustering armies against you-armies that you will not be able to kill. Unless Death is unleashed to return to his duties, you will be overrun. You must find Thanatos and free him from the giants. Only he can reverse the tide."

He looked around, and noticed that everyone was still silently kneeling. "Oh, you can get up now. Any questions?"

Reyna rose uneasily. She approached the god, followed by Octavian, who was bowing and scraping like a champion groveler. "Lord Mars," Reyna said, "we are honored."

"Beyond honored," said Octavian. "So far beyond honored-"

"Well?" Mars snapped.

"Well," Reyna said, "Thanatos is the god of death, the lieutenant of Pluto?"

"Right," the god said. "And you're saying that he's been captured by giants."


"And therefore people will stop dying?"

"Not all at once," Mars said.

"But the barriers between life and death will continue to weaken. Those who know how to take advantage of this will exploit it. Monsters are already harder to dispatch. Soon they will be completely impossible to kill. Some demigods will also be able to find their way back from the Underworld."

"If left unchecked," Mars continued, "even mortals will eventually find it impossible to die. Can you imagine a world in which no one dies - ever?"

Octavian raised his hand. "But, ah, mighty all-powerful Lord Mars, if we can't die, isn't that a good thing? If we can stay alive indefinitely-"

"Don't be foolish, boy!" Mars bellowed. "Endless slaughters with no conclusion? Carnages without any points? Enemies that rise again and again and can never be killed? Is that what you want?"

Octavian lowered himself even more as if he wanted to kiss the dirt.

"I order a quest!" the god announced. "You will go north and find Thanatos in the land beyond the gods. You will free him and thwart the plans of the giants. Beware Gaea! Beware her son, the eldest giant!"

Next to me, Hazel made a squeaking sound. "The land beyond the gods?"

Mars stared down at her, his grip tightening on his M16. "That's right, Hazel Levesque. You know what I mean. Everyone here remembers the land where the legion lost its honor! Perhaps if the quest succeeds, and you return by the Feast of Fortuna...perhaps then your honor will be restored. If you don't succeed, there won't be any camp left to return to. Rome will be overrun, its legacy lost forever. So my advice is: Don't fail."

Octavian somehow managed to bow even lower. "Um, Lord Mars, just one tiny thing. A quest requires a prophecy, a mystical poem to guide us! We used to get them from the Sibylline books, but now it's up to the augur to glean the will of gods. So if I could just run and get about seventy stuffed animals and possibly a knife-"

"You're the augur?" the god interrupted.

"Y-yes, my lord."

Mars pulled a scroll from his utility belt. "Anyone got a pen?"

The legionnaires stared at him.

Mars sighed. "Five hundred Romans, and no one's got a pen? Never mind!" He slung his M16 onto his back and pulled out a hand grenade.

There were many screaming Romans. Then the grenade morphed into a ball point pen, and Mars began to write.

"There!" Mars finished writing and threw the scroll at Octavian. "A prophecy. You can add it to your books, engrave it on your floor, whatever."

Octavian read the scroll. "This says, 'Go to Alaska. Find Thanatos and free him. Come back by sundown on June twenty-fourth or die.'"

"Yes," Mars said. "Is that not clear?"

"Well, my lord...usually prophecies are unclear. They're wrapped in riddles. They rhyme, and..."

Mars casually popped another grenade off his belt. "Yes?"

"The prophecy is clear!" Octavian announced. "A quest!"

The god's image flickered. Lightning crackled across the sky.

"That's my cue," Mars said. "Until next time, Romans. Do not disappoint me!"

The god erupted in flames, and then he was gone.

Reyna stood up and turned back at us. Her expression was part amazement, part nausea, like she'd finally managed to swallow a mouse. "Everyone return to their barracks" She announced "The game shall be cancelled. We will discuss who's going on the quest tomorrow at the Senate House."

That night I couldn't close my eyes. Part of that was I have slept for too long and my brain kept on thinking. The quest was hold just like dad said. I have to be in this quest, that's the only way for me to get back my memory and defeat Gaea. But I was a probatio. That would be impossible for them to accept me going on an important quest such as this. That was when I decided I must act. I have to be on this quest no matter what.

I slipped down my bed. Carefully walked to the barrack door, suddenly, someone's hand touched my calf. I froze. If they see me running away, I would be in a big trouble. My head slowly turned back and snore came. I sighed in relief. I continued walked to the wooden door, and opened it slightly.

I don't know my luck is shining on me or not. Just when I closed the door and turned back, Hazel and Frank were standing behind me with a shocked face. Frank dropped his donut on the ground.

"We are you going Percy?" Hazel asked.

"I, uh...finding the toilet" I lied scratching my head.

Hazel folded her arms "Tell me the truth Perce. We have toilets in each barrack."

Crap. I should've checked about that. I signed. "I must go on this quest, with my rank, they wouldn't let me go that easily."

"Are you insane?" Hazel exclaimed "You know it's really dangerous. You can die up there."

"That's the only way I can get back my memory Hazel" I told her "Neptune told me. Also he said I'll be the one to defeat Gaea. But I can't do that without gaining back my memory."

Hazel looked at the ground, seemed to be thinking about something. She sighed and looked up to me. "You can go, but" Hazel stopped. "I must go with you." 

Frank spitted out hit drink. "Wait Hazel, are you ok?"

"Well he's a newer, he needs someone to help him" Hazel shrugged. "I used to live in Alaska, I could help him to navigate the ways. Also, I chose to stand for him. If they discover he goes on the quest without permission, I would get killed."

I didn't want to pull Hazel into this, but she was right. "Fine" I signed.

"Don't be ridiculous you guys," Frank said "Hazel, you will lose your position if you go"

"Frank," Hazel said. "I know, you have tried so hard to become a centurion and you really favour it. But sometimes, power is not actually the best, as long as you feel happy, that is what you live for."

"Fine" Frank signed. "But take me with you."

This time was my time to get shocked. "Wait, did I hear something wrong?"

"Just take me with you guys?" Frank said "You need an experienced soldier to go with. Also, I will probably get bullied without Hazel by my side."

Hazel just smiled. I could see the strong connection between them. "Ok, let's go." I said "and be quite"

We arrived at the stable. Hazel had a connection with the unicorns somehow. They followed her lead, just when we were about to take the horses out. A familiar voice came.

"Where do you think, you are going?" Reyna was there with her arms folded and her back leaned on a pole.

"Reyna...I" I started but a shout came from far outside.

"They're over there!" Torches came closer and closer. Reyna turned to us. "Hide, quick" she ordered.

We jumped inside a bush behind her. Octavian came into view with about thirty kids behind him, armed heavily. When did he see me coming out? Why didn't he catch me back then? Just then I understood how evil he was. He wanted to catch me, along with Reyna. I guess he told her to come.

"Reyna," Octavian said "We need to chase a running camper, have you seen them?"

"No," Reyna lied. "I haven't seen anyone."

Octavian looked at the bush we were hiding and smirked. "What's behind that bush?"

Reyna stepped back. "It's nothing" she said "You should go back to your barracks"

"Oh," Octavian smirked "So you want to protect a certain Greek son of Neptune?"

"I remind you about you rank Octavian" Reyna bellowed. "Go back to your barrack now. That is an order"

Octavia glared at her but turned back. "Not for long" he muttered and walked away with the other kids.

We slowly came out from the bush "Why did you do that?" I asked Reyna.

"Percy" Reyna said "out of all people, you are the only one who can capable to go on this quest. I believe in you"

I climbed on the horse and stared at the hill, emerged in darkness. "Will you be ok, I mean Octavian."

Reyna signed. "He cannot do anything to me, at least for now." She said. "Percy"

I looked down at her from the horse. She grabbed my collar shirt and before I could say anything, she pulled me to her lips. I was shocked as she suddenly kissed me. Her lips were so soft and sweet. It tasted like Artemis's lips. She pulled away. "Come back safe." And patted the horse's butt and it sprinted to the hill.

Frank glanced at me and I shot him a look: don't even mention it.

Our horses ran up to the top of the hill and down to the road. With that, our quest began.

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