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Chapter 4 The Roman Legion

Percy's POV

"You're lucky" Hazel said and handed me a cup of coffee.

"What is it?" I asked.

"There way Reyna treats you, that look..."

My face turned bright red. Sure I kinda liked Reyna, but look at me. She is kind of an important person in this whole place while I'm just a homeless dude being called a Greek.

"Aw look at the poor guy. He's already blushed." Hazel teased.

"Stop it Hazel. She's not like what you think and I'm not like that too" I defended.

"I'm serious Percy" Hazel said "She has never been so nice like that to someone since..." she paused.

"Since what?"

"Since our predator disappeared." She told me.

"Wait, Isn't Reyna the praetor?"

"There always two praetors in this camp Percy," Hazel explained. "Reyna is one and the other is Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. He's disappeared eight months ago. Still, many of us believe that he's not died yet."

"Wait so you mean they were a couple?"

"Might have been" She said. "Praetors work closely

together. It's common for them to become romantically involved."

"So you guys divided into cabins?" I asked changing the awkward topic.

"Sort of" Hazel ducked as a kid riding a giant eagle swooped overhead. "We have five cohorts of about one hundred kids each. Each cohort is divided into barracks of twenty - like roommate, kind of."

I've never been good at maths, but I tried to multiply. "You're telling me there's five hundred kids at camp?"


"And all of them are children of the gods? The gods have been busy."

Hazel laughed. "Not all of them are children of major gods. There are hundreds of minor Roman gods. Plus, a lot of the campers are legacies-second or third generation."

"These Legos-"

"Legacies," Hazel corrected.

"They have powers like a demigod?"

"Sometimes. Sometimes not. But they can be trained. All the best Roman generals and emperors-you know, they all claimed to be descended from gods. Octavian we are going to meet is a legacy too. Descendant from Apollo. He got the gift of prophecy."

"So where are we going" I asked.

"To temples hill," she said "Octavian will ask the gods if you can join the legion."

I supposed temples hill would be the most sacred in this place. I had a feeling that wouldn't be good. Dad's words suddenly came into my mind. Don't come anywhere close to the gods or places that present them the most. If they find you, they will kill you. The temples are present of gods. They would sense me, especially Zeus if I come there.

"Uh can I not coming there?" I asked Hazel.

She turned to me with a shocked face. "Don't be ridiculous. If you don't go, you will die. Beside, this is Reyna's order. Octavian needs to...speaking of the devil"

Far away, a guy was walking toward us. He was skinny and tall with sandy hair. He looked kinda angry like someone pumped into him without saying apology. We walked up and faced him.

"Get out of my way Hazel" he growled "I'm on a hurry"

"But we need you to check on this new guy, Percy Jackson." Hazel told him.

He stopped. "Oh so this is the Greek that Neptune told me."

I responded him with a dumb look.

"Your father came to me, and told me to let you join the legion understand?" He said.

Oh so now I understood what was dad's plan. He knew I couldn't come close to the temples, so he told Octavian to come directly to me. I silently said thank you to him.

Hazel's shoulders relaxed, "Uh...great. Come on, Percy."

"Oh, and, Hazel," Octavian said. "I'm happy to welcome Percy into the legion. But when the election for praetor comes up, I hope you'll remember-"

"Jason isn't dead" Hazel snapped. "You're the augur. You're supposed to be looking for him"

"Oh, I am!" Octavian said, although I could say he was lying. "I consult the gods every day! Alas, after eight months, I've found nothing. Unless, if I have the Sibylline books. I may have a chance to find him. Unfortunately our present leadership won't authorize a quest to look for them-"

"Because Reyna isn't stupid" Hazel said

"Anyway," Octavian sighed "I'm still looking for him. But if Jason doesn't return by the Feast of Fortune we must act. We can't have a power vacuum any longer. I hope you'll support me for praetor. It would mean so much to me."

Hazel clenched her fists. "Me. Support. You?"

"After all," Octavian told Hazel. "I might be able to help you. It would be a shame for a centurion if those awful rumors about you kept circulating...or, gods forbid, if they turned out to be true"

I slipped my hand into my pocket and grabbed my pen. This guy was blackmailing Hazel. It was obvious. One sign of Hazel, and I was ready to bust out Riptide and see how Octavian liked being at the other end of the blade.

Hazel took a deep breath. Her knuckles went white. "I'll think about it."

"Excellent" Octavian said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to keep searching for our poor lost friend Jason. Nice to meet you, Percy." And walked back to the direction of Temples hill.

Hazel suddenly took my hand and dragged me away. She cursed in Latin. I didn't understand all of it, but I got son of a gorgon, power-hunger snake, and a few choice suggestions about where Octavian could stick his knife.

"I hate that guy," she muttered in English. "If I had my way-"

"He won't really get elected praetor, will he?" I asked.

"I wish I could be certain. Octavian has a lot of friends, most of them bought. The rest of campers are afraid of him."

"Afraid of that skinny little guy?"

"Don't underestimate him. Reyna's not so bad herself, but if Octavian shares her power..." Hazel shrugged "Let's go, we're gonna be late for the evening muster."

The legion assemble was impressive. The first four cohorts, each one hundred kids strong, stood in rows in front of their barracks of either side of the Via Praetoria. Hazel's Cohort, the Fifth Cohort, assembled at the very end, in front of the principia. I felt a bit unfair for them.

Reyna appeared as usual on her peanut butter colored Pegasus. The metal dogs trotted at her side. Her purple officer's cape billowed behind her.

I took a glance at her and unfortunately, she noticed me. I expected her to growl or be angry, but instead she just smiled and looked back at the formation.

Octavian shouted, "Colours!"

A standard-bearers stepped forward. They wore lion-skin capes and held poles decorated with each cohort's emblems. The last bearer held a long pole with absolutely nothing on top. When that pole was raised, I could see embarrassment rippling through the legion.

Reyna brought her Pegasus to a halt.

"Romans!" she announced. "You've all known about the incursion this morning. This hero, Percy Jackson has swept away our fearful enemies. Neptune himself proclaimed him as his son."

The kids in the back rows craned their necks too see me. I raised my hand and said "Hi"

"He seeks to join the legion," Reyna continued. "What do the auguries say?"

"I have read the entrails!" Octavian announced like he has killed a lion by his bare hand. "The auguries are favourable. He is qualified to serve!"

The campers gave a shout: 'Ave!' Hail!

Octavian turned to me. "Recruit," he asked, "do you have credentials? Letters of reference?"

I shifted. "Letters? Um, no."

Octavian wrinkled his nose as saying I was some kind of lower class.

"No letters" Octavian said regretfully. "Will any legionaries stand for him?"

"I will," Hazel stepped up "I stand for Percy Jackson"

Reyna looked at Hazel with an unpleasant face. She looked a bit angry and her eyes showed...wait is that jealousy. She closed her eyes to calm herself.

"Very well," Reyna announced. "Hazel Levesque, you may stand for the recruit. Does your cohort accept him?"

The other cohorts started coughing, trying not to laugh. I heard someone murmured "Another loser for the Fifth."

Hazel glanced back at her cohort. A big muscular Asian looking guy nodded, seemed to understand her and pounded his shield against the ground. The other members of the Fifth followed his lead, though they didn't seem very excited. Hazel turned back at Reyna.

"My cohort has spoken," Hazel said "We accept the recruit."

Reyna looked at me with a frown. "Congratulations, Percy Jackson. You stand on probatio. You will be given a tablet with your name and cohort. In one year's time, or as soon as you complete an act of valour, you will become a full member of the Twelfth Legion Fulminata. Serve Rome, obey the rules of the legion and defend the camp with honour. Senatus Populusque Romanus.

The rest of the legion echoed the cheer.

Reyna gave me one last look and wheeled her Pegasus away. I felt a bang in my head when I looked at the Pegasus. Like I had a horse once, it was some kind of black horse. But I couldn't remember where it is.

"Centurions," Reyna said, "you and your troops have one hour for dinner. Then we will meet on the Field of Mars."

A bigger cheer went up - for the war game and for dinner. The cohort broke ranks and ran for the mess hall.

Hazel waved at me from a table. I walked up to her.

"Thanks, Hazel," I said. "Um, what exactly does it mean - your standing for me?"

"I guarantee your behaviour," Hazel explained. "I teach you the rules, answer your questions, make sure you don't disgrace the legion."

"And...if I do something wrong?"

"Then I get killed along with you," Hazel said. "Hungry? Let's eat."

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