Paige's POV
"What's the time?" I asked no one in particular as I stretched on my bed, but then I was hit with a large pounding in my head, making me groan as I laid back down,
"This is worse than any headache I have ever had, note to self never drink again" I said holding my head as the throbbing increased,
I glanced at my bedside clock trying to read the time,
"Shit it's noon ....... where's my baby" I panicked, ignoring the pain in my head as I managed to get up and walk to Alex's room, when I walked in I couldn't find him there,
"well of course it's noon, I'm sure he tried waking me up" I muttered heading downstairs with my head still in my hands, I feel so heavy I could literally drop at any time,
"Alex ... Alex" I called out as I got to the last stairs,
"Mummy" I heard him shout from the kitchen before he came in sight running to me,
"Oh my baby, I am so sorry" I said, bending to his level so he could hug me,
"Why are you apologizing, Mrs. Rivers said you got home so late from work, and you were exhausted, so she asked you to sleep in while we make you breakfast or should I say lunch" he said, making me smile when he said the last part.
"Mrs. Rivers?" I asked, she isn't supposed to work on weekends,
"Yes Mum, she is in the kitchen" he said, pulling me towards the kitchen,
"Finally, you are awake, how are you feeling?" Mrs. Rivers asked as I got into the kitchen, I just stood there staring at the food she was setting up,
"I thought you are not supposed to work on weekends, do I have to pay extra, I apologize for keeping you, did you sleep here.....oh my goodness did I sleep off last did I get to my room?" I kept rambling on, but then She just smiled at me and asked me to sit and eat,
"You are not paying me anything, just see it as me helping out as a friend, not the nanny "she said with a smile and I couldn't help but smile back, I sat on one of the chairs helping Alex sit on another while Mrs. Rivers went to get the rest of the food,
"Here, I am sure you need it" she said, handing me a glass of water and painkillers,
"Thank you so much Mrs. Rivers, for everything" I said, taking it from her,
"Oh please, call me Grace" she said sweetly,
"Thank you, Grace" I replied.
"Mum, can I get on that ride...ohh no this one, but this one is so cool..." Alex said excitedly pointing from one ride to the other, in case you're wondering, yes we are at a Fair, I just decided to spend the rest of the day with my son after all, I did say I was going to make it up to him, I was able to get a little more rest, so my hangover is a lot better now though I'm still having slight headache, I still intend to watch a movie with him when we get home, let's just say I missed my son this whole week,
"Don't worry baby, you will get on as many rides as you want" I said smiling at him,
"Awesome, Mum, let's go on that one first" he said, pointing to the pony rides where many kids were laughing and having so much fun on,
"Ok then, that one it is" I said, carrying him like up and spinning a little, enjoying his sweet laughter in my ears,
Alex kept on going from rides to rides while I tried to win him a toy from one of the games here,
"Mum" I heard Alex call out beside me, making me turn my attention from what I was doing to face him, but then my heart broke at the sight in front of me,
"My baby, what happened" I asked, crouching to his level to inspect the wound on his left arm,
"I was supposed to be next on the car ride when Sophia said she wanted to be next, then I told her we could share since we are friends and there is space for both of us, but she said she couldn't ride on the same ride with me, she didn't even let me say anything else she told her mum I was bullying her and her mum pushed me off the ride saying a bastard child like me has no right to even be near her child "he said all at a go as tears continued falling from his eyes uncontrollably, presently I couldn't think straight, I felt some kind of anger building up,
"Where did this happen?"I asked, and he quickly pointed towards the direction, I carried him up heading there,
"What is wrong with you?"I asked as I got to where Sophia's mum was standing,
"Excuse me"she said snarly taking off her dark shades,
"Why will you push him off, it was his turn anyway and he offered to share but you and your spoiled brat decided to be rude and childish, look what you did to his arm"I said angrily?
"Why will my daughter share a ride with this orphan"she said, and those words just hit the worst side of me because I suddenly couldn't think again as I saw red, I quickly dropped Alex giving Melanie (Sophia's mum)a slap to the cheek, I didn't stop, I gave her another one before shoving her to the ground through her hair,
"Never. And when I never say I mean never, call my child an orphan again, do you hear me"I said trying to control my anger, I was already creating a scene if I continue hitting her this will turn out messier than it already is,
"I said do you hear me"I said, bending down and turning her chin so she could look at me and see the anger in my eyes,
"Let me go you bitch"she screeched trying to pull my hands away from her face,
"And I ask again do you hear me?"I said, tightening my hold,
"Y...e...s"she stuttered when she realized I wasn't going to let go until she gave me an answer,
"Better"I said, pushing her away while letting go,
"Come on, let's get that cleaned up, shall we"I said to Alex picking him up and walking away like nothing happened, but I knew deep down what I just did has its consequences, Melanie is the wife of a wealthy and influential man, so definitely I am going to pay for my actions, but I don't regret it, it's about time I stood up for my son, I may not fight for myself, but I will always fight for Alex?
"So what do you want to watch?"I asked Alex as I dropped the blankets I was holding on the ground,
"Hmmm..... let's watch Teen Titans the movie"he said looking at me for confirmation,
"Ok then, let me go get the popcorn"I said walking to the kitchen, I was able to clean his injury up, and luckily, it wasn't so deep, but it will definitely leave a bruise, I got him ice cream to calm him down, and now we are about to watch a movie,
I arranged the blankets making sure we were both comfortable before starting the movie putting the popcorn in our middle, I woke up to a dark sitting room with an unusual weight on my arms that's when I realized that we slept off here, I quickly disposed of the empty pack of popcorn before carrying Alex up to his room,
"Let me stay with you, please"he said as I tried dropping him on his bed,
"I just want to get the blankets I left downstairs, then I will come and get you, ok?"I said and he nodded satisfied,
I made sure to put everything in order before going back to carry Alex as I promised,
"Goodnight baby"I said, kissing his forehead,
"Goodnight mum"he said snuggling into me, I smiled at that as I let sleep take over.
Tomorrow is Monday and I have to start searching for another job, if I am going to survive with my child in this world, somehow I wish I actually took Grayson's offer to help me get a new job, but I just couldn't after all he has helped me a lot,
"Hello Grace" I said over the phone,
"Paige? there a problem, I may be a bit late"she said making me smile,
"Actually there is no problem at all, you could take the day off I can handle things here"I replied,
"Why?.... I can make it there is no problem besides you have to work"she said trying to push it,
"Remember I lost my job, I got this covered Alex is already at school, and I am doing the laundry besides you did most of the chores over the weekend, so there isn't much to do here"I said,
"If you insist but can I least come over, this house can be pretty boring when I am all by myself "she said and I chuckled,
"Fine by me, but you will not do anything, promise?"I asked,
"Now that's tempting but I promise "she said laughing,
"Ok then I will be waiting for you, see you later" I said, ending the call.
I decided to prepare random snacks while waiting for Grace. Besides, it's been a while I had such spare time for myself, so it's best I use it to do the things love doing best, which includes baking, I baked a 2 step chocolate cake because who doesn't love chocolate, Alex got my chocolate addiction, he is so going to love this cake because I made sure the chocolate can be tasted in each crumb, I also made cookies with smoothies to go with them.
"Oh my, Paige this is wonderful, where did you learn this" Grace exclaimed, taking another bite from my cookie, she refused to eat the cake saying she could feel the amount of chocolate in it without eating it, but I won't blame her it is really much, and it isn't so healthy especially for her at her age,
"My mum taught me" I said, ignoring the pang in my chest as I mentioned my mum, seemed like Grace noticed it because she didn't push it further,
"This is so good, you have to make a special batch just for me, I would love to take it home and my daughter would also love this" she said, taking another piece from the tray,
"Your wish is my command ma'am" I said in a mock salute as I got ready to make another batch,
As I prepared another batch for Grace, she kept me company and I have to say it she is a very sweet person to be with, her personality is one of a kind, she told me stories about her children, her husband, and her life in general, she certainly does have a lot to say and glint in her eyes when she spoke about her family was difficult to miss, and I couldn't help but feel a bit sad, I don't even remember what real happiness felt like.
A loud bang on the door threw Grace and me out of our little peace,
"Are you expecting anyone?" Grace asked,
"No... I have no friends and Alex can't come home by himself" I said calmly,
"I will go and check, you can continue with what you are doing" Grace said, leaving the kitchen,
"Where is the bitch, I told her I will be back for her, didn't I" I heard someone shout and when I mean someone I mean a mannerless bitch people call Melanie, but I call desperate bitch,
"What on earth is going on?" I asked as I got to the living room where Melanie was throwing a tantrum and Grace just watched her like she was watching the most stupid movie she has ever seen, but I won't blame her. Melanie is a lot to handle,
"There she is" she screamed, pointing at me and staring at the door, that was when I noticed two men standing at the door,
"Miss Paige Moretti?"one of the men asked,
"Yes, please, how may I help you?" I replied, looking at him questionably,
"You are under arrest and you have been charged for assault, you advised to keep quiet and come with us for anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law, you are authorized to get an attorney for yourself "he said shocking me,
"Wait what, Melanie, did you seriously stoop so low to get the police involved?"I asked her, still shocked,
"I told you I will get back at you, enjoy the rest of your life in jail and I will make sure of that"she said smirking like she just won the battle, this bitch just messed with the wrong mother,
"Grace, please help me pick Alex up from school and if he asks of me just tell him I went to work, I will be back before you know it "I said to Grace allowing the man to handcuff me,
"But this isn't right"Grace tried to defend me, but I just nodded at her asking her to let it be,
"Just watch over Alex and don't let him know this happened"I said referring to my hands in cuffs as I spoke,
"Please be safe"she whispered before I was taken away,
"I will always, after all I have a son to look after"I whispered back though I am sure she didn't hear me.