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Paige's POV

Good news is I finally found a nanny, turns out the lady from the cafe actually took the job and she seems nice enough so I think Alex will love her

Now that's off my list I have to find a way to finish the extra work I was given because Vanessa practically ditched work today I have to do everything all alone, it's already past 9, and I still have a lot to do, why on earth can't he just assign someone to help me, he is definitely doing this on purpose and it isn't fair.

The office phone rang bringing me back to reality with a sigh I picked the call,

"Can you bring me a cup of coffee, Miss Moretti" Grayson said through the phone, sounding just as tired as I am?

"On my way" I said simply, as much as Grayson doesn't treat me so well I still tend to pity him or should I say care for him as an employee, he works his ass off day and night just to make sure his family is comfortable and happy, I found out few months ago that his wife is a cancer patient and is somewhere off in Italy receiving treatment leaving him to care for their four children,

Grabbing his favorite cup from the cupboard, making it totally black as he likes before heading to his office,

Knock knock knock.

"Come in" he said a little above a whisper, I trudged in dropping the coffee slowly on the desk to avoid spilling it,

"Are you done with the files" he asked as I turned to leave,

"Almost" I said wincing slightly already preparing myself for what he has to say,

"You can go, finish up tomorrow" he said, shocking me to the core,

"Wait, what?" I said turning quickly, well faster than I would have liked,

"I said you can go home, it's past 9 already, you could come early in the morning to finish it up" he said glancing back at his laptop screen, I stared at him intently still in shock that's when I noticed the difference,

His undoubtedly looks stressed, but it's like all his walls that were always up and high in the day is down like completely, it's like he just let himself be himself at nights, how did I notice earlier it's part of the façade as a CEO he probably feels being vulnerable and nice we will run him over, well, someone has to tell him otherwise then

"The meeting is tomorrow, I won't have enough time to review the documents, I am almost done anyway a few more hours won't hurt besides I can't let you stay here all alone right?" I said with a small smile on my lips, he looked up once again with this emotion swirling in his eyes that I cannot identify, but it's giving a nice feeling so...

"Thank you Paige"he said sincerely before going back to his work like he didn't just do something more than shocking, I stood there opening and closing my mouth, but I couldn't formulate any words, he can say 'Thank you' wow that's something I won't forget easily.


Walking into my apartment, I glanced at my watch, and it read 11:30pm,well, that's a bummer Alex is definitely asleep already so much for asking him how school was today but at least I finished the work,

"I was this close to concluding you won't be home today"Someone said, making me shriek in fear,

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" Mrs. Rivers, Alex's nanny said, and I smiled softly at her, surprisingly she agreed to start immediately which right now I am grateful for,

"It's ok, I wasn't really paying attention to my environment if not I would have definitely noticed you standing there" I said taking of my shoes,

"Dinner?"she asked gesturing me towards the kitchen,

"Ooh thank you so much, I was actually planning on going to bed like that"I said with a shrug,

"Thank God I left some for you besides Alex mentioned you not always eating, and I should please get you to eat"she said smiling at me,

"He makes it seem like I am going to starve myself to death I am just not usually hungry"I said as I sat on a stool as she put my food into a plate serving it,

"Thanks "I said digging in,

"Alex is asleep which was a bit difficult for me considering the fact he won't stop asking about you, he is a nice boy by the way you did an impressive job" she said making me smile a little,

"Thank you "I said smiling back at her, though it didn't reach my eyes,

"I will be heading home now, it's late already" she said picking her purse, but the look in her eyes told me she wanted to ask a lot of questions that I doubt I can or will be able to answer, so I am glad she held herself,

"Exactly it's late already so stay the night, the streets aren't the best at night" I said sincerely, I basically live downtown cause that's what I could afford and at night let's just say things that shouldn't even be heard of happens,

"Don't worry I have a driver, he is here already so I would be fine, thanks for the offer"she said coming to kiss me on my cheeks before leaving, I like her already,

I washed off the dishes before heading to my room, I took a quick shower putting on a pink night gown with my robe letting my hair down,

I stood at Alex's door staring at him with a small smile on my face, as much as his father didn't want him and I went through a lot and still going through a lot because I decided to keep him, I am delighted I have him he is my little bundle of joy, I know I can be very hard on him sometimes, and  I am not doing so well giving him all he can get and should need, but I am trying my best it just feels like my best isn't enough,

I walked over to his bed placing a kiss on his forehead,

"Mum"I heard him mutter in his sleep, making me smile softly,

"Yes baby"I said, brushing hair off his face,

"Why didn't you pick me up today"he asked, the sadness evident in his voice making me feel worse than I already feel,

"I am so sorry Mummy had a lot to do but didn't you like Aunt Rivers?"I asked wanting to hear his opinion of his nanny,

"Hmm, she's ok, I just prefer you "he said with a shrug as he slowly closed his eyes sleep taking over,

"And I will always love you, mummy will make it up to you somehow"I said kissing his forehead again making him sigh as he snuggled into me,

"Can I sleep with you today mum?"he asked slowly trying to fight the sleep that has won already, I smiled at him carrying him carefully to my room, I placed him on my bed using the blanket to cover us both as I cuddled him making sure he was comfortable before I let sleep take its course.


"Good morning Grayson"I said calmly as I walked into his office,

"Paige"he said not looking up but acknowledging my greeting at least, well great his walls are back up,

"The meeting with R&J technologies is 30 minutes from now"I said as I dropped the files I worked on yesterday on his desk, I would have returned it yesterday's, but I had to rush home,

"Ok then go get Vanessa I need you girls to welcome our guests and lead them to the conference room when they get here, I will be there soon"he said still not glancing up,

"Ok"I said simply leaving the office, walking back to my cabin knowing fully well Vanessa saw me and is definitely following me to say some trash,

"Oh my favorite person in the world how nice of you to stop by"I said letting my sarcasm drip from my voice,

"Don't even dare"she said glaring at me,

"I don't think I have done anything wrong, but that's by the way, Grayson said we are to escort our guest to the conference room so be on the lookout"I said taking a seat behind my desk,

"Grayson?"she asked, raising her brows questionably,

"Yea isn't that his name" I said in a matter of fact tone,

"Since when did you start calling him by his name?"she asked, placing her right hand on her waist,

"I think our guests have arrived, shall we?"I said as a message popped up on my computer screen from the receptionist totally ignoring her stupid question which I feel she won't let go off with the look on her face,

Walking past her without waiting for a reply I headed towards the elevator where the receptionist said they will be coming up from, just as I got there the elevator dinged open and two men dressed very formal with their suits and black ties walked out, but with the look on their faces and the way they presented themselves, none of them here can be the actual boss right, making me look around to see if he is taking another route or something,

"He is coming, he asked us to go ahead "one of them said as if sensing my thoughts,

"Ooh ok then, shall we, she will come with your boss" I said, gesturing toward Vanessa who finally decided to show her face with a fake smile,

"Ok" the blonde guy who had spoken up the first time said again while the other just nodded seems like he doesn't talk much, well, that's ok.

I led them to the conference room gesturing them to seat down informing them that Grayson will be with them shortly, turning to leave,

As I opened the door Vanessa walked in with whom I presume should be their boss because he literally screams power, as he turned to look at me everything stopped, I think my heart stopped too,

Everything came rushing in like a wave causing me slight dizziness, I am sure the look on my face mirrored his, Shock but mine quickly morphed into anger while his changed to something I don't even want to figure out, before he could even think of something to say I dashed out heading to my office lucky enough for me Vanessa is taking the minutes for today's meeting, so I am not going in there again.

As I walked into my office I shut my door behind me as I felt a wave of emotions all at once as my breathing became labored not another panic attack,

It's him, JACE FUCKING RUSSO, he hasn't even changed so much, he still has those eyes that I see every day in Alex .....why is he here, does he know about Alex and wants full custody of him, what if he wants to take Alex away from me, I have been a bad mother anyway no I can't let that happen, I cannot live without Alex he is the only person that can make me happy, Jace will have to kill me first,

"I think you should calm down and stop overthinking things" I heard my subconscious scream at me, making me take deep breaths trying to calm my racing heart before this panic attack becomes too serious, think Paige, the look on his face should prove that he didn't know you were here so he probably isn't after Alex so just act normal,

"Act normal, act normal, act...." I was chanting to myself before my phone went off,

"Paige get us some coffee in here" Grayson said immediately I picked the call making me gulp loudly,

"It's Vanessa's shift" I said trying not to sound rude, but I really don't want to go in there,

"Paige just do as I have instructed "he said sternly, it's obvious

he would have been said something worse if he wasn't in the presence of visitors,

"Do you have an idea what flavor they will like?"I asked with a sigh, giving up on trying to let me off the hook,

"Just make them all black and put the milk and sugar by the side"he said ending the call before I could reply, like I said so much to him being a little nice, what was I expecting anyway,

Doing as I was told I prepared the coffee carrying all four cups with milk and sugar in a tray heading towards the conference room, taking in a really deep breath before walking in and like the world decided to remind me how much hatred it has for me everybody turned to look at me,

"Uhmm, the Coffee Sir"I said looking at Grayson and nowhere else,

"That's right"he said gesturing me to place it on the desk, I gently placed it on the table handing Grayson his since it's black already, I glanced at the blonde first and as if sensing my question once again he asked for a little milk and sugar, the other asked for black, avoiding Jace's hard stare with those blue icy orbs on me the whole time, I gave him black with a very little amount of milk remembering how he liked it,

"You may leave now"Grayson said not showing any emotions, but before I left I noticed the shocked expressions the blonde guy and his friend were giving me, Jace included, but I didn't read meaning into it as I walked away.

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