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Sarah and Zed have been lying in bed for some time now and Zed is becoming restless, stretching his hands now and then, Sarah becomes uncomfortable and began shifting to the edge ,Zed follows and there is no more place to run to, she stays still and pretends to be asleep but due to her breathing , Zed could tell she wasn't sleeping , he began whispering nasty stuff in her ears and that broke the wall of self control she has been very hard trying to build for her own good and for the babies sake.

It sent shivers down her spine, his voice alone was magical, she began regretting the moment she allowed him to climb her bed, she had promised herself to stay away from men but the current situation is showing her that the promise would be broken soon, Zed is still trying to get her in his mood , he circles his hands around her huge belly and kissed on her nape, Sarah was overwhelmed , she has not had such an experience for long , soon she lost her self control and the deed was done, early the next morning she woke up feeling very tired the she remembered what had happened last night, a blush crept on her face but soon disappeared she began feeling so dirty, she felt sorry for her baby but then no matter how bad she felt , it was already done, it's not as if she could change anything and again she enjoyed the feeling, it was long since she was laid . To her surprise , Zed is determined to steal her heart completely, again he has made breakfast for her, hey good morning my queen , how are you feeling this morning , i wanted to wake you up when am done preparing the breakfast but you beat me at that,said Zed, morning too , am doing okay , i thought yo would have left by now , said Sarah,


Not so soon my dear , i have to make sure everything is fine here before leaving you know i don't want you to do much when am away, just take care of yourself . Besides , this is like my home and i can decide to spend the day with my queen , it's not like i have anything very important to attend to. No, you just go to work am not used to having someone around for the whole day. Have you had breakfast already? asked Sarah,how will i eat without you, go freshen up and come back, i will have set the table, he said and turned around after giving a peck on her left cheek . Sarah got to the shower and within a few minutes she was back , they had breakfast together silently, later Zed left with a promise of coming back in the evening. I don't understand what is going on with me, i think i have fallen for him, what do i do now?, what if he also breaks my heart in the end , what am i suppose to do again, Sarah kept asking herself numerous questions without answers. Her phone's ringtone pulled her from her thoughts , it was her mother, hello mom , i missed you, said Sarah , but you haven't called me to say that it's as if you are forgetting that am your mother. It's not like that mom you know i have a lot to do but am sorry, so tell me , how are you doing, ? am very fine my daughter , i wonder how you are coping, would you mind coming home for sometime?, i would like to spend some days with you, i don't want you to feel lonely. Am okay mom, i don't feel lonely since i have work to do , i would have been lonely if i had nothing to do, if you say so then , take good care of yourself and my grandchild for me , i will visit you when i get the time, thanks mom have a good day. After that conversation, Sarah got up and picked her laptop, she needed to update her work and do some more writing , she was fortunate to get a freelance job since it was favorable to her condition. She later went out for a walk in the park, bought some ice-cream and enjoyed the cool weather outside, she was getting hungry easily nowadays,so she passed by a cafe and grabbed some snacks before walking back and later took a nap.

It was already evening when Sarah woke up , she made herself a cup of tea and started sipping slowly, she went to the kitchen preparing to make dinner , Zed came in almost immediately and joined in the process, they spent an hour and when the food was finally ready , they went to the dinning , Sarah did not have a great appetite so she ate a little, the look that Zed was giving her suggested something she could understand and it also made have think nasty during the meal, , after the meal, they washed the dishes together and went to bed, Sarah had a question she has be planning to ask Zed for sometime now and she planned on asking it today. When they got to bed , Sarah asked whether Zed would go back to his house since he has been staying with her for sometime now, in fact his clothes were in her house and she was starting to get worried , her mother knew she was living alone, what if she comes visiting and meets a man in her house , what would her reaction be, i bet she will be more disappointed so i have to make things clear with Zed, so she asked, Zed for how long are you planning to stay in my house, will you not go back to your place, i believe you have a better home than this, Zed answered , darling, i told you that this is where my heart belongs and that means it's my home too , so i don't see my self going anywhere else , be ready to stay with me , make yourself comfortable around me because am not leaving this place, are you really serious,?, she asked again, why not, or are you chasing me away, did i offend you in any way? asked Zed , no you didn't, it's just that i feel it's not right staying together and we aren't married , i mean am worried , what if my mother comes visiting and finds you here, what will i do or say, Zed sounded interested, did you say your mother would come visiting? he asked , yeah , with a confused look she replied , wow then that would be good , i will be happy to meet my future mother -in-law, said Zed . Are you being serious? Sarah was really happy, are you being serious with me , i mean , would you really marry me? of course we are going to get married have told you times without number that my heart belongs to you , after the baby is born and a few months old then we will plan our wedding.

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