Jace's POV
"Any updates?"I asked over the phone,
"This seems to be harder than I thought but I was able to get a little information I hope it can help tho"Bryan replied from the other side of the line,
"I am listening"I said calmly,
"She was arrested this morning"he said making shoot up from my seat,
"Wait....... what,why?"I asked as panick set in,
"She had a fight with the wife of Theodore Henz, CEO of the Henz industries"
"When did this happen?"I asked,
"The fight happened yesterday evening at the Fair that was organized at the park but she was arrested this morning "he said ,
"Thank you,I will contact you again soon"I said ending the call swiftly,
I don't care what she did but they must pay for even putting her in handcuffs,
"Jamie clear my schedule for the day"I said to my secretary as I walked out of my office,
"But Sir you have a very important meeting in 20 minutes "she said lowly probably scared I will lash out on her or something,
"Brandon will handle whatever it is"I said dismissevely but with the way she was looking at me I knew there was more ,
"Your signatures were specifically requested for......"she wanted to say avoiding any form of eye contact with me,
"Then they will have to wait till tomorrow then, just find a way out cause I am not available"I said walking away before she could finish what she was saying.
"Where to sir?"my driver asked as I got into my car,
"The police station "I said and he turned to give me a queer look but didn't dare to ask any questions.
Paige's POV
" My wife confirmed you assaulted her and my child at the Fair yesterday "a man who I am guessing is Melanie's husband asked he seems to be angry but his face looks comical if I am to be asked,
"Well sir, assault is quite a big word for what I did you know"I said tilting my head a bit and raising my brows up,
"So your accepting that you did something "the police man said from beside me,
"Don't I have right to get a lawyer or something?"I asked looking at the police officer quizzically,
"Your guilty as charged already so I don't see the use of that "he said smirking that's when it dawned on me,this is all a setup .....stupid Melanie and her husband paid this officer to get me behind bars no matter what, that's why they are so confident, freaking ass rich people.
"Guilty or not guilty,I am authorized to have a lawyer before any investigations or allegations are even made"I said trying to be comfortable in this handcuffs,how do criminals even cope,
"Well I doubt you have the funds for that"Melanie said this time smiling like she just won a million dollar contract,..... nice one Melanie such a low blow.
"Officer Mike,my office now" I heard from a little walkie talkie in the hands of the man I just realized his name is Mike ,all colour immediately drained from his face like a child caught stealing from the kitchen,
"We got this, nothing money can't cover right"Melanie's husband tried to assure the going officer like he already sensed trouble,
"Fuck shit "Mike cursed lowly as he walked out but I definitely didn't miss the anger and regret in his voice,maybe he didn't want to do this,I am not sure of Theodore but I am sure Melanie is one manipulative bitch.
"We are so sorry for any inconveniences caused,all due punishments will be accorded to Officer Mike as he will be stripped of his rank" A fairly old man said as he uncuffed me....ahh freedom,
"I don't think that will be necessary,Mike here should have learnt his lesson already besides I won't say I didn't hit her but it was only self defense which Mike here didn't understand"I said with a small smile staring directly at the young officer who couldn't even hold eye contact,
"I will consider him for your sake Ma'am,but he must get some sort of punishment as a warning"he said,
"That's fine by me and please call me Paige"I said smiling,
"Yes Paige"he said testing my name which sounded awkwardly foreign,
"Your fiancee is at the waiting room,he was the one who informed me about the confusion and helped you out"he said just as I was about to leave making me halt in my tracks,
"My what?.."I asked acting like I didn't get him the first time,
"Your fiancee, Ma'am" he said going back to the formalities but I couldn't even correct him before I dashed into the waiting room to see who this my 'fiancee' was,as I got there just one person stood out among every other person,the one person I really didn't want to see,
"What the fuck are you doing here?"I asked in a seemingly calm voice even tho my insides where raging with anger and something else that doesn't also feel good,I guess it's hurt cause seeing him just brings back horrible memories.
"Well,you are welcome"he said smugly and a ting of irritation crept up my spine,
"I didn't ask for your help"I said through gritted teeth,
"But you needed my help"he replied,
"I would never need your help or anything concerning you"I said making sure to let the hatred I have for him show and I swear I saw a hint of hurt flash through his eyes but he covered it up before I could pin him down with it,
"My driver is outside with my car,I will drop you off"he said calmly but I could sense the edge in his voice, that's when I realized that we were starting to get an audience so I unwilling obliged to follow him outside but I am definitely not getting into the same car as he is.
"Please Paige,it's late already let me just take you home" Jace asked for the umpteenth time but my stubborn self is hell bent on not getting in the same car with the cause of all her problems in life but also the father to her only source of joy,
"I can take a cab"I said turning to leave ,
"You don't have any money on you and I am sure of that,let me just save you the stress Paige"he begged again but I just wasn't having any of it even tho he is very right about the part that I don't have any money on me,
"I will find my way back home without your help Mr Russo,Thanks for the little assistance in there tho I didn't need it"I said making sure to let him know we are not on first name basis,
"Right, last name basis how typical of you"he said clicking his tongue noiselessly which is quite a surprise if you ask me, I simply nodded before walking away but I knew better, cause Jace was immediately at me side pulling me back to where his car was,
"Get your fucking hands off me"I screamed pulling my hand away with force which I know must definitely bruise,
"Just let me take you home, what's so hard in that"he shouted back making me glare at him,how dare him,
"Please Paige.......fine if you won't let me take you myself at least let me give you money for a cab home "he suggested already getting a stash of money from his suit,as much as I want to reject it I actually need it or I am stuck here,
"Please"he said stretching out his hand to give me the money,I stared at it for a while before taking it,
"Thank you"I whispered but I am sure he heard me,
"I would love to do more Paige"he said and I knew that those words had another meaning but I won't push it,
"This would do,I don't need all of it"I said giving him the remaining back after taking the amount that would cover my cab fee, typical Jace showing off his wealth
"I want you to take all of it"he said with a small smile,
"I don't need it"I said trying to sound calm,
"Just take it"he pressed on,I glared at him before throwing the money at him and walking away,who does he think he is, I may not be as rich as he is but I never begged him for his money he can't buy me.
"Mummmyyyy"Alex screamed as I walked into the house,he jumped on me and I caught him luckily or he would have had a pretty bad fall,
"How was school today Baby?"I asked kissing his forehead,
"School was boring as always"he said with a shrug making me laugh,
"Don't say that,you just have to make school feel fun or you may not understand anything that you're being taught"I said lightly still trying to get him to understand me,
"How am I supposed to that?"he asked staring at me curiously,
"Just let your mind and heart work together positively"I said touching his head and chest where his heart is located as I spoke,
"I understand"he said smiling before running off again to his room probably,sometimes I forget he is still a child with the way he behaves,
"Do you mind explaining how you got released 4 hours after you were arrested?"Mrs Rivers asked as I walked pass the kitchen,
"What are you preparing?"I asked ignoring her question,
"Chicken fatijas "she replied and my excitement grew,
"Really?"I asked like a teenager about to be asked out on a date by her crush since middle school,
"Seems like you love them?"Mrs Rivers asked with a smirk and I nodded still smiling like a fool,
"Well you won't have them till you tell me how you got out"she said fully smiling like she just won an award,
"Not fair"I whined stomping my foot in the ground,
"What's wrong Mummy?" Alex asked walking into the kitchen,
"Mrs Rivers said I can't have any Chicken fatijas"I whined,
"Why not?"he asked turning to Mrs Rivers with a pout on his face,
"She doesn't want to answer any of my questions"she said giving him a pointed look but the ghost of a smirk on his face said he had other plans that has to work,the smirk on his bringing back bittersweet memories tho......,
"Please let mum have some chicken fatijas,I promise she would answer your questions right after"he said a very sweet voice but I am sure Mrs Rivers wouldn't fall for that...well I thought so not until he did what I wasn't expecting,
"Pretty please with a cherry on top"he said morphing his face into the cutest baby face with puppy dog eyes I have ever seen,there is no way she won't fall for that cause I am already a squealing mess at how cute he looks,how come he never uses that face for me,maybe its cause I give him everything he asks for without letting him beg for it,I would start letting him beg if i at least get to see this cute face,
"How on earth am I supposed to say no how that,just how"Mrs Rivers said with a groan clearly frustrated that he easily broke her resolve,
"So is that a yes?" Alex and I asked simultaneously making us all burst out in laughter,
"I guess so"Grace replied with a smile on her face,
"Yayyy" I screamed fist bumping Alex before kissing him on the cheek,
"Mummm"he whined but definitely not cleaning the kiss off,
"What's wrong my love?"I asked fully aware of what the issue was,
"I am not a baby anymore,I am a man meaning I don't do cheek kisses anymore"he said trying to sound like the man he claimed he was making me burst out laughing once again,
"Oh really?"I questioned,
"Yes Mama"he said smiling like he finally convinced me not knowing he is very far from that,
"Meaning you don't like it when I do this?"I asked wiggling my eyebrows at him as I brought my hands closer, immediately his eyes widened in realization of what was coming his way and he immediately took off making me chase after him,
"You can run but you can't hide, Mama's gonna get you"I shouted before I left the kitchen making him increase his pace as his laughter increasing mine as well but I didn't miss Grace's last words as I left the kitchen,
"And she claims she is not doing a great job"she tsked making me smile to myself before focusing on my new profound task of catching my child and tickling the hell out of him till he agrees that he loves all my kisses cause why not.....